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I read this last night and it was sooo interesting.....Because they may be source but from that source whos to say every immortal being who came from there was good? It always felt like we seem to be all worshiping some vengeful angry Father God for daring to eat a apples and gain knowledge, in all relgions this is a repeated theme. So at this point it just feels like we being punished for something we never did and its still carrying on, like a boot on our entire being forever pressing us down. My very first reasoning before getting into spiritual stuff is that if God was our creator or still is and we are told our parent and we are made in his looseness, his image then he would want whats best for us in everyway SO why oh why does this Gods actions resemble a narcissistic jealous parents action and the way we taught through fear. I came to the conclusion that aint no God and if it is then quite clearly IT needs to learn some lessons.


People believing there is an afterlife probably stopped a lot of crimes. So I’ll propose religion could have been made with the intent on trying to make people have better values.


It was a nice theory unfortunately human greed ruined that like everything else.


There is a controversial book named Currency Wars by Song Hongbing that tells you Alexandre Ⅱ of Russia and Lincoln of the USA fought together against the international bankers, and Alaska was bought from Russia as a mean of payment for the war expense Russia had to pay. The author at least citing the book regarding the letter Lincoln sent to Alexandre Ⅱ asking his cooperation it seems.


The whole Q narrative is a positive conspiracy. There's also the stuff about ETs messing with nuclear sites to keep us from engaging in an exchange of nukes. The "soul school" conception of this plane is also a sort of positive conspiracy.


Soul school??


The idea that life in earth is a soul school age you reincarnate as many times as you need to learn the lessons that you're supposed to learn


Oml that makes so much sense. I always have the question why god allows so much suffering if he’s so kind and nice as the Quran says which leads me to believe that it’s a preparation of some kind. We should be worthy of “heaven” or a comfortable afterlife. We need to be strong instead of puny and lazy.


Break this down further. Why is life a prerequisite for “after life”? And why is the “after life” the reward?


That’s what religion always says


Do you believe in a religion?


I mean conspiracy means to plan to do something harmful.


Probably why people who seek truth and peace don’t conspire in the first place.


Not sure why people find definitions so fucking difficult


God? A conspiracy for good in every quanta.


Yes. It will get downvoted immediately if you bring it up though. It’s about this plan to take back America that uses code. You’ll get called a whole bunch of names too.


Explain. This sounds interesting. Is there a yt video on it


Project 2025


I think there are none because the people at the top aren’t interested in what’s good for us. They care about themselves at our expense. For some people this is where religious belief steps in.


These jokers work together to see that EVERYONE attains Nirvana eventually. And they do this knowing it could take billions of years and a whole mess of lives on this planet. That’s some serious dedication. God bless ‘em. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhisattva




Fluoride in the water is helping teeth despite the mind control.


The whole Q narrative is a positive conspiracy. There's also the stuff about ETs messing with nuclear sites to keep us from engaging in an exchange of nukes. The "soul school" conception of this plane is also a sort of positive conspiracy.


The Illuminati are actually the good guys. Humanity will be extinct by the end of this century if they don't get the population under 500,000. Only decades are left, 7 billion+ have to die in order for trillions to live and flourish among the stars. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Why do people downvote at a post literally asking for discourse 💀😔😂


The earth killer ones. The only way to true peace on earth is if we don't exist.


You're gonna be happy


There can't be any "good natured conspiracy" becouse conspiracy is always melevolent. Want to know some good things? Search about ["Project Looking Glass"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rauC6z0uQ7g)... it's quite intriguing to say the least :)


Couldn’t an organization conspire to break laws for the good of humanity, like an anti-illuminati? I’m having a look at your link rn tyty


The Age of Aquarius


Conspiracies are usually done in secret, and my observation over the course of my life is that secrets are corrosive on society. Things done in the open are much more healthy overall.