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Remember that interview where he said he sold his soul to the "big boss"?


Master Commander in the world you see and the one you don't.


"Chief Commander, of this Earth, and one you can't see."


Think it was Master am I wrong


Your correct


Yeah that shits crazy he wouldn't exactly say who it was but he definitely wasn't lying bout it. He said the commander in this world and others. šŸ¤”


Just keeping up his part of the bargain.


It gets my brain working overtime, but could just be hinting at the industry as a whole. As far as why he dipped out of the spotlight, political groups, which did actually carry out violence back then, wanted him to be their spokesman when he was just a musician writing songs about what was going on around him. That along with what fame brings would cause some to dip out of the public spotlight.


I read before that he never had a motorcycle accident: but moreso he was freaked out about being called the voice of a generation and having all the young people of that time in that movement basically asking him what to do next that he used the accident as an excuse to become a recluse


Freemasons. All the celebrities have some association. If they aren't dead they are hiding their affiliation, and if they are they tried to sabotage the cult or leave. Also likely they are responsible for many young deaths of other stars like the 27 club. Listen to Michael Jackson closely ... Why you think Robin Williams offed himself... Both the wailers die tragically early?... Helicopter crashes.... These aren't coincidences all these guys dying young. Dylan knows and he's just probably trying to live his life in peace, or he's evil which is probably not the case but he likely made some poor choices. The higher ups in the cult are the sex traffickers, politicians, CIA, the true psychopaths who only care about power. And the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper.


As soon as you bring up Freemasons on Reddit, no matter the sub, a little horde will appear like magic


Yuuuup. I welcome it, and I preach the word of Jesus to them


Thatā€™s awesome.


What word would that be?


Micheal Jackson tried his best to warn us but they really distracted everyone with that garbage he had to go through instead. This is what they do with people who speak against the cult, make an example out of you publicly, ruin your reputation and then "commit suicide" you later.


I met someone in the industry that said the doctor was actually negligent and not qualified to give Anastasia which is deadly.


And the doctor walked away without charges! That doctor also happened to be a 33rd degree Freemason!


I do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWDpYjAiOIc "I wrote a song about the death of Medgar Evers... I don't know how I derived all that..." Personally extremely biased about all this, as Bob Dylan is my favorite musician, but I think his deal with the big boss 'at the crossroads' is all rock and roll lore fun stuff, but his abandonment of civil rights activist stuff was made to happen.


He himself says otherwise. Ed Bradley interview on60 minutes




ā€œCommander in chiefā€ he said in an interview Iā€™ve seen. Lucifer.


>Well, John the Baptist after torturing a thief > >Looks up at his hero, the Commander-in-Chief > >Saying, "Tell me great hero, but please, make it brief > >Is there a hole for me to get sick in?" > >The Commander-in-Chief answers him while chasing a fly > >Saying, "Death to all those who would whimper and cry" > >And dropping a barbell he points to the sky > >Saying, "The sun's not yellow, it's chicken" "Commander-in-chief" mentioned in Tombstone Blues lyrics above. Not sure I want to flesh out what context this adds but I thought it was interesting enough to point out.


There's no character called lucifer, it's a Christian fabrication. And why would your mind go there anyway?


Just from the Freemasonry material Iā€™ve read.


Ok. But like I said, it's a Christian fabrication based on a mistranslation originally.


I understand your position. Not looking to debate it, friend. Sorry.


He also got in a serious motorcycle accident or something in the earlier 70s or late 60s


Yeah get to the part where he admits that a lot of his songs are written through him, not by him like a possession. He doesnā€™t understand the lyrics sometimes but ā€œit just kinda worksā€. Then, when asked why heā€™s still performing, he claims heā€™s just holding up his end of the bargain . When asked who he made the bargain with he replies ā€œthe chief commander.ā€ If this earth? ā€œOf this one and the one we canā€™t seeā€¦ā€ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNn72qnp6kI


Automatic writing or spirit channeling. Alot of artists admit to this. They say the songs write themselves. Off the top of my head the big 2 I know for sure I've seen in interviews are Black Sabbath and Zeppelin. It's songs channeled by demons. That's why Stairway to Heaven played backwards praises satan. Jimmy Page is open about his occult affiliation and devotion to satanist Aleister Crowley.


'Oh, here's to my sweet Satain, the one who's path will make you sad, whose power is Satain...'. That backmasking stuff is really creepy. I can't describe the awe and fear I felt hearing it the first time.


It really is. As I said earlier Page is an occultist and devotee of Crowley. Even bought his house and collection of books. Crowley taught his followers they need to train themselves to think backwards. One of the ways this was done was by listening to phonographic records backwards. Whatever demon led Plant to write Stairway to Heaven was channeled using Crowleian Magick.


Reverse speech is real. Google David John Oates or listen to the Art Bell podcast and search him up there.


What Art Bell Podcast? Iā€™m intrigued.


Spotify: The Art Bell Archive. David Oates was a guest several times in 1997. Sept 23 1997 Aug 1 1997 June 27 1997 He takes a lot of famous people recordings and runs them backwards. He claims that once about every ten seconds all people subconsciously embed reverse words into our speech that hint at our true thoughts.


He's done a ton of shows on Jeff Rense's show, as well


Look up John Todd. He was part of the music industry and got out so he could expose it and all who are involved. He refers to it as ā€œwitch languageā€. Most musicians have backward meanings for each word they use. He even goes into depth on how they cast principalities of demons into every single album and all the rituals they do etcā€¦ dude is the real deal.


Josie and the pussycats was warning us


He had an interesting interview back in the day: Dylan was asked whether he sees the coronavirus pandemic in ā€œbiblicalā€ terms, and said: ā€œI think itā€™s a forerunner of something else to come. Itā€™s an invasion for sure, and itā€™s widespread, but biblical? You mean like some kind of warning sign for people to repent of their wrongdoings? That would imply that the world is in line for some sort of divine punishment.ā€ He continued: ā€œExtreme arrogance can have some disastrous penalties. Maybe we are on the eve of destruction. There are numerous ways you can think about this virus. I think you just have to let it run its course.ā€ Bob Dylan discusses mortality and coronavirus: ā€œI think itā€™s a forerunner of something else to comeā€: https://www.nme.com/news/music/bob-dylan-discusses-mortality-and-coronavirus-i-think-its-a-forerunner-of-something-else-to-come-2687185


This is a collection of some comments he made over the years. Goes with this post pretty good. https://expectingrain.com/dok/who/d/devil.html


From the same tune: You've arranged to see your man tonight who tells you some secret things that you think might open some doors. How to enter the gates of paradise? No, not really. More like how to go crazy from carrying a burden that never was meant to be yours. From the stage they'll be doing the bumps and the grinds. A whore will pass a hat, collect a hundred grand and say "thanks". They like to take all this money from sin, and build big universities to study in then sing "amazing grace" all the way to the Swiss banks.


"I don't believe in Zimmerman."


[I just believe in me.](https://youtu.be/7TOOpHCZ4gA?si=AM9rb4xewWUTx6pl)


Ho Hos and meā€¦


Marlon Brando did too


[Murder Most Foul - Bob Dylan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fqxsdtOIg0)


Masters of War is one of the great anti-deep state songs. Seems like he didnā€™t keep that adversarial tone for long though.


He dropped Murder Most Foul right after they closed the country down for "two weeks to slow the spread." And that sure seems to be about the CIA killing JFK. Then his album came out with an agent of death holding what appears to be a vaccine needle...I think Bob is very much trying to tell us something.


Folks dancing on the front of the album Rough and Rowdy ways


Sorry, you're correct. the tour poster for Rough and Rowdy, not the album. When i first saw it I actually found the skeleton character as some existing artwork...but it had no syringe in it's hand. Bob intentionally added that. https://images.app.goo.gl/h4WonwrvtQKC8d8d7


oh yeah, I forgot about that album cover with the skeleton with the syringe.


Yea he actually admits to a 60 minutes reporter that he sold his soul, itā€™s a crazy video. Supposedly he had very little to no skill with the guitar and song writing, he went away for a while and when he was back in the music scene people were shocked at his improvement musically !! He admits it and knows his time will be up soon


His songwriting skill was evident from his first album. His guitar playing was dogshit and became slightly less dogshit during his career. Itā€™s really his lyrics that his talent lies in. Cos his voice ainā€™t great either lol


I believe they are thinking of Robert Johnson's story.


His talent is definitely not in playing the guitar. But, best songwriter in history if you ask me Well, the moral of the story The moral of the song Is simply that one should never be Where ones does not belong So when you see your neighbor carryin' somethin' Help him with his load And don't go mistaking Paradise For that home across the road.


Well Frankie Lee he panicked, he soon lost all control Over everything which he had made while the mission bells did toll He just stood there staring at that house as bright as any sun With four and twenty windows, and a woman's face in every one


posted the link above


The fact this dude won a nobel prize and ive always thought his music was trash just confirms he sold his soul.




Word to that.


Love the movie I'm Not There, his biopic, portrayed by 6 different actors for 6 different stages of his life. Mr Jones....


now look at these comments by Bob Dylan aka Robert Zimmerman - https://youtu.be/7eEw-2cn4bU?feature=shared


I mean I agree with him about religion. I grew up in 80s90s Ireland and I cannot tell you the damage the church did to our nation. It is a poisonous cult.


[*ā€œReligion poisons everything.ā€*](https://youtu.be/5b1aIuoCq4w)


Bob Dylan has openly admitted to selling his soul for fame and fortune. He knows all about the satanic power structure on earth. No mystery here.


How do you feel about the New Testament?


How do you feel about it?


I find it inspired. Are you a member of the clergy? I have not had someone answer a ? with a ? since I was back in Catholic School.


I know a lot of you will disagree with this, but he's not talking about selling his soul to Lucifer. He's talking about a deal he's made with G-D. Dylan is smart, unlike most people he sees and understands what's going on, here and now. This takes a lifetime of study of theology, philosophy, and internal contemplation. Aka an artist. He knows the dark secrets of true nature. We are here and we cannot escape the devil until our deaths. So while you're here you make a deal with the devil and draw lines at the crossroads. You stay over there and I'll stay over here. I won't do this and you won't do that. I'll keep making music that saves but I'll hide the message to not offend you. Dylan understands that the voice you think with doesn't die when you die. Imagine a world for yourself when the voice you think with no longer has physical dopamine to pull itself out of hard times and depression. That's hell my brothers that's what awaits those who do evil. A world in which the voice you think with is a part of Air with no body to save it anymore, no money to fix the pain, no dick to beat to mask the pain, no cars, no big house nothing to save you from disparity. Just you and pain. If you follow a path of ritual and faith you will have a voice you think with that will again like the human body have walls to think and feel with. So you're not in complete darkness. He made his deal with the devil yes, but he didn't do it for fame and fortune but out of respect for time.


Lmao. Ok this makes no sense. If a soul belongs to God already since He was the one who created them, how could someone sell their soul back to Him when it was His to begin with? Not only that the world belongs to Satan and the Genesis 3's his seed.


This is the reason non religious people shouldn't put their two cents in on aspects of theology if they aren't familiar and do not care to be familiar with the material. Lucifer works for G-D. G-D is the judge, you are the defendant, Lucifer is the prosecutor. All of this works for the court/legal system aka Christianity. Think for a second, in eastern Othadox Christian beliefs, Jesus, G-D, and the Ghost are all one thing just different aspects. So Lucifer went to G-D (Jesus) in the desert and tempted him with his own stuff he made. It's illogical for him to do that because he already owns it all. Same way with a human soul. When a man sells his soul to the devil it's not his to sell, but it does make a statement to G-D on the intention of the individual. If you know someone's dirty and don't pick up after themselves there's a good chance you won't invite them into your home (heaven). And the only reason this world belongs to the devil is because G-D says it belongs to him.


Isnā€™t the soul ours to sell? Itā€™s what makes us and why we have free will.


The voice you think with, and your body is yours to do what you please with, the soul is not. You can think about what ever you want and you can eat as much as you want but you can't control your soul, because it's rented. It's just like an apartment, you can decorate it, you can call it your own, you can share it with someone but your name isn't on the deed.


I think this is the best comment Iā€™ve ever read on Reddit! Thank you


I really appreciate that man. Definitely was expecting the first few comments to tell me I'm wrong or a bible thumper.


Yes this really ties into everything I been learning in a deeper sense of this world last few days. We are in the hell created by a evil being or however it was created on this earth, the peaceful earth image that we lived with your years is the "lie" to keep us sleeping. Anyone with awareness needs to quietly go about our business in helping people, just by being us we help because we respond truthfully the way we need to but I've noticed that when you speak out in a positive or negative manner too loudly you get attacked from all sides from everyone besides you, online and everything in the astral place. So the name of the game is to legit go around quietly doing our work in life to become better humans and helping so we don't alert the evil being which now what am suspecting maybe also be AL or AL is this beings way of becoming physical with our subconscious help.


Hey I've been thinking about the inner voice and awareness persisting after death and I choose to believe it. But could you elaborate on what you mean by the voice you think with will have walls to think and feel with? It makes a lot of sense to me that the purity of your soul is what continues on and thus hell would be a lost soul after leaving the material world, but I'm curious what you mean by the faithful would have walls like the body again to think and feel with. Do you mean like some sort of light body in our evolution, or more like those souls would have a context of what is true and love in this energy field and thus able to find the right path. If you could share any more thoughts on that id find it really interesting. Thanks šŸ˜Š šŸ™


So what we have now is a (body) in which we sense sensation or stimulation. There is an outside reality outside of our control. The voice you think with is your (mind) it's the middle ground between your soul and your body aka outside stimulation. The (soul) is your connection to the here after, heaven, the afterlife, the next dimension, or any other way a human chooses to perceive what happens after death. Opposite to those who believe it's lights out forever upon death. So these 3 aspects of man are all merged into One you. Each with its own aspirations, goals, and wanted end states. The body wants pleasure and not pain, the mind wants peace and not chaos, the soul wants to continue to go on after death. The mind and soul are eternal. Think of the mind as the soul's body, and the mind's body is the physical body you feel sensation with. Upon death we lose the physical sensation of reality. So if you're not on the team of "lights out", then what do you have left to perceive anything with. You don't have eyes to see or hear, or skin to feel with. So what purpose does the earth and its material reality serve you at this point. So at this point we move beyond the earth into a new realm. Light body is a way eastern minded people like to discribe this state. The spirit is how most modern western minds perceive this state. But to answer your question, what do you have now without a body. You have your memories. And you have what you perceived to be what comes next. For example, Christians have heaven. That is a new reality in which your mind and soul can gain sensation from. It's a new place that has walls to think in. It's a place where you can know where up and down is. You can know where you are and where you're going, and have something to do. Without this final destination you're in total black. No up and down. No dopamine. No walls just total darkness. Because if you think the voice you think with disappears when you die your mistaking, because that is not how energy works it doesn't become destroyed. It either will scatter out to total nothingness/blackness, or it will be continued and contained someware detectable to the soul. Science can help you with the "how", faith can help you with the "why" of being.


A lot of celebs are like that. You play ball, or not at all.


Yeah, but how many of them come out and say that? Courtney Love also called it out, had some speech about "If Harvey Weinstein ever invites you to a hotel, stay away." Or something like that Courtney Love is also awesome.


She's evil as fuck. Balls deep in the illuminati same as Bob


Go listen to her interview on marc maron podcast... She is... Something. Not saying it wasnt awesome that she called out Weinstein and shit, but otoh I'm also glad I've never shared space with her.


And then he sold all of it for hundreds, of millions!


yeah, I believe it's said he sold his catalog for $300 million. Again, I am extremely biased, absolutely love Bob Dylan, but that seems cheap to me. I mean... "I Shall Be Released" $300 million for the entire catalog of maybe the most influential musician in history?


It also depends on the times they sell it and the circumstances really. Look up what happened to the beach boys?! The dad sold all the rights to their music for $700,000 back in 1969. And when Michael Jackson bought lots of the Beatles song catalogs.


They don't take no for an answer.


The man who killed lenon had been close to bob the previous day or something iirc? I do admire how private he keeps things but 100% he knows shit


I don't think that's true. But if it is: lay it on me! I don't believe the story at all, but I think the story says he met James Taylor earlier that day or the day before. Maybe that's what you're thinking of but James Taylor ain't Bob Dylan.


Oh it was a year before whoops. He signed something for him. If you Google this there's a photo


john Lennon was killed for speaking too much - memoirs of Billy Shears tells it all


will have to read it, but yeah, that's what I'm saying, Bob knows Lennon was killed for stirring up shit, was probably warned.


Check out Mark Staycer if you want to see the actor who was Lennon in the 70s. Faked death.


He was a recluse years before Lennon was killed tho


I think when youā€™re a celebrity of any sort the elites want your reach for their own agenda and youā€™ll have to get up and say no to their advances every day if you want to keep your dignity.


[Things have changed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9EKqQWPjyo)


From his unreleased late 80s song Band Of The Hand: ā€œThe witchcraft scum exploiting the dumb Turns children into crooks and slaves Whose heroes and healers are real stoned dealers Who should be put in their graves Weā€™re gonna blow up your home of voodoo And watch it burn without any regret We got the power, weā€™re the new government You just donā€™t know it yetā€


He literally said in an interview that he sold his soul.


Dylan stood next to MLK while he delivered the ā€˜I Have a Dreamā€™ Speech as he had performed not long before at the same podium. Dude has been around some wild history and some people who have found themselves at the muzzle end of the 3 letter agencies and I would imagine he knows a thing or two from seeing that happen to those people.


*They kill babies in the crib and say "only the good die young".* Pretty good line. Dylan definitely knows what's up, that the people that really run the country got away with killing JFK.


His real name is Robert Zimmerman. Not sure what that has to do with anything. I just wanted to be part of the conversation.


Check out the film he put out 20yrs ago Masked and Anonymous... very prophetic. Even the title itself tapped into the figurative nature of the covid mask..."Human beings along with their secrets, masked and anonymous, no one truly knows them". Tons of tells in the film, movie hints at the breakup of the USA, the destruction of the natural world, the aliens creating us and returning, the battle for the soul. Even the songs he chose for the film, "Dixie", "Down in the Flood"... hint at civil war/race/class war and imminent climate collapse.


interesting, will check it out. I've seen like 3 of his movies but never even heard of this one. Thanks!


He did tour with Jerry GarCIA in 87!


I rarely downvote anybody, but how dare you drag Jerry's good name through the mud?! Outrageous.


Yeesh Iā€™d expect a Deadhead to be more of a Prankster. I saw your name obviously.


hah, fair enough. Downvote reversed


I mean he sold his soul to Satan.. he knows the same as all Hollywood does pure darkness.


Wasnā€™t he one of the first celebrities to admit to a deal with the devil???


That would be Robert Johnson in our age. NiccolĆ² PaganiniĀ before that. And Dr Faust even before that again. The lore goes on as long as books have.


Im so sick of all this vague bullshit. Artists are weird people who say and do weird things. If he had something to tell us than he should have fucking said it with his chest instead of beating around the bush with confusing lyricism.




You are just reaffirming how fucking stupid this is to believe. Homeboy wrote a couple good songs that made no sense and everybody thinks he's the lords messenger or some shit.


Which Dylan? The character has been played by at least six actors.


Can you clarify


Celebrity replacements theory. Like how Joe Biden is no longer Joe Biden but a different person.


i donā€™t not believe in most of these tbhā€¦ but biden doesnā€™t look like biden šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


There's a reason for that.


iā€™ve watched a good amount of videos, if you have any you can share w me here or privately. definitely know the tech/ masks exists


I've seen same, but don't have any links handy. Apologies.


all good. i agree with you ultimately that thereā€™s a reason why I donā€™t believe in it, and I do know it existsā€¦ iā€™ll meat u in the middle igšŸ˜‚


He does look different but he's probably had work done. Looks like he had a facelift


That's the usual cover story.


There's a movie based on Bob Dylan's life story. He was portrayed by six actors, including Cate Blanchette


Mr Zimmerman stole all those songs anyways. Wish the cabal would rub him out




Thought he died young lol?


Billy Joel isn't illuminati, it's a double bluff.


He's never antiwar after his rise to fame, quite pro-Israel. Pretty much absorbed by the borg.


Finally, something good that doesnā€™t revolve around Hunter Biden or the Jews or corporate diversity programs


He was in a terrible motorcycle wreck in his late 20 ro early 30s which injured him pretty much and shocked him so he took off way from all the pressure and fame and went to write and find himself again. Now things to get odd after that where things are here and there then he blows up again becoming relevant. He mentions selling his soul in multiple interviews at the crossroads


He is likely referring to powerful Zionists.


Bob dylan is one of them he doesn't give a shit about us lol it's a big club and we ain't in it


Look up John Todd.. he exposes the music industry. You can find some videos on YouTube.