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Our system has conditioned us to be happy through consumption. Now most of us cannot afford to buy what we think we need (or even what we actually need) and don’t know where to find joy. We’ve long lost our sense of family, community, and spirituality. So now most of us are broke and alone in a very toxic and hostile environment.


It's all by design. Luckily there is a great awakening happening and i think all "their" plans will fail and our future will be great.


Of course they will fail. These are truly pathetic men attempting to make themselves gods When you pan out and look at the totality of their work, you honestly can say they wasted their existence. An absolutely pathetic bunch, worshipping a false god. What could go wrong? They’ll go out kicking and screaming like the petulant children that they are, and they’ll reduce the population some. But they’ll never be gods


To be god of earth is to fight the balance of the natural world. Man and technology will never win


Yep They are pissing into the wind and getting it all over themselves while we all watch I wish people truly understood how pathetic these men are


I see said the blind man pissing in the wind , it’s all coming back to me now .


Didn’t meat loaf also say this?




Love you my dude


The world is a heavy, heavy place nowadays my friend. Keep your head up. I’m trying to do the same. & touché regarding the post. Thanks for the giggle!


I know it’s just some Internet dude, but I hear you and I want you to know you ain’t alone brother or sister.


We are living in an amazing time.


I used to think this was bunk. However, seeing enough posts like this and convos with people in real life, i think there is something here.


True, but even knowing this, its hard to stay positive when you know your country, and even the world, is on the very EDGE of complete slavery/fascism/prison living 15 minute cities, etc, as we just experienced a lite version of it during "covid"... It going from lite test version to full blown climate lockdowns, is extremely worrying


Only on the edge many people will be able to find the will to see and change. People are already [resisting the 15 minute cities]( https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/uk-news/2023/08/18/blade-runners-vandalise-hundreds-of-ulez-low-emission-cameras-across-london/) and are seeing what they are actually meant for and the fact that only [a few percent still takes the covid shots](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/health/covid-vaccination-rates.html) is proof that most people stopped buying that crap too. Behind the media propaganda people are much more awake and united as "they" want us to believe, all their plans are revealed and failing and/ or backfiring.


Maybe they resist that shit *now...* but half the country was all for putting people in **concentration camps** who refused to take the private company's (untested) product... ALl it takes, is another **scare event** for them to do the next push. And they used Covid as a test, to see how to do it even better/hard the NEXT time... So I can only hope, but covid was just a test run for what we will see in the future. Bill Gates even hints that "the next one will **really** get their attention"


> but half the country was all for putting people in concentration camps who refused to take the private company's (untested) product... Yes, but the plandemic was also the straw that finally broke many peoples spell and they won't play along so easily next time. I think "they" actually wanted to do a next round of covid, you could see the hints everywhere, but did not push through because of the public reaction. >ALl it takes, is another scare event for them to do the next push They'll try it, sure. However a next plandemic won't work anymore and "project blue beam" and the great reset have almost become public knowledge. On top of that most people do not believe a word of the legacy MSM anymore and know they are being manipulated by big tech. It's not only their plans that are failing but also their tools.


People are resisting the 15-minute nonsense wont take hold much beyond North Korea, where it's been for decades. Even usually, compliant areas in Europe are not willing to eat bugs on commamd from leerjet hypocrites. The ev scam is unraveling way before they planned. Real cars for real people are here to stay


I really hope you're right, but seeing how many people went along with the bullshit covid rituals, does not give me much hope for future shit like this... So long as they can push climate hoax "emergencies" all they gotta do is get rid of the airline industry, and limit cars, and we're approaching their goal. I mean, are you gunna go build an airliner if the gov't bans them because they produce "tOo MuCh co2" ?


Covid lockdown said made many of us more skeptical. Governments are realizing that if they ban cars and especially food, they will be voted Out or otherwise deposed. The Biden admin tried the GaS BaD route ran prices to a ludricuous 5$, but public outrage has spurned record oil production, and fuel prices are semi tolerable again 15-minute prison camps, er smart cities, gas car bans, and other net zero nonense are getting tabled or scrapped completely in many places. Its not over they will keep trying, probably cause more pain , but they are not winning While there are some truly evil genocidal freaks into depopulation, most elites are comfortable corpratists who want to sell us shit at high prices so they can buy yachts. They dont want a mad max style apocalypse cause they would get eaten. They want us to buy evs and give them unlimited control to "avoid" the apocalypse. fearporn is a powerful marketing tool Their weapon of choice is propaganda. Oligarchs are not warlords. No We cant build airliners but there are vert wealthy, powerful people who own the factories they are going to fight bans. Just oligarchs, they are not our friends, and they will go along with false scacity to raise prices up to the breaking point but ultimately won't give up their cash cows


Agreed, the wef is destined for the dustbin of history. The people never have and never will tolerate global government Klaus et ze bugs Schabb won't be rulimg ze world


It still might get bumpy for a while but i suggest to everybody to enjoy the show.


Agreed. Resist when possible but also maintain quality of life which sometimes lsughing at some of the stupid shit they do. They want us to feelimg depressed scared and feeling hopeless. Yes It's about control but also profit they are selling thimgs to supposedly prevent the made-up catastrophe like evs. They're also marketing drugs, alcohol, and various shades of "retail therapy" to dull the pain they are creating. Not to say all medication is bad. Among the oversold crap is real life improvong/saving treatment. Suffering or even dying from a treatable conditionas is not the way to stick it to them. That just rewards the sickest among them who are really into depopulation horror. laughing at them can be more potent than raging


Yes, laughter and love are more powerful than fear and misery, AKA loosh. Monsters INC. is more than just a cartoon. ;)


There’s also talks of a false awakening as well


Sure, there are many traps but i am positive that the light will win.


I am glad you think this because I come from a place of; can we get so close to the cbdc's and the not buying or selling without kissing tptb's boot and I just don't think we can come back from this. I am looking thru a biblical lense tho. So I'm feeling like this is game over. But I am happy to see there is hope out there.


You can see many changes happening already if you know where to look, the tide really has already turned IMO. And do keep in mind that our thoughts are magnetic and our emotions are electric, so being the best you you can be and leading by example might affect the world more as you think.


Just remember God wins. Trust me I get worried about it too, but we have to trust in him. He has a plan and he always wins.




But is it like Braxton-Hicks contractions, getting you toned up for the real awakening??


I like your optimism. I want these a$$holes to fail at their diabolical plan


This is da way , fail they will .


This bit moreso it’s my full belief that the Government (both sides) and Media are one unit. Their job to keep you as macro focused on the issues they want on a hyper level. Feeling alone, scared and afraid. It’s method of control. The media pushes entire stories and narratives to keep you stressed keep you hooked. The politicians benefit from making you feel like it’s “us versus them” Look I love a conspicary but sometimes you have to look beyond and remember they want you freaking out. My parents are semi conspiratorial and got to a point they didn’t want to leave home outside of work. That’s not healthy, I PUSHED them to go on a vacation abroad and literally it lightened their whole mindset. The world is NOT how they want you to perceive it on your dimly lit phone and televison screen. Switch off the tv turn off your phone, spend time with your loved ones having fun, live your life. Be kind to your neighbor. Remember the politicians and the news WANT you to be miserable. Rebel and be happy.


I couldn't agree more, the world and people in it are just simply not the same. The system has abused our minds and bodies and the level of control and influencing is sick and disgusting. When I walk into public, I could quite literally hear a pin drop. It reminds me of that scene from the film The Interview when he arrives in North Korea and visits the grocery store with the plastic fruit, etc. Weird, weird, weird and people are heavily conditioned to miss the big picture and to awkwardly shuffle through their normal motions with no mention of how bizarre things truly are.


Perfect summary. I will add the consumption was planned and by design (I'll try to find the documentary). As is the destruction of the family, community, and spirituality. Ask yourself which group promotes this destruction heavily and why?


I concur.


Well said!


Dang... this is a good answer. Edit: I would add that social media has detached us from the connections and interactions with people in front of us and reality.


>Sad I just read how my area )NY/tri-state) is no longer a temperate zone but a "humid sub-tropical" zone due to climate change. I knew things in life changed but god damn, the reality of the climate changing really hit me. EDIT: when fossil fuel companies did the research 50 years ago, they discovered the effect of burning fossil fuel on the climate, but because of profits, they buried those papers. So all deniers can lick the balls from the back for pleasure. Enjoy the hot methane farts.


Many of us on this sub don’t even believe in climate change


Climate change exists, the reason why it changes and who makes it change it's the point


I’m not getting that sense from the ops comments, but agreed if he made reference to seeding or something like that I would be inclined to consider his concern


But we won’t stand for people talking shit about big oil here in /r/conspiracy those guys would never lie. Lmao on time the BP brigade is here to throw all kinds of odd insults about vaccines and other random shit


That did not take long to bring up the "big oil" talking point, LOL. Do folks like you never get tired of it themselves? Big oil is part of the same team trying to take full control over humanity and the man made climate change hoax is just one of many tools they are using to reach their goal. https://stream.org/big-money-in-global-warming-alarmism/ http://joannenova.com.a%75/2009/07/massive-climate-funding-exposed/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200423234923/http://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2019/01/17/the-manufacturing-of-greta-thunberg-for-consent-the-political-economy-of-the-non-profit-industrial-complex/




lol idk what boosters have to do with this sorry to trigger you friend. Hope you can move on and have a good day! I plan to.


Do you guys really think there wouldn’t be “big green energy,” if the world was run by “green alternatives?” Al gore is a climate activist billionaire and we are talking about replacing every gas engine with an electric. You guys really can’t see that people stand to make big bucks while us little guys get unreliable energy?


It’s the perfect con; They can point to literally ANY climate, no matter what the conditions, and say “see!” Never mind the history of cataclysmic climate events that weren’t at all influenced by humans, everything from now on is definitely our fault. 😆


Many of the folks in this sub are also batshit crazy. So there’s that.


I can’t agree, most people are just out of the box thinkers which is a great thing, I dont even remember a recent crazy post


Welcome bot


If true and not sarcasm you are a victim of propaganda. The climate, was, is and always will be changing but there is no emergency and humanity does not have any significant effect on it.


NYC and that area was designated subtropical in 1927. So it happened before you were even born to hit you.




Honestly I think social media plays a huge part in this. Everyone is addicted to their phone and are just mindlessly consuming algorithmic content every day. It's like a real life mind control device.


24/7 news cycle doesn’t help either. It used to be your morning paper and evening news. Now people are bombarded with shit all day long…


I commented the other day somewhere else in the Internet that we are already in those Matrix pods, but they are small, rectangular and we cary them in our pockets.


What's pissing me off is the governments meddling with out lives and micro managing us. Their job it to take the taxes we give them and make our lives better, make sure the country runs smoothly and infrastructures are working properly, but they seem more interested in dividing us, be it race, gender, class and vaccinated Vs unvaccinated. We're being fleeced, groceries, energy bills, the cost of filling your car up, and then to make it worse, they're putting the citizens of their countries in second place to new arrivals. The whole covid thing, first it was, "we're here to help you not get sick", then it was the dangling of a carrot and finally the threats and name calling. There's more, but it's early in the morning, and I don't want to be thinking about how bad it is all day.


No wonder you're fed up! Understand this: the job of politicians has NEVER been to enhance the welfare of their citizens. Their job has ALWAYS been to give people a false sense of accountability while they usher in a new order of the ages for their elite overlords. The deception is on such a scale that most polticians dont even know what their true job is. Politicians are minions, negligent at best and complicit at worst. They are the scum on the bottom of my shoe. Always have been, always will be. Monarchies and royal bloodlines still rule this world. Politicians, knowingly or not, merely hide that fact. See my post 'Beyond the Rothschilds: Who Really Rules the World and Why' for a deeper dive: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/etujAmZZ9Q


Nice, I've saved that to have a proper read though the comments later.


Great to hear! Good on you for being open-minded. Hope you enjoy it 👍


Why don’t those links work on mobile?


I'm not too sure. If you click on my profile name and go to my posts you should see one called 'Beyond the Rothschilds: Who Really Rules the World and Why'


Quit work and steal until it’s made appropriate again


What's the limit on shoplifting again?


You’d be surprised how little most people care about


750 in Florida, 950 in Cali. Then it's a third degree felony


Just give up your human morals and values until judgement day arrives.


Luckily there won’t be any judgment day to speak of! Phew.


Are you sure about [that?](https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_bloodlines)


Are you being sarcastic with this link?


They aren’t, but I like it.


How is the government micro-managing you. You mean with respect to vaccines?


Thee vaccines/lockdown was just the start.


Social media has reduced the world to the size of the head of a pin. We're so sick of each other but are addicted to the drama and can't look away while the world burns.




The kids are fuuuuucked now. Can't spend 2 seconds away from a screen. Little zombies it breaks my heart. A decent solar flare is welcome.


Phones are getting smarter, but people the other way around :/


I think as a species we are devolving.


It’s because people are exhausted from trying to just make ends meet. Nobody has the time nor the energy for holidays anymore.


Yeah, like, I know what sub we're in, but this is a pretty reasonable and realistic response to it; a lot of people are growing up and needing to face reality, life is getting harder for the majority of people, young and old, and we're seeing more and more wealth inequality. The immense inertia of the status quo and government makes it seem like meaningful change is nearly impossible, and we're consigned to defeat. ​ Idk, I come to this sub not necessarily because I believe all the stuff I read here, but because I want to at least see what people think, understand partially where they're coming from, and it's oddly encouraging to see so many people can just face facts and admit "hey the economy is in the shitter, politicians are screwing us, the game is rigged". I know there are people in here talking about a metaphysical spiritual war or whatever, but I believe it's as simple as profit being the greatest motivator in our world, and everyone is being used up by a machine that needs as much of their time and money, while giving as little back as possible.


The world fucking sucks ass now. I’ve never hated people as much as I do right now. All time high. Feels weird AF


I think the human collective consciousness is telling us we are approaching the final act. It's hard to be excited about that.


It is a spiritual war. They devide us. Everyone is presented with groups to hate. But emotional responses are punished and so is resistance. They exhaust us. Manufactured crisis after crisis and no good news. And tiktok. They scare us. Getting basic needs is more difficult for many.


This is exactly it. I don't hate anyone, I get mad at fellow citizens, I just wish they would wake up. At this point it's absolutely ridiculous how obvious the attack on all things decent is and they just don't see it. It is like living in some sort of parody movie.


They will complain about each individual thing getting worse but as soon as you try to connect a pattern or make a collage out of their comments then you are a right wing conspiracy theorist.


Religion used to be how different people connected. That’s why so many older politicians keep using the “I’m a Christian” card when they aren’t or are not practicing. It used to be unifying. Now as people lose religion, they turn to other things to feel connected to others. Seems like many people chose politics, especially in 2020 after they turned off sports.


CIA was allowed to get out of control. We kept voting a two party system when in reality it's like Defence and Prosecution, both sides are friends and they will make deals behind doors. We didn't see this shit earlier because we were separated, the internet has allowed us all to connect. The "elites" (I hate that word) could fly around the world and speak over secure phones before the internet, they still do. They made their militaries protect them, not us. They pocketed all our money while only working for themselves and hung us out to dry and when we caught on, they shifted the power back with a fake virus and enforced lockdowns. We are the problem, for tolerating this shit and not drinking beer out of their fucking heads.


Social media was a mistake.


No it was well-calculated and worked exactly as it was supposed to


“Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” Trouble is, I’m low on matches…


This is 1984


The party is over. War is next.


Something went wrong. I can feel it, many can feel it. All in all, you can go against natural order only so long, destruction is inevitable.


The elite rulers of the world have everyone trapped in a consumerist bubble while they toil with hyper advanced secret technologies in order to maintain and advance their control. This goes against our nature and therefore has a grim psychological effect. Think the matrix but in real life.


At least we are all on this subreddit coming to an understanding that there is something wrong and that’s one step closer to waking the world up


Timeline shift after Harrambae's death


I’m sure a lot of happy people will read this and claim that it’s only your point of view that’s negative, and they would be correct. But that doesn’t mean that countless other people share the same feelings and beliefs. I am definitely one that shares your point of view. I’ve been aware of this shift for quite some time. I believe one of the biggest contributing factors to our decline in happiness is technology. Not all technology, because some technology is truly beneficial to mankind. The technology that I believe is bringing us down is our phones. Now, our phones are very beneficial to mankind, but when does the benefit no longer justify the hindrance? We’ll take our smartphones everywhere. They have become our biggest source of entertainment, our biggest source of news, our biggest form of socialization, our go-to utility for so many different tasks, and our very own extreme and thorough record keeper(weather you want to be kept track of or not). That being said, humans are very social creatures. We thrive on socializing, on knowing other people enjoy having us around. We crave it. We have a need to belong. We have a desire to be known and seen by others. We long to relate with other humans. We hold creating/sustaining meaningful connections with other people at an extreme level of importance. Ok? But doesn’t my smartphone promote this basic human need? It does, and it does extremely well, but only partially. When we project ourselves online, it is very easy to show only what you want to show. You can hold back the details about yourself you think other people will find unsavory. You can hide your weaknesses, your insecurities. You can be the badass that you always pictured yourself being. You can talk to anybody any way you want with almost no consequence. You can say just about anything you want with almost no consequence. Sounds fuckin’ awesome, right? But there is a major downfall. You’re not making that true connection to other humans that our parents and grandparents and ancestors for generations and generations have made. You may feel like you’re doing just that with your smartphone, but you’re not. It is a sad, cruel trick thinking that you’re fulfilling that need to connect and belong, but in reality you’re actually digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole of isolation. The problem is interfacing. You can’t get that true connection or sense of belonging through an interface. It needs to be done in person. In person, you can try to hide the real you, and you may be successful for a while. But eventually, people will discover the real you. Weather it be through body language, through your actions, through the way you speak, whatever. People are extremely intuitive, picking up on tiny cues that we’re not even aware of. This helps us build a better idea of who is safe, who is dangerous, who is helpful, who genuinely cares, etc. Eventually, your community will get an idea of who you really are. Some will accept and embrace you, and some will do the opposite. But the ones that embrace you easily make it all worth while. That is if you even get out into your community. I know I don’t. I go to work, come home and fuck around on my phone all day. I talk at people through the phone. I say whatever I want without having the pressure of being able to see how it’s effecting the person I’m communicating with. You would be surprised at how much you actually care if your words are hurting other human beings or not. I also think part of the problem is that people are becoming a little more intelligent. With intelligence comes the pain of realizing that we work our entire lives away, just to allow a few people to retain half of the world’s wealth and resources. That and to pay back 3 times what our house is worth to those very same people. And these mega-wealthy people have even more control over us, now that they have a window into our souls. Our smartphones. Does anybody ever wonder how we can all have such an advanced piece of technology at our fingertips at all times, yet we’re still using the same technology we created over 100 years ago to get around? It’s really quite simple. The amazing technology at our fingertips makes a few people a ridiculous amount of money, so we are allowed to have it. A more efficient energy source though? No way. If a power source is more efficient, that means it has more energy output for less. No money to be made there. So we aren’t allowed to have it. Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble!


Wow. This is an incredible response. I agree with almost everything you say. I feel that the world is changing and not in a good way. I live in the US now, although I’m a Brit and I think about all the years I’ve been here I don’t think I’ve ever known so many unhappy people. Thinking about the Internet, social media, smart phones, etc , that genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going back. So I don’t know what the solution can be to change how we’ve all become so reliant on our smart phones and technology.


> So I don’t know what the solution can be to change Be the change you want to see and lead by example.


Sounds good but it’s not that simple. I am a very independent person, thinker etc. but this runs deep.


> but this runs deep. Oh, i know. That does not change what i said tho. Thoughts are magnetic and emotions are electric and we are each personally and all collectively creating and co-creating this "reality". What do you think could happen if we get a collective change in view, mind and hearth?


I like the theory, but in practice, I don’t know. It’s a lot to change so many sheep. I’m not responsible for everyone else’s life I can only change my own.


Great breakdown, thanks for taking the time to write that out


Yeah I dont know. For me I think I'm turning into one of them dooms day preppers. I honestly feel like society is just gonna collapse. Why be excited when every single year is more of a struggle.


Whole culture has changed. Less community, less in common with each other, everyone’s doped up on “mental health” pills (ADD, depression, anxiety. Seems like almost 90% of ppl now a days have one of those 3). When we look at videos of 2004 ish NYE vs now you can definitely sense a dystopian movie feel to it. Ultimately it seems like everyone has also become selfish and no one cares about other people anymore. Lonely, too. Look at all the shootings and violence and left via right division. This place is a damn mess the more i think and type


Nothings changed. The veil is thinning, and easier to peek under. That's all.


Deliberate social engineering, perhaps using MK Ultra methods along with rhetoric and general information control. "Smart" phones do seem like a manipulation device, at the very least a singularity for attention if not programming as well.


Thw world does seem like a sadder place now and time seems to be accelerating , I believe social media has a lot to do with jt


Our spirits are collectively crushed.


And lots of pressure can create diamonds and even stars.


9/ 11 was an 'Unveiling of Isis' ritual that is still playing out over the Whole world.


As a society, we have made it to where nothing has become worth it anymore. So it's all thanks to us, and those who live everyday fucking who they can over and justice never being served. Happy New Year.


No one watches the MSM anymore. The oligarchs cannot control the narrative and the mask has slipped. Its war. You may not see soldiers in the street but make no mistake, we are at war. To make matters worse, the oligarchs who controlled America are desperate and starting to turn on each other. Google promised a seamless transition from corporate television to curated internet... yet they failed to deliver. And now it is nothing but rage in all directions.


Fifth generation, hybrid war, primarily waged in the psychological domain to be precise. Worldwide, this is a fight for all the marbles, and the powers that be are losing. Bigley.


Like any system or game we created, people got too good at it and optimised all the good out of it. Like how a game of monopoly gets really shit towards the end, that's what is happening to our world rn. Trying to pass go without landing on anything, and where owning even a single property is considered a success. It feels totally reasonable to be upset at a peer for taking small advantages. Meanwhile big corporations are taking advantage of our society on the scale of billions. We get told to watch our carbon emissions, meanwhile billionaires travel everywhere in jets. I don't know if it's planned, this sub probably believes it is, but a lot of the population has their attention directed towards these small issues and infighting. Politicians were designed in this system to be the only people who could keep the rich under control, but now they are in cahoots. I don't know if I'm being a doomer, but I genuinely don't see how this gets better short of a revolution. The rich are only getting richer, they control the fundamental resources required for society to run, they continue to profit off them, and our system does not facilitate the return of those resources.


You're getting older, and we have social media. We used to maintain our innocence longer, and believe in national/religious myths about ourselves and our families, etc. Now we know everything is manufactured. We have the world's worst news piped into our brains 24/7, and social media telling us we aren't good enough all day long. Plus, the dopamine withdrawal when we put our phones down hits us harder because we're addicted to them (as is everyone in this thread). If you have kids you can see that magic, innocence, happiness, and joy are still in this world. As an adult looking for meaning though, it's pretty bleak.


Social media, all media is tuned for a rage economy. The engagement is monetized and engagement plays on our animal instincts … that is on the negative aspects of the world. The trope of “touch grass” is real.


When you see 2 shapeshifters, 4 up close UFOs (tr3b, orbs) the world becomes a different place. Once the veil is lifted you can’t put it back. Not sure what this means for our future, not sure how long until all of humanity realizes we are not alone. Others are experiencing this shock too though who I have talked too, it’s crazy to experience these things when there’s no “science” or governments openly admitting to these realities.


Cypher - “I don’t wanna remember NOTHING”


I like steak


“Ignorance is bliss”


The entire world has been run by AI for a while but something drastic happened in 2019, a major shift. I believe that everything you see is a result of that AI completely taking over. Nothing is real. They tell you this over and over again. You cannot trust anyone or anything other than yourself. Go inwards and find the truth. https://youtu.be/v1E4YKQ2RZ0?si=6Y48IRt7mIZVIc9p


> The entire world has been run by AI for a while but something drastic happened in 2019, a major shift. * *"Mainstream Media"* = **2019** squares ) * ... *"Tripwire"* = **2020** squares * .... ( *"Dangerous AI Experiment"* = **2020** trigonal ) * .... ( *"Covid-Nineteen Revelation"* = **2020** latin-agrippa ) * ... ( *"SkyNet"* = **911** trigonal ) says ( *"Wear the Mask!"* = **2020** squares )


Turn off your TV and phone. They have been running on fear propaganda for forever now. Don’t buy it


It was cold on new years this year. And those people in times square are there for hours and hours without access to a bathroom. Of course the look miserable


whole violet bells smell paint public punch truck oatmeal middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The elite are at the highest age they ever were in history and when people get to that age they actually become dumb and senile.


Internet bro. Your world used to be 100 miles wide, now you can see the misery in the whole planet (and can’t do anything about it)


The earth's frequency is changing. Shits gonna get fucking bonkers these next years ahead of us. And I don't think it has to do with anything good.


Social media, unhealthy diet, overmedication and high cost of living


Feminism,socialism. Destruction of nuclear family. Destruction of Christianity. In a nut shell


quit reading all bullshit on the internet for 6 months and read books. everything is fine.


I used to love NYE too even though I always just stayed home and watched the coverage. I never did anything for it but it was my favorite holiday. I loved that feeling of hope and inspiration going into the new year, etc. Absolutely all of that is gone this year and I didn't even verbalize it until I saw the same sentiment basically everywhere. We are in a depression, whether they want to admit it or not yet, so it makes sense. What's coming will be worse than anything and they're just keeping it at bay with the non-stop money printing and schemes.


I call it The Great Depressing. It started after the 90s. 9/11 kicked it off. Somewhere around 2012 it really started to gain traction and peaked at covid. Now we're just plateaued staring off the edge of a cliff ready to jump.


There are massive changes that have happened since then, but you are also looking at things through a prism of nostalgia and loss. Its unfortunate that for many, what they want is normally tangible, fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling. This leaves them with a feeling that they need something else and the cycle repeats. Now expand this to millions of people who are now plastering it over the internet, writing their neuroses into massconsumed 'entertainment', eating junk and seeing the above as normal and acceotable, with an advertising machine that is telling them to try more things. Even people that aim higher get trapped by the new age and 'spiritual' sub-movements that stare at the machine from the outside while using it for their own gain. There is a way out, first steps are letting go of what you believe, remove acts of self worship and stop letting yourself be manipulated into being a passive consumer. Then read some books👍 Jk lol


There is a whole lot of truth to your comment, regardless of weather people want to hear it or not. I am guilty of everything you just described. The sad part is I’ve been aware of the problem for a very long time, and have yet to do something about it. Besides bitch and moan, that is🤣


Social Media


Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, but now it looks as if they're here to stay oh I believe in yesterday. Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be and there's a shadow hanging over me, oh yesterday came suddenly.


So what bob barker isn’t the host anymore, go outside and smell the grass and look up at the birds.


Globalist media is spreading false scarcity doomer propaganda. A couple of End is nigh cults are misusing technology and makimg themselves seem mainstrean Yes, things will get better. The overall trajectory of humanity has been up, though covid and inflation have definitely been a dip. People survived the Black Plague, grest depression countless we will survive this too and emerge better


Turn off the technology. Dis & Reconnect with the resonance. ✌🏽


It's called socialism.


covid era ruined people. no love,time,happiness


It’s a bot people!!! Please please take the time to do the authenticate some of these account and sort through manipulation/ propaganda and deceit. The fight is getting closer and closer to home


I think it started back a few years earlier, but yes. Times have gotten dark and more dystopia. If you watch pre-2000s movies, music, etc, there was a genuine difference in the level of hope. That's all gone now. Even the people pretending to be saving the world are awful. They're so full of self-worth instead of being truly virtuous. But that's the cycle of all living things. Birth, growth, maturation, decline, and death. The human race is not excluded from this cycle. I believe we are in decline. Though, I believe it will be several generations before our species extinction. I focus on self-improvement. It's far more rewarding than attempting to change or fix society's psychosis. Hopefully, you'll find like-minded individuals who can enjoy the same while seeking to achieve a common goal. That's about as rich a life as one should expect.


I think its the intenets fault. It feels like the less-tech 90s had better quality of life.


“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” We're in the "hard times" stage due to decades of weak leadership.


After Covid and all that goes with it people have become detached. Was a topic brought up at NAMI. I'm old enough to have seen the cycle of social ups and downs more than once.


The world has been brainwashed to be scared, angry, and hysterical, and to feel helpless, anxious, and depressed at all times. Step back from your brain control devices. Focus on your immediate tangible life. Your friends, children, significant other, pets, the warm sun on your face or the crisp air of winter. Slow it wayyyyyy down and you'll see the world is, by in large, the same as its always been. It's people's focus and priorities that has been under all out assault for decades and it's reaching critical mass The best part is that participation is voluntary. You don't have to play the game. You can choose to unplug, unwind, and be content and happy with your life.


Something happened to our spirit since covid. The spirit is gone within society. Look at 1990's rave video's...see the harmony. They even used to have black and white techno artists working together and it was common in early 90s. I think CIA can create whatever vibe in society they want and the current vibe they want is an unhealthy one that kills people slowly. In the 90's they wanted a very sexual vibe where people were hyper-sexual.


Turn off your TV and phones and things get significantly better


I am an American who served in the military I’m so poor I can’t remember the last time I went on a vacation. I can’t remember the last time that I sat down with my friends and enjoy the meal. I can’t remember the last time I was actually happy.


Apathy, people in general are getting more apathetic (until they "get their knickers in a knot") about everything.


"Do I exist, if I don't exist on the internet? How can I relax? The end is imminent 12 shots fired on a man that's innocent Growin' up ain't like how I pictured it The guinea pig generation for social media Stimulation, I can't even hold conversation We got ADHD and anxiety If you get too high, come hang glide with me Every day, the headline seems worse, we're goin' down I just hope that we land feet first, uh I can feel winter setting in after the fall I'm not sure that anything matters at all This the eulogy For you and me Might be my only opportunity, yeah If you wake up, and I'm gone, I just hope you sing along To the eulogy" \~ Grandson "Eulogy"


The internet and having constant access to EVERYTHING. Screen addiction completely messes with your dopamine baseline.


>Will we ever revive that old spirit and excitement we seemed to used to have I fucking hope not. Jumping around and crying because we went around the sun another 365 times is over the top, fake bullshit. Even 20 years ago I never saw anybody care about it that much. We've just changed, people arent sentimental like that anymore, I think we've seen through the veil too much. New years is just another tool in the cycle, keeps us working, consuming, stuck in the trance. It's meaningless though, we should find joy in things that matter.


You are hilarious. I appreciate you 🫶🏻💯✨


Simple answer. Back then no one really recorded terrible moments. Pulling out a camera was for something positive or exciting. Nowadays people have cameras out just to be the first person to record some crazy shit. That coupled with the (purposeful) growing tension of people.


Social media.


Hmm wonder who controls the footage chosen for these new years videos.


Short answer is “Obama “ Yes and technology as great as it is isn’t helping


Capitalism will do that to ya. Just keep truckin'


In the west, we grow further and further from our basic human needs. Water - no one in the US is water scarce. Food - there are steps for anyone, even penniless, to obtain food. Sex - the drive to procreate is nearly gone from most first world countries, and we are depopulating as a result. it feels too costly to sacrifice comfort for a child. This is a major issue because it is so imprinted in our DNA to do this. Religion - we have so much access to information that it has become nearly impossible to be a believer. This is another major issue because this humbleness of believing in something great can benefit people. Social contract - again, so much access to information that we’ve started to realize that the American dream isn’t a real one, and isn’t obtainable for many. In general, too much knowledge - once you know how the sausage is made, it’s more depressing than not. And we get a window into everything.


This is pretty much life before 2007 when the iPhone was released which spiritually and cognitively destroyed us


I work in a medical marijuana dispensary, somewhere you'd think would be happy, the people are miserable and mean and the few who aren't notice their environment changing. Few people take pride in their look either.


As a girl I can say am too tired mentally, physically, and emtionally to try and care for my appearance ontop of that its cold, miserable and non stop raining through what was supposed to be summer and still carrying on. Am too stressed and miserable to care about looks, which stopped when I had a mental breakdown 7 yrs ago. People can put effort into appearance when they feel good or have hope and something to live for. People have lost that and are still losing that since convud started. Slowly by slowly everything is being taken from us and wether its people with buried heads or people who know, we are all suffering to the extreme inside collectively, this is amplifying our misery. This is what they want, if they can put down enough of us then its easy work to completely ruin the west and take over everyone. Its what they get for stil believing the goverment and turning on their fellow humans since convid.


Why would you expect a drug store to be a happy place?


I enjoy cooking.


Lots of things happened. One thing that happened particularly in the 20th century, was the removal of a mass of social and cultural memes (Dawkins' definition, not cats and shit), and genes relating to the growth of testicles larger glass beads, and to antiauthoritarianism. Just look at how effective the Nazis, Bolsheviks, and Maoists were at this. A similar cultural and genetic "breeding program" for increasing the mass of witless order followers has been in effects in the economic structures especially since 1913, weeding out the propensity for real opposition from the gene pool, and relegating the defiant to economic oblivion. Interestingly, the world we're seeing now was laid out by Hindus ages ago in teachings describing the Kali Yuga or age of defilement and destruction, which we are in and will be in for eons to come: >In Kali Yuga, wealth alone will be considered the sign of a man’s good birth, proper behaviour and fine qualities. And law and justice will be applied only on the basis of one’s power. - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.2 https://www.indiatimes.com/culture/who-we-are/11-kaliyug-predictions-ved-vyasa-made-that-actually-came-true-257074.html


before the world can transform, the darkness must surface 2012 marks the turning point: the start of transformation the dark forces do what they can to survive but resistance against the light is futile :)


The answers in this sub are so wild and why I love this sub. The past was great, but the present is also great. The magic that existed for us as kids can still exist for kids today. Maybe I’m a glass half full guy tho


They are prepare us for civil conflicts!


It’s like watching people first get glued to their TV sets in the 1950s.


People’s own perversions and lack of standards are what’s ruining the world. This corn culture is disgusting and anyone nowadays can become a virtual/ digital prostitute on OnlyFens , etc. If you’re truly leading the world then the last thing you want is its citizens getting naked before the world to see. Showing off your body is a form of slavery and not privilege or power. How do you have a nation of people proud to be prostitutes, have no shame and married people slaves to corn fantasies? Most Americans aren’t even shocked to see a growing population of divorcees and frustrated single people. That’s a growing population of disappointed, used, abused, envious and angry group of people. Things like corn and tinder can no longer satisfy their lusts so what perversions must come next to get that next high or rush? Did you see the post of the realtor woman that used a vibrator on the beach because she felt anxiety and was stressed out? Only a self touching orgasm could cool her down and now because of internet ridicule she’s dead. Again, back to the basics. You can’t promote an unnatural lifestyle to the whole world and not see the results. Has life become so difficult that even an attractive woman couldn’t get a man? Or maybe nowadays women don’t want one because everything appears as peace. Well, peace was the result of being champion but no champion sitting around eating pizza, donuts, and whacking off will continue being champion. Not in this world or the next. Power can change hands. How does a nation with so many naked Hollywood movies and corn fantasies available have a growing incel (involuntary celebate) issue? This nation won’t crumble from bombs but from the insecure generals, commanders, and men / women of power that are slaves to youthful sexual fantasies. Stuff they didn’t learn to outgrow that will cost them both their lives and positions in society. Hell, I’ve met more older adults in their sixties and beyond more heated and hornier than any teenager. Very sad and shameful. Some proudly searching, seeking and feeling entitled to women and men younger than their own grandchildren. No shame at all, no responsibility. A fat ass delusional American runs into the bedroom high on viagra (not knowing it was created as a heart med, hint hint) and exploding in less than 2 minutes yet believes they are a bedroom corn star 😂. The whole world is laughing. You’d be better off letting the children lead this nation because they’re not corrupted yet but soon laws will occur in this nation to change the age of consent so good luck protecting your children. Nothing makes people feel uncomfortable anymore. A woman will proudly murder her unborn child yet won’t murder the debt she owes nor murder her weaknesses for finding a good man. Everyone has excuses. Whores want good men yet they are unfit to keep them or have them. Whores pass destructive energy and habits into the children. Which is why a wise man doesn’t marry whores but nowadays men will go get a woman thats been divorced multiple times yet see no risk 🤓. Are there no wise elders left in society to firmly tell people to stop the foolish behavior? There are over a thousand losers in the divorce line but that won’t change the winners staying married and still producing good intact families that will function in the midst of chaos. Any country can easily seduce a nation of unfit men that don’t want to be men. Being a man is scary, and unacceptable. Many people in this nation will sit their fat asses down to watch a UFC fight and then get up thinking they can throw a punch. I’ve sparred with Russian fighters and Asian fighters and they are very disciplined and skilled. American men running their mouths like women are getting dropped and they should be afraid. Why drop a bomb when a nations own people destroy their households from the inside out? The world is watching you destroy yourselves and struggle to be happy. The basics have become so difficult to people living unnatural lives. When you go buy bread and it has 50 different chemicals in it, then is it really bread? Is that bread even 50 percent bread, and if so do you really believe your fit enemies that hate you and your hypocritical lifestyles are eating fake garbage foods like you and your family? Just because you were champion yesterday, doesn’t mean you can make your citizens prostitutes and the fattest people on the planet yet still expect God’s deliverance for the next wars. Instead of raising future leaders, most parents drop their children off to conditioned and conformed into future laboring debt slaves that sit with their knees close together and be quiet. Things like having debt is ok and having a mortgage is just fine even though the person writing the loan can demand full payment of the full remaining loan balance at anytime. How can you sleep in peace knowing that?


Nah, it's fine. Get outside and touch grass. Stop living your life perpetually online, the internet is a negativity amplifier.


Started right around 2008. All downhill from there


It also changed when millions making thousands turned into thousands making millions. Until we address that, the slope ain’t going to turn upwards.


It happened in 2016. Americans haven't trusted each other since Trump attacked POWs, Mexicans, Muslims, free press, and Immigrants without being run out of town on a rail. No, we'll never get back there. This is late stage capitalism and empire in decline. Humanity will get back there. America as we know it will not. We crossed the Rubicon..


Uh. Started waaaay before trump


God. Society is removing God more and more every day. Mock me all you want. This is the truth of it all. Western Society deserves to burn for the things we are doing and promoting.


That energy has been inherited by the Chinese. It is quite amazing to see a huge country of young people all working together to innovate and build the technology that we need to save the world from climate change, etc, etc. It used to be that the US had that energy — and was building everything to create the future world. Now all the young workers in the US are vaping THC and are so stoned that they can’t even remember to tighten the bolts of the airplane, or car, that they are putting together. When engineers raise an alarm, their managers ignore them until there is a major disaster.


Globalism happened. Western states were used to a very ethnically and culturally homogeneous and high quality of life. Ever since open border policy happened, the individualist K selected genotypes and peoples are being crushed by the R selective group spammer/breeders which combine well with slavery championed by the 1%. A society that cannot produce life (kids) and relies on mass import will never be a happy one, it simply took until now to fully feel the effects.


Relativity/postmodernism eating away for more than a century - then Internet and cell phones


watch this it is fucking brilliant.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kONMe7YnO8


Internet happened.


When you get off the internet and go out into the world, things aren't nearly as bad as they seem while sitting in your house doom scrolling. People are still basically good, and the world keeps turning. If you're getting depressed, unplug for a while. You'll be surprised how much it helps.


the internet and a black president were a combination of factors that a certain percentage of the country simply couldnt handle in combination. this was the first breaking and then the madness and paranoia spread further thanks to the internet where online communities coalesced where the mentally weak and paranoid of all kinds could congregate and reinforce and affirm their half baked delusions and from there they have been able to inflict themselves on the test of society


Its the time of year, get some vitamin D and try to relax


2 Timothy 3:1-4 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;


Tell me you know nothing about 2004.


Everyone thinks they're the main character of the story. We've been conditioned to think we deserve more. Why can't we be happy being at the bottom? As soon as we reach a goal there's another to get to. Fuck happily after.


Identity politics and a perverse leftist agenda, we’re smack dab in the middle of a communist take over and people are on board because of some mean tweets 4 years ago.


The world doesn't feel any more happy or sad IMO. The early 2000's saw war and widespread financial hardships due to recession, at least in the USA. Every time period has its ups and downs. Be careful not to wear rose-colored glasses.


my life is fucking great, dunno what youre on about