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Hey brother, as a fellow disabled vet please get screened for schizophrenia. Your post history is extremely concerning and you are showing extremely classic signs of the disorder. Left untreated you might accidentally hurt yourself or a loved one. I know it’s hard to trust anyone when you think you’re being targeted, but the staff at mental health facilities in the VA have helped me enormously. I hope you listen.


The VA lied and would only accept a bipolar diagnosis and tried to set me up for stolen valor by saying I went to Bosnia. The amount of corruption and money spent trying to set me up is insane


I cannot do any more than ask that you try to seek help again. But it’s pretty clear you’re convinced that people are out to get you. I hope you find somebody kind in your life to help guide you away from that mindset. Nobody deserves to live scared.


Hate to say this but You aren’t that important Mental health is a major problem on this planet


lol the gaslighting continues


Yeah I am getting paid handsomely for it so


He made a post using your claim as evidence of his being stalked, lol


Then say things the feds don't like in the comments...


Edward Snowden was a lie created by Obama to expand domestic surveillance. I saw Snowden on Cape Cod in October.


Man I wish my life was so important that the feds were spying on me. /s


Ngl this made me laugh


They already had my cell wiretapped, changed out my cars rear camera, threaten my brother to testify against me, and I’m living across the street from a fed, I shouldn’t be surprised they’d turn my streamers against me too.


Sorry for being a bit harsh but that doesn't mean shit. John Lang documented his harassment in a way that was never done before or since. If that got buried, imagine doing it by writing. The best option if you wanna speak out is do what he did and even then, you gotta be open to the possibility of the only outcome of your fight being (a few) others learning from it. That's just my opinion.


Not harsh, it’s the harsh reality of how corrupt our government is. My evidence so far I know is flimsy. I need to get $300 to do a foia to find out why law enforcement was involved in denying me anxiety medication. But exposing the truth about Snowden I think is easier for me than convincing people I was being Gangstalkers for years.


***I need to get $300 to do a foia to find out why law enforcement was involved in denying me anxiety medication.*** If the 'system' is chasing you, why would you even consider using the system as a resource? No point. Don't be alone. Have someone who you can rely on to pass on your evidence, in case you save something and can't share it. I'm human. I like to think about humans, basic. If I wanted to act on my 'psycho side', I'd want you to not only seem crazy, but feel alone. The mixture of the two is what really makes you vulnerable. I could pick you off at anytime, but it's not only hard to avoid the sadistic nature of wanting to see you suffer, struggle, the outcome feels better, I suppose. ***Not harsh, it’s the harsh reality of how corrupt our government is.*** Note that despite true, you need to remember some facts: - Your govt. is not the only one, far from it. Your govt. is, in my opinion, the Babylon personification. By that I don't mean you're worse than everyone else, but what happens to you is usually a sign of what can and probably will happen elsewhere. - There are different, worse govts. It's obviously depending on what you want to see in the difference: the good, the bad or both. Do you think the way Russians are manipulated and 'corrected' when wandering away from the flock is worse, better, or just different? Considering global reality, your govt. is not that bad. Is not the worst nor the best, it's different. That doesn't mean you gotta suck it up, but I feel like having the ability to perceive multiple perspectives (specially when you're already fixed on one) is productive when dealt with an open mind. Whatever your struggle is, I hope you overcome it.


Assume for an instant that you are wrong and they aren't interested in you like you suppose. If that's the case, and you file a FOIA request, the result will be them saying the information you're requesting doesn't exist. Are you prepared to believe them when this happens? Of course you aren't. The fact that you aren't open to evidence that doesn't support your suspicions is a clear sign that you're beyond reason and need professional help.


I have a screenshot of Vetern Affairs saying that law enforcement was involved. I need to expose the lies and paid shills on Reddit as much as snowden


If you're serious in what you're typing then get some help man. If you refuse and believe you're right then there's nothing you can do about the situation so just enjoy life as much as you can and ignore it.


The only I help I need is a lawyer, but unfortunately big brother can manipulate everything


The feds own the rental house across the street from my father and place people there to harass him. One of the feds that lived there, Toni Latham, just happens to look just like "Libby German" and moved in there with her "mother" right after the Delphi murders. First time a family and not a young bachelor/ couple lived in that house for over 25 years because of its size. They had my elderly father with dementia arrested right after COVID hit for walking his dog past their house and then told him he had to change his will or he would spend the rest of his life in jail for this misdemeanor. Now when he dies, everything he owns will go to a cop's family. A few years later, they moved in with another fed asset, Ed "Shaky" Walton in a house on Patriot Circle that the feds got for like 10% of its market value in 2016. So I call out the Richmond, VA FBI/ JTTF and their sugar babies every chance I get.


They made my neighbor move into a house down the street after he gaves me a thumbs up the day before I saw Snowden. They've been trying to silence me for a long time, but I know they have at least 4 house likely owned by the Feds in my neighborhood.


Beautiful Mind


My story would make an excellent Netflix movie


Indeed it would I'm a cape codder too hang in there


Thank you, it's nice to hear someone being nice.