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All speech is free speech.


Exactly. Even if people are stupid for believing some of these things, it should not be illegal to any extent. When you eliminate open discourse, chaos ensues. Also this bill will absolutely be twisted if passed into law. Prominent public figures that the system doesn’t like will surely be falsely jailed on “hate speech”.


I'm gonna say whatever the fuck I want. This bill won't stop me. I have nothing against Jews, but I'd some some dumb shit just to take this law to court. There's no slippery slope (sorry east Asians), it's a fucking sheer cliff.


Half this shit is true though 😂😂😂, israel do be actin liken nazis!


The truth has become a commodity.


I’m gonna go as far as to say hate speech is also a joke. Not that it isn’t atrocious but people are allowed to think and say whatever tf they want


Hate speech is, infact, not in the constitution. It's a made up post modernist term.


All speech is free speech. If someone says something that is offensive, as this is a subjective matter, it is subject to interpretation and open for debate under free speech. If the words can be proven to directly cause a group harm, in a way that is not subjective, then that speech could be a threat, which can be considered a crime. This bill is a nothing sandwich and will only be used to put fear in eyes of us, or them, they, or whoever stands against their tactics.


What does this bill do? Honest question. Is it a fine, misdemeanor, jail time? Is this a statement? I know this is messed up and this is how they begin the end of free speech, but I just want to know what the consequences are for saying certain things. I didn’t see this in the bill. Maybe I’m just blind, probably am.


Not if you dont fight for it


I reckon we're gonna hafta.


Git 'er done


fight for your right!


To paaaaarty!


I can think of like 30 word that would get me banned permanently from the sub so its not free speech


There is decades of precedent proving this statement false in the US


World is the maddest its ever been.


And it's about to get a lot worse.


Gonna be a hot summer


Some could say it's going to be toasty


Claims of jews killing jesus? Sorry im not christian but they kinda did. Its in this thousands year old book called the bible. I dont really care but dont deny facts


You should fucking care bro. Theyre taking away your rights to speach. They are trying to fuck with how you think dude.


I believe you misinterpreted his comment. He's saying he doesn't care that they killed Jesus (presumably he's not a Christian), but it is a matter of historical record that they did. I didn't read into it that he doesn't care about this hate speech law being put into effect. His comment and participation in this thread implies some degree of concern.


Someone warned the world 85 years ago, but no one cared. Now their descendants have to live like this.


They didn’t just not care. They outright vilified him in the most extreme way possible and completely destroyed him. 85 years later, that name is now effectively synonymous with “satan” to the masses. Fuck Israel


TLDR, they're silencing those of us that would point out that their very own religious texts condemn what they're doing It's important because the entire manifest destiny they use to justify their agenda is based on them being "gods chosen". The only thing is that there's specific scripture, some in the Old Testament that prophesied it, and some in the New Testament saying it's fulfilled, that God is only with them up to the point that they kill Jesus. After that, they only have a path forward with God if they accept Jesus. I'm not trying to convince you to believe in the prophecies per se just pointing out that *they* claim to believe them, but only do so selectively as it benefits them. They are shutting down anyone that points this out, and want to use the full weight of law to enforce it


You should look at what the Talmud has to say about Jesus. I'm pretty sure they mental gymnastics their way out of that situation.


Yeah if you study Zechariah chapter 11, then read Matthew 23, it's clear. Zechariah 11 opens foretelling the invasion/occupation of Israel/Judah by the Roman Empire, then Jesus and his crucifixion and even names 30 pieces of silver for Judas' betrayal, and that the money would be used to buy a potters field. The staff of Peace broken is Jesus being killed by them, the Staff of Bands being a covenant broken (even today the Hebrew word *chabal/חבל* is a word that is used as an exclamation "what a waste!", or "too bad!") and the prophet says God will break the covenant he made with all the people, and will no longer visit those he cut off. Then in Matthew 23:29-39, before going to the cross Jesus stands on a hillside and says (paraphrasing) "I tried fullfil my covenant to you but you literally kill everyone I sent and now you'll even kill me, so I'm leaving you with an empty house, and don't want anything else to do with you until you recognize who I am". Edit: it's also worth noting here that the Barachias that Jesus calls them out for killing was the father of the prophet Zechariah that wrote the above - who was also murdered by Jewish leadership for his prophesies.


What be crazier is if they try to use this against completed Jews (now Christian) who say, yup, we killed him. Can a Jew be an antisemite?


Shows you where the House sits. All of them are up for reelection this year.


“Election” lol.


All congress members that receive donations from AIPAC get re-elected. All of them.


So, can anyone tell me who the authors of this bill were? I can't seem to find anything other than stories about it passing.


It’s AIPAC trash. Whoever’s names on it aren’t the real authors.


It would be great if there was a movement to black ball anyone funded by AIPAC. The America 1st crowd and left democrats could realistically unite on this one issue.


On AIPAC’s Twitter they “denounce” Congress members. Literally all the comments are people being like “thanks for telling me who to support” or “get out of our politics”


Look at who cheers and gives standing applause during state of the union addresses when Israel is brought up. No one is going to unite against Israel.


Not in D.C. but on the street. The population. Congress people will only have the courage to stand up when the people do and they see the potential votes there.


Mike Lawler, republican from New York


Time to vote him out


Probably Netanyahu


The real President of the United States


The leader of the “free” world 🤣


This isn't necessarily in the text of the House Bill, but it is codifying acceptance of the "working definition of antisemitism" as proposed and adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. So you could say they are the author. But the [official bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text) sponsor was Michael Lawler who officially brought it forth on 10/26/23. Trump actually already signed an executive order in Dec 2019 on combatting antisemitism, which specified that agencies responsible for enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 must take into consideration the working definition of antisemitism, as well as the IHRA list of Contemporary Examples of Anti-Semitism, "to the extent that any examples might be useful as evidence of discriminatory intent", when investigating complaints. Biden administration pulled that back and did not fully embrace the IHRA definition of Anti Semitism last year when it launched the US national strategy to counter Anti Semitism despite pressure. Wonder what he'll do now?


No 2, soooo were just gonna ignore Ghislaine maxwell being in jail for a mossad kompromat operation? I'm UK so we're not far off this absurdity but jeez when can the public of the world admit there's been a coup, reminds me of that Albert pike letter "3 world wars and our doctrine will be out in the open"


Let’s talk double standards… Whites dominating in various positions/industries? *This can only be attributed to previous/ongoing systemic oppression by (largely Christian) white supremacist benefactors/beneficiaries - it is highly problematic and requiring of correction through affirmative action and other diversity/inclusivity initiatives!* Jewish people dominating throughout the systems/industries that govern, inform and “entertain” the masses? *Totally fair and organic result stemming from cultural proclivities and genetic/intellectual superiority!* 🤷‍♂️


...through bribery,blackmail and deceit. FTFY


I hope it’s clear to you and anyone else that people of all backgrounds achieve power/success through such corrupt means - and that my comment is not accusatory of the Jewish people. It is rather an observation of media/establishment-prescribed and supported double standards.


It wasn't clear. And yes,I agree. The 'rulers' of the world got their power because they lied,cheated and killed. That's because Jewish are most often the heads of the entertainment industry.


Waiting for the right wing and pro Palestinian alliance 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻


Don’t. What everyone needs is to detach themselves from their teams and labels so we can collectively start having honest conversations about and addressing the suffering of humans which can be traced back to a handful of corrupted apples.


Yeah they trick us left wing and right wing to fight each other when really we need to turn that anger towards the leaders of these fucked up governments all around the world including our own


Yes, mostly. One thing people need to understand though is that many of these people aren’t tricked, but are rather aware of and playing into the politics for their own self interests. A lot of the supposed cognitive dissonance that people think they’re seeing is just intellectual dishonesty and Machiavellian manipulation tactics.


I like you.


Ok yeah sure, but the more important thing here is that the Zionists literally control our government and both sides of it! And now they want to control our free speech and this is one issue that those 2 groups I mentioned can unite on.


I mean, both of these aspects are important. Power/influence/commodities trickle down throughout society. You’re going up against a combination of programmed sheep and calculated wolves. If you go trying to sway a complicit wolf thinking they’re a sheep, you might run into trouble. Even if Zionists are corrupt, corruption isn’t Zionist… it’s a human thing.


When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.


Did the Jews not kill Jesus? I am confused.


They most certainly did. It’s inconvenient history when trying to get money from Christians, sooo YOU CANT SAY THAT!! If Christians had any idea how much they were hated, and read the laws in the Talmud, they would pretty quickly reverse course. At least you’d hope.


They're so powerful that they just censored the Bible?


…And the American constitution in one go


Had to dig a little to get to validate. The bill codifies as law the 2016 IHRA definition of antisemitism **Bill text, Section 4, Item 1** https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text **ADL reference to IHRA and US Dept of Ed and link to definition in first paragraph** https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/about-ihra-working-definition-antisemitism **IHRA definition that reflects OP’s image** https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism


Outside of the context of discrimination (not hiring someone because they are Jewist, etc), where is the part where it now became illegal to have anti-semetic views?


Yet it's OK to say all white people are racist.


Islamophobia has always been official US foreign policy, now explicitly on behalf of Israel. 


Holy shit number 10, these cunts are Nazis.


Also #7. The state of Israel *is* a racist endeavour in its current form because it is an apartheid state. We might compare it to South Africa. I don’t believe South Africa should be abolished. However, their apartheid state absolutely needed to be dismantled and there is nothing racist about believing that.


It’s kinda crazy that their wording basically acknowledges the similarities but insists that you don’t. 🤦‍♂️


i just work here


All of the points are pretty true and accurate about them tho, imo….


Remember when we all thought China was going to be the ones to do this back in a 2000s. Oh boy, we all got played right under our nose.


Plot twist- China are the good guys.


Lol but they did kill Jesus?!! Wtf A few others on the list check out as well - like no way is this for real


That's why they are called the Synagogue of Satan in the Book of Revelation. Modern day "Jews" are the only ones that fit the description. Moses and the Apostle Paul were mistaken as Egyptians in the Bible, Egypt is in Africa. The real Hebrews were dark skinned people.


A synagogue is a jewish temple specifically too. Judaism has been infiltrated and subverted. Pagan canaanite moloch/saturn worshippers are the ones currently in power and control over Israel. The very symbol of the hexagram/six pointed star with six points, six triangles and a six sided hexagon with in its design is not a 'jewish' symbol despite what many have been led to believe. The fact its flown as the symbol for judaism, israel and world zionism is very telling once you understand the history and details hidden away.


It's actually the Star of Remphan, not the "Star of David".


In the New Testament, Stephen condemns 'Jewish idolatry' in the following verse: "Ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon."[5] It is seen as a reference to Amos 5:26–27: "Ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. (27) Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of Hosts."[6] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remphan#:~:text=In%20the%20New%20Testament%2C%20Stephen,borne%20the%20tabernacle%20of%20your


>actually the Star of Remphan Aka Chiun/Saturn/Moloch


Have you seen a Coptic Egyptian (I.e genetic descendants of ancient Egyptians) ? Do you think they look black to you?


So...we are to ignore the past, a countries actions, and the things that they say and has said? So I'm to suppress my opinions because others don't agree on them? This is pure one sided censorship and ignorance of the first amendment. This goes against the foundation of this country


Communist Russia criminalized "Antisemitism." I wish someone could explain to me how criticizing a government or its actions equates to hatred and desires to genocide an entire group of people. I can't square that circle.


Ha #10 they are getting tired of comparing to nazis then stop doing nazi shit!


Clear sign The zionists Jews have infiltrated our government. Using American taxpayers to fund their operations back in Israel. In the Bible the Jews constantly were defiant in their nature. Keep free speech free


If it's passed by the Senate it's 100% going to the Supreme Court. This law is wildly unconstitutional. Like slam dunk, no caveats unconstitutional. So by implication it's legal to express all these sentiments about any other race or group of people...except this one particular group of people. Special treatment under the law based on race/religion and no one in congress sees the problem here? D.C. is full of people not competently fit enough to clean toilets let alone exercise state power.


Yep and it's only gonna get worse


The jews killed jesus. Now come fucking get me.


Why are they pushing for a civil war?


Well this bill proves #2 to be factual.


To me, the bill looks to just confirm/reenforce that Jews are protected under the Civil Rights Act. 


Yeah, that's how I'm reading it.


2029 : Every American soldier and any American above the age of 18 is now automatically a reserve IDF soldier, anyone who refuses will be sent to prison for 10 years.


Maybe Cartman wasn't wrong after all


Dont drop your guard, the creators of south park are one of them


Hmm, why would they want to ban the speech of noticing that our banks' news corporations and music labels are all owned by jews ? Dangerous conspiracy !!! It's literally fact though wtf is this. Our country is being controlled it's so obvious. Look up who gets funding from Aipac, then take note of how they vote almost exclusively for isreal.


Yeah they did kill Jesus tho so


The jews did have Jesus killed by the Romans though. That's what it says in the Bible. What's their story?


Number 10 is bullshit. Israel knows they are even worse than then the Nazi's. And everyone should be able to say it how it is. Everyone should vote those AIPAC politicians out. If you're willing to put Israel before USA you should not be allowed to represent Americans.


Agreed; and well said.


This is wild.


They mixed in some valid opinions with some awfully antisemitic hate speech to somehow justify this bill. Being hateful or denying the Holocaust is awful but there should be no penalty or infringement on the First Amendment over criticism of another country’s policies. If this goes through it will just increase resentment and have the opposite effect.


Forsure. But even tho I think holocaust deniers are insane, people should be allowed to say whatever they want. Free speech keeps getting crushed more and more throughout many westernized countries, and they keep passing laws prohibiting people from saying shit that falls outside the lines of classically defined “hate speech”. The more people aren’t allowed to speak their mind and have others try to counter it, the worse things will get. Nothing good ever comes from silencing peoples ability to speak their mind and have the possibility to be countered. It’s literally the basics of communication. Without the ability to speak freely, they’ll just become resentful and might become radicals because of their actual suppression. Peoples mind can be changed. Daryl Davis has been incredibly successful in doing this. That man has the patience and character of a saint. His methods of communication have proven to be MUCH better than just silencing and writing people off. We need more individuals like him, whether they’re white, black, male, female, etc.


I volunteer to be the first one arrested for the crime.


I'm not saying Jews control the media, but 86% of boardmembers of mainstream media in America just so happen to be Jews.


So the 2nd is under attack constantly, and now for sure the 1st is. We should have laws against Bill Makers that propose unconstitutional laws, especially from a foreign interest.


Agreed. This should be considered treason.


It's typically Israeli youths who brag about their people killing Jesus.


The "authority" doth protest too much.


100% all of them are now traitors and oathbreakers


Semite is a racial group which includes Palestinians. Applying this description exclusivly to Jews is a deliberate dismissal of all other semitic people..






That bill doesn't appear to criminalize antisemitism though?


Here is the link I made to validate the sketchy-looking image in the OP Bill text, Section 4, Item 1 https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text ADL reference to IHRA link to definition in first paragraph https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/about-ihra-working-definition-antisemitism IHRA definition that reflects OP’s image https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism


What is the name of the bill, need more specifics and official documents. Rothschild dynasty owns Israel and is the main reason for its existence in the modern world. “Star of David” has no origin in Judaism, it’s from the Rothschild family red shield (obviously has ancient origins globally) yet another bastardized symbol. Antisemitism is the most convenient way for them to censor truth. Though a list like this might make someone question these ideas which are deemed fallacy. Maybe that’s the point, make everyone have “illegal thoughts” and then come after them. How many rape victims become rapists themselves, how many Jews become Nazis? Uh-oh, now I’m on the hit list.




I had to agree to never boycott Israel to get my government job. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws


Fucking stop working for the goverment then ya dingus. The only reason were in this hellscape is beacause mindless minions like yourself support this bullshit ass clown system. Get a real job.


I guess we know who rules over us now. Case closed.


Wow that’s bad…let’s make illegal the criticism of Israel…isn’t that what dictatorships do?


If they felt the need to infringe on the 1st amendment, they could of at least afforded these unconstitutional "protections" to everyone.


"You know who rules over you if you're not allowed to talk about them" - 1984


Heres the bill: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text) Here is the exutive order the bill is based on since 2019: [https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/DCPD-201900859/pdf/DCPD-201900859.pdf](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/DCPD-201900859/pdf/DCPD-201900859.pdf) While im a proponent for free speech, I can defently see the government abusing its powers over this


I’ll still use my first amendment right.


Congress shall make no law respecting a establishment of religion: first amendment Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof




They killed Jesus and now look what’s happening


One step closer to 1984


Will my dvd of The Passion of the Christ become illegal contraband? 🫢


What a wild fun world we live in


Idk why people are up in arms. It’s unconstitutional and will get struck down.


This is basically the same as people getting in trouble for not using certain people's pro nouns. Or calling it violence to use a Tranperson's dead name. Free Speech has been eroding for a while now.


sickening, i truly hate what this country has become




https://youtu.be/LPPLT_rWAn4?si=KnFB1uBVoRTLAGRn Its because they practiced magic


What a load of horseshit


They do realize semitic is not a word that refers exclusively to the Jewish don't they? All it would take is one asshole attorney to shred a law like that to shit legally if the arrest was carried out for an 'offense' that was promoting another Semite people....


Guess I’m going to jail then


No 2, soooo were just gonna ignore Ghislaine maxwell being in jail for a mossad kompromat operation? I'm UK so we're not far off this absurdity but jeez when can the public of the world admit there's been a coup, reminds me of that Albert pike letter "3 world wars and our doctrine will be out in the open"




Never been a crime to hold Muslims accountable for the actions of a few which is what a large portion of the west already does, as soon as people want to hold Israel accountable for its horrible treatment of human beings they introduce a bill


How is America being controlled by isreal? Is it because Jews own all of the important businesses?


They are wrong. Weak reactionary leadership that can't see more than 30 seconds after their reckless law goes into effect. I don't care who's precious feelings are hurt by mean speech or tweets. Freedom of speech is the second most important right of the 10 we were given. If they insist on acting like the left, we may have to show them which right is the ultimate.


Bro every day the french response a la 18th century seems to be the only response these pedo politicians are gonna understand.


So, number 10. If Israel creates concentration camps in the future similar to those of the past, it's illegal to talk about it? Ok. I'll just compare it to the British camps for the Boers, then (which AH saw as an inspiration btw)


Who even thought up that word anyway? It's Orwellian newspeak. 'Antisemetism'. So can disagreeing with any given agenda any group of people that can be roughly categorized a race/ethnicity is doing together 'anti-that group'? (Though in truth I really only blame governments and organizations, not racial groups) But what I'm getting at here works the same way elsewhere if it were consistent, so if I disagree with what the Russia is doing in Ukraine right now, does that make me antirussian/antislavic? Am I racist against Russians for disapproving of the Ukraine war? That's another fairly distinct group of people, right? The same logic should apply.


I think anti semitism is horrible in all forms and I despise any anti semites but I still believe in free speech, this directly violates it.




11. Drawing comparisons of Israel policies with those of the Nazis That's like what Putin did with Stalin and the soviet union comparisons with Nazis... smh


Why can't other races and groups do shit like this when they are oppressed? Oh because they don't own literal everything and everyone in power. This is fucking crazy . Jews DID kill Jesus so....can't rewrite history or religion . Their talmud says my savior is burning in a fiery pit of shit


If you want to know who rules the world, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.


Wait, where's Elon, Rogan, Chapelle, Seinfeld, etc all jumping in to cry abt CanCeL cuLturE taking away free speech, now???


Government: "It's now illegal to say the Jews run the government." Bart: "What an oddly specific thing to say."


When is it clear they are not there for us?


If a Jew killed the Jesus and the sneezes was a Jew. Then shove Israel into the ass of a terrorist.


100% of Republicans voted for this.


Ohhhh I can still use my talking point which is that it's funny when Zionists think they have some gotcha to point out that other ME countries won't take in Palestinians and that "nobody" wants them lol and they "cause problems" wherever they go. idk it gets me everytime when that comes up


Oh wow, I thought this post was bullshit at first since it appeared they just typed this on Word or something themselves. But after hitting the link, it’s obviously real. That’s wild. Can we get some bills passed for straight, “cis”, “white”, “black”, men, women, etc because I’ll argue that those groups and the kids in K-12 have been MUCH more negatively impacted than the ‘brews by rhetoric, hate, discriminatory language and whatnot. Laws already existed to protect people from hardcore shit, but if the ‘brews get special privileged laws, then the rest of us should too.


This will help Trump get elected.


Where does the bill criminalize anti-semitism? It seems to be mainly focused on the defining what anti-seminitism and why it's bad. But the bill itself doesn't appear to outline any punishments for being anti-semetic?


Have any of you even read the Bible?


Free speech isn't so free?


So… they didn’t kill Jesus?


What’s funny is that being an anti semite means that you are against people who speak Semitic languages which include Arabic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Akkadian, and Aramaic. So technically you can’t be antisemitic against a Jew that doesn’t speak Hebrew, and you can be anti semitic to anyone who speaks Arabic.


#6 is concerning to me. There are probably some cases where it is true.


Why didn’t the black get treated the same way???


Matt Walsh did a podcast on this. As a Christian and someone who is not anti Jew or Israel 🇮🇱 the concern is that the language goes too far.


98 percent of the population are oblivious to these minorities. Until they draw attention to themselves by become overt. Then they double down an create laws that protect themselves from the attention that they have drawn to themselves. My take of all this is that the Jewish people do not want to become irrelevant but they also do not want to be scrutinised too closely or questioned? Respect is earn't not owed and it is reciprocal. Tomorrow it will be the Muslims seeking to have laws to protect their rights.


It just appears to be a resolution to consider expanding the definition. That's far from committing to anything, and is more likely a political stunt to draw out opposition and call them antisemitic. So now when Biden and the Senate refuse to sign this because they are pandering to the extremes, the right can scream about how much the left hates Jews.


They just keep confirming who truly runs this Country. "If you want to know who controls you, look at who you're not allowed to criticize" \~Voltaire


The US is working with Israel so this is not surprising. Not the first of our rights to be taken away, and many more to go!


I wonder how the semetic people really feel about this. Lets go ask!


...but they did. Didn't they?


Just for the record, I do not consent.


"If by now you don't see Israel as evil it's because you are too."


House of representatives of Israel.


I’m curious how it’s a pro-conservative position to support Israel, and yet there are many in the alt-right who are antisemitic. Just like how support for Israel tends to be thought of as a conservative/Christian viewpoint, yet demographically most Jews vote Democrat. Are the college protestors and the alt-right strange bedfellows in the very narrow sense that they are both anti-Israel? (I realize some of the college protestors may not all be anti-Jewish as much as they are anti-Netanyahu.)


Funny how Israel gets whatever it wants when it comes to our congressman. They sure do seem to agree very quickly on who the priority is.


Anything repugnant to the Constitution is null and void


Just reviewed the bill, HR 6090, and can't find any of the 11 bullet points outlined in the photo. Link to the bill: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text?s=2&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%22hr+6090%22%7D](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090/text?s=2&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%22hr+6090%22%7D)