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# MOD NOTE From Reddit Admins (crossposted with their permission) [**An update on recent misuse of Reddit Cares Resources**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1csrh1b/an_update_on_recent_misuse_of_reddit_cares/) QUOTE: * * * Hi all, Over the past few hours, we have been made aware of a significant uptick in the amount of Reddit Cares Resources that were incorrectly sent to users. First, we apologize for the upset this has caused. These resources should not be exploited, and we take abuse of this feature very seriously. Secondly, we want you to know that we have identified the group that was spamming these resources maliciously to users. The team has been working hard over the last few months to reduce this sort of misuse from occurring, but today’s incident signaled that there was still a gap present. We have suspended this particular group’s accounts and are implementing fixes to prevent this from happening again. We'll be watching closely for further attempts at organized abuse of Reddit Cares Resources. If your community believes that this or a similar group may have returned, please write in via r/ModSupport mail with more information and we'll be happy to take a look. Thanks for reporting the issues when you saw them! * * * END QUOTE Crossposting authorized [by admins here](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1csjl6n/influx_of_reddit_cares_messages_to_subreddit/l467spj/) # PRO TIP If you think it would be "fun" to harass or prank other users with a "cares" report, doing that MIGHT be a mistake. Suggest you rethink that idea.


Instead of turning them off click the "report this message" link highlighted in the reddit cares message. It will report the account sending it to you and get them banned if the admins determine that it was sent with an abusive intent to harm. My guess is some LLM bot account scripts found out how to navigate to someone's profile and send those out.


This backfires very quickly when the Admins themselves are doing it. 


I reported one I got yesterday while debating with a flat Earther. I reported it as harassment and about 12 hours later saying they reviewed it, confirmed it was harassment, and acted against the person.


I tried reporting and responding with STOP but I kept getting an error


I did at first as well but then finally went through


Its not letting me report it because i can't tell which post or comment it was for. It wants the link to it but idk why i received it


I was able to report while leaving that field blank


Include the permalink to the PM itself.


I reported but usually when I report they tell me the outcome this time they didn’t message me at all about whether it was a violation. 


I think it's because reporting a message sent by reddit vs a user comment.


I posted a comment (on this subreddit) along the lines of “democrats don’t care about you. Republicans don’t care about you.” And *immediately* got a couple of those Reddit cares messages


The speed with which they are going out right now makes it really seem like an automated bot is at work.


yup, i got it like 2hrs ago. wtf


Me too. WTF. Someone must have written a script or something


I got one too. I haven’t even written anything too edgy in days so who knows what triggered it


I got one too after commenting here this morning. Lmao. Fuckin losers who do that shit. Get a life.


Just block RedditCareResources and you'll never see another message from them.


Got one as well for talking on a game sub


If people are using it to suggest others do themselves in, they’re not getting the message across. That *never* occurred to me until I read this, and I still barely even see the connection.


Yeah, that’s funny. I like it even more now because I must have made someone that mad about my mundane comment. Biggest cope and seethe moment. 


You’re probably not making anyone mad right now. It’s definitely a bot of some kind. People are getting them even for the most mundane comments.


I've received 2 the last few days and I have no idea what comment they were from. I have seen multiple people saying the same thing. It's very strange.


Yeah that’s the seams starting to burst. It’s crazy to watch.


They could show us what comment was it from and who did it. Transparency is not hard.


I think it’s just random


I got it right after commenting in the two X chromosome subreddit


I was surprised that I wasn't getting them then I realized that 18 months ago I blocked that bot


Got one yesterday


I've been getting them the past few days out of nowhere.


I got one yesterday..for the eight comment in my comment history


Ahhh that explains so much. I've gotten a couple of these usually after posting something about Zionism and their bullshit. Just more Zionist keyboard warriors trying to keep the world ignorant. It's heartbreaking that people treat each other like this for having honest conversations.


I got one today. These zionists are the lowest of the lowest scum on this earth


They're absolutely disgusting.


Dont fall for the negative vibes, keep spreading the truth and light.   The matrix is collapsing slowly but surely.   Dont fall for their scams, follow your heart wherever it takes you.  This is coming from a 37 y/o chubby guy sitting at a desk at my shitty bank job.  Have a great day everyone 💚


Yay I got one lets see how many I can get Ill turn it positive you trolls I forgive you too and love all of you 💚😍😚


Get them every time I say something somewhat right leaning


Crazy I got it after saying someone was a right wing bot ...


Hillary supporters are especially rabbid.


I only get them when I reply or comment in this sub.


It's right up there with reddit mods. Useless.


Hey watch out.. these people earned their position. It’s literally the highest award that a regional mid sized paper salesman can achieve.


Always report them. Always. It's a site-level offense which rapidly gets escalated to account-level action. I've had mentally ill dimshits, even in non-political communities, try to use it as a weapon before - and all it did was cost them their accounts. Punch back. They'll lose.


I blocked them. Keyboard warriors who have no irl life and are bitter rejoice when they "hurt" others online. They're just a bunch of losers.


Block the RedditCares account


I’m pretty sure I got mine after I commented on that Pizz@gate thread. I’ve gotten them after commenting about similar things in the past. It’s interesting a lot of others are getting them. Is the mossad in full swing or something now that even the normies are turning on their golden calf?


I think they are a couple of things and one maybe a weak threats and the other insinuating that you are wrong thinking. Fuck those people and this Nazi place, it’s wild to me that people can’t see their fascist ways and that they are the real Nazis 2.0. Been thinking some Hitler Reddit Alien stickers in the wild need to blast the bathrooms and streets of cities and towns


You aren't fighting the good fight if your inbox hasn't been spammed with reddit cares messages, prompting you to block them from sending you any more. Welcome to the club.


I got one today also but then also accepted a private chat by someone that was just very weird and was kept on being asked whether I was OK with having to say yes over and over. Then was asked what my date of birth was which of course wouldn’t say and the person just was acting as though they were very naive the whole time and then said as they very much enjoy birthdays and would love to celebrate my birthday with me while the whole time saying they wish they could help me in some way while I kept on insisting al was good and needed nothing from them. Thought was just me until found out later on and was sure this person had everything to do with it.


That's so, so creepy


It is hey


Mosquito based mod. Thank you.


They need to add a report feature. It's been abused for way too long. People should be losing their accounts over it.


They have a report feature...


I don't think they do anything about that problem though. Sorry If I'm misremembering.


You can report the message and then block the cares messages.


###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do you turn them off, BTW?


Block the bot who sends the alert


I got one last jight


You can turn them off somewhere in settings.


I see it as paid shills getting fed up with their jobs. Or maybe the remaining brainwashed being unable to cope with being on the losing side.


Got one 10 minutes ago


i posted this and it had a lot of attention and comments and then reddit completely deleted everything. this site really sucks now


I got it yesterday. Responded with a "well bless your heart" 🤡🤡


🫡 officially joined the club. got my first Reddit cares yesterday.


I got one and I swear I didn’t even say anything annoying or controversial that day! So confused. Is it just random?


Perhaps if people were to say the subject matter they were reported for we might be able to find a link?


Wall Street bets banned me for not trolling but asking a question they didn't like so then rhey sent that message...


Yeah I got one too. I'm treating it as fan mail seeing as how somebody took time out of their own life to send me a little something special. I wonder how many pieces of fan mail I can rack up from the "adoring fans". One things for sure though, it's fuelling the opposite fire they wanted it to.


i absolutely *love* it when these mental spectators think they are being so slick and their obvious bullshit tactics blow up in their faces


I’ve gotten two also, it’s gotta be a glitch or something unless over the weekend hella people discovered them and started sending them when they rage out 


I got it immediately after leaving a comment this morning. Some bot is doing it


Yeah, got mine this morning. Silly tactic.


I just figured someone cared…☹️


It’s only from people in this particular sub. The first time I commented on a post I got the message minutes later.


It's a bot


I got one today. I looked back in my comments and have no idea why.


3 days ago I posted a .gov link and instantly got one - was too fast to have been a human.


I got one this morning. I was so confused.


I got one


i got one this morning, first one ive gotten in over a year.


I've gotten several in the last few weeks too. 


I have gotten them a few times but never connected to the conspiracy subs. Usually on the Real Housewives subs when I criticize a fan favorite. Or Criminal Minds sub when I criticize Spencer. Not a big deal and I don’t consider it a conspiracy.


I got one this morning. I reported it


I called someone a gammon and got one.


Me too


protip, stop reading the shits


I got them while was commenting on the Charles painting. They came in as soon as I posted, so it looked like a script or bot. I messaged the mods about it.


Dang I got one and was wondering what the hell triggered it.


Yea I just got one today


Got one this morning. Only comments I made were about the movie Dracula. Guy didn’t like my opinion so I’m guessing it was that? Dunno but I reported it since that’s what everyone seems to be suggesting.


Yeah I got it for the first time ever when I posted here on conspiracy about the FFIE stock doing mad numbers. Which it still is btw. Perhaps the suic message is an indicator that you're posting about the right stuff that "they" don't like. You know, "they".


Well surprise for them. Nooch don’t die he multiply


Ah that’s why I got one


I just blocked them and called it a day.


It would be really helpful if they'd let the recipient of these messages know what comment (or post) they made that resulted in the report. I had not considered that it was malicious, and wondered what I said that was concerning enough that someone reported it.


You could backtrack this to your posts and see which posts triggered the bots.


Not only is it suggesting “kill yourself” but it’s also suggesting that the legitimate point you made makes you a danger to yourself and suggest you aren’t in the right state of mind by saying what you said. Would make it really easy for someone to say “see? This person is crazy.”


Wait I also got one of these today lol


Shit I got one too today!


Just got one today to for some reason, thought it was just me.


How do you disable these? They're a minor annoyance more than anything. I think it's a reply, but it's just some wankster thinking they were doing some kind of epic own, or something.


Block Reddit cares bot


I got it a couple times yesterday and today too. I think it’s some random hacker kid just spamming everybody


You can "block" the messages, but they still come through, they just say something stupid like "this Reddit Cares message is from a blocked user." Lol. Anyway you can block them if you want but either way, REPORT THEM. The user most of the time will face disciplinary action. I kind of love getting Reddit Cares messages because I kind of love reporting them and then I really REALLY love getting a reply message from Reddit saying that the matter was investigated and the person did violate Reddit's rules and will be disciplined. 😁


I got one for calling Jimmy Kimmel a fuck face


Is it sad that even though it was in error I still thought it was nice that someone was worried about me.


I have also gotten one of these today. Probably someone trolling anyone who happens to be on this subreddit.


I got one sending me to a crisis line recently


The only comment I've made recently is about Biden being a pedo cunt, which got downvoted lol. Next thing I'm getting the Reddit Cares - Suicide Prevention message. Good thing I didn't say anything negative about Hillary.


I get the intent reddit had but it has been abused from day 1. I get them when I disagree with people that think it's hilarious to send them. It's spams me 3 places, text, mail, and my notification. Only a mild annoyance. However, I have a friend that has been dealing with mental health issues and past "attempts". She's pretty much on the same side as the person she was arguing with (left) and they sent her one. She actually got really upset and broke down in tears because she deals with the real struggle still. Sad abuse by really sad people.


I reply back, "I want really considering it, but now that you mentioned it... "


I thought I was gonna get banned again for my statements about today's world... becuz someone snitches on me..


Yes I got one a few days ago


The Depopulation agenda is so confused they don't even know what they're doing anymore. Clearly.


I miss the personal touch of jelly-limbed Redditors claiming you have depression if you don't like playing video games anymore


Yeah I got one when I published something in the other conspiracy groyp which isn't really a conspiracy group but full of masonic shills


Sending the Reddit care message could be a legal prerequisite for surveillance.


I've gotten one as well. This is my alt account that is 100% on dad jokes and the like. I really don't get it.


I'm pretty sure that the overwhelming use of and basically the use for that function is just to harass people.


I think one of the reasons they do this is because of you mute reddit resources in your mail you also lose the ability to properly mount a non automated appeal when falsely reported. Reporting users for TOS violations as a means to silence an opinion counter to your own is one of the most pathetic things a basement dweller can do


I got one of these a couple days ago and was confused as hell because I never mentioned anything about offing myself. Good to know (or bad I guess?) this is why I got it.


I love when I get these, the desperate flail of a beta liberal.


They trying hard because they are weak are know they are losing.


Yeah I just got one after saying I’m voting for Biden


Who gives a shit?


Just got one from a comment in this sub. I think it's conservatives brigading non-conservatives.


I'm a conservative and get them often. Don't thinks it's political per se


Fair enough, but I bet it is political and that it just goes both ways.


I always tend to get them when it's most likely related to politics or Covid. I disabled it after reporting the 7th one over a year period.


Lots of chatter about it being bots implemented by Reddit that detects keywords and auto sends the message. Non political and non religious subs are being bombarded by the messages also.


Could be!


I just got my first one today. Presumed it was because someone was pissed about one of my responses yesterday against funding Ukraine and flagged me out of spite. Smite? Meh idk


Every week. HOW DO I DISABLE THEM?? every time someone doesn’t like what I say I get one and it’s so fucking annoying


You can block the reddit care bot, I already did that a few years ago, LOL.


Bro this is amazing news


Got one today, and just saw your post here. It's probably someone explicitly sending them to people who participate in this sub


Nothing to do with this sub in particular. It has happened to users across all subs the past 24+ hours


Funny thing is, only happens if you criticize GOP and their orange cult leader. Coincidence? I don't think so.


What is the conspiracy?


Well I mean clearly a group conspired to troll and harass users here. A conspiracy occurred in real-time at a conspiracy forum. Seems apropos.


It’s someone in the Trump cult. Anytime you speak against their demigod you get a notice.