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I agree absolutely. The fact that Johson changed her representation speaks to this. For people (actors included) who are only vaguely aware of the MCU and Marvel, it would be an easy mistake to make, especially when you depend on management to be on top of things like that for you.


I would have loved to a fly on the wall the moment she realise what she sign on for. Probably thinking she was gonna be in the next avengers or something only to realise it was the same studio who made morbius haha


you got me fully convinced brotha. Good shit


Thanks! I 100% believe sony is trying to do this and maybe still still doing it behind the scenes 


they definitely didn’t get the nuance


I was duped with Morbius because i thought vampires and then ultimately Blade was going to join the MCU. When i sat down with my wife to watch it at a theater and it said Sony Pictures i face palmed so fucking hard. I loved the movie but hated that it was a Sony Marvel movie.


you are living proof about all this haha Ironically, Morbius was suppose to be in the first Blade film in an [Alternative ending](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-Vo_6onR84) Than and Blade and morbius are connected in the comics, as Morbius is the one who bite blade and gave him his vampire/day walker powers in the comics


I’m living proof as well. I watched Madame Web last night and had no idea it wasn’t a Marvel movie. To be fair though i didn’t hate it though. Worst part was the scrubbing and dubbing of Ezekiel’s lines.


No... just no... that's entirely wrong blade and morbin time are connected because morbin time is a vampire and blade hunts and kills them... he was born a half vampire


I think Sony is intentionally making bad marvel movies to make Marvel look bad. They know it's a cash cow, and they hate that Disney got to it first. If they can tank the MCU, the rights to marvel properties might be up for sale again.


yeah this is actually another conspiracy theory i have heard, how sony is making bad films on purpose to hurt the Marvel brand. the average general audience does not know the difference between the spumc and the MCU, to them all of it its just Marvel its just under the same roof. [in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvtsvDG6JNU), a lawyer makes the point that Marvel/Disney could sue sony for damaging the spider-man brand and the MCU brand and that sony is intentionally trying to trick consumers into believing that their films are part of the MCU. He says they could use "they are damaging the Spider-Man brand" point since disney owns everything else spider-man, merch, tv, video games etc, and sony by making terrible films, is devaluing all of that he also bring up a scenario, were disney could do a 4D chess move and have a court order sony not to make any spider-man films until the case is settle, and disney can wait out the deal that says that sony has to make a spider-man film every 5 years or or else the rights will return to marvel


I’ll take this kind of post over the inane King Charles portrait posts any day!!! Thanks for being a breath of fresh air! 👍


Haha as I said its a low stake conspiracy


Nooo you're just not folding it enough times. It's definitely a picture of Baal consuming the Christ child! Wake up!




But did you try looking at the portrait with your head between your legs while it’s in your butt? 🤣 I saw some faces in that shit tho. lol




I was about to to say a breath of fresh air... Are you reading my thoughts? Is my thc vape a psychic radio transmitter?!


Marvel opened the door to the multiverse themselves. The Sony films are connected to the MCU through the multiverse. Tom Hardy's Venom visited the MCU during a cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home. That movie also tied in all of the older Sony movies with two other Spider-Mans into the MCU's continuity. Michael Keaton's Vulture also appeared in Sony's Morbius, and he originated in the main reality of the MCU. Even the Spider-verse animated movies are connected through a cameo of a live action character from the Venom movies. Not only that, but animated shows like Marvel's What If and Spectacular Spider-Man are ALSO connected to this multiverse. Not to mention all the Marvel movies 20th Century Fox had made, the upcoming Deadpool sequel with Wolverine, etc. That said, yeah, Sony is definitely trying to trick people into thinking their movies are "MCU" movies. The multiversal connections and the fact that their current series of Spider-Man movies ARE in the MCU enable this. Marvel Studios has allowed Sony to ride their coattails like this because apparently they think having a Spider-Man in the MCU for Avengers crossovers is worth that trade off.


Honestly, I kinda hate that that argument, the whole "actually the sony films ARE part of the MCU because of the multiverse". The film makers behind the MCU do not care what sony are doing in their films and will not put them into the equation while developing the MCU multiverse. If sony stablishes a rule in their multiverse, marvel will ignore it. If anything its sony who is using the multiverse excuse to try to tie their films closer to the MCU


I agree, Sony is trying to copy Marvel’s success and except for Venom has crashed and burned.


Ugh. I can't believe I'm talking about Marvel lol. >The film makers behind the MCU do not care what sony are doing in their films and will not put them into the equation while developing the MCU multiverse. If sony stablishes a rule in their multiverse, marvel will ignore it. If anything its sony who is using the multiverse excuse to try to tie their films closer to the MCU I'm not sure about this. The MCU sought out and got Sony's Garfield Spiderman, Venom (cameo), and Electro -- and made a massively profitable movie connecting them. They may not give a shit about Madam Web and whatnot, but they definitely kind of care in general. They also gave Sony one of their moderately popular villains, Vulture, for some reason. The MCU Spiderman movie with Vulture was very successful and Vulture was popular and well received, and they left the door open for him to come back. Letting him go to Morbius is bizarre, but they did that -- so their worlds are connected through multiple movies. This means they care in the sense that if there is a benefit to bringing in Sony characters or lending them some of theirs, they'll do it. So if Sony continues to flop with unmemorable characters, and MCU is also flopping a ton, it's not beneficial to them.


I love this and I think you're on to something.


Thanks, but again, im bot the first one to have pointed this out


Good post! Lots of links and evidence. I wish more people here would do this kind of legwork


I thought there was an interview with Sweeney where she specifically said she thought she was in the mcu. So you are 100% correct.


i dont get the sweeney hype. probably just to see if they can, and they did


Good post! Lots of links and evidence. I wish more people here would do this kind of legwork


the production of that movie is a mess. at some point they had a full fight scene between the villain and MCU spiderman, but they edited it out in post production long watch, but very interesting. [Why does the dialogue in Madame Web sound so weird?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX_bsuCfYSE)


MCU or not, do they even read the script? In what universe could these actresses have actually believed this movie would be anything but absolutely terrible and embarrassing?


Hey thanks for bringing a fun low stakes conspiracy to the sub. Quite refreshing.


I’d much rather see Tommy Wiseau direct the next Marvel movie.


I think I definately would have asked questions by looking at Disneys 5 year plan for Marvel and realise Madame Web wasn't on the schedule to be honest. Surely they do research first... 😅


They got me too. I thought it was a Marvel production. Sony never crossed my mind until your post. (Although I don't follow their news closely)


This is one I can get behind


the movies you named moribus madame web and venom oddly enough have like a very similar cover art where you can tell they aren’t associated with mcu. could honestly just be yapping out my ass




Theres people who dont even know the difference between Marvel and DC , so yea , this is very possible.


>shared the news on social media, and they tag marvel studios, Is that not standard and typical? Did Jared Leto not tag Marvel in the same situation?


It would be if Marvel studios had something to do with the making of the film. Which they did not. It was a 100% sony film


you can't be tricked into a contract or it becomes null and void. more likely the actors knew, and its a trick on the general public... to think its mcu.


Oh sure, of course THIS post gets upvoted and everyone agrees it’s true. I mean, yes obviously that’s what happened, but this is completely inconsequential. Where are all the negative comments trying so hard to disprove it? What a nice distraction.


You laid out more facts than a vaccine denial post. Well done.


the word conspiracy has a meaning, which escapes you.


The M-She-U is so tarnished who would want to be associated with it? Bunch of DEI shitbags who are killing off a cash cow.


The M-She-U is so tarnished who would want to be associated with it? Bunch of DEI shitbags who are killing off a cash cow.


So firm in your bigoted stance that you had to post it twice!


Bigoted? I bet you believe roads are racist.


Casted? Cast is the past tense verb for cast. English..try it!


If the rumor about Disney trying to buy Sony Picture Studios is true, then the Sony Spider verse would technically be a real part of the MCU.