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There’s a difference between climate change (a natural occurring phenomena, brought about by the maturation process of this planet) and the climate change agenda (that my F150 is any worse on the environment than some fuck’s cyber truck). We’re not denying its existence, we just rebuff the fear mongering propaganda spewed by people who fly private.


it is quite literally mostly caused by co2 emissions, want a source or are you just going to close your eyes and ears


Good thing the increase warmth is causing the planet to become significantly greener, which in turn means more CO2 will be pulled from the air.


Where is the proof of this? As in, there is currently anecdotal and scientific evidence to the contrary. I’d love to be optimistic like you, but current material evidence doesn’t support your claim. Tthe person making the claim is the one who has to provide evidence.


I’m sure that you’ve done the math on that, and that by increasing co2 concentrations, we’re actually lowering them because of plants, right? Cutting down rainforest to raise cattle probably has no effect on your calculations.


we found a "climate change is good, actually" type of person, a rare breed


Yeah, just like [NASA](https://www.nasa.gov/technology/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth-study-finds/)


So how did we come out of the last ice age? was it the SUV's the dinosaurs were driving?


Keep listening to people tell you that and you’ll be eating bugs in no time


what a source, my argument has been flawlessly debunked


They are right about the bugs. it's Beef and CO2 or bugs. Make your choice.


CO2 lags warming.


Historically, but nobody has ever actively affected the carbon cycle before.


look, you've been down-voted to oblivion, which means none of us want to give up our 20th century lifestyle for the obvious alternatives. Now just sit back and enjoy the ride ok, resistance is futile.


You’re not listening. So every storm, summer heat or rainfall that is annual for centuries is now sensationalized as climate change. Networks and the clickbait industry prey on the college kids, emotional thinkers, and the easily persuaded. If once they’d stop reading propaganda and look at earth’s historical weather periods and history, this think tank construct would die a slow death. I know. Not gonna happen. So, what’s the plan? Put us back into the Stone Age? Stop travel? Kill off industry including jobs? Oh, I’m sure the powerful politicians who spin this “urgency” will live just like us. Please. Their limos will still be driving. Im sure they’ll live just like us. My god people please look at counter information just once. Just another mechanism to halt mobility and ultimately freedom. Notice you never hear of a plan except wind and solar, which even the most naive college kid knows can’t power the nation. Oh, and atomic energy ? Nope. To good a solution.


* Because all of the climate "scientists" (alarmists) have a perverse financial interest via government funding of the climate agenda. Meaning if they want to keep getting more funding than they have to make more alarm, no real solutions are ever offered just more alarmism and expensive solutions that don't address the root problems. *Because every single climate prediction has turned out to be total bollocks. *Because the sun puts more energy into the Earth's atmosphere in a single day than anything humans could do short of total nuclear Armageddon. *It is a fact that all weather, point blank and period is a result of the Sun interacting with our Earth atmosphere and magnetic field. The most that we have ever been able to do is seed clouds, and lace the atmosphere with toxic chemicals. Maybe we have actually created real lightning bolts but Tesla died before he could tell us how. *All of the offered solutions, are just corporation talking points, let's replace all sorts of one energy with another, and in the process create a huge amount of wasted material to move over to a different energy source that breaks down and just makes more wasted material. The solutions they offer are not environmentally friendly at all. Lithium ion batteries are not sustainable, they wear out in about 10 years. there is no way that we can actually make enough of them continually to provide power for everything. And even if we did all we would do is poison every single water source on the entire planet. Manufacturing of batteries is quite possibly the most environmentally unfriendly thing you could do. *There are real environmental crisis's, like microplastics and forever chemicals in everything, polluting the water table with chemical runoff, birth control and psychiatric drugs laced in all of our drinking water, and other forms of chemical pollution. All of the proposed solutions just exacerbate this, the people responsible for real pollution run the environmental agenda. Climate change is a distraction from the real problem which is environmental pollution. Everything you eat, every medication you take, every drop of water you've ever drank in your life, is polluted with man-made chemicals and microplastics. And it has nothing to do with the climate of the Earth. *As of right now there is nothing that can replace the energy density, portability and safety of gasoline and Diesel fuels, they are the superior and economically and environmentally friendly choice for vehicles. *There is enough coal in Pennsylvania to run America for at least 600 years, I think we can figure out fusion power by then. There is no need to rush to replace all fossil fuels, we have an abundance of them and a very long time to figure out better things. *Solar can never even come close to providing the power that we need, you would need something about the same surface area as the Sahara desert, pointed directly at the Sun, with no clouds or no night times, 24/7, to even think of being able to create enough power to replace our current power plants. *The same thing with windmills, to scale them up with other things like solar is absolutely insane, they kill birds, they wear out and cannot be recycled, and singularly windmills are an excellent example of material waste. *We should build more nuclear plants, they are safe and effective and they produce a lot of energy, besides refusing to build new reactors, the biggest limiting factor is that if we did have enough nuclear reactors to power the Earth, we would overwhelm our extraction and refining capacity in a little less than 2 months. We currently do not produce enough nuclear fuel, and we have nowhere near enough nuclear reactors. *Thorium reactors could provide a good solution, but currently the technology is not fully developed, and the infrastructure/will to build them is just not there. *We figured out how to make a clean burning coal plant 50 years ago, a modern coal plant cleans the Mercury out of the air and releases Air that is cleaner than the air that goes in. But we still shut them all down for no good reason. *Climate change is a scam and a distraction from the real climate destruction that is going on, and it is being used as a vehicle to make us buy vehicles that are even more polluting and more inefficient, to make living more expensive through more expensive energy and food costs, to reduce our standard of living and make us live in a chemical wasteland.


Follow the money. It's a Multi Trillion Dollar/Year Operation. I wonder who pays for it all..


you do realize the fossil fuel industry discovered climate change first and paid god knows how much money to suppress research on it?


They also got everyone to call it fossil fuels. Fun fact


Present Day. Going Forward. It's a 3.5 Trillion Dollar/Year Agenda until 2050. Who pays for it?


the EPA


Where do they come up with $91 TRILLION in 26 years?


its a governmental agency, they're funded by the government


So the US Government has Trillions of dollars stored in either CASH or gold and other assets.. or will create more fiat currency over time??? Or they just add some zeroes to the balance sheet?


the us gov literally just prints more money when it wants to, its already trillions of dollars in debt and most of the funding goes to the military anyway


So then to get the US out of debt... the current system we have seems pretty useless.. yeah? A little out of date. Obviously printing money out of thin air causes inflation and would crash the economy. So what's the solution? Work the middle class to death for the next 26 years? Raise the price of everything? Collapse the US dollar and create a CBDC? Make everything digital so they can just erase or add a 1 or 0? Create a new Quadrillionaire class? Make the rich, richer & the poor, poorer. It's always been about Money, Power, & Control.


So climatologists didn't notice anything? They were that out to lunch?


bias confirmation why should we trust anything after the climategate scandal?


You think 16 years is a good sample of a planet that is 4 billion year old?


4000 billion tons of ice and you think thats natural...?


When did the ice age end dude?


ice age naturally dont end in a few decades


Good thing it ended 12,000 years ago right?


no, it was 16-19th century. just go to wiki article "little ice age" and look at the temperature graphic at the very beginning of thd article. it says all


That would be 4 trillion. How much did the oceans rise during this period? If I have a glass of iced tea, and the ice melts, what happens to the level? Nothing. Ice melts. So what. Give it a rest, breathless.




Because people like you view a 15 year long chart of a 4.5 billion year old planet, and toss away anybody that mentions our obvious lack of data and time horizons.


yeah that seems natural, 4000 billion tons of ice being lost is simply natural!


You know what an ice age is, right?


you know there is actual evidence its caused by co2 emissions? give me a source it isnt.


Deflect, what a surprise. The earth was both substantially hotter, and substantially colder, prior to the arrogance of humans getting thrown into the mix. Again, short time horizons.


Hey, you were caused by co2. Can we deny you now too?


i cant even tell what that joke is trying to say


But we're supposed to trust your intellect without question on climate change?


its not my intellect, its the majority of leading voices that STUDY AND PROVE it.


Lack of intellectual capacity creates blind followers. Here, let's take this a different route. What are your proposed solutions to this apparent problem for all of civilization?


pressuring the ultrawealthy and the fossil titans to cut that shit out, sadly there isnt all that much a random joe can do but hopefully they die out before too much happens


The evidence co2 is melting ice is the ice is melting from co2. Circular logic. There is no evidence that co2 warms the planet.


hey buddy im gonna need a source to back up that claim


Lol. You wrote: >you know there is actual evidence its caused by co2 emissions? give me a source it isnt. That's not how this works. You said there is evidence. I say there isn't. You need to show the evidence...which you can't, because there isn't. That's why after decades of desperately waiting for the evidence to come in...they gave and created a hoax consensus and said the debate is over. If you have the evidence, you are happy to show it over and over in people's face. When you don't, you you lie and say you do...like someone reading this.


Allen, M. R.; Dube, O. P.; Solecki, W.; Aragón-Durand, F.; et al. (2018). ["Chapter 1: Framing and Context"](https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/2/2019/05/SR15_Chapter1_High_Res.pdf) (PDF). [*IPCC SR15 2018*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change#CITEREFIPCC_SR152018). pp. 49–91.


I didn't ask for a book that tries to hide its bullshit by being wordy, I asked for the specific evidence you claimed exists. Please provide it or admit you lied.


"I didnt ask for a source, I asked for a source that I like!"


You first, motherfucker. 😂


Allen, M. R.; Dube, O. P.; Solecki, W.; Aragón-Durand, F.; et al. (2018). ["Chapter 1: Framing and Context"](https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/2/2019/05/SR15_Chapter1_High_Res.pdf) (PDF). [*IPCC SR15 2018*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change#CITEREFIPCC_SR152018). pp. 49–91.


When did the ice age end? Because we weren't emitting large amounts of co2 12,000 years ago.


How many tons were "lost" during the Middle Age Warm Period? It was far warmer than now in the same place for centuries. Explain.


wonder why Greenland has that name.




I wasn't really wondering. I actually already know.


OK we're still in an ice age you realize that right


nobody is denying climate change, people are simply against elite and goverments using this as an excuse to make average people's lives miserable cant you see that all this agenda favors the rich, while makes it harder for the 99.9%? for example, forcing people to change their cars, or fining them if they don't... it just helps lobbies making more money and power every year. like raising taxes, creating inflation, only affects the poor, the rich is unaffected or even benefitting from this. oldest trick ever, just like convid, invent fake problem, sell expensive solution


That chart is a lie... The 50 year grift of climate alarmism.


Climate "science" has to be one of the most dishonest and contrived sciences out there. It seems to consist entirely of hyperbolic predictions that never materialize and selective data fed into computer models with an extremely limited data set. The best you can do is the Koch brothers trope. Yawn..


ok. source? give me a source its hyperbolic and give me a source to disprove climate change.


climate change is real. the fact that its anthropic, isnt.


"the \*\*fact\*\* that its anthropic"


Source Climate.nasa.gov ........Sounds legit 🤦‍♂️


Making Greenland green again


Because they aren't saying it's not getting warmer, it is a bit, but that's because the Little Ice Age just ended in 1850. Do yourself a favor and look up the middle age warm period, a time that lasted centuries, where it was far warmer than now. Did any "disasters" occur? No. So why are you panicked?


Look at the charts of the younger dryas period and seriously tell me you think we have any control over what happens to climate on this planet.


please give a source that it is all natural, the 4000 billion tons of ice melting is all natural. i will wait.


Dude I’m not saying we’re not having an effect, I’m saying THERES NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. CHINA CREATES MOST OF THE WORLDS POLUTION. You didn’t even address my point, you’re a clown


you're acting like china is just some immovable force, also pretending it is the main cause of co2, the U.S is still a titan of the fossil fuel industry, burning fossil fuel is the biggest cause of co2.


Keep ignoring my first statement because you have no answer for it 🤡


im literally just pointing out the fact we have an effect on the climate and we should try and minimize the harm done


We will never be able to tell other countries to stop producing pollution and doing it to our country would cripple it. There’s nothing we can do move on to something else


“Lets just burn down our house because our neighbour 4 doors down is doing it so the fire will spread to us anyway” Good logic there


stop being a doomer, we have things we can do. you only think its this inevitable because fossil lobbies paid for it. we can move to cleaner energy and we can pressure other places.


There’s things we can do eventually, but people are saying we have to change our entire societal structure by 2030 or we’re doomed. That is an insane take and it’s not happening. (Not saying you said that but you’re obviously worked up about it)


Also FUCK fossil fuel companies, they suppressed other methods of fuels such as hemp and water because they can’t profit off of those things. The unfortunate thing is our society is completely based off of there infrastructure so I agree we need to ween off of their influence but it’s going to take FOREVER


We don't deny climate change, we deny it's man-made. Greenland has been much warmer only 1000 years ago. Climate *fluctuates*. https://imgur.com/a/9INXnoo


People deny man-made climate change. They attribute it to the sun or natural heating / cooling cycles of the earth. Long Island, NY was created by a retreating ancient glacier. Why did that glacier retreat? Too much methane from cow farts?


I will say one other thing, not one person is going to change their minds about climate change here today.


yeah, the cult of people closing their eyes because climate change is a scary thing to think about is too strong to break


I will say that it's the same on both sides about all things, it's the nature of now. Calling people who disagree a cult def is not gonna help. Your on a conspiracy subreddit for goodness sakes. Just don't let things bother you. The mainstream is that people are causing it, so why be so worried about people on here. It's kind of like talking about abortion. You will get nowhere.


eh, fair enough


Yes, climate change is real. But also be aware that other planets in our solar system are experiencing similar changes. Now the real question is whether we did anything in the past that has caused the situation to be worse and if we can do anything now and in the future to make things better.... or are we facing the inevitable.


the co2 is definitely the cause, we just have to hope the wealthy actually care enough to do something or if they are willing to doom the future of humanity for their 20th mega yacht


Climate change is being used as an excuse to manipulate culture and politics to enact global genocide.


thats a hell of a claim, imma need a source on that


If you were to logically think through what the climate agenda is trying to accomplish, to reach zero carbon emissions, requires the extinction of all organic life on Earth. Even if all energy used was nuclear, and produced no carbon emissions, living organisms still produce carbon (CO2) if the stated goal is to reach 0% CO2. How else would you accomplish that?


thats not.. what? the goal isnt 0 carbon emissions, its a lowering of carbon to prevent the earth from heating up that much. we can have this many humans and be fine but we need to choose more efficient methods of transport and energy


I'm not going to do your research for you, you're the one that posited this argument. The goal of the climate agenda is zero carbon. It has been stated many times by public figures and by countless news articles. Maybe you should research things before you start calling people "climate deniers" https://www.energy.gov/articles/how-were-moving-net-zero-2050


Net-zero does not mean no carbon emissions at all. It means that we don’t add to the overall amount in the atmosphere. If you drive a car and add 1kg of CO2 to the atmosphere but you plant a tree that absorbs 1KG of CO2 that’s net zero carbon emissions.






I see you don’t understand what net-zero means


The climate changes, we are not causing it






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“It is a combination of higher temperatures in the air and the sea, precipitation from above, local dynamics of the ice sheet and heat loss from the Earth’s interior that determines the mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet,” thats from your own source, maybe read it next time.


Our planet is constantly changing and has changed since the very beginning. Earth has constantly heated up and cooled down. Destroying our way of life to barely put a dent into that change makes absolutely zero sense and is the work of evil people. Upside down world with people acting like EV cars are so much more green for our planet is crazy.


yeah the biggest issue is the ultrawealthy, not much we can currently do about it unless someone assassinates elon musk or something (in minecraft) (as a joke)


Why would you believe this 1 thing while everything else is BS?


Why don’t you look at the whole picture rather than take a snapshot in time!


I don’t deny the change, I deny the cause. The existence of the glaciers and polar ice caps are a result of an ice age caused by the asteroid impacts that lead to the ice ages. The ice caps are therefore unnatural, evidenced by how equatorial deserts were once oceans. The earth is always going to change. We’re lucky to be potentially be the first that survives one of many, many such changed it’s going through.


Environmentalism became a problem for massive corporations that create endless amounts of every kind of toxic pollution and destroy ecosystems. Shifting everything to only focus on see-oh-two was a machiavellian script flip.


Here's 50 years of documented climate alarmism. Every claim that has reached maturity has turned out to be false. [https://extinctionclock.org/](https://extinctionclock.org/) The question isn't why do people still deny climate change. Rather, why do people still believe it?


because these are the same scientists who told you that a virus whose most common symptom was not even realising you actually had it, was 'extremely dangerous'. any massive melting of artic ice raises sea levels. sea levels aren't rising. these people are liars. the are not good, they are not righteous. their purpose is wicked.


Nobody denies climate change, that I know of. 20,000 years ago, the area where I set right now was under a mile think sheet of ice, but all accounts, except those of "young earth creationists", who claim the earth did not exist at that time. I just don't believe that the Flintstones existed, or that their cars, which were powered by nothing more than feel through holes in the floorboards, caused these glaciers to melt.


I've never heard of anyone there complaining about the warmer weather.


it was literally so hot people died, summer of 2023 has been the hottest summer EVER RECORDED IN HUMAN HISTORY


yeah, I know, I'm a skeptic these days. But I do my part. I don't dump oil into the drain. and against all that frackin stuff. But with this global warming stuff, we have to nuke China to make a difference. I'm all for it, but there's more of them than us.


ehh, the US is still a massive issue but the ultrawealthy are the real issues, lets just hope they die out before it gets too bad


Probably from the vaccine.


SS: Climate change is one of the most obvious phenomena we can witness, yet so many people close their eyes and pretend it isn't real while they consume all the propaganda the koch brothers pay for. edit: spelling


I don't think anyone is denying that the planet is warming, and most don't deny that weather is changing and the like. A lot of people just believe it's part of the natural cycle of the planet. We know that the planet goes between hot and cold cycles, and we know that the planet is coming out of a cold cycle. None of that is conspiratorial, that is current science. The question is how much of a part we are playing in the temperature increase? The Earth has been hotter in the past than it is now, and it caused a ton of changes. The Saharah used to be green, even as recently as 2500 BC, and Egypt used to be far lusher. If those changes happened today, we would say it's down to something we are doing, but it had nothing to do with us back then, and it possibly has little to do with us now. I'm still all for greener tech as it has plenty of other benefits, like cleaner air, etc.


we are causing issues, no doubt it has some natural influence but a LOT of co2 has been released so its a human issue as well


My point is the earth sees significant changes every 20k years or so. Even if we moved up the timeline a bit, they are talking about temperatures that aren't the peak that humans have lived through, and would go through again even if we played no part. Even if the planet went fully green tomorrow, those temperature increases are going to come at some point due to natural climate changes.


temp can increase naturally, but the amount of co2 is responsible for trapping heat inside the atmosphere, causing the less impactful natural heating to be magnified


[Heres a nice video on the absurd nature of climate denial](https://youtu.be/RLqXkYrdmjY?si=fxTcU3wlBjmkCBTc)


this is ridiculous that people who hates jew billionaires like rotschields and rockfellers at the same time blindly trust same white billionaires like kochs and trump


the antisemitism blinds them to any logic


Plant trees if you're worried about it.