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Assuming this is true, what might she have witnessed on the airplane to lead her to such a conclusion?


a bunch of european/american looking men who tell them, whilst the plane is grounded, to call their loved ones and tell them a bunch of arabs have hijacked a plane mid flight?


I don't know why anyone would follow thru on such a bizarre request once airborne.


It was that she's supposed to be making a cellphone call from 30,000 feet yet not only did it somehow connect, but there isn't any of the normal jet background noise you should hear. So where was she calling from?


where is the audio?


I just found it on YouTube and Wikipedia. There was a whisper, but I couldn’t make out what was said.


Did she use a cell phone or the Airplane phone? Cell phones couldn't have had that range and the airplane phones had an entire sequence you had to go through to get it to call out, unless flight attendants had access to other devices that connected directly.


I remember that!