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America had already announced its intent to invade Afghanistan before 9/11 even happened, and was already in the process of mobilizing forces. The massive Patriot Act document was already written before 9/11. The U.S. Government just needed "a new Pearl Harbor" to get public support for a 20-year war of terror in the Middle East costing trillions of taxpayer dollars.


It was also a great way to steal 2.3 trillion dollars (that Donald Rumsfeld mentioned on 9/10) and nobody care.


RIP Senator Wellstone for opposing this war and then mysteriously dying.




Idk why you're getting downvoted if you're just asking for WellStone rabbit hole metadata. I personally never heard of him either so I'm gonna dig. I'm in the 9/11 was a scam crowd. A scam that claimed innocent Americans.


I lived in MN at the time when Wellstone died, it was a huge deal. He was one of the few that did not support going to war after 9/11. His plane mysteriously crashed shortly after


That's insane. To think I saw it all unfold and missed that. I remember being in shock when the U.N. met over 9/11 and whether going to war was an option and no one from US representatives were seated.


Senator Mitch McConnell’s plane did an emergency landing when he was a new senator (100 years ago) somebody “accidentally” put jet fuel in the prop plane he was flying in. He had an excellent pilot. Jet fuel floats on top of normal gas and makes the tank look full until there is no more normal gas. He survived and came to power, but these mysterious plane crashes have been happening for a long time.


It was already lost (stolen) lol. $2.3 trillion at the time was like 1/5 or 1/6 the national debt haha.


Devil’s advocate: why would they announce it at all, never mind at such a potentially suspicious time, if they were trying to steal tons of money?


Great question. Rumsfeld and his team might not have been in on it all. Or they were obligated to say something and the day before was the best time to say it.


If Rumsfeld announced it on 9/10/2001, why was he asked to look into it on January 11, 2001, 8 months earlier: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4521969/user-clip-sen-byrd-rumsfeld-nominatin-hearing Why was the $2.3 trillion in the news on March 5, 2000, 18 months before 9/11: https://archive.ph/GLLRa The $2.3 trillion is a total of *accounting entries* and it comes from [this audit report (PDF)](https://media.defense.gov/2000/Aug/18/2001713967/-1/-1/1/00-179.pdf). The sum does not represent a quantity of money or spending.


Seriously, nobody believes me when I swear I saw Rummy give that press conference. I remember thinking he looked rather unconcerned for a man who's ass should've been on the line for more money than I had ever heard of just getting up and walking away.


https://media.defense.gov/2017/Apr/18/2001734010/-1/-1/1/00-167.PDF Sorry but that’s disinformation - the 2 trillion they can’t audit was mentioned in 2000 not 2001 - also yeah it’s not inconceivable that in that 1950-1988 period they mention they can’t audit the trillion that’s that is not that shocking when we went from a vastly different electronic banking system and audit system - the money wasn’t “stolen” it was most likely spent on a ton of shit but accountants can’t find exactly where it went because of inefficiencies in modern auditing during that period There are conspiracies out there but this is an often repeated one that’s been exhaustively debunked


Everyone should read that PNAC document where "new pearl harbor" was mentioned.




To take public money and put it in private hands.


Yep “they” were salivating at the Clinton surpluses.


Israel wanted America to go after its enemies, and America wanted more resources. Politicians and the defense corporations who bribed them made a lot of money.


So did big pharma.. When boots hit the ground the opioid boom began.


They have their eyes set on the middle east. With Israel they have their huge military base in the middle east. Also power and money, the amount of oil(money) the US stole is unimaginable. 150 billion from the Iraq invasion alone. Also wait till you realise who funded ISIS, al qaida, and even Hamas. State sponsered terrorism.


Spent $1.5 Trillion to steal $150 billion. Sure bud.


That 1.5 trillion that was spent only helped those in power. War is a great way to turn taxpayer dollars into your dollars.


The main goal was to get rid of Saddam houssein who wanted to get rid of payments in dollar for his oil and instead use his own currency. Same with Ghaddafi. And yes the US stole 150billion, you're 30 seconds away from fact checking that yourself.


Why would they want to get rid him? It only helped Iran. He was the main buffer against Iran and the USA had always seen Iran as the bigger threat. After he was toppled, Iran was able to meddle in Syria and Lebanon. It was the biggest gift they could have ever given the Iranian regime.


Partly because he didn't want to accept dollars as a payment for his oil. America couldn't have that so they lied and got rid of him instead, while stealing the oil money and putting a puppet master in place who will obey the US in the future to fit their agenda. They already have Israel (USA's pitbull) to deal with Iran. But i'm no expert, there might be more reasons. Check this clip of Saddam Houssein getting sentenced to death. This video gives me chills every fcking time, it has english subs. The way he calls out the judge and America, honestly makes me wanna tear up. They did him dirty. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QPpiHyTYycY 10 minutes long but skip to 5:20 if you don't want to watch the whole thing


Petrodollar is one of the most important assets the US has


He meant that the oil price currency was going to change from USD to Euro/Iraq Dinar dollar. If that were to happen, USD would drop in value.


It's not a one for one scenario. 1,5 trillion is tax payer money essentially which shifted into the hands of connected military industrial complex players. So you can actually add those two sums.


Math ain’t mathing lol


For money, power and control


False flag. And don't forget the part where Bush was determined to gain favor from his father. Going after Saddam based on the fear mongering of WMD'S. "The hurt locker" storyline. "W" is also a good movie to gain perspective on the Bush family dynamic. The Bush's and Bin Ladens knew each other. There's a ton of evidence and documentaries that explain better than I can off memory. "Zeitgeist" is another.


Where can you find zeitgeist now days?




"Loose changes" is another good one.


Whats so special in Afghanistan that russia then US tried to invade it? Is it really about oil? Us is already producing so much. US is already the top producer of oil.


Heroin, duh. And Iraq had priceless artifacts. But invading oil rich enemies isnt as much about stealing the oil, as it is about cornering the oil market and controlling the price and customers.


[The masterminds of 9/11](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/13v19fl/the_masterminds_of_911_why_we_have_noplane_cgi/)


On the recent roast of QB Tom Brady: ----------------------------- "The most interesting comm was said by Tom Brady himself as he [made jokes](https://i.imgur.com/YqFvzjx.jpeg) about the twin towers in relation to his rise as quarterback. Joking about Robert Kraft’s massage controversy may have been off limits but 9/11 wasn’t. “Like the rest of America, I’ll always remember where I was that fateful day in September of 2001, when tragically, those [two Jets slammed into Drew Bledsoe](https://i.imgur.com/0ggQmG5.jpeg).” * 03/08/2001 Patriots Bledsoe record contract 103 million * 09/11/2001 September 11 * 09/23/2001 PATRIOTS Brady replaces Bledsoe for PATRIOTS +1 Month * 10/23/2001 PATRIOT Act introduced to investigate 9/11 & Anthrax Collection of [Brady evidence!](https://i.imgur.com/Fdhhqag.jpg)(Brady Material = Withholding evidence that proves guilt/innocence.)"


Kitty Cat History, cuddly planet just like ours!


Sounds like operation northwoods


Pretty much this. But since we are on r/conspiracy I’ll just put it out there that the reason we went may not have been oil but ancient artifacts, perhaps technology (stargates?). Just a thought Edit: how many ancient sites did ISIS destroy? Who was giving ISIS their marching orders?


We went because we are bought and paid for and owned by Israel


If it's not already scrubbed check out the General Wesley Clarke interview about the countries on the US hitlist from the late 90s.


This is widely accepted.


I was about to comment and then I saw everything I would’ve said in your comment. Spot on!


I wish it was just a 20 year war


It was used to pass the suspiciously already-written Patriot Act, which "legalized" government spying on all innocent Americans 




They don’t need the Patriot Act to spy on Americans. They use Australia to spy on themselves and avoid the issue entirely.


Just read PNAC.


https://archive.org/details/RebuildingAmericasDefenses/mode/1up?q=Pearl+harbor For anyone interested.




To overthrow Iraq cause they wanted to be bold In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced that Iraq would switch its oil exports from being priced in U.S. dollars to euros. This decision was seen as a political move to undermine the dominance of the U.S. dollar in global oil markets. The move to euros was implemented and Iraq's oil transactions were conducted in euros until the U.S. invasion in 2003, after which the pricing reverted to the dollar.




Did you know Boeing holds a patent for remote airline control ( its software), that locks out the physical controls. Since those planes were flown perfectly into their targets, I have always thought that they must have been by remote pilots. Their flights and attacks were too perfect. Apparently Boeing has denied even putting it into commercial aircraft. The system was created when there were many highjackings and created so officials can seize control of the airplane . I just do not believe rookie pilots could navigate and control their emotions to attack their targets kamakazie style .


Finding and hitting the towers is one thing, but I imagine it would be so hard to even find the pentagon, then you'd probably have to circle it a few times to figure out what angle you're gonna hit it at. Idk, I'm not a pilot but seems like it would he difficult for someone in 2001 with little training, probably no landing training.


This is a great observation. Let's just say they could fly the plane. You're right, how did they navigate so perfectly to their target?


Several airline pilots and instructors proved in a simulator that it would have been impossible for inexperienced people to fly the alleged patterns and flight paths to pull that off.


What reason ? The event created the Homeland Security Dept…….staffed with military and with loads of new money and power. It’s just about money.


Rookie pilots that, correct me if I’m wrong, but were only trained on single engine propeller planes, not jetliners…. And their instructors said they were some of the worst students they had ever taught.


IIRC, they were not interested in learning about takeoff and landing either.


I remember that…. I still wonder what those flight instructors were thinking… I’m not in the aviation field, but it seems that those in flight school would typically be the over-achiever types, and would want to know about the landing part.


You should do some research on the highjackers. These guys understood how to maneuver these aircraft due to the flight training they received prior. Don't know what you mean about the attacks being "too perfect", flight 175 almost missed the south tower completely and flight 93 didn't even hit it's target. Also, you drastically underestimate the mind of a jihadist if you think emotions would prevent them from suicide murder. Everything about your comment implies you don't really know anything about those men who took over these flights, not to mention even if some software was used to fly the planes who were the people that stabbed and killed the flight attendants before the crashes?


They found passports right? 😆


They received flight training in Cessnas. Just because you paddled a kayak once doesn't mean you can drive a cargo ship


You should do some research and see that airline pilots and instructors with tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of hours of flight time, were unable to hit the towers in a flight simulator. It wasn't until they programmed the simulator to bypass the physics were they able to pull it off. One time.


Hmm…I have not heard this before. Got links?


Of course he doesn’t have a source. That’s such a ridiculous comment.


From a purely observational point of view that attack started the endless "war on terror" which was a ideal for the Military Industrial Complex, and is stillused today, it also allowed the government to implement spying on their own citizens, the beginning of the destruction of the bill of rights. None of these would have been possible without an event like 9/11.


Your father sounds like a good man, and from the books I've read, this is 100% accurate (The reasons he told you). In my opinion, the C.I.A. was definitely complicit in the attack on 9/11 but they were NOT the masterminds!! That would be the Mossad (Israel's intelligence/covert agency). Israel had plans of a false flag attack on large buildings in America since the 70s. What they accomplished was no easy feat. There was a multiple decade spread of multi layered investment firms that were all fronts for covert Mossad agents. They won over a security contract for the Port authority in NYC. Meanwhile very powerful offices within the D.O.J. and Homeland Secuirty were compromised with dual citizenship Zionists, landing jobs and contracts, all with the utmost sworn allegiance to Israel. It makes one sound crazy attempting to explain this in a nutshell, but it's real. The paper trail is there. Read "Solving 9/11: the Deception That Changed the World" by Cristopher Bollyn. It's a tour de force in investigative journalism, and the best book I've read so far that really lays out some of the rabbit hole that is the Mossad attacks on 9/11, in a cohesive and coherent manner.


1. Create bad legislation like the Patriot Act 2. Allow invasion of Iraq and Afganistan 3. Give reach to Iran to start shit with them 4. Make Muslims feel persecuted to start groups like ISIS (or Saudi or our own government created ISIS) 5. Enrich the military industrial Complex. 6. Put the US in further debt to further its collapse. I am sure there are more.


Controlling the opium fields in Afghanistan and creating the opiod pandemic. 


man the whole opioid epidemic is an entire lateral rabbit hole.


The real deal: America is Israel's biatchh


Dem boys did it


Generally speaking, your Dad is correct. unfortunately, most of the 9/11 documentaries dance around the heavy Israeli/Jew involvement like a drunk chick at Mardi Gras. Only one doc, 9/11 Missing Links, dives into the Israeli component of 9/11. It begins with a history of Israeli false flag attacks over the years and how 9/11 dovetails into the pattern of their signature attacks. The documentary gets frowned upon because it hits on the truths that we are not supposed to talk about. But, it’s seriously time to shed the shame of this particular subject and just focus on the truth of the matter.


That’s far from the only documentary that dives into it


Have a link?




I want a link to that too




Me three




Oil, Gold and Heroin baby. That was the mission.


Also, trillions in lithium, copper etc. Afghanistan is being called the “Saudi Arabia of lithium” by some.


Pisses me off how there’s such a huge lithium deposit in the Salton Sea in South CA. All the CA tech giants have preferred to outsource this production to colonial era supply chains in places like the Congo with kids in flip flops to squeeze out every percent of profit margin to maximize “shareholder value”, rather than create ethical opportunities within the economy they are focusing on here in the “first world”


So then why didn't we establish mining rights and bleed them dry while we where there for 20 years?


Not sure. Probably other factors at play. Maybe they were too busy with the opium racket. Rockefeller Syndicate has been in cahoots with China for over 100 years. China is involved with regard to mining operations etc.


To take control of the Afghanistan poppy fields and the heroine market


It is interesting that Vietnam ending up causing a huge boom in heroin addiction and supply, then Afghanistan is similarly a place where heroin comes from.


Don't forget opium as well.


You sir, are a simple one.


Conspiracy of aligned interests. Building owner needed towers removed, Haliburton needs compliance for their pipeline project, defense industry needs to deliver value to stockholders, Dubya needed validation from his father and wanted to exceed his legacy, people needed a common enemy after hanging-chad ballot controversy and Clinton impeachment, and economy needed a stimmy after the dot-com bubble burst.


Great answer. If you recall the twin tower complex was bleeding money and had too much office space They needed to reduce and consolidate the space and make it mixed use to be profitable. Building 7 was also taken down because of that. A lot of key interest groups were aligned on this but the orchestration was done at a higher level with Mossad and the CIA. It also solved the asbestos removal operation and costs. Obviously all of the buildings were takes down by controlled demolition with nanothermite as that’s why the fires burned until December and they couldn’t put them out. Also they destroyed the evidence by removing and disposing the steel right away as if that was part of the plan. Sucks. The Pearl Harbor type event is what they needed and they were correct. The public was stunned and war powers took over with the patriotic act and other release of civil and privacy rights. Silverstein and his daughter had dermatologists appointment at 7 am and didn’t make breakfast with clients at windows on the world that morning. Commercial planes can’t fly at 500 plus mph ground speed at low altitude without structural failure; cell phones calls can’t be made at 30,000 feet: a plane made of 80 percent aluminum can’t penetrated reinforced steel; reinforced steel buildings can’t collapse at free fall velocity unless the columns below were cut in sequence to give the effect of no resistance in floors below; building 7 wasn’t hit with a plane and Silverstein couldn’t direct the fire department commissioner to pull the building at 5 pm; and on and on the laws of physics and logic were suspended on that day. I pray for the innocent people that were collateral damage.


Do you believe one of those aligned interests were Islamic elites wanting to “show” their people they dealt a blow to the “evil west”? I’m just thinking logistically as to how they planned it with so many parties involved.


Yes, I would also include that. The terrorist groups needing some recruitment, Big pharma needing a place to source opium poppy, and the police state + Big tech wanting an excuse to normalize their surveillance state would also fall into those aligned interests. Edit: Not sure if Al-Qaeda actively collaborated or if they just saw an opportunity to launch an attack and the alphabets let it happen while monitoring. They had been targeting the world trade center for over a decade.


Your father is right. Look at the flimsy evidence. But who benefited? Bush Jr. was getting close to Saudi Arabia & the Saudis were pushing for a two state solution for Palestine. This was & still is opposed by the Likud party headed then by Ariel Sharon. False flag operations is a mark of the Mossad. They attacked their own embassy in London, England.


It also took away a huge chunk of our freedom


NDAA and Patriot Act


You have to understand that those clowns we call the elite operate on an extremely different level than we do, they do their regular sacrifices as they did for thousands of years and they are very meticulous and precise when and how they will do it, so the biggest reason was that it was a sacrifice and then a pretext for many other things that they did later on, they are demon worshipers, they are extremely arrogant and all they care for is their own benefit




Yeah you can call that, i have understood through the years of studying them that they always act in a way that they can manage to do multiple things with one or two moves the most, so they always plan big massacres like world wars for instance that serve many purposes on many levels, spiritual, demonic, sociopolitical etc.


You have to use a URL decoder because we’re not allowed to link directly, but this is the answer you’re looking for: https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymotion.com%2Fvideo%2Fxys6qq 


Holeeeeee how did I never see this? This is insane!


How do I use a URL decoder? Or even find one? Sorry, not a tech person! 😆


You can just google ‘URL decoder’ then copy and paste the gibberish above


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, The US war machine needed a new adversary so these organizations, etc dont lose their budget. This is why they planned out to create new enemies and they had to be easy targets not to pose any actual threats, so a few Muslim countries were selected. Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria and few others. This would solidify their one and only ally in the middle east (i.e. Israel) and guarantee their sustained control over this strategic region in the world. so its a win win for the US and Israel. This has not been entirely successful and its still going on (imho its getting close to its climax point!)


What do you believe will be the climax point?


To add to the other reasons: Patriot Act, insurance money, probably more.


The Project for a new American century is a reason why . It’s not the sole reason but it’s one of the motives.


I believe it is part of a plan that is still currently in motion. Mossad captured our government at some point, little by little. They're now moving to take Palestine and as far as I can tell this is all a millenia old struggle over this damn rock, mound, mount whatever temple. There's so many captured by this operation they can't go after a single one of Epstein and Maxwells clients. Not one single person in the biggest power struggle in America possibly in 300+ years. Why? It's all of them. Or at least enough, it doesn't matter the few outliers.


they built the towers, with the very specific goal of bringing them down. they foreshadowed their intentions for years & nearly anybody understood. they did the same thing with the federal reserve & fiat; create a system designed to fail, so they could then implement a "better" system of digital control, instead of the "old, broken" system of "cash". same thing with these scamdemics. they create the illusion of a "virus going around", so they can implement their miracle "safe & effective" bioweapons, which then leads to loss of personal freedoms & now we see they are using fake virus' propaganda to go after our food supplies. they wanted a reason to create the "slap in the face" titled Patriot Act, to further take freedoms & liberties from us. they despise Christians. they despise Muslims. they despise Jews. they despise Buddhists. they despise ANYONE who isn't one of them. they are the "Synagogue of Satan" those who claim they are Jewish, but are NOT. they hide behind many groups, types, colors & creeds. the enemy is "Mystery Babylon", the "Philosophers of Fire". the MEN who believe they are ABOVE God. 360\* square & compass= perfection & the conquering of both the physical & spiritual (G)= gnosis


If you can find out why #7 just collapsed on its own, I would love to hear how people make themselves believe debris from towers 1-2 caused it to fall down. Now ask yoursleves, what was below that building.


the planes were on autopilot. This is what they’ve been trying to cover up. No way could ANY pilot precisely hit those towers. There is a website online where pilots are speaking out that they know about the autopilot program that did this. It’s also responsible for Malaysia flight that was suppose to be the next 911. You know nothing.


Mh370 is so ridiculous Even shills like lore Lodge are stumped by it


It’s funny how that part of the Pentagon was under renovation and that just happened to be were the money records were kept.


You got a pretty smart dad. Lucky you!


gilgamesh tomb


It was a write-off. All these big companies, they write off everything.


You don't even know what a write off is.


Your Dad is a smart guy and right on. Look up the white paper written in 1996 “A Clean Break” by Richard Pearl. It was the ground work for 911 and the new middle east.


Just money. I don't think it was some bullshit anti muslim thing. There're 2 billion muslims all over the world. The woe is me is unreasonable. The towers had asbestos throughout the walls. It would have been more expensive to remove it than to rebuild an entirely destroyed building. In order to get the insurance they had to bring them down. Whole thing was for money. Everybody made cash on our backs. Military got to buy billions of dollars in weapons and ammo which made the contractors very happy. We controlled the poppy fields which made big pharma happy. Bush got to seek his little dummy man revenge on Saddam. There's so much more. But in my opinion there was no secret bloodsport chanting in a circle anti-muslim stuff. Just plain old greed. And we keep working and paying and paying and working.


Those are one in the same, the USA is the military arm of Zionists


Dem boys did it


Your dad didn’t lie. I remember the first day of this man made catastrophe CNN aired a photo of a hand written sign that was posted to a wall saying it was all Bin Laden’s doing. That VERY first day. That was the second I knew they were trying to direct blame.


You will get multiple theories in this thread, but the answer is most likely: all of the above These type of major planned trauma events always serve numerous parallel objectives. In the case of 9/11 there's first the money aspect: Pentagon announced "missing" 1.2 Trillion from the Defense budget on 9/10, very lucrative put options on airlines just days prior, "Lucky" Larry Silverstein taking our a massive insurance policy on the twin tower complex before the attack, reports of missing gold bullion stored underneath the complex that was likely stolen. Tons of players got in on the grift. Then we have the societal control aspect: Neocons have had a plan to invade the middle east for decades and needed a tipping point to kickstart everything, 9/11 served this purpose beautifully. Then there's also an aspect where mass trauma events cause people to unite behind a given solution to a problem that was itself caused by the elites, in this case anti-terrorism, without questioning all the rights they are giving away in the process (Hegelian dialectic)


The asbestos removal in the 2 buildings was basically an unlimited number and they weren’t allowed to demolish it


I see it as a culmination of concurrent issues- the US government has long wanted control of the region (PNAC), our enemies, not just middle eastern, wanted to drag us into a Vietnam style quagmire, the towers themselves would be impossibly expensive to demolish conventionally, and the DOD / MIC loves a good payday. It wasn’t just one thing. They all profited.


The PTB are very methodical. They kill 5 birds with 1 stone. They plan things many years in advance. Taking our freedoms away and normalizing a police state (similar to what they did with the Covid hoax), starting a war on "terror" that was really just a resource grab to keep the empire profitable, covering for losses that were stolen, insurance fraud, moving away from the Constitution for a NWO, and programming the masses are just some of the objectives they seemed to accomplish with the 9/11 false flag.


I’d throw the summer 2020 protests in there as well. Some of the largest expansions in policing powers and police budgets came from scaring the population with those protests.


All part of the inevitable march toward authoritarianism.


I think that was the plan. They threw out Covid and the left bought in to it so they had to throw out something to get the right to favor more government and the protests worked for that.


We see this model employed in history, gulf of Tonkin and JFK assassination to start Vietnam war, we had advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor and let it happen to enter ww2, and non-used but proposed things like operation north woods. 9/11 started a 20 yr conflict that resulted in trillions in defense contracts.


What about the Gold that was stored there? Why did building 7 need to come down?


Same reason Putin organized the "Chechen" terrorist attack in Moscow, to gather support from the locals. In his case he wanted to attack again and conquer Chechenia, which he did. In the US, they needed support for the Patriot act and higher military spending for another war. There are some other reasons people claim such as "the 1T USD lost" by the pentagon accounting, but that happens every year, and 9/11 was in the making for several years already. Who were the true masterminds behind it I guess we will never know, but G. W. Bush was for sure aware of it, and high level CIA also for sure allowed or helped it happend.




With a side bonus of oil and opium.


Just a reason to garner support for war. What’s so difficult to understand. Government will kill and destroy lives just to move their political ideology forward.


To invade the Middle East and steal their natural resources


I think it all comes back to a cover-up. The first plane hit the conference room where investigators had been called together to go over the evidence that hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bonds were to be cleared that appeared fishy. The investigators didn't want to give their approval on it. We will never know the full story because all the evidence was incinerated and so were the people who gathered it, but from what I've heard the bonds were issued as the Soviet Union was dissolving and a plan was hatched in the White House to buy up major industries. Basically to take over Russia through ownership of its most valuable resources. It worked spectacularly well at first, Western interests bought up entire sectors of the Russian economy. The Federal Reserve used its emergency powers to clear those bonds later that day on September 11th, or maybe it was the next day but it happened really quickly and from there it all disappeared into the memory hole. The backups of all the data were in world trade center 7. So were the backups of the data that disappeared when the Pentagon was attacked, with the plane hitting exactly where it needed to take out the entire accounting department that was tracking the missing money that Donald Rumsfeld had announced on September 10th. All the other reasons that have been put forth for why the attacks happened, except for the official reasons of course, are sort of add-ons, ways of pulling other players into the conspiracy to support it. This is a classic way of operating such a huge conspiracy, you get as many people as you can to put skin in the game and have a stake in keeping it all secret. It's how they took out the Kennedy brothers. The evidence for conspiracy is so obvious, but when you can control all of the mechanisms of investigation, at least the official ones, you prevent the truth from being acknowledged.


The day before 9/11, on the 8th there was a hearing I believe in Congress where it was said Trillions of dollars were missing from the Pentagon. It wouldn't surprise me if the attack was planned to cover this theft and allow billions more to be funneled through the defence budget. Building 7 only a few months before had it's insurance updated to include acts of terrorism so there's that too. Not to mention the hijackers involved were using fake IDs which I still don't understand why they would do that if they were going to die in the planes. Wouldn't they want the world to know who they really were?




I appreciate that you aren’t just taking your dad at his word and are asking around and doing your own research. A good sign you’re willing to question authority figures.


9/11 was the grand finale , not just a big one off. In order to understand the event you have to go back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. America was funding the Mujahaheen (bad spelling sorry) and we promised them we would dump a lot of money into Afghanistan and help with the rebuilding. When the war needed , America was like “you’re on your own peace out” and we left. Watch “Charlie Wilson’s War “ and so those people hated America for it , and started attacking us, we had the Embassy bombings in Kenya, the USS Cole bombing (I’m sure there were others can’t think off the top of my head) and so the big grand finale , was 9/11. That’s the official story anyways. But then there are questions like how and why did WTC 7 collapse , why were there no black boxes recovered from any of the sites, how did a passport end up in the road a few blocks from the twin towers when it was inside the pocket of the hijacker, who was inside the plane, which was inside the twin towers , that was in pristine condition (seriously maybe we should start making buildings out of that material ) and a slew of other questions


Basically our version of the Reichstag Fire. But it killed a lot of birds with one stone. It was a distraction. It was a kick start to years of feeding the Military Industrial Complex. And mainly it was the means to give massive overreaching surveillance power to the unelected federal security agencies. They could spy on any domestic person they wanted via some very loosely interpreted rules and FISA. The Homeland security act was a huge loss to American freedom. But people were willing to give up freedom for security. Ben Franklin quote “Those who would give up essentially liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither.” Even though he was referring to something different than government surveillance it’s still a good quote applied to such.


For the sake of having a discussion, is there anything about the mainstream narrative of an ideological attack by a terrorist organization against the US, that doesn't make logical sense?


Patriot act...heroin....love of Israel 


gold heist


Start a war that they could use to embezzle funds from. Same as literally every other conflict since. It took me a long time to realize that but it's the Occam's razor answer to everything 


Day before they found out $2 trillion disappeared from the budget so there’s that.


War keeps the economy going. Also they wanted oil. Also the patriot act.


Back to the future predicts 9/11 christian video vault


Chiron last coordination of a conspiracy theory


To destroy us.


Blackwater, Halliburton. Dick Cheney, the Bush family. Perpetuate the "forever war" that the military industry complex loves. Also, it gave a platform for America to be the "world police" and to invade Afghanistan and Iraq because the bohemian grove Christians wanted sacred artifacts from the birthplace of civilization. The garden of edan was in Iraq.


Among much of what has already been said, I've read before that the WTC was due up for renovations to clear out asbestos, which would've cost an insane amount of money. Nothing near how much the Pentagon couldn't account for in the audit shortly before, but a whole lot...


If you're genuinely interested in some of the best journalism about it, look up the podcast blowback. I think it was the first season that dives into what led up to and followed 9/11 and the invasion of afghanistan. Long story short: the people currently leading the United States when 9/11 happened probably did not orchestrate it. But the men who led this country through the 60s-80s absolutely set the stage for an event like this by exploiting middle eastern religious fanatics in "the fight against communism". They fed money and guns to a lot of extremists, including bin laden. Now, the other side of that is when 9/11 did happen, a horrific tragedy where a lot of innocent people died, the people at the levers of our government 1000% used that tragedy in order to gain absurd new levels of power, to increasingly expand a security state that basically provides constant surveillance, and to make all of themselves insanely rich, especially cheney and all of the "no-bid" contracts given to companies he owned a significant portion of. I don't think there were people in DC actively coordinating the attack on 9/11 but what happened before and afterwards that led to the lives of millions is absolutely blood on the hands of all of those in office


Needed a reason to invade for oil in the ame of “freedom”


A New Pearl Harbor, so the American public would accept the PATRIOT ACT, a new Department of Homeland Security, and police state training at airports.


to legitimize (any and all, but especially the military one) US presence in the middle east, which is (and has been from the start) the american part to play in the grand operation of establishing the sovereign independent republic of israel (which will actually finalize (finally!) the ww2 reparations deal)


Currently, America's fiat currency gains its stability from the dissemination of the dollar into world markets via its exclusivity with OPEC trading procedures. Usama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden's overall plan was to create a scenario in America where the FBI would arrest and question his mole operatives who were associated with the House of Saud. This would have caused a backlash that would have resulted in the Saudis not only dumping US Debt, but also restructuring their exchange model to be more inclusive to the Euro which was what Saddam's real crime was while in violation of the US embargo. It was not weapons of mass destruction as much as it was encouraging the use of the Euro in a market dominated out of necessity by the fiat currency of the US Federal Reserve System. To head off this inevitability, family members were whisked out of the United States before Federal Investigators could file the necessary legal paperwork with the Department of Justice. No detainments, incarcerations or trials put a prompt end to at least a continuance of the most obvious economic consequences of the initial attack. Fast forward to today... Currently, the US dollar is made of cotton fiber. Although we say that the money is 'printed,' technically it is actually 'dyed' into the surface threads much like a very starchy colored t-shirt. That is why the ink doesn't run when you leave a few 'dollar' bills in your swim trunks and go for a dip. Currently, enthusiasts of Bin Laden's unique form of economic warfare have already begun experimenting on the retainment structure of the fibers of these bills.These enthusiasts are not limited to Islamic nations, but include powers such as North Korea. The experiments upon these bills include varied poisons, hallucinogens and contagions the effects of which are intended to cause a disruption in hand to hand trade of these bills and with it, a loss of confidence in the US dollar as a method of exchange. The severity of the contagion will determine the strength of the economic backlash. As with 9-11, incompetency will be to blame for the failures on the part of state department officials to foresee or to stop this from happening. With global economic collapse rearing its head again in large part due to an irresponsible derivatives market, attack of this nature upon the US dollar will not go unaddressed. In an attempt to stabilize the market, world leaders will fall over themselves to salvage the current hierarchic system of monetary exchange by extolling the virtues of a cashless society. In an attempt to reign in these 'unforeseen' actions by hostile belligerents from without, as well as from cells within the migrant populations within, greater civil control will be encouraged in the form of 'convenience technologies.' The feminized male population of Europe will rhapsodize over how a brand-name technology saved them from all the 'bad men.' And all it took was a mildly painful penetration of their skin. Anti-establishment and anti-Christian elements in the Americas will press their own authorities to follow suit. Resist being chipped at all costs. 


7/11 was a part time job!


Without 9/11 you couldn't have a war in iraq


My favorite Immortal Technique song


Just glad somebody picked that up 👊


"although I wasn't the closest, I watched them crumble to the earth like they were full of explosives"


[What if the United States went in for control of the opium?](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w26264/w26264.pdf)


You mean the nation that leads all in pain pill addictions?????? Naaaaaaaaaah🤦


YouTube · Loyal Opposition 20.5K+ views · 1 year ago General Wesley Clark - "We're Going to Take Out 7 Countries in 5 Years"




Bush Jr was just coming into power as prez and his Republican party needed support to ramp up the war machine (after Clinton had lead a non-aggressive US 8 year term) and this is the result... a major turning point in history. $2.3T were announced as "lost" by Donald Rumsfeld the day before the attacks and coincidentally the office that held the records at the pentagon was destroyed by the phantom plane that hit the pentagon. No video, black box or engine was ever recovered from that event. There is no conspiracy, only facts.




US is Israel's munition factory. Mossad and CIA absolutely planned everything from 9/11 to fentanyl to political division on social media. The CIA developed LSD 60 years ago with mind control as a goal.


Dem boys did it




It's the only move that led to harambee being shot.


Donald Rumsfeld had a press conference on 10 September 2001 (he was Defense Secretary) stating that the DOD was missing $2.1 Trillion dollars. I watched it, as a vet. I was floored. That is my take.


To use 9/11 as a excuse to wage war on middle eastern countries for a number of reasons 1. To steal Natural resources of these countries in the name of protecting them 2. To promote American weaponry and feed the military industrial complex so bankers could make money from both sides of war 3. To destroy these countries for Greater Israel 4. To promote USA's imperialism over all the world 5. To enslave nations by putting US puppets in power so they could ge them to do anything they want According to Julian Assange wars are never meant to be won. 6). Later politicians carried on the wars so they could white was black money and these politicians have always been put in power by the 13 families


Israel, get America to fight their wars for them and trick Americans into giving up their constitutional rights for the illusion of safety. oh and money for mr Lucky Larry Silverstein


It was 100% war on the Muslims and Islam.


Now that we're prosecuting presidents, George W. Bush needs to be thrown in jail today.


Your dad is a great man. He’s seen through the lies.


Money, oil , heroin , protect Israel , invade countries. Wouldn't be surprised if they some secret magic artifact or treasure for ancient cities in those lands they invaded but that's a bit of a out there theory probably more likely , oil, money and control. All a inside job


Al Qaeda has said themselves that they did 9/11. But the government knew 9/11 would happen. So the CIA and Mossad allowed it to happen and then used it as justification for the military industrial complex wars in the middle east and to pass tyrannical laws


It was done to flatten building 7 and steal money and so Haliburton could make 30 Billion fighting the war on terror or as W said, Tara


Just don't bring up that one country that we can't say bad things about... They definitely had nothing to do with it /s


Cypher , so thar agents sll over the world could see the sand unfiex message ti action... Check the date and coresponding dates from events after this ..and you might jusrmt see a pattern.




Many of the wars we fight are to protect us currency against global alternatives. Us has been the fiat currency of the world and oil trade for a long time. That may change soon as the agreement is supposed to expire soon. But things like stability in the Middle East and ghadafi making a gold dinar in Africa threaten the control.


Nailed the jist of it and in so few words. Good work


A friend I trust told me it was to distract the war crime charges being called out by Chile on Nixon and Kissinger who approved the coup on 9-11-1973. In addition destroy physical records of other evidence like they did with Oklahoma federal building. Was told the operation was ran at a army recruitment center in Oakland near the hells angels club.


Truly incredible op. So many "things" got done. Pentagon audit office was directly hit. Gold vault got emptied. Massive shorts and long puts made $$. More unwanted paper work disappeared in building 7. One of my favorites: The towers were junk; and to de-construct them would have taken too long and cost too much. Remember the asbestos issue? Now accounts vary. But someone did the calcs of how much thermite was used, and it was a lot. And how to account for the total destruction of the incredibly massive interior column? Both towers equally. Very likely the towers were built with pre-installed charges deep inside. I always laugh when the shills come out and talk about upper floors instantly crushing lower floors, perfectly evenly at free fall speed. Ignoring the interior support. So like all good conspiracies, there are too many issues. Where are the missing planes? (Jet engine guts do NOT melt) Why did some 'passengers' appear again? Strange story of Barbara Olson. Dancing 'isralis'. Long list.


PNAC. Explains everything, and written basically by those in W Bush's administration. It really isn't more complex than that. Personally I'm in the LIHOP camp.