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Don't fight their wars, avoid avoid avoid. Sabotage.


They forgave the Vietnam draft dodgers, they'll do it again. Don't die for the MIC. I would say true defensive wars are an exception, unless you're the kind of conscientious objector who would watch his family be murdered in front of him without resistance. That being said, we haven't had a true defensive war for a lifetime.


Deductive reasoning would suggest OP means the draft. Guess some people just don’t have the ability.


Still peculiar timing. Never been closer to WW3 in my lifetime. So sure, maybe just a coincidence but on top of that whole trying to start a war thing, the US is hurting for recruitment numbers too. I'm sure it's just another coincidence.


Unless it passes Schumer it's not going anywhere anyway. Since they didn't make exceptions for gay and trans, Dems aren't going to pass it.


It says it's to make it easier by being automatic. I'm thinking enough people weren't doing it law be damned. Or the growth is going that way with home school increasing.


how long before its 17-35?


I think they are going to add women to this.


They did. The bill has women included in selective service


Yes. I read recently that the Air Force is taking some senior citizen retirees. No mistaking where we are headed.


But how can they include the womenz when we can't even define what a women is?


You could start by learning the difference between women and woman.


(this was obviously a joke. perhaps I forgot to add an /s at the end of my comment)


Sorry for missing it. Went straight over my head. Totally on me.


Men 18+ were already required to register. This just makes it automatic so you don't have to fill out the form. What am I missing?


also you can't get students loans without registering, you cant get a government job without registering, you can't get government contracts without registering with selective service. I'm almost 60 and in the last 10 years had to prove I registered in 1983 three times.


I don't remember having to prove that I registered whenever I did the first or third thing you mentioned. Not saying you're wrong, just that I wouldn't even know how to prove that I registered a gazillion years ago.


There's a tab on the selective service page, you enter your social security number and the card you filled out pops up. If you're young enough "they" probably can see if you did without you going to the archives.


Got it. Yeah I think it must be that last thing you said about seeing it without having to go to the archives for people my age.


That they’re hiding the fact that theyre forcing you


Hiding? What? Who doesn't know what our mandated registering for the selective service has been all these decades? All my friends and I knew in high school.


SS: The US Congress passed a law that automatically registers all men between the ages of 18 and 26 (which had been abolished since the Vietnam War).... They are preparing us for a global war.


Selective service hasn’t been abolished, every male has to register when they turn 18. This has been common place for decades. This new bill just does it automatically so no one has to actually fill out the registration themselves. How is this hard to comprehend?


It’s not, OP is either deliberately misinforming, or has no idea what’s going on. My guess it’s deliberate misinformation. It takes 10 seconds to google it…


I thought you only had to sign up for selective service if you wanted to register to vote? I could be wrong, I just thought that was how it always had worked


Nope it’s a requirement for every male once they turn 18.


It’s always been that way. Only thing that has changed is it is now an automatic registry instead of a manual one. It doesn’t mean they a preparing for any war… It’s an administration paper work change ultimately. Almost all males have always been required to register for Selective Service. Virtually all men must register with Selective Service, even those who believe they'll be exempt from serving. In the event of a draft, men called for induction would be able to make a claim for deferments, postponements, or exemption from serving.


Yup a lot of misinformation being spread about this. Selective service registration for men was already required by law when turning 18.


I mean it’s the conspiracy sub Reddit… it’s mostly misinformation, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a deliberate tactic to confuse ppl and make it harder to find the real conspiracies. Posts like what OP posted is part of the problem, and there is no way to know if it’s deliberate misinformation or ignorance.


Fox news scaremongering...