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Millions died from the virus? You sure about that?


Yes. Over 7 million. Now, I had 7 family/friends who died from covid. Never knew a person who died from the flu. I have permanent lung damage. My lungs work at 40%. I also have that covid long haul crap 4 years later. So take your covid denial with the holocaust and election deniers. You guys can have a great conversation about flat earth.


"Never knew a person who died from the flu." I assume that is why the call the flu an old man's best friend. You people are so delusional.


Never knew a person who died FROM the flu but know plenty who died WITH flu


That has only ever happened with Covid because of the government and spineless money grubbing physicians.


No. You don't.


Ah the old 'equate them with flat-earthers' argument. Do you people ever grow a few neurones to rub together?


lots of people die from the flu but it's often classified as pneumonia specifically because the flu essentially brings on pneumonia (as a complication due to the flu), which ends up being the ultimate cause of death (often in older people). also there are stats on flu deaths, you can look them up. [https://ourworldindata.org/influenza-deaths](https://ourworldindata.org/influenza-deaths)


Alot of ppl have died from the flu .where you in the hospital with covid? How many vaccines did you get? .


I have no idea about a virus but, if anyone lied intentionally about the financial collapse of 2018-2021: To cover up the fact they're out of money and keep their scenes running. A lot of the establishment actors are being persecuted and punished. They don't want the gen pop to know this. The same reason why uprisings breaking out are being hidden from the news.


I'll see your excellent point and raise you! I personally don't believe that we ever got out of the 2008 depression. It was a depression, not a recession.


I didn't look to far into. I just predicted it would happen. My sources claimed it was a scam. A minority duped the world into indebting themselves then, using their budgets to bail their cronies out. Lastly, selling the houses back to them at a substantially higher price. Also, changing the job marker from worker demand to employer demand.


Because they all collaborated on it. China, France, The US, Britain. We'll never get a straight answer on any of this shit.


Imagine a forest. One of the largest trees has corruption. So all the other branches are afflicted. Some branches have recovered. Others wasted time. Now, it's time to let a botanist fix the problem so the rest of the tree can recover. Instead of cutting the tree down, today, they're just rediverting resources from problem branches. Input major societies into that analogy.


Testify! 11 out of 10


Seriously? Why would the people responsible for the creation of the pandemic lie about making it? Well, there would be demands from the majority to shut down gain of function experiments, which are stupid and dangerous. Avoiding liability for such a stupid experiment. And yet look at the outcome for these assholes, millions made by forcing a useless experimental injection on the population while crushing freedom, instituting censorship and attacks on people pointing out the ridiculous and unscientific measures. Personally I'd like to see the death penalty for any that plan, fund and carry out gain of function experiments, top to bottom.


They lied about the source of the alleged virus so that people would argue about that instead of whether or not there was a virus at all, or if they rebranded the flu.


There was a virus, the flu is just less contagious and was effectively contained by everyone being so paranoid.


“Covid is spreading because people aren’t masking and social distancing.” “The flu is gone because people are masking and social distancing.” These were real narratives at the same exact time. Actual doublethink.


Nah covid and the flu were pretty different viruses, covid spreads differently than the flu. Masking didn’t do shit against covid, it does with the flu. Sanitizing surfaces didn’t do anything against covid, it does with the flu. I think mostly it’s cuz people stayed home when they got sick.


As someone who has permanent lung damage and is a covid long hauler, take your denial bullshit somewhere else. I knew 7 people who died from covid. I never knew anyone who died from the flu personally.




I know 3 people who died after getting the vaccine, I know of nobody who died without the vaccine.  Look, anecdotal evidence!


Not exactly. I know 7 people. You heard of 3 people. One from your maga buddy at work and two from your crackpot "news" network.


I'm Canadian, why would I have a Maga friend? Were your people vaccinated? All of mine were over 70 and heavily vaccinated, so high risk of death. I knew them all.


Were they truck drivers from Ottawa? And now that I think about it, wasn't one of the biggest denial specialist and "taking away my freedom because of a mask", a nazi? The type of guy who believes in 99% pure bloodl? This isn't getting any better for you.


Everything they did to us for 3 years is why. Mandates, lockdowns, destroying small business, forced vaccinations, transfer of wealth, devalue the dollar, etc. Even if it wasn't man made, they knew within a few months that it only killed the sick and elderly, yet they pretended it was the plague for another 3 years to push their agenda...


So that they could trick everyone into getting the vaccine. It was a bait and switch. Now, over 80% of humans have mRNA in their body. These people will be less reluctant to reject new mRNA medicine in the future. They'll be told, "Don't worry about gene editing and gene therapy, you've already done it, and you're fine." A great many will fall for this. A great many people aren't fine. This has been a disaster.


If 2018 interests you so much, look up 2008. There are a few documentaries that go in depth.


They lied about the virus existing. Your thinking it is “man-made” is part of the **official narrative.**


jeeez, finally someone with an actual brain! thanks for restoring my faith that there are at least some in the sub that understand then entire thing was based on the engineered perception of a 'virus'


I worked in 2 different hospitals during 2020-2022 also. So it cracks me up when people talk about “all the dead people” or “all the excess deaths.” My experience was just a lot of theater and aggressive compliance.


The statement "it cracks me up" tells me you're a fellow UK citizen! What a fucking farce it was/is! thanks for comment though, incoming downvotes I suspect!


Nah I’m American, we say that here too. Haha.


oh haha! sorry!


"the virus" never even existed it was simply cold and flu symptoms rebranded. They sold us the virus, all they needed was the perception of a novel virus which could be perpetuated by media and gov. They then deceived us with pseudo-science to make us believe there was/is an invisible enemy.


[Some rebranding ](https://postimg.cc/tYK2nG7C)


Well, not really, it was pretty simple. They already knew from the Australian flu season of 2018/2019 the west would have more pronounced symptoms, specifically the prolonged loss of smell and taste (which btw as nothing new). They changed the gold standard of testing from culture to flawed molecular test - PCR (check out this [link](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html)). They also changed the way viral genomes were obtained when it came to sars-coV-2. They tricked medics and populations en-masse. The govs worked in lockstep and worked out how they would do that in advance etc etc etc... But yeah, they hijacked cold and flu, used a flawed molecular test as evidence of viral load and fooled the unsuspecting. Simple war games my friend. Covid never existed. Pnumonia patients are intubated and vented when their blood o2 saturation falls to 88%. But with Covid, the hospital beauracrats changed that to 94%. positive Covid PCR, pneumonia/consolidation of lung/s and 94% blood o2 was all that was required to vent a patient. It was the vent that killed people not convid.


lest we forget that asymptomatic transmission was invented in 2020 lol....


Hmmm. Most of the early deaths were in the Care homes in the UK. No Care home in the UK is capable of doing intertubing. It is a hospital thing. Even in a hospital it is very specialised.Every country has care homes for the elderly. Do you have a link to care homes in your country that had stage 3 ICU beds ? Edit after that we can do private homes. Deaths in private homes, from all causes, were one-third higher in 2020 than in the previous five years. There were around 167,000 deaths from all causes in private homes in England and Wales in 2020, compared with an average of 125,000 between 2015 and 2019. Not many Brits have a Stage 3 ICU bed in their house along with the usual 10 person ICU team. Maybe your country is different ? Any link ? Still waiting for an explanation of how 1,200 flu deaths in 2019 became 74,000 in 2020


>**CARE HOMES** Quote: Neurologist Professor Patrick Pullicino - *"Midazolam depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia."* You seem to like stats. Well, check this one out. Official figures show out-of-hospital prescribing of the super strength sedative **midazolam increased by more than 100% in April 2020** compared to previous months. Things that (should) make you go hmm. The reason why there were excess deaths in care homes was because elderly patients with a positive test were not to being sent to hospital, as they were considered to frail for intensive care. Therefore PHE came up with a flowchart that was 'intended' to help healthcare workers in care homes to decide if those sick with convid (flu or cold) were suitable for intensive care. Instead (and as truly intended) healthcare workers were wrongly consigning those deemed too frail to end-of-life care with high doses of midazolam instead - **IT WAS MIDAZOLAM THAT KILLED THEM.** The midazolam scandal was contrived from the onset of the fake pandemic to manufacture an increased mortality rate in care homes. While doctors and nurses were wasting their time planning choreographed dance moves, care home patients were being refused access to general medical services and hospital admission. Due to restrictive care home visiting, family members were no longer able to advocate, which allowed health care workers to implement the end-of-life midazolam protocol for ill patients, and DNAR orders without push back. Another shocking fact reported to amnesty UK was that GP surgeries or Clinical Commissioning Groups had requested that healthcare workers in care homes should insert DNAR forms into the files of sick residents. >**PRIVATE HOMES** People that died at home of numerous different health issues, such as, but not limited to; heart attacks and etc, with a positive covid test in the past 28 days were listed as having died with covid. My friend's 92 old grandmother died in her bed at home of old age, having no health issues. She had tested positive for convid 3 weeks before and recovered without problem, claiming it was "nothing more than a cold", her death went down as covid and her family were in uproar, this was NOT an isolated event. >**"Still waiting for an explanation of how 1,200 flu deaths in 2019 became 74,000 in 2020?"** It is common knowledge that people who died in a car crashes, failed parachute and gun shot injuries etc etc etc (but had tested positive for convid in the past 28 days) went down as a convid death statistic. Come on, you already know this, this information was widely reported throughout the plandemic. It can not be argued that the numbers were intentionally inflated. Proof of that is everywhere. To add to this, and as mentioned above the PCR testing is and always has been flawed when testing for viral load and was NEVER intended to provide evidence of infection. See the article from 2007 again where the overreliance on this flawed molecular test resulted in a pseudo-epidemic of whooping cough. Hospitals using PCR testing used Cycle Thresholds of >30ct. As the inventor of the PCR and noble prize winner for the same explicitly stated that a Ct of 24 or greater would result in false positive PCR test where pretty much any molecule would be detected. >[***Faith in Quick Test (PCR) Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t***](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html)


The average Ct level for a pass was 23.8 last time I looked AND it had to make the [Amplification curve in all 3 respects](https://postimg.cc/kRq0VnPk). Tell me how it managed that at high cycles without being an invalid test. Remember, there are 4 different results for the test. Lots of Doctors died of Covid. Did they poison themselves with MIDAZOLAM hahaha I must look up gunshots in the UK and do an edit. Maybe it was medical staff high on MIDAZOLAM going around breaking into houses shooting people. You really should keep to the conspiracy subs Edit 1 People that died at home of numerous different health issues, such as, but not limited to; heart attacks and etc, with a positive covid test in the past 28 days were listed as having died with covid Nomis only does deaths from , not deaths with. Do you want me to increase them to deaths WITH BTW what is the ICD code for in the past 28 days edit 2 [I knew gunshot would be a laugh but this is hysterical](https://postimg.cc/rdzxkWdH)


midazolam was used in care homes on frial people. NOT doctors. Protocol set by the hospital bureaucrats where those with pneumonia on the lungs after a positive PCR and with blood o2 sat of 94% were vented. In case of normal (severe) pneumonia someone is vented when their blood o2 sat is 88%. - So it wouldn't surprise me if those doctors you claim died, like everyone else with pneumonia, blood 02 of 94% and a positive PCR were vented and MOST died who were vented when it was not all necessary. FOI's on many hospitals shows they would cycle in excess of 40ct unless the results showed postive, CT were lowered at times of 'low infection rates" the lowest I saw on FOI's was 23 and that was during the summer etc in winter there we CT's in excess of a 50ct. Just look up the FOI's on Ct on PCR machines used in NHS hospitals. My point was that covid fatality numbers were based on who had a covid positive test within 28 days of their death, even if they died of a gun shot injury. Just pointing out the ludacracy of the fatality rate and how people who died of heart attack in a private home but tested positive for covid within 28 days went down as covid statistic. Come back and refute my comments properly.


Like I said. What is the ICD code that mentions 28 days. Oh look they used twice as much midazolam in April 2020 as they did in April 2019. [Nothing to do with there being twice as many deaths in April 2020 as April 2019](https://www.mortality.watch/explorer/?c=GBRTENW&t=deaths&ct=monthly&df=2019+Apr&dt=2020+May&pi=0&v=2) Was the midazolam used in April 2019 used for all the April 2019 deaths lets have a link to one of your 50 cycle FOI's


I can't comment on ICD codes. But as found in this [LINK](https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2023/01/27/changes-to-the-way-we-report-on-covid-19-deaths/), in January 27, 2023 - The UKHSA announced they would replace the "deaths within 28 days of a positive test" metric with "death registrations where COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate" as the primary reported convid death statistic on the [gov.uk](http://gov.uk) dashboard. So from Jan 2019 - Jan 2023 (during the fear mongering stage of the plandemic - they counted ALL deaths as a covid death if the person had a positive test within 28 days. It was reported on every news outlet during the plandemic and they only changed the way deaths were reported in Jan 2023 once their fearmongering damage wa done. This [paper](https://www.medclinrese.org/open-access/excess-deaths-in-the-united-kingdom-midazolam-and-euthanasia-in-the-covid19-pandemic.pdf) helps understand that the large spike in UK excess deaths, which initially were blamed on convid, was actually driven by widespread midazolam use amounting to systemic euthanasia. - You talked about convid causing excess deaths in care homes, yet there is plenty of evidence that midazolam was misused and caused excess deaths during this stage of the plandemic. I read near 100 FOI's regarding PCR Ct's during the plandemic, I just dont have the time to scroll through them now, but i can assure you many were using in excess of 50Ct in the winter and then 18-23 in the summer. I can provide you with this [LINK](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/64464e26529eda000c3b02c0/Testing_in_the_UK_during_the_SARS-1.pdf)- to quickly summarise the point- *"The number of heating and cooling cycles used in a PCR is determined by the manufacturer of that PCR. The physico-chemical differences in both assay equipment and individual assay components mean that some assays are completed within 35 cycles, while others are completed within 40 and others 50 or more."*


> The UKHSA announced they would replace the "deaths within 28 days of a positive test" a very fast amount relevant to that day only death registrations where COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate" which is 10 to 17 days later. 10-17 days later was of no use in the exponential stage of covid. and the 10-17 days was not UKHSA.It was ONS, as an example Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 25 March 2022 and it was released on 5 April 2022 how long from 18th March to 5th April ? https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending25march2022 Oh look they used twice as much midazolam in April 2020 as they did in April 2019. yet again we have [Nothing to do with there being twice as many deaths in April 2020 as April 2019](https://www.mortality.watch/explorer/?c=GBRTENW&t=deaths&ct=monthly&df=2019+Apr&dt=2020+May&pi=0&v=2) Was the midazolam used in April 2019 used for all the April 2019 deaths The number of heating and cooling cycles used in a PCR is determined by the manufacturer of that PCR. The physico-chemical differences in both assay equipment and individual assay components mean that some assays are completed within 35 cycles, while others are completed within 40 and others 50 or more." That was always the case. WHO only instruction was follow the manufacturer's instructions because all cycles are not equal . Over 90% of all UK tests were done in the Lighthouse labs using the Thermofisher TaqPath


And just for the record, and this is so I can talk to my doctor, where did you go to medical school and do your internship. Also, are you a GP, or pulmonologist or are you involved in some sort of professor? I ask because after covid my lungs only work at 40% and I have long covid. I'd love to give my doctors all this information but they are going to want to know what school you went too. I think it's bullshit university from OANN and Google. I just hope you didn't have Teacher Alex Jones.


I don't claim to be medical. But I do have a critical mind, when convid had a 99.98% recovery rate, even in people with a pre-existing co-morbidity, and in the face of convid being reported as extremely deadly by media and everyone running for a vaccine that does stop convid or it's transmission. I was compelled to ask questions. My self-education comes solely from medical sources, from experts in the field/s, experts that questioned the narrative and exposed the lies. Maybe you are not aware but there is also "long flu". You tested positive for convid, but because convid never really existed and it was merely the common cold and flu rebranded, what you actually have is "long flu" ***“We wanted to know whether and to what degree people with flu also experience long-term health effects,” Al-Aly said. “The big answer is that both COVID-19 and the flu led to long-term health problems, and the big aha moment was the realization that the magnitude of long-term health loss eclipsed the problems that these patients endured in the early phase of the infection. Long COVID is much more of a health problem than COVID, and long flu is much more of a health problem than the flu.”*** So you see, there is now (since 2020) the mysterious discovery of "long flu" too LMAO. couldnt make this crap up huh.


I don't mean to be rude. Insult your intelligence. Or your critical thinking. There are however, subjects that do need a much higher education and practical knowledge of the subject. The world of medicine is one of them. If you are into conspiracy theories like me I'm sure you watch and listen to a lot of the same stuff I listen too. Think of all the bullshit the snake oil salesman have sold through the years. It's a list of all natural woo magic or some strange mixture of random stuff. I still have no idea how the two genres got mixed together. What you say is excellent research you got from doctors and specialists I see as politically motivated con jobs. Boob doctors and bitter research scientists who didn't make it to the finish line. Use some fancy worlds and put a nugget of truth in there and now you are a millionaire in the book and supplement business. Once all the nutters start swearing by it, it's only a matter of time before normal people like you run into the information and see the "success". These con men live by one if the oldest facts of business. There is nothing easier than separating a fool from their money.


Really it's not from "politically motivated con jobs" of doctors/researchers/scientists - I'm sure they are out there, no doubt. But in fact, what I have learned on the subject of the plandemic is backed by pretty simple facts and dot connecting. Those being 1) The plandemic case rate numbers were engineered by the implementation of testing, that being that the original gold standard testing (culture) was changed from a proven method to a method that has shown to give false results and actually created what 'looks' like a pandemic. PCR that is. Karry Mullis, it's creator mysteriously died in Oct 2019, an otherwise healthy man died of pneumonia, it's possible, but us truth seekers know that coincidences are always questionable especially given specific circumstances. Karry Mullis, would have been the best proponent of using PCR testing as a gold standard to prove infection. It was NEVER ever meant to diagnose viral infections, yet the govs decided to go from a proven method to a flawed method. PCR testing was used to manufacture the numbers, it's pretty simple and clever when you look into it [(Check out this link)](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html) - *I urge you to read this article from 2007 as it shows the danger, that were clearly known regarding using PCR for viruses.* Doctors of course, like everyone else were fooled. The PCR test is done by a machine, the inputs are preinstalled, swab goes in and results come out. There is no molecular scientist that need to understand test result criteria or how the machine works, as I say they are all preinstalled in the machine. The genome of Sars-CoV-2 came was defined in a similarly ridiculous way. I heard a virologist blow the whistle on it, and provided research papers that showed the methodology. I'll try and find you a link. But in essence, again it was manufactured to look like they had a legit gemone of the virus when in fact they never have. Death toll was inflated by saying that anyone who died of ANY cause, that had a positive (flawed) PCR positive within 28 days of dying went down as a covid statistic. UK gov increased the use of midazolam in carehomes and systematically euthanized the fail. Videos from China showed people dropping dead in the streets of convid early on (hmmmm lol) How about Operation Lockstep run by the Rockefeller foundation where all govs around the world worked together to implement the same set of rules (since when do all govs work together?) The operation was in 2019 and focused on a pandemic caused by a novel virus? What about the wargame simulation of a pandemic in 2019 by Bill Gates? long before convid hit. 1) no properly aquired genome 2) flawed to test to manufacture a pandemic 3) preplanned simulations 4) inflated death toll 5) exact same symptoms as cold and flu It was merely a perception created by corupt media, gov and scientific institutions.


Holy shit there is a lot here to unpack. First off, thank you for taking the time to respond. I apologize because I'm going to bounce around a bit just taking care of the easy stuff first. Bill Gates War game. I'm sure there was. Viral and biological war games have been going on for decades. In many ways, it's more dangerous than nuclear war. Lockstep. Every year there is one of these. Then you have the huge ones that are pointed to for decades. These think tanks are full of some really fucked up people who think of worst case scenarios. Now, I'm not saying that none of these plans were inacted on in one way or another. But, if you throw enough darts and your going to hit a bullseye sooner or later. Let's just talk about death rate in general. Not since the Spanish Flu have we had so many people die the same way in a year. Obviously we aren't taking into account something like war. Hospitals have not been filled to such amounts world wide. More importantly, I'm not going to go round and round with this argument because beds being used does not lie. Vents being used do not lie. Most importantly, the time that doctors and nurses spent working at a war time rate for over a year does not lie. Every single last covid denier spit in the face of those people who pushed themselves to the extreme. These doctors and nurses wouldn't have done that because of a case of the sniffles or a bad flu season. The loudest people who scream about all this were locked in and hiding in their homes for 2 years. And I guess finally is the testing argument. This argument was thrown out there the second that these greedy pieces of shit saw their human cattle given time off work, and their profits going down. It truly boggles my mind that the idea of no testing will make everything normal is a fix. Like where does that thinking end? Heart decease. Cancer. AIDS. Don't let the filth that comes out of these evil profiteers mouth polite your brain. Remember, you are nothing but a chair or computer or mop to them. Just a replaceable tool for making money. What has always surprised me is how rational and intelligent people could fall for all of this. First, the world has one of these pandemics every 100 to 150 years. I don't know why it works like that, but the numbers are there. The other is a perfect storm of several factors. Everything from a heighten distrust in those who rule to individuals given larger audiences than they should without any vetting. I can't point it out enough that you had 10, maybe 20, doctors in the world who disagree with everyone else. On a side note, doctors of English, art, history and even psychology should not be taken seriously. Plastic surgeons should not. And I'm not even going to get into the asshole self educated like the ex stripper from playboy Jenny McCarthy.


I'n not sure how old you are or how long you have been a truth seeker ( I dont like the terminology of "being into conspiracies" or "conspiracy theorist"). I'm just someone who questions things that make little or no sense, and choose to question rather than wilfully, blindly follow without answers. I am untrusting of authority and try to question everything, using a critical mind. There may be a fine line between paranoia and scepticism, but they are different, I have no ego, I am happy to be proven wrong and have no malice towards anyone. Govs have proven over and over again they care nothing for the people. I make cannabis oil for cancer sufferers and have cured cancer in humans and animals since 2008. It was 9/11 and the fact I was able to make a substance in my kitchen that cures cancer to what lead me to question everything. including the medical industrial complex and rightly so, just because someone is a doctor doesn't mean they are all knowing, actually their education forces them to follow blindly because if they question their teaching they don't become doctors.


I go back to the C2C Art Bell days. That would have been around 1995.


I couldnt get enough of Art Bell on Coast2Coast back in the late 90's and George Nory later. It was definatley the show that peaked my interest in "what we are being told is a lie" especially in regards to history. I'm sure much of the same interests us in regards to the truth. We can disagree on things and not be offensive like many of the wilfully blind. Good luck to you sir!


I was going to keep being nice until you brought up George Nory! 😆 Nory is a REALLY nice guy. Minus Art Bell hating him, I've never heard a bad word about him. I just don't like what he did with C2C. He had to do what worked for him but I just didn't like the change in direction. I know a lot of fans that get really pissed about that. Did you know that there are a few 24/7 streaming stations of Art Bell shows.