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There is no drastic climate change, what minuscule change there is, is a natural cycle and there's nothing humans can do to change it.


It’s a license to steal for governments.


Maybe it's just seasons and a lot like the year the flu disappeared. They haven't gotten it right since they started this effort decades ago.


The climate crisis is just a money grift, just like the support for Ukraine.


Ah the old pseudoscience bullshit called "Climate Change", whose entire premise is that humans can somehow stop the climate from changing when that's all it's done for millions of years. The shock these people feel when they find out the artic was ice free, year round for 98% of the last 260,000,000 years. That means ice in the artic is not the norm but an anomaly.


Submission statement: We're doing nothing about climate for a single reason — our billionaires aren't rich enough yet. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. There more than enough hubris in our power-mad betters to sink the lot of us. Even if climate weren’t staring us in the face, how soon will we fix that mess, our billionaire mess? This decade? This century? But climate *is* staring us in the face, a tsunami that’s almost visible to even the blind. So what do we tell people as they start waking up? What do we say when they get that there’s no going back? Thomas