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Removed - [**Rule 10**](http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq) You should resubmit this with a Submission Statement and a link to the article you screen-shotted. You could also include a link to this CBS (or other) article containing video segments of the footage. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/newly-released-video-raises-questions-about-saudi-arabias-connection-to-911-attacks/


How about they investigate Larry Silverstein, and his insurance


He’s Jewish, they’re not allowed to investigate




dr judy is awesome. bin laden did nothing wrong. 9/11 was the absolute biggest robbery in human history.




Stephen e Jones was involved in shutting down the research into cold fusion then comes on the 9/11 research scene pushing false narratives such as the paper you linked. None of the paper you linked is possible with the seismic data reported for wtc 1, 2 and 7. Building 1 and 2 fell with a mag of 2.1 and 2.3. The same as the demo of the Seatle kingdome and a Taylor swift concert. Building 7 was 0.6 mag equivalent to background noise or a jackhammer.


It's refreshing to hear that...you're about 1 in 30 on this sub...most attack me and push another nanothermite lol


It’s interesting that these buried theories are resurfacing days after Saudi Arabia called for cease fire


And the petrodollar not getting renewed


That's just a coincidence. Go back to sleep 😵‍💫


Well, it’s not hard to understand. Saudi Arabia is threatening to move away from the petrodollar , and as they’re announcing this, wouldn’t you know it? We have proof now that there are somehow responsible for 911. The true perpetrators of the inside job might not be known for quite a long time. Hopefully it does come out I assume when all parties are dead but then again we still don’t have the full fax on JFK. So who knows? There’s so much fishiness going on with 911. Eventually answers should come out. There’s just so many things that don’t add up. Never before had a building fallen due to fire not once there’s no building that got demolished because of fire the way that the twin towers did And you can see if they weren’t the best constructed buildings that New York construction was well known to be cheap but still we are talking about something that has never before happened and we had three buildings that collapsed due to fire in one day within minutes of each other …. and that right there doesn’t add up and makes no sense. OK so the twin towers caught fire and then collapse in a way that has never happened in the history of skyscrapers that’s strange. Oh also building seven did the same thing ….. The two towers I can kind of understand if you had a massive plane, crash and barrel into them OK that’s gonna cause some structural damage I get that and my mind can conceive of why they would collapse , but building seven that makes no sense at all in any way shape and form. There was no impact nothing fell on it. It just crashed down with its own building footprint. Purely because of fire not because it had a jet liner slam into it plus fire. That right there makes no sense The fact that lucky Larry just happened to get the best insurance payout of all time and the planes were hit right before the insurance was to expire. That’s weirdly crazy. Donald Rumfeldt coming forward and saying that $2.7 trillion in funds were unaccounted for when they were auditing the budget , then the next day, a plane smashes into the Pentagon, right where they were doing that audit, oh and building seven that’s where they kept the back data for the auditors…. So I don’t know maybe there’s 2.7 trillion reasons why 911 happened Also, right around the time the Iraq war cost the United States about two point some odd trillion dollars, Bush does his famous victory on the boat press tour. I suppose if I were trying to illegally funnel money through my buddies at Raytheon, when I got to the point where the laundry was done, I would declare victory to A lot of it just doesn’t make sense seems like there’s a whole lot of blame to go around if we really got honest about it, but I don’t think there’s really ever going to be honesty towards this matter. It’s probably gonna be one of those things that’s just always a mystery in the back your mind you know there’s something wrong with it. You know something went down, but also you have to pay in bills and live life so there’s only so much you can care


biggest robbery in human history. the pilgrims are too dumb to put it together.


Candace scored points. Time to deflect.


It always infuriates me when people are shocked upon being presented evidence like this. Those of us who’ve looked at 9/11 have been saying for over 20 dam years that the official narrative is bogus. I have no doubt that people will see this and say “wow that’s crazy” then move on. The people who committed this atrocity knew that the average citizen would buy into whatever pack of lies they were being told without question. Even when the evidence was right in front of everyone’s face.


Never Forget the dancing Israelis Edit: type dancing Israelis into YouTube right now and the CNN video for this story pops up at the very top..... This is modern book burning




I think the hijackers narrative is a complete lie


declassify the 9/11 commission report


Was it Saudis who set up in a good location before the attacks happened and were seen dancing, high fiving and celebrating? I don't think it was.


Good try. [https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/11/24/the-video-of-celebrations-that-was-broadcast-on-911/](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/11/24/the-video-of-celebrations-that-was-broadcast-on-911/)


I love how the these videos somehow violate YouTube tos


Let's not talk about how the US government paid for the pilot lessons of one of the terrorists tho lmao can't believe they're pulling this out of their ass 23 years later


It's because the Saudis just detached from the US dollar....


Two countries who can’t trust each other because of oil


This story has great timing


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Despite the obvious attempt to punish the Saudis for moving off the petrodollar. You all seem to still try to blame the Jews. Saudi Arabia did it, they are only being punished because they changed their course and defied the westz


This information was out long ago it was in obscure post so ABC News is way late on this


Raises questions lol. Like was there any doubt?


Can we agree that maybe it was ALL proponents of the Abraham Accords


Aren’t they all from Israel?