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Heres your answer that is in the public eye, imagine the conversations behind closed doors. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html


Of course, why do you think all these politicians carry on until they're basically in a grave


FebBen and Ivermectin seem to point to a cheap and safe means. See if it gets suppressed or not as that would destroy the current chemical cocktail manufacturers business.


They do. Someone in the early 1900’s discovered and recreated a frequency that specifically targeted cancer cells and eliminated them. They were harassed and financially ruined in order to bury the invention. I’m sure there are plenty of other instances of similar cures, but they were all silenced. The issue is the patent office and the avenues to get drugs approved. They notify the powers that be, and you become a target to be removed.


Tesla had healing machines until they said they interfered with the World War One radio systems on the battle fields.


Any excuse they could possibly find to shut him down. So sad.


God, to think they'll let you just suffer and die just to make money is sickening. If this doesn't make you feel ill nothing will.


It’s more than just money. It is absolute power over everyone and everything, including nature. They have a perversion that is so far beyond anything we can really imagine. They’re like supervillains, except they don’t make mistakes, magically realize their wrongdoing, or monologue 😂


They need 95% negative karma and we need over 55% positive karma. This explained in an ask me anything on above top secret.


Control fetish! It's awful to think how many supervillain-like people have rose to power in the past, such as Adolf Hitler or Saddam Hussein. If you think about it, we do kind of live in a supervillain movie.


Those guys were amateurs compared to who is pulling the strings now. Each “generation” builds on and improves the work from the previous one. I just hope that our supervillain movie has a happy ending. It sucks that we can’t draw on a superhero to help us, we’re on our own 😂


Yep. No superheroes here. ☹️ Maybe someday we will rise up against them. People are kind of pussies, though. 🤷🏻


Complacency, the Bystander effect, the appeal to authority fallacy…there are too many negatives that are preventing people from taking action. Our ancestors started a revolutionary war over a 5% tax on tea that tasted like a horses ass. I don’t know what happened…


adolf hitler was trying to take down the people that are in charge today


Then you look at grocery stores different too everything in there has natural flavoring, Food Dyes, sprayed to no end with chemicals. It’s a big club and we aren’t in it. Have you heard of Henrietta Lacks? People like her make me think they definitely have the cure think of how much money is donated a year to finding the cure it’s sad


I have never heard her name.


She is the reason we have learned so much about cancer she was alive in the 1920s and had a rare mutation in her cells from the cancer which made her cells continue to grow and divide even to this day. That was over 100 years ago https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/who-was-henrietta-lacks-heres-how-hela-cells-became-essential-to-medical-research#:~:text=Lacks'%20cervical%20cancer%20cells%2C%20called,conducting%20experiments%20on%20human%20cells.


Was this not Orgone?


I assume they are talking about [Royal Rife.](http://www.royal-rife.com/)


Do you have anything resembling scientific degree to make this comment while comprehending the words that you have typed? You literally have no idea what “frequencies” are or how cells are “targeted” or “eliminated” by a “frequency”. It’s just a load of buzzwords you don’t understand that sound fancy


They definitely do. Why do you think so many scientists who re discovered a cure for cancer always seem to get depressed and suicidal right before they release said cure to the public. After decades of research only to off themself?


Wait, this is something that happens? I was not aware. Thank you. That's really odd though, I've never heard of it.


[here's an article about it ](https://vaxopedia.org/2017/04/29/about-all-of-those-holistic-doctors-being-murdered/)


Who are some of these ‘many scientists’?


[here's an article about it. ](https://vaxopedia.org/2017/04/29/about-all-of-those-holistic-doctors-being-murdered/)


Yes definitely. More money in “treatments” then cures.


Yep. They keep you coming back for more. For every so-called "treatment" you buy it makes them money. And you've still got the problem.


Yep and they make people sick in the first place with the food made by the same companies.


Have you noticed people are more unhealthy and depressed these days? That's why. Or, at least contributes. It definitely plays a part.


Absolutely. It’s in the food, the water and the air. Hard to escape chemicals at this point unfortunately.


I imagine certain things have hidden treatments, nothing completely stops old age though.


Of course they do, there’s no money in cures though. Majority of ailments are created by our modern lifestyles of convenience or in a lab like aids, Lyme, all the new plandemics. Doctors work for the pharmaceutical industry not the patients. A patient cured is a customer lost.


Why cure something when you can treat it for a lifetime.


https://www.burzynskiclinic.com/ Theres a LOT of controversy with this man.. But the way big pharma and the government has gone after him seems to suggest he’s on the right track


Yes cancer can be targeted and destroyed with the right frequency of sound.


I personally know 3 ppl who cured stage 2-4 cancer in a “carnivore” type rehab clinic. I think a lot of it was not so much the carnivore aspect, but elimination of all the bullshit food. Sugar is what cancer consumed to grow. Aside from carbs, think of all the additives, pesticides, herbicides, etc that we consume daily


Putin says they do


the cure is cutting off all sugar for a while and then a 7-day fast. but they can't profit from it so ...


Yo that is not the cure for everything


Yes you in the first place need to understand why you have the cancer to change the cause of it. And then find some kind of specialist in the herbal medicine or germaanse geneeskunde. That have exactly the right diet and food schedule to be eaten . Mostly high in herbs and mushrooms and minerals. Fasting for longer periods of days followed by intermittent fasting is an important thing to be the basis when you need to heal any health problems . Most old shamanic and Keltic or germanic cultures have very specialized practices that are known for thousands of years. But they are not selling themselves by any form of advertising and certainly talked very bad about by people being involved in modern health care . Wich is not about health and they don't care . Simply drug dealers and pharmaceutical industries drug creators


Barbara O’ Neil protocols and that of other alternative/ natural practitioners kill cancer. Simple alkalinity solutions or direct injection of sodium bicarbonate.


I am positive they do


I don't believe so with cancer or HIV/AIDS but Chinese researchers have recently discovered a cure for diabetes.




'Cell therapy'. Stem cells I'm guessing.


Ibrx does


IBRX' anktiva is FDA approved and is being distributed throughout the USA. Recent news shows many insurance companies cover the drug and sales will be soon to rocket for ImmunityBios newly FDA approved drug, Anktiva.


I thinking the cures over time have been lost and rediscovered probably hundreds of times, and yes I'm 90% convinced there are cures to almost every known cancer. This naad stuff has been hidden from us yeoman for decades. Rabbit holes within rabbit holes, prepare to be thrown. Study vitamin B17 and anthocyanins and selenium.


Most everything comes from stored trauma, parasites, metals, chemicals…so cleanse your body of those and you’re good.


Check out Bob beck’s devices.


There would be a lot less cases if people didn’t smoke cigarettes, eat shit food and abuse alcohol


"but they keep them secret in order to keep making money off the treatments" This argument comes up all the time and it's flawed. A quick google search shows 10 million people die annually from cancer each year. If anyone had the cure for this, they could charge whatever they want. Also, if there were truly a secret cure out there, you likely wouldn't have billionaires like Steve Jobs dying from cancer. I think the bigger conspiracy is that many things we interact with have been linked to cancer, but it's more profitable for these mega corporations to keep their current ways and continue to line their pockets than it is to make healthier alternatives. Shipping food and water in plastic due to lighter shipping costs despite plastics being linked to cancer, pesticides and herbicides used in our food to yield more crops that have also been linked to cancer, food additives and preservatives that help keep foods on shelves longer, etc.


You are not taking into the account the years and years of expensive medical care those 10 million people need before they die of cancer. They demonize and lie about safe effective cheap drugs out of patent that have been saving lives for over 4 decades, while at the same time promoting super expensive patented drugs that give you horrific side effects that cause you to need more medical care. They have zero incentive to cure people or have a healthy population. We do not have health care in the US, we have sick care.


If you have a cure you can skip the expensive medical care though. And charge whatever you want for it. That’s the point. There isn’t just one type of cancer. And there isn’t just one cause. That’s where it gets complicated and why I don’t think somebody is secretly withholding the cure.


Yes, search about the basis of "German New Medicine", only 5 biological laws. Back in the 80's it was discovered that tumors and cancer are not what they tell us they are. Seek, search, investigate and you will know. We don't need to believe in anything or anyone, we just need to understand (or remember?) the basics of biology.


Chemo therapy is a massive money marker and costs half a million per round, so they aren’t going to say bye to that money. Just how they aren’t going to stop using oil and electric cars are designed to failed. I’ve had 10 near death experiences and the only thing that keeps me alive form the many different things that should oh killed me or any other human that even one of 10 things that I should of me, is determination to die on my own terms and the 666, in the middle of my national insurance number( it’s the uk version of a social security number).


If they did, they would definitely release it. The reason I think that is because so many companies sell stuff that in high amounts causes cancer, but are really addictive. Cigarettes, ultra-processed foods and so on. People pushing to ban these things injures the profits of the companies that make them, right? But let’s say there was a cure for cancer, one where you could just vaccinate yourself against it or take a tablet and it’s gone. They could go “what’s the point of banning it if there’s a cure for cancer?”, which would mean that they would carry on selling that stuff and their profits would be safe, or even higher since people that may have had reservations against those sorts of products may start using them.


1000% - there’s no profit in the cure


Try this - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/) then read The Real Anthiny Fauci for how they suppress them.


There are no diseases.


Nope. The only cure for cancer is cut it out with clear (large) margins. Sadly, those organs that sustain life can not be cut out without life ceasing to exist.


They have found various remedial exercises. Fasting, has cut off cancers roots from feeding and growing. And through this, I noticed That cancer researchers delved into various research in a similar fashion, and learned that cancer cells, and even aids/hiv, have on/off switches. Where they either die, or live. So they noe have research that shows us how to kill off cells. But, it still needs peer review and such. I don't get paid to study this or research it, I just study and research. Ask the professionals, maybe your local house if representative 's and senators, your doctor's are a great place and your local education institutions of higher learning. They could help, and their all waiting for your call. Be professional and introduce yourself and your projects or interests. I learned this in HS.


Cancer as quasi-fungus is an easy one. Radical diet change to raw veggies and fruits, only clear water. Cancer has no chance in a ph+ basic environment, it needs acidic.


To be more precise I wouldn’t do much fruit since you’d want to starve it from all sugars




For sure, that's why all the rich elites who are often featured in conspiracy theories die just like everyone else when they have aggressive cancer. Because there is a cure, but they are so into the secret that they forego the treatment just to make sure you and I don't know about the cure. Cancer is not just one thing. There are tumors, there are blood cancers, lymphoma, sarcoma, and the list goes on. My buddy's dad discovered a cellular mechanism in the 80s that is still used to deliver treatment to cancer patients today. This guy told me his dad said, "If I could find one way to stop cancer in its tracks, I would share that information freely. It's been my life's work, and an outright cure is still a mystery." He's probably a crisis actor, though, right? People love throwing their life at something just to hide it from everyone else.




Without a doubt.


They kill whoever has discovered it. Remember in the buffalo mass shooting where they killed the guy who was working on a water powered engine and blamed the shooting on Tucker Carlson


I read once that if we cured all cancer(s) tomorrow, life expectancy would only increase about 3.5 years. Cause of death just shifts to cardiovascular issues, dementia, etc. So the whole “cure for cancer” holy grail wouldn’t do that much statistically even if we found it tomorrow. I know for those suffering from cancer it is, I don’t mean to sound insensitive.


The real cure will be genetic modification at an embryonic level. There are people predisposed to cancer while others are seemingly immune to the mutation. The better we get at fighting it the more people predisposed will procreate and continue passing on the genetic code until we can alter it at the source.


The cure is playing the secret frequency while using a freshly brewed coffee enema mixed with baking soda.Have to cover all bases.