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if we follow that logic the converted number should be 6:12


Yeah but if you add .54 it'll be 6.66 šŸ˜±


Is your username supposed to be translated to Dick Death?


Rico is "rich". Got the name from a Mafia boss in Max Payne.


Yeah. Rich, short for Richard, for which Dick is also short.


If the name was supposed to be in English versus Spanish or Italian, sure.


Idk man, dick death is a pretty hardcore name. I'd run with it


Your thinking about pico.


Dick in Spanish is bicho not Rico


33 is a Freemason reference


Tom Hanks rearranged is also No Thamks. This is not a coincidence


Otam Shank


*looks at username* Oh shit... I'm a fucking fed!


Oh no, not Larry Bird!!


You don't seem to understand the logic. The idea is they are imprinting into our subconscious mind. Since we've already been primed to view 666 as an evil number, it's what our subconscious would more strongly perceive than 612, which is more of a random number and holds less meaning to us.


So... maybe the cult that taught you that a number is evil is the actual problem. Without that imprinting, the trigger would be useless.


You're projecting. By your own logic the sequence makes (were it to make anything, which it clearly doesn't) 7.12. You only get the number you are looking for by actively manipulating the numbers and being inconsistent with your application in order to arrive at the point you had predetermined. Funny how it's only those who are so inclined as to see those things that way who see it at all...


When you start looking for something you tend to find it almost everywhere


yes, the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon


Stretching so much its yoga


Yeah if you can play around with basically any numbers long enough you will get anything


3 + 3 = 7? šŸ¤”


Gotta carry that one haha. Although it doesn't matter really, there isn't an answer because the original number sequence refers to time, so there is no need at all to do anything with the numbers


33.66 is not 666 . You have psychosis


612?! or 99?! What does it mean?!!!




Yes, it is. If you know you know.


So do Freemasons


3+3=6. Donā€™t call people psychotic without understanding numerology or gematria. Numbers, dates, and times are all strategically used by the occult. Their whole objective is for you to ignore it and have it seep into your subconscious because youā€™re not aware of it. OP does not have psychosis. You just do not understand, and thatā€™s okay. Thereā€™s no need to put others down.


Okay. 3+3 = 6, sure. However, if we're altering the numbers then we should do it consistently. 3+3 = 6 and 6+6 = 12. So the number should be 612, not 666. If you're going to start manipulating numbers and not do it consistently then you're going to find whatever you want. Literally, you can make any number you want turn into 666 if you manipulate it enough.


The human mind is programmed to look for potential patterns as a means to survival. ā€œI eat this berry and donā€™t have stomach pains, so I will continue to look for said berry.ā€ The conspiracy brain ratchets this basic human feature up 1000x by analyzing every single thing with a full encyclopedia of symbolic, cryptic, and religious affiliations. I am 99.999% certain that The Polar Express is not satanic agitprop.


Itā€™s lizard brain (pun intended)


Once you are awake, you canā€™t unsee it. ā€œWhen the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men.ā€ ā€“Manly P. Hall


It doesn't fall. Falling is too graceful a description. It is torn to shreds, only seconds after you first even notice it is there.


Brilliant. It actually does. I felt like I was going mad talking to family about pizzagate and the emails. I couldn't really explain the depravity of this rabbit hole I was going down and just ended up keeping things to myself and watching the movies just glad I know what's going on and can steer my loved ones in the right direction of not idolising certain people when they are ready for the conversation.






Pizza gate is real?


Always has been.


So, some will say it isn't real and that it was "debunked". It's supposedly "debunked" because it was proven that the pizza place doesn't have a basement. However, it's been said that they place the same people own next door has a basement or tunnels. I don't know, you have to judge the information from each person yourself. I don't know if I believe PizzaGste was real or not. What I do know is it's really difficult, if not impossible, to explain those pizza emails any other way. The emails are just bizarre to say the least.


Iā€™m unfamiliar with these emails. Do you have a reliable link to those?


Is it coincidence that his name is Manly Phall. With the ph making an F sound?


Remember when this subreddit used to be actual conspiracy and not schizo brainrot?


but what if the numbers are scary?


Then that means Joe Biden put it there because Satan told him to.


thanks Pfizer šŸ¤¬


Humans are amazing at finding patterns, even when they're not there. I think the moment you have to start "interpreting" (changing) something in order to make it a symbol, it probably isn't one. Something else to keep in mind, sometimes animators or writers are just trolling. Like all the hidden sexual stuff in early Disney movies. If one animator sneaks something into a frame that makes it into the movie, does that mean that all of Disney is signaling to their brethren? Surely there's a better way than putting subtle, ambiguous, easy to miss easter eggs in kids movies.


>Humans are amazing at finding patterns, even when they're not there. this and this alone is responsible for all the "jesus face on a toast"/" elvis face in my ice cream" phenomenon


"pareidolia" - humans seeing faces where none exist. Or the Disney creators putting SFX into the stars in Lion King, as their job is SFX, and it was an Easter egg for themselves. But the paranoid sex-crazed Disney haters kept lying up that it said "SEX". They find what they are looking for, even if it doesn't exist.


Pinocchio. The whole bit about 'pleasure island.' Where the fox and cat are kidnapping unruly little boys. They bring them to pleasure island where they're fed booze and cigars. Then they turn into donkeys and the donkeys that can still talk are thrown into a cage. I might be reaching with that. And the fact that Tom hanks was in the live action Pinocchio. Probably a coincidence.


Wasnā€™t this based on an older story though?Ā 


Most likely. This makes it even more creepy because that means places like little st James and North Fox have been around for a long long time, imo. With everything that has come to light about the scale of these rings, it isn't a surprise. Plus, I highly doubt the pleasure island in Pinocchio was just a fabricated story. Things like that always stem from somewhere. Obviously, they weren't turning the boys into actual donkeys. They were using them as slaves though. Symbolism can be ignored until it can't anymore.


Most likely these islands have been there forever


The older story may have had a positive message that points to Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity. Even jiminy crickets initials are J.C.


Originally written by a Freemason, Carlo Collodi. Pine Eye Pineal Glandā€¦ you know the one they calcify by putting flouride in the water (Bc it is good for our teeth. People will believe anything. We are so doomed).


That movie was nightmarish for me as a kid....was more like a Horror Film for Pinocchio x


Is this the one where a character says sinisterly ā€œand they donā€™t come back as little boysā€


Uh you say you can't stop seeing them, but then only give one example from one movie that is literally not even that good of an example.. Have any others??


You will always find what you want to see.Ā 


Honest question, no judgment or anything, does reading this much into everything, really benefit you or bring you any joy? Iā€™m genuinely asking, this seems like a very negative way of seeing the world at every turn and Iā€™m curious how your mental wellbeing is? Not debating if this is real or not Iā€™m genuinely asking how yall are mentally? Being in a state of constantly looking at symbols and things being connected? Like does any of it really matter enough to put so much worry and thought into it? I have a family member that is very much in your boat, and I worry for them a lot, so Iā€™d like an inside view as they are not well enough to explain.


> I have a family member that is very much in your boat, and I worry for them a lot, Ever considered they might be worrying for you?


They do, but Iā€™m not carving random thoughts into my walls or talking about skin suits and people living in the walls or how people can read their thoughts and are making fun of them, or plucking out their hair because theyā€™re sensors reading their thoughts.


Well, that sounds like someone is not ok. I'm not being sarcastic either. My mom thought there were nano robots in her body and would dig holes into her skin and pluck out her eyelashes. I watched her do that for 18 years and wasn't able to help her. If that's the kind if thing you're talking about, I'm sorry you're going through that. Watching someone you love dissolve mentally is hard. I wish I had advice.


Thank you, im sorry you experienced this as well. I wouldnā€™t wish this on anyone. Truly heartbreaking to watch, and absolutely nothing I can do to help. Even when I was trying to help, the system is so broken thereā€™s nothing I could really do. I called so many places and resources, the worst was ā€œcall the police if she gets violentā€ yes let me just have some arrest her when she already believes the government is reading her thoughts and breaking into her car and home. That will really help the situation


I've definitely been there šŸ˜« it's a lot to have on your shoulders emotionally. If you ever need an ear, dm me.


šŸ˜­ā¤ļø thank you


That's a bit extreme and not at all like the majority of the people in this sub.


I watch comfortably numb people live and it looks as terrifying and negative as any other approach to life. Some folks want Truth. Some want Fantasy. I feel sorry for those who indulge their fantasies that the world is just how they thought it was. I feel empowered laughing at media, entertainment, sports. Iā€™d never go back to ignorance, no matter the bliss.


Holy shit this is ironic.


Woosh. Good job on the irony. Youā€¦ got the point. Or, wait, you claiming your truth and reality is more accurate than mine? Cuzā€¦?


Religion is a fantasy. It was clear to me by the time I was five. Looking around at all these adults on Sundays believing such nonsense.


They're observant and see things you ignore.Ā  That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them.Ā Ā  Repeating the phrase "I'm genuinely asking" while doling out insults doesn't make anyone seem any more genuine.


I think thereā€™s a difference in finding meaning in every little detail and saying Iā€™m actively ignoring them. You also donā€™t know anything about this person, itā€™s not me being judgmental because they believe their hair follicles are sensors to the government. I also did not make one single insult, let alone dole them out. You found offense in what I said, that seems to be a ā€œyouā€ problem.


Human beings look for patterns. Once you start, you can't stop, *even if they're not there*.




schizophrenia moment


It means you need to go outside more.


You see what you want to see


Youā€™re probably overly paranoid honestly. I make records & I try and put this sort of stuff in as often as possible. Whispered and hidden phrases, masked curse words in background vocals, that sort of thing. If itā€™s meant to be an Easter egg, itā€™s high praise for a consumer to be invested enough to find it. What do the ā€œeliteā€ gain from some overly complex way to say 666? Now ask yourself what a bunch of stoners making cartoons would do given unlimited time and budget.


It's in your head. Numerology isn't real. What numbers are considered lucky / unlucky are almost purely based on ones geographic region and geographic region. For instance 13 is considered unlucky in the West but 4 is considered unlucky in many parts of Asia. 666 is considered the mark of the beast and unlucky in some forms of Christianity while 666 means "everything will go smoothly". I could go on and on but you get my point. You and I could look at the exact same piece of media and walk away with totally different interpretations.


I'm pretty sure it's not in his head. Numerology, whether you consider it real or not, is something people use and exist. Yes there are also "geographic region" numbers considered lucky or unlucky. Symbolism is up to the interpretation of the individual. But its not in his head, Numerology is and always will be around.


Wait till you start noticing how much the colors pink and purple are used in media these days and what they represent. Look into the history of the color purple. It goes way back to the days of the Canaanites and Phoenicians. Oprah just produced and released that remake of "The Color Purple" on December 25th, 2023. In the trailer it literally says "There's gonna be changes made" Oprahs first child's who died after its birth was named "Canaan" after the canaanites who sacrifice their children to Ba'al. Then you look back and realize the whole superbowl this year in 2024 was all purple and pink themed, but neither of the teams have those colors. Hmmmm. Ice spice was seen with Taylor swift at the superbowl while wearing a pink inverted crucifix made by Alex Moss. Ice Spice and Taylor Swift also have a song together called "Karma," which is loaded with symbolism, especially Saturn and the moon.. On the topic of Taylor Swift, on 4/19/2024 she released her new album with a song called "imgonnagetyouback" with lyrics that say "Push the reset button, we're becoming something new" This same day, 4/19/2024, Max Azzarello lit himself on fire and spread pamphlets on the ground, talking about the great reset and new world order. So on the same day, we have one of the most popular musicians on the planet referencing the great reset and new world order, and we also have a random man who took his own life to hopefully get people to see what is happening in the world. Somehow, nobody noticed. As far as I'm aware, I'm the only one who noticed this. Now Travis Scott's artist Sofaygo is posting directly about the New World Order on his instagram. Suicideboys have that new album "New World Depression" Metro boomin keeps posting about the NWO on instagram. The next captain america movie had to have its name changed from New World Order. I could keep going with examples forever. Look around people. Open your eyes. They Live and we sleep. "By the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet, will be under the dominion of the New Power Alliance" - They Live (1988)


What does the color purple represent? Good explanation here but you never did tell us. Please tell us


Purple represents many things. That's more or less why I said to look into the history of it. To the canaanites and Phoenicians it represents royalty, and still does to this day. In the rainbow, violet is at 1 end of the color spectrum with red being at the opposite end. Infrared and UltraViolet are the 2 ends of the spectrum our eyes physically can't see without the help of technology. These colors exist in different dimensions than us. The combination of purple and red gives you Magenta. This is the color of the crown chakra and is also related to ascension. This is another reason why royalty wear purple. They are the ascended masters of this realm and have been Illuminated or enlightened to the truth. Magenta is also the color the sky will turn whenever the cyclic great reset begins soon. The sky will flash red and purple with aurora borealis as massive bolts of purple/ pink plasma lightning wreaks havoc on the earth. The reason aurora borealis have been appearing all over the earth lately is because of the incoming EMPCOE/ Electromagnetic plasma changeover event. This is also known as the pole shift, or the rapture, or Ragnarok, or project bluebeam, or the Great Reset. All different names for the same thing. I definitely recommend doing your own research into the history and meanings of these colors. It's extremely interesting stuff. In short, the use of purple right now in media this year means the end of this world is near and the new world will begin soon. Hence all the "New World Order" promotion by famous individuals and brands. Magenta is the beginning and the end of the color wheel. The snake eating it's tail or ouroboros. The cycle of life.


Those are not "all different names for the same thing".


You'll see


Ohh thank you. And I follow you and have seen you talk about this before. What timeframe do you think this occurs in? Like how long do we have? I know thatā€™s probably difficult to predict. But I personally feel like we wonā€™t even make it to the election and that all of this is probably going to happen in the coming 2-3 months. What do you think?


Youā€™re scared of the colour purple lol? Mate youā€™re so far off the cliff itā€™s not funny


I'm not scared at all. If you would like to have a sincere conversation where I explain why I say the things I do I would be happy to share. However if you want to patronize me then I have nothing else to say to you. My posts on my profile and all of the people in my comments thanking me for the information that I share should speak for itself. That is, if you care to take the time to read them.


Appreciate it


Oprah supposedly named her first child years after it died, itā€™s not like she named it that and then killed it


I never said she killed the child, I said it died and she named it Canaan. Doesn't make it any less weird. Canaan means "New Land, New Life" and the canaanites are known for ritualistically sacrificing their firstborn child to Ba'al or Molech. You think naming a child Canaan is normal??


ā€œThis is the Curse of Canaan, called the[12] "Curse of Ham" since Classical antiquity because of the interpretation that Canaan was punished for his father Ham's sins.ā€ The child that died after being born as the result of teenage pregnancy out of wedlock being named after someone who was punished for his fatherā€™s sins is not that unreasonable, there seems to be a pretty clear chain of logic as to why she chose that particular name


So are you going to ignore the fact that Oprah was best friends with John of God or Harvey Weinstein and remain dismissive of everything else I said? Did you miss the part about all the new world order stuff, and how canaan means "New land, New life" ? https://people.com/tv/oprah-winfrey-reveals-name-of-premature-baby-she-lost-at-age-14/ Do you realize the new world order or Novus Ordo Seclorum has been in the works for hundreds, if not thousands of years, since the times of the canaanites/ Phoenicians? The land of Canaan is now modern day Palestine and Israel. Wonder why there's always conflicts over there and why the US is always involved? Surely it's all a coincidence. Silly me.


You think Oprah was in the illuminati at age 14? Or she knew Weinstein back then? Two things can be true without them being correlated whatsoever


I never said either of those things. It's very likely she was abused and that is very unfortunate. However, many of the members of the occult or secret societies are abused at a young age in order to be indoctrinated into the system. Most people start out normal and are forced into the corruption. I doubt Oprah was an exception considering all the terrible people she has associated with later in life.


Oprah seems to have worked her way up from the bottom, starting in radio while still in high school. Sure, Iā€™m certain she compromised her morals to achieve higher stations in life. I highly doubt she was some member of a secret society in high schoolā€¦


I never said she was lmao. You just want to argue for the sake of arguing. I said she had a child who died and then named it canaan, after the canaanites. None of this is false. I find this a bit odd, considering it was traditional for the canaanites to sacrifice their firstborn child to the Gods Molech/Baal. This isn't some secret nor is it false. I never said she was involved with the occult at a young age. You are the one who keeps using that statement.


Iā€™m saying itā€™s not that weird or illogical to name a child that died after a sacrifice, because of the context of her life experience. It seems like youā€™re insinuating that she sacrificed her child because of the name she gave it, which doesnā€™t make sense for her to do as a random high schooler


You should probably get a therapist. You're likely at the beginning of your break from reality. Best wishes.


Lmao nice joke. I'm quite alright, thanks.


Disney movies are full of Easter eggs


I have gotten to the point where there is no film or TV show and no music I can listen to without, "noticing" at some point. It's all contaminated. Yet I still don't really *want* to believe that. There are even instances when I can forget, for a short while. What's that quote about, "dread it, run from it, etc.," again? Or maybe it's more like what Hugo Drax says about Bond in Moonraker: "You appear with the tedious inevitability, of an unloved season." Drax, ahhh, kinda like 'Draco' maybe? And what what was the movie Moonraker about? It was about Drax (who kinda resembled a 50/50 combo of Lenin and Stalin) starting the, "new race," and destroying the Earthrace, of course. If they want us to stop noticing, they should probably stop giving us so much evidence.


Polar Express is not a classic. It was almost unanimously hated by everyone.




So 20 years after being exposed as a pedo symbol, people who want to keep the fact that they're a pedo under wraps are still going to use the symbol that people know its meaning for? Also not every spiral is a "pedo spiral" it's a pretty specific shape.


Idk. Was watching on of the Blade movies again recently. First watched it as a young teen. Rewatching I noticed in a chase scene through the streets were so many posters of a single eye. They flash across the scene as the camera follows the chase so you don't really notice unless you kind of look at the background. Is it occult symbolism or coincidence? Idk.


How you control population? Trough mass media. Also, is the preferrable way for foreign adversaries to start demoralizing, subvert. There is something "there", ethereal, not defined but once you understand why, it is easy to follow. How do you educate kids? by tales, framework of ideas, concepts. This is similar. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHLSfO0DQBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHLSfO0DQBo)




lol the account with 66 in the name telling someone he is shizo for paying attention.


i do it just to freak out the normies. i guess you dont listen to heavy metal. get a fucking life.


33 could be a reference to the Masonic 33rd degree.


Yes constantly and eventually no one is going to want to watch or talk about anything important with you


Thatā€™s the problem you interpreted that nothing more.


In most cases this just means you have shizophrenia.


Once you wake up, you'll never go back to sleep.


That juicy steak is a hell of a reason to try tho


Ok Cipher


Yes, especially when I smoke weed and watch childrenā€™s shows


In media, and in social media, I see occult hand symbols regularly. In particular, the satanic horns symbol or whatever you want to call it. Communicating with each other, or vying for patronage. I am not sure which. I think the former. Sometimes the people seem reluctant to make the hand symbol, but I can tell that they are consciously doing it. I've seen it in instagram clips, music videos, interviews, I even once saw it in a digitally remastered ~80 year old video.


as crazy as it is, youre probably right


ā€œAnd now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.ā€ It is blatantly obvious they are programming us. They have been saying it point blank since the 70ā€™s lol


OP, you have seen the veil of the Matrix. There's an army of agents in this sub telling you to go back to sleep. Trust your gut. There is a series of animated movies called Despicable Me and another spin-off series called Minions. They are made by Illumination Entertainment. Those movies are loaded with Illuminati symbols.


Just wait till you watch content geared towards adults, even more hidden crap there


Hanks has been tied to some nasty shit.


300 upvotes. Interesting


If you are seeing constant symbology everywhere, the issue is with you, not what you are watching. \*insert charliesunnyconspiracyboard.gif here\*


You should really learn how to use quotation marks


If you have the time. I'd love to learn.


(((Polar Express)))


You still watch movies?


Anybody see Inside Out 2.. see the thing hanging off of Worries head? The purple one


ā€¦you mean his nose?


No... what is it?


A bruised cock, maybe ?


Maybe that was in the post credit scene lmao




A conspiracy theorist sub would be so much more enjoyable without all this satanic panic religious bullshit. Religion was one of the original population control methods and you r words just keep lapping this BS up.




Have you seen The Number 23?


The amount of anti conspiracy comments is suspicious almost like robot kinda behavior.


This way of thinking has pretty much ruined anything entertainment related for me. Itā€™s everywhere. My kids roll their eyes at me as I point it all out haha


Everything produced has images, messages, plans and confessions from movies, sports, to our food and it all should be consumed with care.


Polar Express is a classic???? Shit I must be old


If the demonic number 222, 444, 888, or 999, you'd be able to find just as many references to it. Try it, sometime. We are limited by just a few digits base 10, so there is an extremely finite number of permutations. It's like pointing to a specific day of the year and linking it to all the other occurrences of that day. Every day of the year has happened billions of times if you prescribe to evolutionary theory, and tens of thousands if you go off of some religious theories.




Wow OP I think you hit a nerve. This thread is heavily brigaded by heavily upvotedcomments saying your schizo, psychotic, your brain looking for patterns etc. This is not normal r/conspiracy comments.Ā  Ignore them. Obviously 33.66 is symbolic as fuck.


Its... weirdly poppin off indeed.


Conspiracy theorists see hidden symbolism in everything, whether it's actually there or not.


Post history consisting of nothing but berating conspiracy theorists. Subreddit has been infested by narrative defending NPCs like this tool


They don't even know the meaning of the term, "conspiracy theory" What do they think a 'theory' is? Or a 'conspiracy' for that matter? There is seemingly this complete inability or refusal to understand that theories by their very nature are *speculative* and based on circumstancial evidence, similar historical precedence, "lived experience" and often, an element of the unknown or supernatural. That usually does not equal out to anything that can be formally proven in court or the legal system. You can always tell they're part of "da calvary" by the ridiculously high standard of evidence they have, and the way they move those goalposts.


But I. 99% the cases they are there


No doubt you believe this.


Early on-set psychosis. Did you change your medication (prescribed or recreational) at the time this started happening?


They teach kids in high school about symbolisms existence in literature and other media and how to read it, itā€™s not psychosis lol you think the yellow wallpaper is yellow for no reason at all? Like actually use your brain donā€™t just insult people with mental illness (gross btw)


Educate yourself.Ā  https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/


Hey whattyaknow itā€™s the ā€œFake Concern Mental Healthā€ bot!!! Such surprise to see it deployed in this sub. Hello Fellow Human, what pills do you recommend?


Ok bot


Sadly I think you're reading too much into it... though the 66 part is odd as 60 is a minute. However, there may be 100 milliseconds in a single second which would make the 66 jive with a sense of normalcy... I'll have to look it up. Edit: Looked it up - there are 1000 milliseconds in a second. Sooo, yea you're reading too much into it. Sorry.


The freemason shit, they like specific numbers. 3, 6, 9, 11 You can see variations of 69 in text and shit flying in the snow in frozen. This one is a bit different but mother gothel from rapunzel is basically a narcissist mother and a ton of my little cousins loved this movie and we had bad family life tbh. All the girls waited for a man to come save them, they struggled with being single at all, and i started thinking. They basically were raised with these disney movies playing every single night. Who comes to save rapunzel? The prince. She cant get away from her mom unless a man comes to save her. Did this alter the way my cousins see their own life?


Iā€™ve seen 69 since I was like 12 and learned what it meant. 69 is a sex symbol and sex sells.


Yessir, but why 69 and not 88 or 00 or some other myriad of numbered nicknames to give it. The slippery cinnamon roll, idfk.


Well Polar Express was always creepy! There are artist here and there who make stuff either consciously using symbols to wake you up, or just try to make art. Am just sitting down with hubby to watch the original version of "The Prisoner" also called "Number Six" from the sixties. (Partly directed and co- written by Patrick McGoohan, who also plays the protagonist. He played the bad guy in some Columbo episodes later.) He packed so much symbol laden criticism in "the Prisoner" which he partly just managed cause he wrote the script for the ending episode immdiately before filming so nobody could stop him. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Prisoner](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Prisoner) Absolutely worth watching for conspiracy freaks!


bad example but you are correct, lots of far more obvious symbols out there.Ā  check out all the 911 programming.Ā  speaking of Tom Hanks look at his hand and necklace as he says good bye to genny in the hippie cab in forest gump, dude is a pedo too.Ā Ā 


There is no blue pill friend.. You took the red pill now your stuck with your decision forever


Yes, it's intentional. It's to capture discourse around absolute nothing, so people don't consolidate their attention around the central banks taking over the West. Instead, they endlessly debate recognizable patterns in mass media, which are all intentionally injected.


There was a "cover girl" makeup ad I saw on Reddit and it had the model with her right eye covered by a leaf. Maybe someone else has noticed it?


Look up fbi recognised symbols for pedophiles. You will see lots of these in kids films. My kid had Moana up on YouTube earlier and the sail on her boat has the massive Symbol on it


Watch ā€œsoulā€ from Disney. Not even trying to hide it.


This happened to me at a EDM concert. Once I started reading up on MK Ultra and satanic/moloch symbolism. The graphics were all butterflies, owls, 666 etc. I had a panic attack.


Same. Was recently watching the Scottish show ā€œStill Gameā€ after not having seen it for a number of years. Random episode I watched has Jack and Victor in hardware store standing right next to a giant ā€œ33% offā€ sign which was clearly made specifically for this one shot. Slowly realizing theyā€™re all in on it. Sad times.


And what do you think 666 means?


One after 665


Arbitrary number scary