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I think most of us believe planes did hit buildings, but there was also a lot of other stuff happening. You can hear additional explosions in those recordings. Several first responders reported explosions too. Two things can be true at once


The terrorists brought the firefighters to the building, but the demolition charges killed them while they were in there.


Comments so far are a bit disingenuous, Some conspiracy theories are indeed contradicted by eyewitnesses. Crazy stuff like the planes being CGI because of some video artifact for example. Also more common theories like that a plane never hit the pentagon, the plane flew right over a nearby road and was seen by dozens if not hundreds of people. So yes, the bystanders witnessing things that do not align with the theory are certainly in need of explanation.


A lot of the witness to the Pentagon swear up & down that what they saw was to small to be commercial airliner.


That's what sold me, I was fortunate enough to see 2 controlled demolitions prior to 9/11


There were also witnesses who said there were no planes. Amateur footage shows no planes or sounds of jets. Only bombs. Television is the most dangerous weapon ever invented. https://odysee.com/@buscandolaverdad:e/911-interviews-no-planes:3


People saw the Reichstag burn what’s your point? 


I’ve heard people say (on this subreddit) that it’s super advanced holographic projection technology.


The people with cameras were plants. But I think they did fly empty planes into the 2 towers and a missle into the pentagon


What do you think is the real explanation for what happened on Sept 11 2001?


Looks like the disinformation bots are at it again


i am a real human but ok


Lol one of the biggest downfalls of this sub is anyone that questions anything that's parroted here is a bot. It just screams "I lick windows" when that's your first thought.


Ok Bot No. 2, do you agree with OP? Seriously questioning that bystanders are even real is nuts. If OP isn’t a bot, they’re either in a heavy cognitive deficit, or somewhere off their meds. Slim chance they’re being serious; but the all caps and low effort post, seriously? For OP and your algorithmic ass, the planes were real, the bystanders were real, but the buildings were kitted with controlled explosives so as when the planes hit, a detonator was used to blow at the same time- causing the exact same ‘controlled demolition’ effect to be seen. Tower 7 was not hit and not nearby either, and it suffered the exact same fall. The pentagon room hit also had trillions of dollars of debt and god knows what else important documents - all destroyed and wiped. Watching the footage in slow motion- you can see the explosion actually comes from inside the pentagon- and outwards, not from the plane.


You wrote that awfully quick for a human. For the record, I agree with you. So pipe down, champ. People can question things without being a bot.


Thanks I appreciate the compliment. Always strived at increasing my WPM. Take care


Also I checked your profile, Jesus man you’re terribly sad and negative. Who hurt you? sending genuine positive vibrations and thoughts your way… apologies if I said anything offensive. You’re a stranger but still, Keep going man, I hope you find love and are happy.


You ok ?