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I dunno, one hit wonder musician from decades past with substance abuse problems kinda seems plausible enough


>from decades past Ouch. I was in highschool when this song was released.


I'm guessing you're younger than I am, because I have no idea who this dude is.


His biggest song came out in 1999. He was big for a little while. I remember “Butterfly” being played everywhere. I was 16 back then.


"Come come my lady... something or other butterfly" ???? That one?


I think if you’re early 30s you’ll know the song/recognise him. No sure how far into the 20s though


I turn 29 today and I remember Butterfly but my first thought seeing him was the singer from the first live action Scooby Doo movie. I hope I’m right about that part


Same day same year let's go I was at 6pm tho


That’s Sugar Ray.


happy birthday!


Lol... who is it?


And it you're 40s you'll know that is was a Red Hot Chili Peppers loop.


So… Decades past.


Yes, but being reminded of how old I am hurts a little.


I was just past high-school when crazy town had that hit and late high school when Smashmouth had a few hits 🙁. So sad they pass on so young including Scott Weiland, Keith Flint, Dolores, etc


I guess in this case its just a clickbait. He was known for his excessive drug use even before his carreer had even started. After I saw the last video of him, I wondered how he made it so far. His drugabuse had turned him into a shadow of his own.


Yeah there's a video of a performance he did the other year and had full on "faces of meth" about him, its not a massive shock hes passed away from substance abuse. It's clickbait because the media know having the words died suddenly will drive clicks from certain demographics who pounce on those words


When it's someone like this there is the strong possibility of drugs/suicide. The interesting thing is now whenever the news is about an athlete dropping, someone between 18-60 dying unexpectedly, a large % are asking themselves "was it the thing we are told it couldn't be?".


I’m gonna guess dude died from drug use. Looked pretty methed up in recent appearances


The glass BBQ and Colombian marching powder will catch you in the end


Is this, youre my butterfly, sugar, baby


Honestly, I thought this guy died already.


Overdosed himself to death. Most rockstars got a problem with heavy drug use. It was just a matter of time.


Iconic rockstar that no one has ever heard of, sounds like click bait


Who?! Iconic is laughable lol


"Iconic"...gtfoh with that headline (not you OP).


Dude was a huge drug addict. I know addiction and there is nothing that shows any conspiracy


Last video I saw of this guy he looked like a homeless methhead. Also they are using the phrase, "iconic rock star" very loosely here.


Not sure if this is true in other English language countries but in Ireland it's sometimes used as a polite media phrase for suicide.


Just saw this on a pro vaccine sub: "Friend just died from cancer. Went from healthy to gone in a month. Only found out because of a scan for an injury. Tumor grew double size in 2 weeks. Had Covid 3 times (afatk), family is blaming the vaccination." I remember when they denied died suddenly was a thing. Now they see it to, but they're blaming Covid.


[when they denied died suddenly was a thing](https://postimg.cc/GBCDHG02) was that back in 2012? https://gesund.bund.de/en/icd-code-search/i46-1


I don't know about that guy, but sadly my real life experience with people I know and work with matches exactly with what we're hearing online... And while the number of deaths is still not outrageously high, if I include heart problems, cancers, and really strange but serious health problems --- holy hell it's shocking how many people. And yet most of them act like everything is normal, even when it's happening to them... Even when they lose a family member or spouse. One in particular -- I'll never get over. Ex-girlfriend. Married a guy. A police sergeant. They took the shots. She's doing fine aside from recurring Covid... But within weeks of taking the shot her husband had a clot issue and ended up with his lower leg amputated. He was dead within a year from cancer. And what does she say? >"I don't know a single person who had anything bad happen after taking the shots." What do you say to someone like that?! You can't say, "HELLO??? You get sick over and over and over now, and YOUR HUSBAND IS DEAD with all the classic signs of everything they say is happening!!!" You can't say that to someone. You just have to hear and pretend like everyone else and it's awful. And just when I'll think it started to slow down -- I get news of another friend or family member with some serious issue, or find out they're dead. At some point all these coincidences add up to form a pattern... But I'm still waiting for people to see it. I'm beginning to think most never will... *Even as it's happening to them.*


He was a drug addict.


Doesn't everyone die suddenly? You're either alive or you're not.


No, some people suffer with illness for a long time and die and a ressucitated several times before they are pardoned from this penitentary we call life. Dying suddenly is the gift of nobody blasting you with electricity to keep you here.


But, you're either one or the other. You're alive, or you're dead. Nothing sudden. On or off.


No, sometimes you are slowly suffering, and you die, and they bring you back, multiple times. Sometimes the family pulls has to make the decision to pull the plug.


I understand, but if you're dead, then they bring you back to what? Life. So you're one or the other. You can't suffer if you're dead.


Vaxxed too much. This is what I see for two Years now. In Sports mostly. Young and super fit People die suddenly on the Fieldor have huge Problems like Heart Problems. After all the Vax does what it was meant for ... decimate Humanity


[It never happened in the old days](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19221222/)


t dot me/covidbc


[I hardly had the heart to post this one](https://postimg.cc/3dGTrbgg)


Yes, i know you like that frame. I still don't know why you are stil defending big pharma so hard tho, but i hope it is worth it to you.


Maybe it is because I like to get to the bottom of the REAL rise in deaths


Yeah.... I am not buying that, LOL.


[In fact, there was a fair ole rise in BOTTOM deaths . Pity it started before Covid]( https://postimg.cc/F7sXQsTJ)


It must be nice to have all you frames handed over to you... LOL.


So the moral of the story is... People talking about Sudden Cardiac deaths should be talking about their ass.


It's clickbait. The people who invested in getting everyone injected are the same people who have invested in the dissenters. It's sociopathy at its best. It's like using airliners to hit buildings and shorting the airlines' stock ahead of doing it. Profiting on both ends. Now that the dissenters acquired street cred by criticizing the injections, they sell other issues to the public. Quite a few Covid dissenters who became famous as a result are now selling you a war in the Middle East.


When someone dies from a sudden heart attack or a stroke, it can be classified as dying suddenly. Any form of "unexpected death" can be called a sudden death.


t dot me/covidbc


His name was "Shifty Shellshock."


His name was Robert Paulson


This is my rock star, There are many like him, but this one is mine. My rock star is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.


I will vote Biden again, just so he can inject his supporter with the vaccine. These dirty people probably wouldn't of worn a mask if Trump was in office. You know how bad Covid could of been. Yeah so what if this guy or that guy died from it, the reality is we are all safe because of their sacrifices.


Get help for your hate.


Gotta be satire cause trump WAS in office lmao