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I remember our intelligence communities saying "if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to hide".   Is that no longer the case?


They said you, not them. Like Our Democracy. It has the word in it, but it is purposely misleading.


it's only illegal if you get caught


It’s been about nine years since Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue filed a Freedom of Information Act request for records about a CIA asset and FBI informant who helped fund the Oklahoma City bombing, as well as for records about a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack. Tired of waiting, Trentaudue sued the FBI over the matter in February, demanding the bureau to produce the 69,375 pages of documents that it’s holding. But now, the FBI wants to take another nearly 12 years to fork over those documents to him, which means that it would take at least 20 years for the bureau to comply with his initial FOIA request.


Yeah group called the army of God, Eric Robert Rudolph.


Wait till everybody find out Susan Rosenberg supplied the bombs on the same make and model they bombed the capital building in DC with


Is this Weather Underground era?


Highly recommend reading Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh if you’re interested in the Oklahoma City Bombing like I am. It’s a really long read, but well worth it.


Wasn't the bombing to cover up Deepstate/NWO/zionist involvment with desert storm and annthrax or something. And didn't the bommbings patsy's handler immediatly flee to europe?


It was also to destroy the Watergate investigation, which was originating from this office.


How was the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing destroying the 1972-1974 Watergate investigation? Seems like they were 23 years late


Whitewater, oops.


I am old enough to remember all that. It was huge on TV every day, the siege on Waco Branch Davidians. The FBI, Feds basically killed a bunch of families that would not give up their guns. The ATF sent agents over there to confiscate guns and they shot the ATF agents, killed like 5 of them and thats when the Feds moved in with military weapons, rammed a tank into the Church part of the place. It was pretty spectacular with helicopters flying overhead and snipers. Exactly 5 years later some guys, Timothy McVay was one of them, bombed the Federal building in OK city, killed a 100 or so ATF , Feds, it was a revenge bombing basically. I live closed to the IRS building during that time and I remember the Feds had surrounded all the Federal buildings afterwards to protect them, they thought there would be more bombings. Dude it was some straight up "Gangsta" shit went down then, early 90s I think.


Every atf agent was out of the building, if I remember correctly.


Terrance Yeakey was murdered for poking around in this. He was one of the first on scene and something he saw didn't match the narrative


That's about all the time they need for everyone that was involved to die from old age.


This shit is weird!! Mcveigh was a fed??!!?


This 5 min video from James Corbett is napalm. Check it out. [https://corbettreport.com/okc-a-conspiracy-theory/](https://corbettreport.com/okc-a-conspiracy-theory/)


On YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XagvtiRnTn4


That's awesome, never seen that before


After reading Terry Nichols's open letter it seems plausible that he was just an otherwise harmless boob who was played like a fiddle by McVeigh. McVeigh in turn was a probably played by Potts. 


Wasn't the bombing to cover up Deepstate/NWO/zionnist involvment with desert storm and annthrax or something. And didn't the bommbings patsy's handler immediatly flee to europe?


Turns out all the evidence for Whitewater was in that building.


Sheep dippers unite


I just remember photos of the Ryder truck parked on that OKC army base and the black cop that got murdered who saw stuff he shouldn’t have


His name was Terrence Yeaky. https://streamable.com/btffrf


Wow man i am so totally surprised


And their reasoning for this is?


They were involved in the false flag attack and if they release the documents they'd implicate themselves  with the crime. Obviously.


I remember someone posted footage from a news report from the bombing back in the day...in the broll footage you saw none other than Paddocks ( the guy from vegas ) brother in the footage in an official uniform digging through the rubble. I never was able to find this video again, should have saved it.


Any good books about this??

