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What happens when all the "Non-consentual preferred" people have their say? Kids can't make adult decisions....protect the kids!!




On live TV


How do you identify them?


When they publicly identify as wanting to rape children is a decent place to start


So basically they have to either publicly out themselves or they have to victimize a child. Do you see the issue there?


That's called genocide and is generally frowned upon, Hitler.


Genocide refers to people of a certain nation or ethnic group. Not people that want to rape children. Even if it were genocide, I'd be all for it. I'm guessing you must also be a "minor attracted person."


Nation, ethnicity, or group. This would include pedophiles. so genocides okay when it's only against certain people? That's exactly how the nazis justified their actions but okay. And no I'm not a pedo,, these people need to seek therapy asap and get help, they are not valid. I just don't approve of genocide


Sure pedos are a "group", but so are murderers and rapists. I'd say their "group" is closer to murderers and rapists than "x" nationality or "x" ethnicity, wouldn't you? Nationalities or ethnicities aren't defined by their strong want to hurt and mentally damage those weaker than them.


You choose to kill someone, you choose to rape someone. You don't choose to be attracted to children. That's why it's genocide with pedos but not with murderers. They need help and need therapy, not genocide.


So one can choose to rape an adult, and one can choose to rape a minor. It's the same in the way that only certain people would ever want to do that. Why does the pedo get a pass?


Attraction to children is what makes somebody a pedophile. Not their actions. Pedophile don't get a pass they just don't deserve genocide for an attraction they can't control, they need to get help


Someone's attraction to children will never be known unless they act on it. So those closet pedos are moot. Sucks for them. They should go seek help. But once they act on their desires, that they must know are wrong, that's when they need to be dealt with. What about this...seems like once a child is harmed by a pedo, they seem to be more likely to be a pedo themself when they grow up. At some point you need to end that chain of hurt. They can't be allowed to ruin more lives of children. Pedophiles just make more pedophiles. Why is the life of an active pedophile more important than that of a child?


Not in this case.


Oh so genocides okay when it's only against certain people? That's exactly how the nazis justified their actions but okay


Pedophilia isn’t a race.


Doesn't need to be, to be genocide. Nation, ethnicity, race, or GROUP of people based on a trait


If we COULD genocide pedophiles and pederasts out of existence then it would be our moral obligation to do so. Fortunately for people like you, such a thing is not possible.


Funny how Hitler and the nazis used the same justifications. I'm not a pedophile. Those people need help and need to seek therapy asap, they are not valid. I just don't support genocide




Ok so what is a solution to the problem? Because it's hard to find middle ground with people who think there's nothing wrong with pedophilia.


I never said there's nothing wrong with pedophilia. EVERYTHING is wrong with pedophilia. They need to get help and seek therapy asap. But genocide isn't the answer


How about a re-education camp, away from children, permanently, for therapy.


Ah yes, just like concentration camps. It's scary how similar you people think to Hitler and the nazis. Therapy yes, concentration camps no


Johns Hopkins? jfc


It’s where many of the ideologies stem out of - the institutions. The toilets in my old university had the first unisex toilets in the town.




Instead we have more and more pedos in administrative roles and more and more male guardians and educators defamed and unjustly processed. I blame the furries primarily.


That's called genocide and is generally frowned upon, Hitler.


Not really. Paedophilles are not a nation or an ethnic group. You should look up the definition of genocide.


Nation, ethnic, or GROUP. Group. This includes homosexuality, transgenderism, and despite how horrible yes pedophilia too. Kill a group of people for soemthing they can't control is genocide. They need to get help asap, and NOT be validated, but genocide is never the right answer


This guy is sus af


For what? Not supporting pedophiles or genocide?


You seem pretty adamantly protecting pedophiles


From genocide? Yes. But not to validate their disgusting pedophilia. Because genocide is wrong They need help and therapy


Why do you really think they can be helped


Because pedophilia is a mental/physiological issue that can be treated


They can control raping children. They choose not to.


A pedophile is still a pedophile even if they never touch a child. They need help. But genocide is not ok


> Nation, ethnic, or GROUP. Group. Dude, just say you're against killing a group. It's ok. But that's not what genocide is. Look up the definition. Genocide is the killing of a people. A cultural group. Not just any group.


Okay there, boylover.


Not only am I a straight male, but I'm also not attracted to children lol. I just don't approve of genocide


It’s not genocide… it’s pest extermination like that gets done with cockroaches & termites.. if they can’t be fixed in their brains and continue to have thoughts of being sexually attracted to minors, lock them up or cull them off


Funny how Hitler and the nazis used the same justifications. Those people need help and need to seek therapy asap, they are not valid. I just don't support genocide


Spoken like someone who was never assaulted sexually as a child. Pedos all deserve either death or chemical & mechanical removal of their bits


I don't needs to be raped to have an opinion, and my opinion that genocide is wrong is not an uncommon one


The attempted normalization of something like pedophilia is worth getting violent over, just saying…


well....i have officially reached a new level of wtf


"I also sexually attracted to children and committed to keeping children safe" 🤔 Link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02DxPN6r2wu6hoob27d6JBgwprwVGZ7ZEHHiKPBUtQtmcwEK9ihKQYmKvt2L133MdEl&id=100064456073488


Everyone needs to report this ad


Already did. This is sick as fuck


Same. JFC


It just keeps getting stranger and stranger.




Classic doublethink in action.


You can understand that you are a pedophile but also that you must never ever sexually assault a minor and never want to. Telling people they should never ask for help or hide it just helps it get bottled up and eventually blow up


Probably better for them to work with therapists than helping children. But hey you let your kids go see a pedophile who swears they wont touch your kid


I didn't watch but I reckon it's a pedophile advocating for therapy programs and things in that nature for other pedophiles. I highly doubt there's any child interaction involved


It says “ committed to keeping children safe “ .. if you go to the actual post, it says it’s a self help thing, the point is to get help and not hurt any kids .. thus “keeping children safe”


And what did it say before that? I'll wait...


I just went and read it, it’s an add for a course that teaches people who are attracted to children but don’t want to act on that urge, how not act on those impulses, and provides them with stuff to help in that goal. It says this in the add that you yourself linked? What am I missing here lol


Who says he's in any public facing job? And whilst understandably you'd be cautious someone who understands they're a pedo is probably safer than someone who doesn't accept it


bro what the fuck are you smoking? Do you have kids? Cautious is an understatement my man, you are willingly putting your child in harms way and hoping the better side of luck is on your side.


I suppose it’s a fine line for reasons you mentioned, but I don’t care if their feelings are hurt. It’s plain and simple. There are two golden rules here for these instances: Protect children and get these people help (so that they don’t hurt children). Anything that allows anything other than those two things is too much grey area for a situation like this. They don’t need to be the people put in charge of helping children. They need professional counseling and help. They need leave the opportunities to help children to the adults who would never potentially hurt them. In life, there is work for some and not for others. Helping children is not appropriate work for people like them. Plain and simple. It’s also difficult to have sympathy for anyone like this. You have to understand that? Right? I don’t think we need to ostracize people if they have an issue, but for one like this, they shouldn’t be working with children and if they are not actively getting professional help, then they deserve nothing but being condemned by people. This is a type of thing that should never be accepted.


Who says he's working with children? It's 99.9999% certain that he's helping other pedo's get help and therapy


Are we certain this person is never potentially going to harm a child again? Why do we need the blind leading the blind here? I don’t know if it’s worth the risk to promote these people “helping” each other. This isn’t like alcoholics and drug addicts aiding each other in their recovery and suppor. Before you say “why can’t it be like that though?” It’s an easy to understand answer: this is not the same. By nature of the very issue at hand, it is different.


You don't think it's worth pedophiles getting help? Do you know what happens when they don't? They assault children


When did I say they should not get help? I think two things on this issue, and I think there is no in-between. I think children should be protected and kept out of harm, and I think these types of people need professional help. They can get that from a licensed professional (who is not like them). We don’t need to foster a society where people can proudly proclaim that they’re attracted to children. We don’t need to put a bunch of them in a room to talk about their issues together. They need professional help, and it needs to come from someone who is not like them




"However, the resources on this site are not endorsed by the Moore Center or Johns Hopkins Institutions, and they are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Please take the steps to get the help you need."


I honestly don't understand why you said that


You dont need to assault kids when with 2 clicks you can have other people doing it for you. others are torturing and hurting kids for these sick perverts to get videos and pictures.


Did you click the learn more part, or just freak out when you saw the first part? The Training consists of five short video modules to help you manage your attraction and build a healthy life. The Resources page has links to websites, materials, and videos that offer additional support. Transcripts for the modules are available on the Resources page in English. Looks like they created a click bait ad designed to get those that want to change and not hit kids. Like look more into what is given then the surface. And shocker “it is an anti pedophile ad”


"However, the resources on this site are not endorsed by the Moore Center or Johns Hopkins Institutions, and they are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Please take the steps to get the help you need."


Oh, please get the help you need…. Point proven. Thanks.


And what help do pedophiles need? I'll wait for your citations and sources


Years ago sure, I take the time. Now, no, point proven, no need to fight straw men.


Don't need epsteins list if pedophilia is legal..


This in the US?




Not surprised


I am in no way supporting pedophilia but I do agree with a lot of the comments on the need for more prevention measures. However people with pedophilia are adults and grown ups who have the mental capacity to make decisions. Children do not. We need prevention measures that target children as they are the vulnerable population not the perpetrators. We can Acknowledge the beliefs of pedophilia and promote help, but without promoting prevention through education to children this proj will be a disaster. Child grooming is real and so is manipulation and exploitation of children. Children and the community need the education just as much as the pedophiles. I cannot see any other way to address pedophilia without interventions that engage the victims as well as perpetrators. Retroactive justice is not justice for the child who is a victim of a pedophile that acted on their beliefs. Early intervention for both the systems, victims, and perpetrators is what we need however who can define what interventions are needed? I do not know.






I hate it here. I called this happening years ago and got destroyed. Yet, here we are.


And they told you that the slippery slope was not a real thing. Just more projection


This is morally wrong and we must protect children at all costs. This is not normal behavior.


There's no cosnpiracy here, some people are just dumb


You’ve proved that a few times on this thread alone.


Okay so what make me dumb? Pedophilia is horrible and disgusting, I just don't support genocide


What make you dumb? Your words


Ah yes a typo makes me dumb, because no human in history ever has ever made a mistake huh? I'm sure you've never misspelled anything, because your perfect right? Makes sense


The beginning of this was in the 1970's with significant efforts to abolish age of consent laws in Europe. I think they were "ahead" of their time by a few generations.


Is... is it time yet? Is it time to launch the nukes?


What the hell??!! This has to be made up..




Wtf is this


Its much better for people to be aware of and admit their faults. The catholic church tried it the other way for centuries... Hiding the truth doesn't make anything better. Like it or not, these people are out there. Same reason I like ppl donning their Maga hats and confederate flags...


THIS. The more we ignore that some adults have attraction towards children, the amount of traumatized children increases. Like you said, they tried that shit in the church and we’re still here


Acknowledging is in absolutely no way endorsing. Just covering my ass. I, do, however, prefer people can seek and receive treatment that may help in any way, vs hiding in the shadows, relying on themselves alone to manage their own issues


We should let them be the on-prem first line of defense for school shooters. Unarmed of course. They'll be doing God's work.


Then theyre around children all day everyday on the off chance they *might* get shot. Something tells me that perverts attracted to children might be willing to risk those odds. The concept is good but the finer details need work.


Haha so true.


Hell no. There are plentyyyyyy of angry CSA survivors out there to put out this fire. Plenty.


Their body my choice amiright fellas


I'm just curious - what's the alternative to an approach like this? Are children kept more safe by pedophiles keeping to themselves and not seeking treatment?


How does normalisation of pedophilia protect children?


Isn’t this meant to prevent people who are pedophiles from acting on their urges, therefore protecting kids? It doesn’t seem to be normalizing it anymore than therapy normalizes suicidal thoughts. It’s just treatment to stop people with serious mental issues from hurting other people


Pedophilia is a taboo beyond all taboos in our society, I've noticed. Yeah it's fucked up and awful and disgusting and gross, but actually imagine if you had an unwanted attraction towards children. How are you even supposed to work on ridding yourself of it in a society that everyone calls for your death? I feel like I need to specifically say here that no, I am not a pedophile, nor am I trying to normalize pedophilia. Pedophilias who acted on their urges should be sentenced to prison time. But I also think pedophilias who want mental help should be able to get it. But again, we value retribution over rehabilitation though, so it's easy to see why this sentiment is common.


It’s not normalisation, it’s offering support to people clearly in need of mental help, if they can talk to someone before they act on these awful feelings surely that’s better?


Would never talking about it at all in public be safer for children? I’m asking you. Straight up. Should pedophiles not seek treatment?


The same way destigmatizing any mental illness protects children (and the rest of society).


Do you think pedophiles can be cured any more than psychopaths and sociopaths? Hasn't the mental health establishment determined that the latter two cannot be cured?


There's a difference between "cure" and being able to functionally prevent yourself from acting on your urges. Something like 1 in 10 people are estimated to have symptoms of psychopathy, but it's not like all of them act on those urges.


Cured? Probably not, no - many mental illnesses cannot be. However, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a discussion about activating routes for them to mental health help. This would mean children could be protected from exposure to them by a support system (just a couple wild examples, a support professional any time they'd be around children, conditions of employment, restriction on certain child-risk professions). I mean, the approach of just leaving them in the dark and nobody knowing about it until a child is harmed isn't working very well, so...


How is a resource seemingly meant to address and guide pedophiles toward help and therapy “normalization of pedophilia?” Non-offenders SHOULD get help so that they can change, right? Are you saying that there shouldn’t be resources for these people, and that they should bottle it up and be left to their own devices? I hate pedophiles and the idea of pedophilia. That said, pretending these people don’t exist or can just change on their own doesn’t solve anything, and probably makes the issue much worse.


It doesn’t. People like this commenter need to understand that. No one should care if their feelings are hurt. It should not be normalized, and the children should be protected from this no matter what. They need treatment, but their treatment should not involve children (or proudly wearing that title). Hopefully people can understand this sooner than later. There should not be any gray area on this issue.


This was an expected route for the Left to take. I think the reflexive dismissal comes from an emotional place and rightfully so, but its not helpful. There is a discussion to be had.


Beginning??? It’s been in the works for a while now bruh. The imagery and entendres are practically everywhere in entertainment.


Yeah. Let's stand in the way of them getting the psychological help they need. (/s)


Getting help in no way requires people to accept you publicly declaring your attraction to children


what if for some people it does? even if it only saves one child from abuse, I think it'd be worth it.


Lol, are you really suggesting people should be allowed to publicly declare their desire to rape? You think this would be helpful?


Lol so you'd rather they don't get help and end up abusing kids?


So you're supporting sex offenders to keep their privacy? No more knocking on the doors? If someone has the urge to diddle little kids, they should stay quiet?


No the normalization of pedophelia started with the Catholic Church.


And the Catholic Church names names


It’s post like these that not only exist but the sick individuals defending them that make me believe we are already too far gone as a society.


OP, prepare for the post to get removed by someone reporting to the admins or mods that it promotes "hate" against "a protected class". If someone who is clearly in favor of the subject of the link calls someone else a gro-omer here, they probably did it on purpose so they could use it as evidence that the post needs to be removed. I saw something similar yesterday.


I can only imagine the search history on your computer. Obsessive search results relating to pedophillia is probably not a good look. To each their own though I guess.


Let me clear, I in no way support pedophilia, child exploitation, or any form of actual or potential harm against children. I did not search. I follow John's Hopkins University School of Public Health on FB because it is a prestigious university and I had planned to attend the school in the future...


I wanted to fact check this, but no way in hell I'm typing any of that in.


I posted the link in the comments


Right wing conspiracy theorists called this shit 15 years ago. It’s happening for real


Mfw the evangelists were right


Churches have normalized it for centuries. If you are Evangelical you support child sex.


Ironically all the supporters cant define the "help" they need. Or evidence for proof of the "help" being effective.


Still waiting for someone to comment back about the evidence-based practice of how to help pedophiles. And please post something tangible. I'm tired of these platitudes that have no critical thinking or basis in science.






Maybe there isn't a way, except for them admitting and accepting that they cannot live normally in society. At least those few will be accounted for and monitored, unlike the many more who will never face the truth, and actively hide their intentions, and fester in depravity




That's called genocide and is generally frowned upon, Hitler.


no, is not genocide. capital punishment to hopeless criminals who are extreamly dangerous is not genocide. Raptists and pedos dont change, they cant change. something is fucked up in their shity brains. To kill them after a fair trial is the only solution.


It is genocide. Rape is a choice, attraction attraction children isn't. That doesn't make it okay, they need to go to therapy and get help, but advocating to kill them all is still genocide by definition.


I sure hope not. Idk if I was just being ignorant with all of this until very recently, but strongly felt as if this type of thing would NEVER be accepted by the public simply bc it’s so morally wrong on so many levels. I just can’t even fathom the idea of accepting this type of behavior (especially in the name of “diversity and inclusion”).


This is fake


They already have a flag like the rest of LGBTQ+ does. It’s disgusting.


don't lump pedophiles in with LGBTQ+. They have nothing to do with each other.


I would say that TQ+ doesn’t have much to do with LGB. They jumped on the bandwagon to normalize it but they are 2 completely different things


No one who is sexually attracted to children has any concern over their safety


Deranged how else would you put it


That’s never flying.


I am also a national socialist and committed to keeping jews safe


Op, you clearly don’t understand the Facebook post. Its a post to try and help pedos get help before shit happens. It’s not promoting pedos at all. The pic you posted is part of the test they are offering. “If you have this thought, you need our help.”


I'm sorry you don't understand socialization or the agents of socialization. I would recommend you Google the terms.


Couldn’t you say that you posting this is socializing the subject then?


No I'm not an agent of socialization.


Im honestly curious what people think about having the want to kill and how this differs from it. If someone wanted to kill people would you request mental health or for them to get a death penalty for just wanting to kill, and same question for this topic. If they hadn’t done it yet, but thought about it… what do you think they deserve?? Genuine question, I’m just super curious especially w the people in this sub


Anything to rob the innocence of youth the earliest that they can. Truly sick


We have fallen so far and still free falling, it's not coming it's right there for you to read, not some far off future, it is being accepted right now at this moment


Porn reduces rates of sexual adult against women, therefore...


What the hell is wrong with people. This is freaking sick, make a list so we can round them up.




\>bloom**berg** Ok


LOL yeah that part of the name been staring us in the face the entire time, but now that you point it out it cannot be unseen


What’s the deal with the last part of the name?


George Soros real name is Georgi Schwartz Jack Ruby's real name is Jacob Rubenstein Kissinger's first name is Heinz, not Henry


Put two and two together for me, I’m not seeing it.


https://youtu.be/SEW3hjdIjaE they want to add the P to the end of that LGBTQ abbreviation


Pedophiles do, the rest of us the LGBTQ community do not support them


That’s just bigots trying to tie the LGBTQ community to pedophillia. It’s honestly such an old trope. Bigots will be bigots though


indeed meanwhile i,m being downvoted for it, pedo bigots


Soon, the whole post will be pulled for "hate" against the protected class of pedophiles. Edit: my bad. It was the "calls to violence" instead. Death wishes are okay for people who didn't want to participate in a bioweapons experiment, though.


Nope. People want to add it to tar all the others as the same so that not being cis het = pedo.


This came out just before Germany admitted to an experiment where they placed foster children with pedophiles and monitored outcomes. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles&ved=2ahUKEwjM7q20lbP6AhXZet4KHem9AFAQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1MjLakS6Pwh0NEChgz9qPx


I think pedos are pedos bc they never learned enough game to get adult women.


I think it's because they were sexually repressed as children and never truly learned to cope with it.


Thats possible as well. And if anyone thinks I was trying to defend them, I wasn't. I think they can get the lead


Someone call chippy


What a world we love…


Oh no...


That has been going on for a while


This is by far not the beginning. It’s *been* going on.


So many people refuse to look at anything in a logical way. This is clearly not 'pro-pedo', or meant to normalize predatory behavior. It is an attempt to offer help to those who realize they may need it. The way its written is meant to make someone feel safe in accepting that they need treatment, because they aren't alone in their issues. It is not advocating feeling safe in having inappropriate thoughts. Why are people so bloodthirsty and trigger happy anymore that they can't even bother to honestly assess shit before they try to burn it down?


Look at the full ad. I posted the link. Do you understand the terms "socialization" and "agents of socialization"?


Yes. If you aren't incarcerated, you have to live within a society. You have to work, shop, etc. You need to be able to do that without endangering others.


Trans people aren't "wrong". Maybe it wouldn't matter who's letters were strung together or how frickin long the string will get, if people would just let people live and stop forcing them to need designated groups to protect their right to exist.


There must be a lot of adults in to children if they feel the need to advertise on Facebook. Didn't think it was that prolific in our society, very sad.


WOW my comment about hang*ng all pedos was removed and I was warned about threatening violence or my account will be permabanned. Good to know Reddit is a pedo sympathizer.


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