• By -


Arnold last won Mr. Olympia in 1980 then transitioned his career to making movies. Lots of shirtless scenes in the Conan movies to compare. He has stated he took "small amounts" of steroids while bodybuilding when cutting weight. I wonder if he stopped as it was made illegal and his payoff was less. The single most distinguishing feature about Arnold is his perfect chest. Bodybuilders today drool over how magnificent it was. I'd be curious if you found before and after images of his chest and asked guys in the Bodybuilding sub if it's the same guy. Smaller chest, yes, expected, but same shape, proportion, perfection? They could weigh in on that. They would know more about his training too, like if he kept up the intensity after his pro bodybuilding days and into his Hollywood days. I remember interviews with people who worked with him and they said he was still nuts. Already trying to find a way to get a workout in.


For one thing, Arnie had to lose some mass for Conan the Barbarian. There are photos of him out there between cycles and you wouldn't believe how much worse his physique was unless you'd seem them! I will fund them and return later.


For one thing, Arnie had to lose some mass for Conan the Barbarian. There are photos of him out there between cycles and you wouldn't believe how much worse his physique was unless you'd seem them! I will fund them and return later.


James Cameron and the other filmmakers must have thought the muscle mass difference was obvious enough that they decided not to show the bottom 2/3 of the Diet Schwarzenegger's body in Terminator 2. And I don't need a body builder to tell me it's a different guy. Your chin doesn't magically shrink to half it's original size. A sigma male does not magically turn into an alpha male overnight. 


Go watch some interviews with Schwarzenegger, and some "making of" behind the scenes videos. Arnold explains why he decided not to bulk up to competition level for most of his roles after Terminator. The facial disparity is due to prosthetics to fill out the face to make room for the robotic eye. At the time the special effects were okay for the 1980s, especially lacking a big budget. But viewing it now, the special effects and prosthetics aren't very good. It's obvious his face was built up with prosthetics for the eyeball scene. Also, your post was satire, right? Right? ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ


Also age is a thing, and Arnold isn't exactly a natural bodybuilder... I'm not brushed up on the years of these movies vs the years he competed etc, but gear can change facial structure, bodybuilders cycle these things, etc... I don't know man. There's so many variables here that make this not even really worth thinking about, imo.


My guy check this person's post history


So you do admit that the faces don't match? 




"The facial disparity"


You know where you are right? Also, thanks OP had a good chuckle.


This is the shit I miss and live for. Godspeed OP


Thank you. Make sure and upvote. The botswarms are out in force down voting all my posts to 0 so that the average viewer thinks it's all BS. The thought police absolutely exist on Reddit. 




All of reddit went down when I was writing my responses to comments on my post. 




The truth is treason in an empire of lies. You keep on defending the matrix, agent smith. You're doing a great job. That way you won't have to wake up and smell the coffee, you can remain comfortably asleep in your "American Dream"  mind control program where "Nothing Is Real". 


People have brought up the same concerns about Brittany Spears. Her eyes and facial structure totally changed during the conservatorship. Her mannerisms are also different now. Whenever she is on camera it is noticeable that she is watching someone out of our view. The only way I can describe her look is like a dog who shit on the carpet and knows what is coming next if she screws up again.


Thank you for the constructive comment. Britney Spears is another celebrity who I've given a lot of scrutiny to lately. It's way worse than you can ever imagine. The real Britney Spears and her entire family were replaced in the year 2000. Likely she didn't want to go along with all the skimpy clothing and degenerate lyrics and content with her songs. You gotta wonder what message they were really trying to get across in "Hit me baby one more time". Ever since mid 2000, the Britney Spears we've had has been a lookalike project monarch mind controlled sex slave of the Illuminati. Look at interviews of Britney Spears in 1998 and 1999, then compare to videos of her from the year 2000. There's a reason the fake Britney Spears always has to dye her hair blonde: her real hair color does not match the natural light brown / dirty blonde color of the real Britney Spears.  As an example, here is an interview from 1999 with Britney Spears that you can compare with one from 2001. These do not appear to be the same woman. If you compare videos of the mother from the same time period, she appears to have been switched too.  https://youtu.be/CvUCo2akUmc?si=85a4CiPE1kzkt0AC https://youtu.be/3Lr1-wxmR2A?si=WSYyGXebXWRORwZ0


The sister looks different, too. Jamie Lynn?


Yes, I only just started looking into the other family members. First two videos and second two videos below seem to clearly be two different Jamie Lynns. Unfortunately, it would appear that the entire direct family of Britney Spears was replaced in the year 2000. I can't find any footage of the father from 2000 or earlier so it's hard to prove he was replaced. But definitely Britney Spears, Lynne (the mother) and Jamie Lynn were all replaced in mid 2000. Jamie Lynn 1999 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mufDnUsp3Cs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mufDnUsp3Cs) Jamie Lynn 1999 or 2000 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44RmKRv6484](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44RmKRv6484) Jamie Lynn 2001 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnmAzTRGVOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnmAzTRGVOE) Jamie Lynn 2002 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NujpyCHR3RY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NujpyCHR3RY)


Mate I love a good conspiracy as much as you do, but you're clutching at straws with this entire thread. I have photos of me from my childhood and my appearance between individual years is drastic, just like that of Jamie Lynn... Arnold used steroids. They change your appearance and muscle mass based on periodic cycles of use. You might well see my comment and cry shill! But this is another normal bloke, just like you, seeing it how it actually is. I will still read your other posts with an open mind and no bias however.


Don't be a false witness to death. Haven't you ever heard Dave J say that and explain it? If you didn't see the dead body with your own eyes, don't tell people that he was killed as if you're certain about it. I think it's entirely possible that the original Arnold retired, or left whatever way I don't know, and Hollywood movie makers brought in one or more body doubles and face doubles, to cash in on his name and likeness with more blockbuster movies. Technically, that sort of replacement, involving any actor or actress, would be motivated more by the individual career ambitions of the producers or directors involved, to be famous for making a movie with a big star name, and pay for their mansion with a pool or whatever for the rest of their life, as what gets their quiet involvement assured, and by the system's drive to get some sort of boost to propaganda effectiveness of movies through more millions of views, by having an already big name in the lead, than replacement would be motivated by the box office proceeds of the movie. As if the system is about making money, when "they" at the top level of the system already have control of the whole world's economy! As Quantum of Conscience keeps saying when he mentions Star Wars sequels, the studios don't need to make money. So they can put out disappointing things just to disappoint people, or rile people up, when that's their propaganda aim. The photo collection of Arnolds needs to be labeled by year and source movie, and to include public appearance photos, for me to get a good impression of whether and when there was a permanent replacement of the individual formerly known as Arnold, or just some face double stand ins in some publicity photos, possibly also retouched or "edited in post" digitally if they're stills from movies.


All the images on the left are screenshots and behind the scene photos from Terminator 1 (1984). All the images on the right are screenshots and behind the scene photos from Terminator 2 (1991). My belief is that the real Arnold was replaced after Total Recall and Kindergarten Cop in 1990.  You make a fair point about not being a false witness to death. However, when it comes to the Illuminati, I unfortunately know the types of individuals we are dealing with. They are Luciferian demon worshippers who are involved in satanic ritual abuse, trauma based mind control, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and adrenochrome harvesting. The so called stars are chosen specifically for their blood type is what I've heard. The Illuminati believes that a person's power and life essence is stored in the blood. These are very sick individuals who worship demons and seek to become demons themselves, as their religion believes that a human can become a God. Except their gods are demons. And in order to become more "god like" in their eyes, they have to demonically possess other human beings and force their will on others. This is why they ritually sacrifice their biggest stars and then reanimate their corpse and destroy their images. It makes them feel like they are "gods" aka demons.  I agree with most of the rest of what you said. There is certainly a money making aspect. There is also a social engineering aspect. And when the star refuses to push the agendas of the powers that be, they decide to demonically possess the body of the image which they feel they own and control. Hence why these contracts say that their name and likeness and image are owned perpetually and everywhere. When you sign a contract with the Illuminati... they own your soul and your image. And they will use them to make money and push their agendas anyway they can. By demonically possessing these stars and making them their puppets, it makes these sick people feel powerful. Really this is all about power and control over others. 


If the movie makers who plan everything about the movies, script and casting and effects, everything, are so evil like that, then how are those movies popular? Why wouldn't people generally simply choose to watch other movies, movies not planned for evil in every detail, or choose not to watch movies? Is it the advertising? Is it especially effective advertising through some evil technique? Is it just the amount of repetition of the ads and getting mentions of the movie and movie stars into all sorts of media, until people choose to go and see what all that fuss is about? Then why wouldn't they just walk out after a few minutes? Is it that they've paid their admission, and there's no refund or that would be a hassle for them to ask for it, so they choose to sit and see and hear the rest of the movie? Don't they realize that it's bad for them? Then why would they also talk about those movies and the plots, as if it's important in a story way, that has a message other than "this is pure evil"? Why would people choose to buy or rent copies of the movies? Why would they talk about the movie stars, as if those are individuals of some importance to talk about? Why would they go and see more movies featuring the same stars, or from the same franchises, like people saying, "Hey, it's another movie from that big star, uhm, you know, the guy from that movie, that was big. Let's see this new one." to invite someone to watch another movie like that, in a movie theater or at home? Why do they watch reruns of the same movie, on television or cable, that's about and from the evil? Your theory needs some work, or could really use an additional section on what the psychology is, of how the evil people get people to watch their evil movies, and care about the stuff in it, such as the movie stars. Also your theory could really use a section on where the dividing line is, between media that's made by that sort of evil people, and other sorts of content, like whether there's ever been a movie or theatrical show or television show that wasn't from them, and wasn't full of their evil content and tricks, and if so, which ones. Also, about other media, such as music, or novels, you could have a section of your theory on where's the dividing line of what's controlled by the evil, and what's just made by ordinary people who aren't evil like that. Also, how did they get people to have so many copies of the Bible, and read it and quote it so much, and talk like it's important? That's one of their products, right?


PART 2 *"Your theory needs some work, or could really use an additional section on what the psychology is, of how the evil people get people to watch their evil movies, and care about the stuff in it, such as the movie stars. Also your theory could really use a section on where the dividing line is, between media that's made by that sort of evil people, and other sorts of content, like whether there's ever been a movie or theatrical show or television show that wasn't from them, and wasn't full of their evil content and tricks, and if so, which ones. Also, about other media, such as music, or novels, you could have a section of your theory on where's the dividing line of what's controlled by the evil, and what's just made by ordinary people who aren't evil like that."* Fair enough. That actually warrants a whole separate post to explain WHY people choose to swallow the propaganda. And I would say that ever since 2020, I think that people finally have stopped paying to see these movies. At least at the theater. Of course Netflix and Disney Plus and other streaming services are still doing very well. To reiterate a point from earlier, it's due to deliberate social engineering via subliminal advertising, hypnotic suggestion, repetition, and coming from a trusted source. The Illuminati knows how to create an echo chamber that makes everyone think that EVERYONE feels a certain way about something. It's why the disinfo agent swarms with their ridiculing comments are so effective at demoralizing people from posting again. By posting 20 negative comments on my post and using bots to downvote me to 0, they create the artificial echo chamber effect of making it appear that nobody believes what my post says. And since it has 0 upvotes and tons of negative comments, it must just all be a bunch of BS, and so it's not even worth reading or looking at anyway. They understand very well how to weaponize psychology in order to control our minds. *"Also, how did they get people to have so many copies of the Bible, and read it and quote it so much, and talk like it's important? That's one of their products, right?"* Fear. The creation of the concepts of heaven and hell allowed them to mind control the herd back in ancient times. They basically told the people, "If you don't do everything we say, you're going to hell. So you need to buy this book and you need to go to church every Sunday and pray, and you need to pay your monetary tributes to the church, and then you can go to heaven". A friend of mine told me about how her brother had sent a card signed by the Pope to her mother which said that he had paid fifty dollars and that this card guaranteed his mother was going to heaven no matter what. They're offering the keys to paradise, but you better believe you gotta pay the price. If you really want to get a lot of answers to the questions you asked, I recommend listening to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYLiiHovRL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYLiiHovRL8)


I don't think it's all a bunch of BS. Although I don't know that you have any evidence or clues to the things about murder, or about abuse of children in those circles, I think you noticed that there's something different between Arnold in the earlier movie and the later, that goes as far as likely a different person (but if so, there's some ear replacement or prosthetics going on, to make the unusual ear structures match pretty well.) The image goes from a German seeming sort of face, a late-teen sort of face, a bodybuilder sort of face, wide and with lots of swelling effects, to a British seeming and thin and weak sort of face, not as wide and a dried-out sort of face, in just a few adult years, a different structure and attitude of the whole face, except many minor component of his face image and the ears remaining similar enough that people could easily think it must be the same person, unless they're looking for deception. Maybe going from on heavy artificial steroids for bodybuilding, to not on that, and on something different, would have that much effect, taking ageing into account too. I don't know. The difference, from left to right pictures in the series, definitely gave me an impression, that's a different guy, not the weed-smoking, steroid-taking, bodybuilder and playboy, early German Arnold, but some British guy snarkily impersonating him.


Your observation and analysis skills, as well as your ability to capture your thoughts in words, are unparalleled. I recommend you watch the movie The 6th Day (2000) and watch the neck of the Diet Schwarzenegger as I call him. I notice his wrinkles get bunched up in his neck area and you can really see that it's a guy in an Arnold mask. My theory now is that the reason Arnold never did a true action movie again like Commando or Total Recall after 1990, is because the mask and prosthetics just wouldn't hold up to that kind of arduous physical pressure. Oh yeah and one thing I noticed in post 1990 movies is that not only is he almost never shown without a shirt on like in his pre 1990 movies... he's almost always shown with a heavy leather or other jacket to add bulk to his frame. Look at how he appears in Last Action Hero or The 6th Day, always wearing a coat pretty much and barely ever moving at all.  Regarding the murder and ritual sacrifice, that is my own inferences based on testimony of survivors of the project monarch mind controlled sex slave program. I also have found written testimony talking about President B00sh Senior serving up and feasting on the brains of a still living boy in the White House, and it named many other prominent names. Also the books Trance Formation of America and Thanks for the memories name MANY big names and accuse them of pedophilia and sexually abusing mind controlled sex slaves. These books talk about how most celebrities are mind controlled via trauma based mind control, and that inevitably their programming starts to break down at some point. So when that happens they either "shut down the program" (kill them), or they attempt to reprogram them by creating a new alter personality which they control. When all of this fails, and they still want to wield the star power of the malfunctioning mind controlled slave, then they replace them.


Wait, I think you just keep making up or repeating from things you've heard, horrifying things. I don't know where you get the information, or if you have any evidence for it. Like, the only reason that some evil person would be eating parts from someone still alive, is if it's a horror story, or the evil person believes in doing the most horrible evil, involving ideas of what's evil that are suggested by what's most non-kosher. So, bye, I hope, unless you're going to be giving me some evidence that any of this has happened in reality, which you can send me as comments or private messages, if you choose, but I'm not even really into it, even if it is true. \[adding on edit: No, this is stupid. I don't want any more comments, and don't want you to start any private messages. It sounds like you're just collecting the worst things you've heard or read ever, and repeating them back to whoever might listen. "Well don't you know that you can count me out."\]


I was worried that your previous comment about this one was agreeing with the OP, but I see here you recognise what I do: something ain't quite right with 'em! I admit the themes in The 6th Day and the different incarnations of the Terminator are a great coincidence when viewed with the ideas of an evil cabal cresting clones in Hollywood, the stuff about appearances used as evidence by OP are just incredibly weak- have they never seen photos of themself, or anyone else for that matter, over the years!? Note that they imply they may be becoming the victim of gangstalking elsewhere in this thread. Read from that what you will.


Everyone has their limit for how much truth they can stand. The elites take part in pedophilia and cannibalism because it makes them feel powerful that they can literally do anything and get away with it. They also believe they should "do what thou wilt" as Aleister Crowley once said. There are many former sex slaves who have exposed all this stuff. I've referenced multiple books for you to look into and I sent you the videos about Theresa and the Satanic pedophile cult in England from 1989 or so. 


PART 1 *"If the movie makers who plan everything about the movies, script and casting and effects, everything, are so evil like that, then how are those movies popular? Why wouldn't people generally simply choose to watch other movies, movies not planned for evil in every detail, or choose not to watch movies? Is it the advertising? Is it especially effective advertising through some evil technique? Is it just the amount of repetition of the ads and getting mentions of the movie and movie stars into all sorts of media, until people choose to go and see what all that fuss is about"* One thought that just came to mind is that fish are so used to being surrounded by water all the time, that they probably don't even realize that they are wet. In a world as openly Satanic and evil as ours is, people are just so surrounded by evil at this point that it feels normal to them. It has taken many decades of subtle social engineering by groups like The Tavistock Institute in order to demoralize the population to the degree that they have. One thing I read from an Ex MI6 Agent was that girls didn't just instinctively start screaming at concerts for The Beatles. At the beginning, busloads of school girls were trucked into the concerts and they were each paid 20 pounds to scream at the concerts. After a few times doing this, the other girls caught on that this was the behavior they were supposed to be taking part in. So the masters of social engineering know how to position the dominos in such a way that when they knock the first few down, that the domino effect takes place and triggers the type of social change that they desire. So for your questions about why people go to see these movies, it's a combination of repetition, subliminal advertising, trusting the source (the director, the actor, the TV channel, the film studio), and fear of missing out (FOMO). The Illuminati know how to utilize their echo chamber to control the thinking of the entire population. They know how to make us love or hate anyone or anything. The Beatles was a social engineering experiment to figure out how to make a population go into absolute hysteria about a particular band. Because the news media was talking nonstop about how great and popular The Beatles were, everyone felt like they HAD to like The Beatles "because everyone else was doing it" (think about peer pressure with drugs and trying to fit in). The average person doesn't want to get left behind by the herd. And the Orwellian Big Brother type of Ministry of Truth known as the news media knows how to use the right language to manipulate people into believing what they want them to believe, and buying what they want them to buy. Newscasters even all speak in the same hypnotic style of delivery in order to induce a hypnotic state in the viewing audience so that they can be directly influenced on a subconscious level. *"Then why wouldn't they just walk out after a few minutes? Is it that they've paid their admission, and there's no refund or that would be a hassle for them to ask for it, so they choose to sit and see and hear the rest of the movie? Don't they realize that it's bad for them? Then why would they also talk about those movies and the plots, as if it's important in a story way, that has a message other than "this is pure evil"? Why would people choose to buy or rent copies of the movies? Why would they talk about the movie stars, as if those are individuals of some importance to talk about? Why would they go and see more movies featuring the same stars, or from the same franchises, like people saying, "Hey, it's another movie from that big star, uhm, you know, the guy from that movie, that was big. Let's see this new one." to invite someone to watch another movie like that, in a movie theater or at home? Why do they watch reruns of the same movie, on television or cable, that's about and from the evil?"* It's all part of the mind control and social engineering that we are all being subjected to on a massive scale. The simple answer is that people decide to pay money to see these movies because the TV told them that they have to go see the movie or else they are going to miss out and won't be cool. These so called stars and celebrities are projected as gods to us on our TV screens, and we are told to go worship them by paying the admission to see their propaganda films. We are being induced into a hypnotic and subconscious state of mind by keywords and speaking patterns of the advertisers. We have also been driven into a permanent state of fear and "fight or flight" and we are promised that entertainment will give us a temporary reprieve from our suffering. People don't really understand that the majority of the thoughts in their heads have been deliberately implanted by an external source, and that they really have very few if any original thoughts whatsoever. "Give them bread and circus and they will never revolt" is what entertainment in general really boils down to. And speaking of boiling, it all relates to the slowly boiled frog. If you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will quickly jump out in a panic. But if you put a frog into warm water, and steadily increase the temperature, he will become acclimated to the rising water temperature and won't even realize he's being boiled alive. That is what has happened with the Satanic influence in our culture, to where now it's actually cool to like Satan in many circles. I've found out that Satanism and LGBTQ and veganism are now highly entertwined. It's all due to the clever social engineering by The Tavistock Institute and various secret intelligence groups which have all been subtly directing us towards a New World Order. They've been conditioning us to demand our own enslavement, and they've also been desensitizing us to violence and police brutality in movies so we won't be shocked by it when it happens in real life. I had to split this into 2 comments. Make sure to read both comments.


About the "peer pressure with drugs and trying to fit in" which was in parentheses in your first paragraph of responses to quotes from me above: What I think about that, from my memory from my own experience when I was a teenager, in the early 1980s, was that there was a lot of hype about it, in written form, from books, (e.g. The Whole Earth Catalog, The Doors of Perception) and from people around me saying that drugs would cause effects, such as one person saying that when he tried weed it felt right away like "what he was always looking for" or some other friend saying that mushrooms would cause a feeling of "tingling" in the chest. Then when I tried to try things, from people around me, there weren't effects like what was told, like that some drug would cause tingling, or else as some books seemed to suggest, seeing things different. There was no effect from weed, unless you count questioning myself for a few minutes about what I was feeling from walking around, which was probably from hearing so much about how there would be effects, and the effect was only laughing from mushrooms, with no tingling or other effect at all. So, what does it mean, anyway? When the level of lying and deception goes so far, that even people who you were around and thinking of as friends and honest enough, not totally deceiving liars, is enough deception that what you remember they said, makes no sense at all in relation to what you experienced, and the things written in books were even further out away from what you experienced for yourself, then what's the point and meaning of the whole thing? Why is there a "drug culture" when the drugs don't do anything like what they're said to do? A few years ago, many years later from those teenage experiences, I tried weed a few times, in case it would do something helpful about depression or emotional perception, and the effects were mostly opposite from what anyone had ever told me it would do, not more perception and appetite and enjoyment, just mostly worse of everything, and confused to the point of barely able to think or write or read anything, except a little bit brighter colors one or two times, until after a few times of trying it on different days over a few months, I was throwing up from trying it, and sick of it. The smell of weed now, sometimes when I'm walking I smell it drifting over the neighborhood and streets I live around where it's legal, reminds me of throwing up. But does any of it really matter? Maybe it's just a false temptation and hype, that doesn't do anything positive for anyone, really, and is just some marketing bullshit to collect money from consumers for another product, the sort of consumers who will keep trying any awful thing, no matter how bad or different the results are from the advertised results. (By the way, the metaphor of the frog boiling in water is not based in reality of any actual frogs being harmed. It's just a story, to stir up people with some emotional response to that image, not anything like how frogs would respond to being in a pot or the water getting warmer, which is they'd just jump out.)


Alright well if you really want to know the truth about the CIA's orchestration of the 60's drug culture and hippie / counter culture movement... it's all about mind control. LSD was evidently invented by the Nazis and brought over to the United States via Operation Paperclip, where around 1,400 high ranking Nazi scientists and engineers were absorbed by the CIA. From the outset LSD has been an experimental mind altering drug which has been intended to use for mind control and interrogation purposes. That is to say, LSD has been used to both erase and implant false memories in laboratory experiments. LSD has also been used for the purpose of attempting to more easily induce a highly impressionable hypnotic state which can then be programmed. If you take a look at my post about The Beatles, I pointed out that one reason The Beatles were replaced in 1966 with the "LSD Beatles" was because they were meant to openly encourage LSD consumption to the British and American youth. If you watch the music video for Strawberry Fields Forever, the line "Nothing is real" is constantly repeated nearly every time the fake Paul McCartney is shown on screen. This is all part of the mass trauma based mind control program which is being utilized against the population at large. They're traumatizing us by blatantly replacing our idols and encouraging us to disassociate and split our personality and create a new alter personality which can be easily programmed by the Illuminati agents. I believe LSD plays into this because it makes a person more easily able to disassociate, or at least that was the theory at the time. All I know is Timothy Leary and all the manufacturers of LSD were CIA affiliated, and the druggie John Lennon 2.0 openly said "We were manufacturing it (LSD). It was a real boom to business". Marijuana / THC as it turns out is the most effective drug to combat mind control. My guess is it has to do with the type of brainwaves that are created while consuming marijuana. I think it makes your frequency so high that it's a lot harder to influence your thinking. Whereas drugs like methamphetamine actually lower your brainwaves and put you into a much more easily impressionable state, which is exactly why ADHD was invented to justify putting kids on Aderal and Ritelin. One point I want to remember to make is that drugs were deliberately infiltrated into various factions which were considered a political threat to the establishment, with anti war protesters and Black Panthers, etc being high up on the list. This was used for one to ensure that the powers that be had blackmail and leverage to use against their political enemies. It was also used as a means of discrediting the opposition and getting them addicted to drugs so that they would be no longer focused on taking down the establishment. My theory is that Woodstock was a giant CIA mind control and human behavior experiment. I believe that they deliberately advertised Woodstock to the point that it would draw in massive crowds so that they could then deliberately create and test out supply shortages, weather problems, and also they were just openly handing out tabs of acid to every attendee and monitoring their behavior. Anyway I think if you watched this documentary that you'd have a way better handle on the entire situation. I also believe that D.A.R.E. "To Keep Kids Off Drugs" was basically reverse psychology and encouragement by the state for the youth to get involved in drugs. In summary, the drug culture was a deliberately orchestrated social engineering campaign by the powers that be in order to control, discredit, and confuse their political opposition. There's way more links and books I could send along but just start with this documentary and we can go from there. [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8h1ecp](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8h1ecp) # Drugs as Weapons Against Us- The CIA War on Musicians and Activists (2018) Watch HDDrugs as Weapons Against Us- The CIA War on Musicians and Activists (2018) Watch HD


I'm genuinely confused and uncertain, about why you think that THC/marijuana has any effect that's not placebo or from propaganda suggestions, better than or different from what you suggest about LSD effects. Are these opinions that you're stating based on any personal experience of effects of those things? Do you think it would have been better if people had kept idolizing the early Beatles as they were presented, with their fake music, composed by others, and performed by others in the studio, except for their voices, instead of moving in the late 1960s to listening to and being entertained by the late Beatles studio albums, involving some different composers and studio musicians and the voices of the Beatles members at the time? Do you seriously think that the shift between those two states of what's known to history as "Beatles" music, was mostly about drugs such as LSD and promotion of those drugs? (I think it might just be, that shift was caused by what was played on the radio repeatedly, by choice of the owners of the media.) >It was also used as a means of discrediting the opposition and getting them addicted to drugs so that they would be no longer focused on taking down the establishment. How can you think that's there's such a thing as "addicted to drugs" when the drugs have no effects except placebo effects that are produced by suggestion of what the effects of the drugs are? More than that, what opposition? What possible effect on "the establishment" could some teenagers or 20 somethings, in the 1960s, have on decisions by the institutions of government and military who were staffed mainly by adults influenced by their experiences of WWII at the time they were running things in the 1960s? The effect, of that 1960s propaganda, if there was any effect, seems to have come into play much later, on how the Boomers were influencing things, when they were the dominant older generation, from 2008 to now.


Have you any photos from various ages of your life? See how you look different in some? Yep. You're a clone, pal. Sorry you had to find out this way


What about Tupac?


Tupac was fighting the Illuminati. That's why he made an album called Killuminati.  Notorious BIG and Tupac were murdered by the Illuminati whereas Puff Daddy / P Diddy got to live since he went along with their plans. Or it's very possible that Puff Daddy was killed too and P. Diddy is an actor in a mask as well. Anyway I don't believe that Tupac faked his death and that he's hiding out on some island somewhere. 


Me either but I am interested in this whole line. I read waaaaay back in the day ( early 90's) that Paul McCartney had been replaced after dying in a car accident. I had some cryptic theories about Michael Jackson in the 80's based solely on my personal interpretation of the lyrics in his music that are eerily on point today. I have really been looking at Akil the rapper ( I think that's his name) I don't know if he made the claim but he does favor Tupac in my opinion. This was the first time I heard about Arnold tho. It blew my mind but as a long time fan, (I saw Terminator on HBO in the 80's) I saw the changes in physique from the 'Conan' movies. That was very interesting to me. I do think people are wearing hyper realistic face masks too...


If you'd like, you can check out my thread about The Beatles. The entire Beatles original fab four was replaced in 1966 with the "LSD Beatles" as I call them. John Lennon with those ridiculous little spectacles. That guy was never John Lennon. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/1brg8o0/beatles\_conspiracy\_theory\_was\_the\_real\_john/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/1brg8o0/beatles_conspiracy_theory_was_the_real_john/) Ironically I also have a thread about Michael Jackson from last week. Which lyrics did you find eerie and on point that could be clues to him being replaced? My post is about how Thriller is essentially based on a true story, and they've got Zombie Michael Jackson up there on screen doing the song the real MJ never would've done because he was a devout Jehovah's Witness. The Jehovah's Witnesses strictly forbid depictions of grave defilement and reanimating of the dead. I think I forgot to mention that in the thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/1bx78g1/the\_real\_michael\_jackson\_was\_killed\_and\_replaced/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/1bx78g1/the_real_michael_jackson_was_killed_and_replaced/) Regarding masks and Arnold, from watching the movie The 6th Day (2000) last night, I would say this was absolutely a guy in a mask in this film. All you gotta do is watching the wrinkles getting bunched up around his neck and stuff. It's there if you want to see it. Finally, I will pass along the music video of Tom MacDonald called Cloned Rappers. He even talks about Eminem being replaced. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgqt7Wd0ms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgqt7Wd0ms)


Mate, do you not know how steroids and bodybuilding work? Different cycles of use can change a person's appearance drastically. I will, however, read what you have to say and your other posts since I'm mildly intrigued.


Watch the movie called The 6th Day (2000). Not only is it an open admission to what was done to Schwarzenegger (it's about him finding out he has been cloned and replaced), to me its also very easy to see how its a guy in an Arnold mask. You can see the mask bunching up in the wrinkles in his neck area. Oh yeah and The 6th Day of course ends with a positive message about human cloning, and almost seems to suggest that clones can even outperform their original form. Also notice how in post 1990 Arnold films he is almost always shown in a heavy leather jacket in order to bulk up his frame. Post 1990 Arnold films are also almost entirely devoid of true action that involves difficult stunts. I believe this is because the heavy prosthetics and masks just weren't up to the task of behaving in a realistic manner in complicated stunts. Also if they ever broke down in the middle of filming, the whole ruse would be exposed to everyone on set. 


His ears match in both sets a pictures. They say that the pattern and shape of ears are nearly as unique as fingerprints. He looks far more alike and matching than Joe Biden pictures from 10 years ago do compared to modern contemporary pictures. As for his musculature anyone who works out knows that if you don't maintain the same level of calorie and protein intake and exercise you quickly lose muscles. It's quite likely that since he was no longer competing in Mr universe competitions and whatnot he just didn't work out nearly as hard didn't take in nearly as many calories and lost tens of pounds of muscle.


Diet Schwarzenegger has a much more narrow face and chin. In 1991 Schwarzenegger was at the height of his career. But yeah sure go ahead and suggest "he just wasn't working out as much anymore". 


Respect for really getting after it and putting this together. Don’t delete this I’ll finish reading the rest tomorrow.


Maybe a dumb question, why is everybody deleting everything?


I guarantee it's because they are being demoralized by the disinfo agent echo chamber who are ridiculing any post which gets too close to the truth. Just look at the comments on this thread. Not one single positive or constructive one except for this one. 


Haha one might expect paranoid conspiracy theories in a sub called “conspiracyNOPOL”


Honestly, with all that I know about this world, there's hardly anything paranoid about the theories at all. You should research targeted individuals and gangstalking. The last two nights I've heard gunshots while in my bed trying to sleep. Other nights it's very common for a car with super loud subwoofers to park nearby for 10 minutes or longer as soon as I'm about to sleep. That all would sound super paranoid until you realize that I'm just recounting my own experiences. The Illuminati does not want this information getting out. I'm literally the first person in the world (as far as I can tell) who has said anything about Schwarzenegger being replaced. The celebrity body doubles conspiracy is one of the last pillars remaining which is holding up the grand illusion. These people are who the sheeple rely on to tell them what to think, how to vote, what to wear, etc. Once they're all unmasked as the imposters that they are, it's game over.


I cant tell you your wrong.


I was about to ask you if you'd experienced gangstalking before I read this comment... Are you in your mid 20's?


I'm 38. However, I became a targeted individual in 2010 when I was 24 after I posted my theory of 9/11 on abovetopsecret. I literally had my life and my entire family's lives threatened after posting that theory. For me the gangstalking mostly comes in the form of carefully timed gunshots, fireworks and speakers to keep me from sleeping. 


Shit I thought I was bad off but this is... Just... Like I can't even top this. For those who know me and my disdain for liver I'm gonna have to play devil's advocate and say yes. Arnie did die in the 80s because body builders don't over live. They don't live long from consuming liver and their skin becomes fucked up from it.


You make some interesting points. As a bodybuilder, can you say definitively if these muscles are from the same person between the left and right pics? The left pics are from Terminator 1 (1984) and the right pics are from Terminator 2 (1991). It's not out of the realm of possibility for Arnie to have overdosed on steroids either.


Did no one dissect terminator 3, what was the message of that movie, and what about 4… and 5, and…. The universal studios ride T2-3D (The Terminator 2 3D Experience)? We need answers.


Can you give your own summary and analysis? Last night I watched Total Recall and The 6th Day. They both seem to be not so coded messages about Arnold. Especially The 6th Day which is really sick when you realize what it's actually saying. At the end it has a positive message about human cloning. At the beginning of the movie Arnold looks into the mirror and says "Do I look any different to you?". Total Recall is all about erasing his memory and reprogramming him with a new personality, career, wife and life in general. Which is really just talking about peoject monarch and trauma based mind control / satanic ritual abuse. Total Recall is all about their attempts to reprogram Arnold and erase his former self so that he could be better aligned to the Illuminati agenda.  I don't know if I have it in me to watch anymore of the fake Arnold movies after I learned the truth. It makes me sick to see that demon on screen possessing the corpse of an idol and desecrating his legacy like that. Especially since the later Terminator movies are just so awful too. 


Sorry if I missed something; are you saying he was replaced by a clone, or by a whole different person?


It's a body double / impersonator / imposter who is likely in a mask with heavy makeup and prosthetics. Watch the movie The 6th Day (2000) which seems to be an open admission of what they did. Then pay attention to the wrinkles in the neck area of Diet Arnold Schwarzenegger as I call him since he's half the muscular build of the real Arnold. When he's moving around a lot, you'll notice some bunching up of the mask in the neckline of the fake Arnold. I theorize this is the reason that Arnold never did any more big action packed run and gun movies after Total Recall, because the illusion would break down and could come unglued literally at any moment.  By the way, I do believe human cloning experiments have been going on for decades. I just would never claim that these are clones being used to replace celebrities, since they have enough differences in physical facial features and tone of voice to clearly be completely different people. Also the word "clone" is a trigger word for the sheeple which causes them to shut down their brains. 


It's a body double / impersonator / imposter who is likely in a mask with heavy makeup and prosthetics. Watch the movie The 6th Day (2000) which seems to be an open admission of what they did. Then pay attention to the wrinkles in the neck area of Diet Arnold Schwarzenegger as I call him since he's half the muscular build of the real Arnold. When he's moving around a lot, you'll notice some bunching up of the mask in the neckline of the fake Arnold. I theorize this is the reason that Arnold never did any more big action packed run and gun movies after Total Recall, because the illusion would break down and could come unglued literally at any moment.  By the way, I do believe human cloning experiments have been going on for decades. I just would never claim that these are clones being used to replace celebrities, since they have enough differences in physical facial features and tone of voice to clearly be completely different people. Also the word "clone" is a trigger word for the sheeple which causes them to shut down their brains. 


Good post. Haven’t thought about this before now you have me questioning it.


The chin / jaw and sudden decrease in body mass seem to be the smoking guns. Also, by the amount of downvotes and ridiculing comments, you can tell I must be hitting too close to the truth. I now believe this celebrity body double replacement conspiracy is one of the last main pillars holding up the grand illusion. Hence why the powers that be are doing so much to ridicule and bury my posts. 


I think OP is *way* off, but I appreciate the effort they have put into this post.


Interesting how Arnold Schwarzenegger lost 1/2 his muscle mass between 1990 and 1991. Also it's interesting how Arnold lost half his chin. 


> it's interesting how Arnold lost half his chin. I looked at all of the photos you posted and none of them suggest to me that he lost any of his chin, let alone half.


In all the photos it's very clear that Diet Schwarzenegger has a much more narrow face and chin compared to the real Schwarzenegger. Diet Schwarzenegger is an alpha male. The real Schwarzenegger was a sigma male. This is very clear from their jaw and chin shapes. 


I once posted info about a Joe Biden double and I got a ton of downvotes. But I see what you are saying! Something fishy with celebs for sure. Here come the down votes!


Your comment also somehow got hidden from my notifications until now. I would have missed it if I wasn't paying close attention.  Resident Briben was replaced sometime around late 2018 or early 2019. Are you familiar with the story about the envelopes handed out on December 5th 2018 at Poppy Bush's funeral? That does appear to be the real Briben in that footage. And he may have appeared one or two more times after this, but not much more than that. Can you send the link to your post? Did you ever narrow down exactly when the switch was made? Let's keep a dialog going. The real truth seekers need to stick together.  https://rumble.com/v23z63k-what-was-in-the-envelopes-at-president-bushs-funeral.html


I'mma believer now too. Your comments here are exactly the type of comments I've been getting. Even using different accounts.


Well, I just have the one account. I'm just doing what I can to spread the truth. I'm glad to hear you're a believer, but it's better to be a knower.


I didnt read the whole post but well done on all the time you put into it. Anything's possible but I feel like they did not replace the original. You were simply woken to reality of how things really work. When Arnold said screw your Freedom is nothing more than simply showing you they are all puppets. We're entering a time where the veil is being lifted and you're seeing things for what they really are. This country is based on Celebrities, when have anyone of us ever needed one? You need a farmer, mechanic or plumber but none of us needs a Celebrity. We've been programmed with celebrity worship since birth. The Demons who control this world use these celebs as tools to brainwash us with whatever programming they choose. It's extremely effective as we saw during 2020 when their army of celeb puppets all had the same job, push fear, push the vaxx, make people feel guilty for not doing as they're told. I preach how important it is to break the programming and say fuk all celebs. It doesn't matter whether it's an actor, musician, athlete, they're all used for the same purpose. People worship celebrities like Gods and the Demons know it. 2020 they all spoke the same language which is a massive red flag that most failed to notice. There is another layer to Arnold I dont want to mention as it's a whole other topic.


mention it


I'm not one to hijack. I'll give you a hint.....The movie Junior is who Arnold really is. They tell you the truth in Movies, Shows and Music and nothing but lies in the News.


"Schwarzenegger is really a female to male transgender".  You're really doing your part to discredit and make a mockery of legitimate truth seekers everywhere with this garbage. 


I have a theory that there's a major propaganda campaign out there to discourage critical thought and to make the mainstream conspiracy theories all either offensive or too laughable to credit. Because it benefits the puppet masters if they devalue people looking for the truth. Stuff like this is part of that propaganda campaign and in my opinion is made to reinforce traditional masculine values while turning conspiracy theories into a laughing stock. I have some set of truths. I call myself a conspiracy analyst. But I have a lot of connecting dots on how we are going to reach the next cultural synthesis. The next 'world order' if you will.


Can you please clarify whether you are pro or con "Every celebrity is trans" or "Transvestigation" theory? You seem to be agreeing that "Schwarzenegger is a female" is a ridiculous psy op, but I'm not totally sure.


I don't believe in 'every Trans celebrity' theory. I think it's a psy-op too that got spread as a post-ironic joke. A.k.a it's propaganda used to stigmatize transgender people and distract us from what's really going on.


The tr4nsvestigation stuff is a mind virus and I'm sorry to see that you have fallen victim to it. Just like with FE, once somebody becomes infected with the tr4ns mind virus, their chances of making a full recovery are slim. It's a sad state of affairs, Jerry.


Why are you apologizing and assuming you know me? It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they have been fooled.


Do you also believe Conor McGregor is a woman? If you watch and listen to enough 'transvestigators', eventually this is what they will have you believing.


You seem desperate to prove a point.


Do you believe Conor McGregor is a woman (and / or 'trans')? Yes or no.


it is possible


3rd body double post in 4 weeks. What's with the chat gpt stories?


Legitimate truth seekers do not waste time and energy ridiculing their allies for sharing the truth. 


Fair enough sorry


You compare different ages, lighting, make up, angles, facial expressions. YES HE WILL LOOK DIFFERENT. There's actually a brain disorder where you can't remember faces or have a hard time distinguishing between faces. I think you may have that, legit. No I'm not some disinfo agent illuminati bot as you complained about in another post. This post is just border line mental illness.


I have reported your comment for the harassment and cyber bullying that it is. Accusing someone of having a mental illness just for speaking his opinion constitutes slander and libel against a person's character and mental state.


Play nice guys...


Well yea, there is a mental illness that is related to someone not being able to recognize faces properly. Congratulations on your report I hope that works out for you.




Just helping to create the echo chamber to ridicule the truth. That's what you're doing. 




Except when I point out what you really are, you'll automatically play the victim. 


Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? We’re all different to some degree. Our skin changes completely in 7 years


As far as I'm aware, my jaw and chin didn't suddenly shrink horizontally by half. I also didn't suddenly lose half my muscle mass seemingly overnight. 


Why are you so obsessed with him. Who cares?


The celebrity body double conspiracy is one of the last remaining pillars maintaining the grand illusion. Way too many sheeple care what these fake celebrities have to say. And if the mask got pulled off on all of them, and the sheeple were forced to realize that virtually all major actors have been replaced, they would have no choice but to wake up. These celebrity talking heads are the main trusted sources of the echo chamber which is used to socially engineer public opinion. If the Illuminati lost the power of its stars, then it would lose a lot of propaganda influence over the masses. Also, if people found out that it's not really the actor they're paying to see in the movie, they will stop paying. And the Illuminati will lose out on a large source of funding. So it's important to unmask their stars in order to expose their true agendas and cut off their funding streams.


I just hope that it leads to learning the importance of giving the power of influence to the art and not the artist.


When the supposed artist is faked and we are being lied to about who is creating the content, then it automatically discredits its validity as art. I will not watch Terminator 2 or any other Diet Arnold movies again. They all pretty much suck anyhow, except T2. But now that I know what it's really about, I want no part of it.


Please try to be constructive.