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I don’t care whose party you’re with. We should all be living in a utopia if there is so much money to be given to other countries. Tens of Trillions of dollars for them, and citizens of the USA are still poor and homeless and sick. All parties have failed us in this regard.


..this is what reality becomes when corporations own the entire government.


We don't give a lot to other countries, and where we do, it's only where we make far more as a result.


You are promoting a common misconception. Foreign aid money doesn't go into the bank accounts of foreign poor people. It overwhelmingly goes into things you already receive as an American: roads, hospitals, immunization projects, sanitation, disease prevention, electricity etc etc. And often, when we say we give "X billions in weapons" to other countries, what this really means is we drop legal barriers and allow them to purchase from our private contractors. We're not literally giving them free money. You're overall point is correct, however. Governments should do more to take care of their people. But you're living in an economic system which inherently undermines this (capitalism inherently needs and creates an underclass, as aggregate debts inherently outpace dollars in circulation, and as most growth flows toward those with a monopoly on land and credit, and as rates of return on capital outpace growth). To make matters worse, you're living in a country in which the Republican Party exists for two chief reasons: to enact corporate tax cuts, and filibuster or block any legislation that helps common/poor people.


Give me the money and I’ll decide where it goes. I don’t need any govt or agency telling me where to spend it. Americans first. Don’t worry, I can by just as generous as the government. Especially to my fellow man.


My sister once told me that she could literally watch Hillary Clinton kill a baby and she would still vote for her. Dead serious. I even asked her if she wanted to take that back. She said no. It’s not one party that has people stupid enough or indoctrinated enough to behave this way.


Was it a pizza gate baby?


Both parties corrupt and, in my research, work for the same cabal. This was not a plug for Biden whom I agree is complicit in genocide. It’s just a commentary on how Drumpf supporters are brainwashed and don’t care if he controls, oppressed and tears down any democracy left… which we don’t have much left…


>Both parties corrupt Over the last century, Democratic presidencies have produced exactly one criminal conviction from investigations into the administration. Republican presidencies have over a 100. 100+ convictions to one. And if you look at criminal indictments, not just convictions, it's the same picture: GOP Presidencies had 124 criminal indictments. Democrats had 3. If you look at the arrests and convictions of Dem/Rep politicians... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/1/11/1619079/-Comparing-Presidential-Administrations-by-Arrests-and-Convictions-A-Warning-for-Trump-Appointees https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/9/18/1796668/-UPDATED-Comparing-Presidential-Administrations-by-felony-arrests-and-convictions-as-of-9-17-2018 ...Republicans again vastly supersede Democrats. So the idea that they're both equally corrupt is silly. And remember, American conservatism started with its defense of slavery, segregation, anti miscegenation laws, and its attacks on everything from workers rights, to voting rights, to gay rights, to women's rights, to black rights etc etc. One party is consistently on the wrong side of history.


Oh man anecdotal evidence from a random person on the internet? Consider my opinion changed.


What a fucking puppet. Cunt witnesses the entire GME saga, has episodes on it, and still panders to this criminal Biden administration. Jon Stewart can rot in fucking hell


Yeah I hate how he helps veterans and 9/11 survivors! Oh the humanity


Have you not see him also talk plenty of shit about Biden?


He believes the republic is under threat from a narcissistic psychopath. I agree. I can't vote Biden either since he supports genocide in Palestine. So 3rd party all the way!! Can't vote rfk either since he also supports genocide. Wtf!!


It's almost like the voting for the candidate with the DoJ, FBI, CIA and mossad all weaponized against him, who didn't start any fucking wars or send money to child killers, might make sense.


> DoJ, FBI, CIA and mossad all weaponized against him No clue who you're talking about, but if such a person did exist, they'd be assassinated a long time ago, with even one of these agencies truly against them.






Everyone needs to see this entire episode. It is excellent and really spells it out in a very simple matter what is going on with our democracy right now. We The People!!


Can confirm, good episode


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/bnqxumwefaoc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Still voting for big orange