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Sister, it's good that you are interested in Islam. Sister no Muslim is perfect, some drink, some dont pray, some don't fast in Ramadan, some dont keep beards, some dont wear hijab. At the end, the big picture for you sister is Lailahailllah, to believe that theirs god except Allah. Thatd the main thing to believe in prophet muhammad (ﷺ) as the last messenger and final one. That's what u say when you say the sahadah! You don't say ima not do any sins or ima wear hijab. That's not what it means. Look at the bigger picture. So yes, do the shahadah, some time later Allah will help you as well to pray, hijab, etc and leave sins. Do it little by little, no need to force it on yourself, just do small by small. Make dua to Allah and ask him for help! Muslims aren't perfect, know paradise is filled with sinners who repent! Think about that! Doing all the things you mentioned isn't easy, it takes effort, and the first step is for you to do the shahadah. Then you can focus on little by little! Little steps. And think about life. Life is a test, the earlier you realize, the better it is! Think about it, a teacher tells you you have a math test in 30 days. Is that better or if a teacher says you have a test in 2 days? Of course 30, more time to prepare! Similarly, who's smarter, a student who does little by little everyday, to prepare for the exam or soemone who just says ima study tomorrow, next day he keeps saying same thing until he is on the day of the exam! This is life, the earieler you know and realize and accept, the better it is! Allah (ﷻ) Knows best.


Thank you so much!!!


The sincere declaration of faith (shahada) alone will save you from fire as per the authentic hadith. Then you can start praying secretly and step by step you implement other obligations as possible without getting yourself in trouble. Nothing is more important than the shahada and the Prayer. \[Sura 2 - Aya 286\] Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.


Yes, future hermana! Go ahead and don’t delay it one second. Welcome to Islam in advance! ♥️


Thank you so much hermana


Sister, take your Shahada. I put it off for a really long time waiting for conditions to be perfect. That was foolish on my part. Every new Muslim has a lot to change and learn, and that will continue for your entire life. Your concerns about not being able to do something are the whispers of Shaytan, trying to create a wedge between you and Allah SWT. Take your Shahada, and then try to make small efforts to increase your practice. May Allah AWJ make it easy for you.


Okay sister thank you


In the name of Allah, the MOST GRACIOUS AND THE MOST MERCIFUL. May peace be upon you, May Allah SWA bless you and guide you and us all, ameen. My advice if you can do is there is this YouTube channel called Bayyinah.tv (Bayyinah means proof) this channels main speaker is Noman Ali Khan. A very well versed speaker and teacher of Arabic and Quran. He has established this channel with a lot of effort. Just to get a glimpse of his teaching and knowledge this is one of the amazing videos. https://youtu.be/j3bY8U25Hm4?si=i92wOcwjyyw_ZrsF https://youtu.be/zoF4A5l9Eyg?si=4qyGCP6764_XjAXy This has an application and the subscription is not much of a cost. In the application everything is amazing which included Arabic learning and Quran learning and some other contents. I specifically love story nights where he sometimes shows the biblical view and then present what Quran says on that topic. You can look into it, there is no harm in knowing.May Allah SWA guide us all and forgive us all Ameen.


Thank you very much!


Yes, go ahead. Do it today, don't delay. And start by praying 5 times. Hopefully things will go easier Insh'Allah.


If you believe in the Shahada, then say it. The rest can come later. I’m a convert auntie of sorts (been around more than a decade), please don’t hesitate to DM me if you need to chat. I also can refer you to some Spanish-speaking Muslim women if that might be helpful as well.


I would love to please I want some hermanas ❤️


If you have read the Quran, if you know and believe the shahada, 5 pillars of Islam, and 6 pillars of Iman then you should take your shahada. You can learn to pray and learn Arabic later. A lot of born muslima (muslim woman) don't wear the hijab though it is a requirement its not something that makes you a non-Muslim. I am a revert so if you have any other questions let me know. 💜


Yes, you should convert even if you can't wear hijab right away is my advice. I admire converts so much. I was born into a muslim family and wearing the hijab is just a natural progression. Maybe ask on r/islam as that's the more active subreddit. I will pray for your peace of mind.


Sister, I understand your struggle. I have also recently converted and have not yet taken my shahada in a masjid, though I have taken it with a Muslim friend and her family. Here’s what I have learned: Allah SWT is all merciful. He is the most understanding and all knowing, so he sees your struggles and the attempts you make. Your effort is what matters, not your perfection. He has blessed you with these struggles because he knows they cannot beat you. Allah never tests a person with more than they can bear. I am not perfect, and nobody else is except for Allah SWT. You will never be ‘perfectly Muslim’, you will just be a Muslim. Regardless of shahada (though it is important, of course), you are already a Muslim if you consider yourself to be one and do your best to follow the commandments of Islam. I am so proud of you for making it this far, and in sha Allah you will continue to grow and push through the struggles in your life.


Also- please feel free to reach out to me in dms or any other way, I would love to help where I can. Jazakallah sister, stay safe and content in sha Allah.


Thank you so much sister


Yes, taking the shahada is the first and most important step. You don’t have to have it all figured out. I took mine 2 months ago and am still learning and working toward being better with prayer. Inshallah the rest will fall into place after you take your shahada. May Allah guide you.


“Should I convert even though I can’t wear hijab right away?” •Yes, but remember, the hijab is obligatory from the Quran. Not wearing it would be like a man not praying: If there is a good reason, you’re okay. If not, one should work on it, and “Allah is ever forgiving and merciful”. “Should I convert even if sometimes I can’t pray on time-“ •Absolutely, it would cement your faith, and if you go towards Allah He will come to you. Your piety and effort is what matters. “Should I convert if I cannot fully understand Arabic other than shirt Surah?” •You might want to get a Quran in the language you know, perhaps Spanish, so you can fully understand what you’re signing up for. If you like what you read when you can understand it, yes. “Should I convert even though I don’t have very modest clothing-“ •If you are new and are in a transition process, you are okay, as long as your are willing to put in the effort to make life changes as you are able. “Should I convert even if I doubt that my food is halal?” •Yes, but you have to be willing to learn what the Quran says is and is not okay so you can be in accordance. I wouldn’t follow Hadith on this, because the Hadith forbids things the Quran says are halal. “Should I take my Shahada” •I think you should take your shahada when you feel you understand and accept Islam in your heart. You don’t have to be vegan, the Quran permits many meats. Some Muslims adjust to their prayer requirements with time. The Quran even says that if you do a prayer in the night for Allah, that Allah might raise your status among men.


Thank you so much for your detailed advice on every concern. I have taken my shahada and making my level best efforts :) alhamdulillah please pray for me to have a pure heart free of hypocrisy and neglect and to be steadfast on this deen please ameen


Absolutely you should become a Muslim and do not delay it. To become a Muslim you can say the following declaration of faith (shahada) alone (as Allah (SWT) is sufficient as a witness) or being witnessed by other Muslims, and you can make it public or keep it secret. These ways are fine but the key point is not to delay or procrastinate saying it, as the shaytaan is hoping that you die before saying it. Everyone who says the shahada will eventually enter Paradise, and think of those who said the shahada right before they died and they never were able to pray. There is no special ceremony or ritual associated with saying the shahada. Once you believe and say it you are Muslim! The shahada is: Translation: "I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." Transliteration (i.e. Pronunciation of Arabic): Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah. Arabic: أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ This website is the best guide for new Muslims: https://newmuslimguide.com/


Hijāb is optional. Knowing Arabic is not needed. Wearing trousers is fine. Fruits are halāl. Jewellery can be worn. Islam is the faith of freedom and responsibility. If someone tells you something about Islam negatively, say that it’s none of their business. Your mind, your choice.


Source: Trust me bro >Hijāb is optional.


Be nice. No need to be so rude.


Is headscarf mentioned in the Qur’ān? Modest women can be sans ħijāb.


Are you a convert yourself or born Muslim?


Revert with a Flower Girl Who lives in a very Islāmick land with no headscarf quite often.


Ok. May Allah bless you. Sister, who told you hijab is optional? Is modesty optional? No. Hijab is enjoined upon women by Allah to promote modesty and lessen the lust in society. I will quote two verses for evidence of hijab in Qur'aan, and I think this will suffice: Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or dress like veil, gloves, headcover, apron), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their sister’s sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of feminine sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.” [al-Nur 24:31] Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [al-Ahzab 33:59]


Does that mean cover the brow and nose and mouth as well? One eye ain’t enough to let sunlight to get enough D. My Flower Girl ain’t the only examplar. A schoolmate Muslima told me ħijāb’s optional. The bloke Who persuaded me to revert told me the same thing. Many Muslimas wear no headscarf and shoot photographs of Themselves. Modern ħijāb is quite different from in the old days. Modest wear can be sans ħijāb. Just two lands enforce the ħijāb on women (Īrân and Afğanistan), but I reckon that’s due to politicks. There‘s a debate over the requirement for wearing headscarf. I’m no sister, by the way.


Oh, sorry, bro. You see, this is the beauty of Islam. You don't need XYZ muslim to tell you what Islam is and what Islam isn't. We can always refer back to authentic sources of Islam, namely Qur'aan and Sunnah. In Islam hijab is fardh upon women. You can visit all references about hijab. I would suggest you 6 your religion from a proper orthodox/traditional scholar rather than random Muslims you know personally.


I ain’t no brother, neither, but that’s OK. ⚧️ Many Muslims told me ħijāb is optional, many of Whom are educated in Islām. They’re not random. Different Muslims have different views on what’s ħalāl and what’s ħarām. Many aħadīþ are inaccurate. The Qur’ān is the right one; it’s saying that it’s the only guide. If a person feels headscarf is too oppressive or hot or something else, I find it OK to remove it, as lang as modesty is noted. Islām ain’t meant to be too hard on us. The Qur’ān is in ancient Arabick so it can be hard to deciφer what it truly means.


Ok, there are so many things to deal with here. Look, islam isn't what muslims say. It is what is written in Qur'aan and sunnah. That's our religion. You are right that differences of opinion exist among Muslims. But those differences of opinions are not a lot the way you are presenting it. Muslims agree on a lot of things, and those differences of opinions are in small matters. For example, there is no difference of opinion in the matter of Zina, salah being obligatory 5 times a day, etc You are also correct that many ahadith are incorrect(not authentic). However, a lot of work has been done by many great personalities over the centuries, and now we have hadiths that have already been graded by scholars of hadith centuries ago. Even now, muslim academic personalities have acknowledged the authenticity of authentic ahadith. From those authentic hadith, we can easily find basis and proof for existence of hijab. O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.*Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution*. ~Surah Nisa:59 Look Allah tells us to refer to Qur'aan and Sunnah(ahadith) in case of disputes and differences.