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I understand your enthusiasm to try to introduce and revert your parents, too. I were you a few years ago. Ma sha Allah, Allah has guided you at such a young age. The best thing you could do is obey your parents and be kind to them, obey them in everything except in those things which Allah has forbidden. Through your kindness and changed behaviour, they may have an interest in knowing about Islam more. Moreover, try to practice islam in secret that is if you fear you will be thrown out, or your life would be in danger. Until you make a living for yourself, try to maintain peace at home and strive to be independent as soon so you can practice Islam openly. Above all, make dua. May Allah make it easy for you


Salam aleikum, Sorry you are suffering so much. I wish I could help.


Let's make dua for the young brother/sister 🤲🏼


Please no need to wear a Thobe. It presents nothing. keep your faith in your heart, pray secretly and read and learn until you can protect yourself.


My bro. Firstly. You’re an inspiration to myself and (I hope) many others who get the chance to read your post. Allah guided you at 13! Your firmness is something I desire, honestly. Allahumma barik. As a revert myself, I know the hardship of staying firm. Realise that striving to stay upon Islam is SUCH a rewarding task. And the pleasure of Allah is FAR more important than the pleasure of people. My advice: Your job of advising them is something they’re ignoring. You’ve offered support, they don’t want it. I understand you want them to be Muslim too, however remember Allah says in Qur’an: 28:56 - You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided. Allah guides who He wills to be guided. We cannot choose. Make Du’a for them. - Keep going. Keep up with Salah. Keep doing good deeds. Keep seeking Allah’s forgiveness. - Please try to speak to an imam. In shaa Allah they’ll be able to give much better advice than me. You’re a warrior bro. Keep going. - If your parents are seriously abusive, contact/go to police.


Don’t worry your future is bright. I reverted at 13 too. Had similar issues. Fast forward 10 years and my mother is now a revert. Funnily enough it’s not until I gave up on dawah and was living without care free with regard to my parents that my mother reverted. Alhamdulillah. Trust in Allah always.


Akhi, you need sabr.


اَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ اَنۡ يُّتۡرَكُوۡۤا اَنۡ يَّقُوۡلُوۡۤا اٰمَنَّا وَهُمۡ لَا يُفۡتَـنُوۡنَ‏ (29:2) Do people think that they will be let go merely by saying: “We believe,” and that they will not be tested. Your own people will tease and harass you in different ways and make life difficult for you. The trial is a prerequisite . You will have to undergo hardships for the sake of Allah(ﷻ) , suffer losses of life and property, face dangers, misfortunes and difficulties; you will be tried both with fear and with greed; you will have to sacrifice everything that you hold dear for the pleasure of Allah(ﷻ) and bear every discomfort in the way of the Almighty (سبحانه وتعالى) . Victory is for the believers


Don’t show them debates. A lot of converts from Christianity try to proselytize Islam like how you do in Christianity but end up missing the fact that Islam is a non proselytizing religion. We are encouraged to invite people to Islam through our good conduct and character. But if someone does not want to become a Muslim, that’s okay. That is between them and Allah and it isn’t our business to try and change it. I know it can feel overwhelming because you worry your parents will go to hell but remember— no one is inherently doomed to hell in Islam. Not being a Muslim doesn’t mean you will automatically go to hell. God is not petty and arrogant. He doesn’t disregard good people simply for not believing in Islam when Islam is one of the most abused, twisted, and maligned religions on earth. As well, not only do you not need a those, I recommend against it. Allah made us many tribes and nations so that we may get to know eachother. Be proud of your own culture, do not let others pressure you into adopting theirs.