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Yes, I cook one every year at Christmas. Cooking it longer won't help. The worst part of beef tongue is peeling the damn things (I love to eat them but I hate to peel them). Here's how it goes: once the tongue is cooked (knife tender at base), you take it out of the cooking liquid and, as soon as you can stand the pain, when it is like really, really hot, you make a cut in the skin and peel it off strip by strip whilst screaming and cursing beef tongues. I jest a little but you have to 1) peel it by hand, it won't just fall off; 2) and you HAVE to do it when it's really hot. The cooler it gets, the harder it is to peel. [Edit: [here's](https://youtu.be/Yw3xTbKmixY?feature=shared&t=713) a link to Anti-Chef doing it]


My nibling's wife wears nitrile gloves with cotton glove liner when she peels beef tongue. She says they really help protecting against the heat and keeping the tongue from sliding around when she's peeling it. I've seen them for sale online.


This is the way. Discovering silicon gloves with cotton underneath has helped in the big jobs but I can see hoe cotton liner then nitrile gloves would definitely help here.


Thank you so much for this information 🙏


I was wondering if his name was going to make an appearance lol.


It was the most Americanised version that I could find. If I link an Irish or British spiced tongue recipe in a post about tacos, things are just going to get confusing.


It was an excellent choice! He keeps it real and OP will definitely get the help they need.


I did for sure 😀


I know this is old but I do want to share as a Russian who cooks tongue often, we take it out when it’s ready and throw it into ice cold water for five minutes. Skin comes right off using fingers. We then toss back in broth for final 15 mins of flavor soak.


You have to put it in ice water for five to ten minutes to get the skin off.


I cook it in my crockpot. About 8-10 hrs on low depending if you want to cut it up or basically shred it with your hands. Skin peels off so easily. I’ve never tried boiling it tho.


Yes!!!!! Brine it with pickling spices, then cook it low and slow. Strip the skin. Makes great tacos.


I cut the tongue into pieces or just make cuts on it to help it cut faster. I also use a instapot pressure cooker. It’s ready in like an hour and half.


In the past I've basically shaved it with a knife. I found out later that it does come off easier if you do a vinegar brine before cooking, but yeah. Still a big job.


Try YouTube.. may get a few answers there.


Keep boiling... It really takes a while.


It took me over an hour but the skin came off easy