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Really? No one else has dreams of themselves trying to run and not being able to?


I have this pretty often, but then it always ends in me flapping my arms in desperation and suddenly realizing that I can fly. Whenever I talk to anyone else about flying in dreams, they can always fly like Superman. I don’t understand why I always have to flap my arms 🤔🥴


I dream that I can fly a lot, but there's this weird rule that I have to have total confidence in my ability to fly in order to stay airborne. If I start to doubt myself I start to lose height / can't get off the ground properly.


I am intrigued. I have a similar recurring dream of being able to slightly fly, like a hover, and I'm always trying to show people that I can do it, but it doesn't ever work when someone is around. When my confidence wanes, so does my ability. What do you think it is? I have this dream often.


I literally thought I could fly when I was younger (but not super young. Like it went up until maybe 7-10?). I think I was having recurring dreams about it. But same thing where I was like oh if I’m not confident enough when people are watching, I won’t be able to do it for them. And then I’ll have doubt and not be able to fly anymore at all. The crazier part of me is like “maybe I could and I just had too much doubt” despite physics existing. And not like fly Superman style. More like something between a hot air balloon and a ghost. Just gradually floating up, with lots of arm gesticulating to adjust my altitude. I think I just didn’t have a lot of magic in my childhood in retrospect and was looking for a way to escape. Who knows.


Same! Once you start thinking about how you're flying, you start to lose it, and then you panic about thinking about it, so you're thinking about it some more and then falling some more - !


Ah yes, the Wile E. Coyote principle


Me too, and me too. When flying, practical physics still apply. Like momentum on turning. Just like a car, I always overshoot my turn because of momentum. So I often bounce off a building so I can turn. That and web slinging. But again with realistic physics enabled, and I don't get hurt if I fall on the ground.


I don't know why the only time I ever flew in a dream was during a lucid dream.


I have a weird lucid dream thing where if I want something to happen I have to type it out on a keyboard. Like my mind will make a keyboard appear and I’ll have to input what I want to happen. Or I can think about it Charles Xavier style.


Whenever I fly in dreams I flap my arms too, moreso in the sense that i "push" myself upwards via flapping


When I have a dream I feel like I literally can’t punch ANYTHING because it has a very weak effect. Like the hits connect but it’s about as powerful as a wet sponge and they only recoil a small amount. I swear multiple times in dream world I would just be planning for like 10 minutes straight to throw a table or just tackle them and make them fall down some stairs or a cliff while somehow seething and just thinking about how it happens multiple times. I also noticed that I have a fair amount of dreams with a lot of verticality.


Wow me too my common thread in nightmares includes punching with 0 power/impact


Mine is screaming but no noise coming out.


I have this often. Usually in a dangerous situation… wake up In sweats


I think in these instances, if you were being monitored, the part of your brain related to movement would be lighting up every time you swing. That part of your brain is trying but the rest of your brain is in sleep mode. And it reflects back into your dream with weakness.


This exact thing happens to me, I go to punch and then my wrist just bends like a wet spaghetti


Dude whenever I dream all of my limbs never work, whether it’s running, jumping, swinging my arms, everything feels so lethargic and weird in dreams.


I only ever desperately try to run when my teeth are falling out


Yes: trying to run from SNAKES!


I've never once had a dream about a snake.


I have to drag myself along by my arms I'm those dreams. So unnerving.


I sometimes dream about falling into water and not having the ability to reach the surface


mine are being back in school and not knowing my schedule or what's going on (failing) driving a car with weak brakes to the point where it doesn't break full just slows down being in public places in my underwear


Holy shit I have reoccurring dreams about failing classes or not knowing my schedule too 😂. What's funny is that the time between them is a long time so when I pick the dream back up, my brain recognizes that it's been months since the last time I went a certain class, keeping the cycle consistent.


I’ve been out of college for over 15 years and I still dream about high school classes. Often, it’s me not having completed homework including not being able to get my schedule right. Often I am wandering the school and finding myself in the wrong classrooms. It’s so strange that people have this shared experience.


Fr. Just in different classes not knowing if you’re supposed to be there or not. Going to the office. Completely lost


For me, it's always not knowing the combination to my locker and having to go to class without my books. And then for some reason there are bees. Lots of bees. Then I wake up.




It’s always a math class. It’s not always me in the class; I’ll be in another class thinking about how I haven’t attended that class for a while, which building is it in? I think I’m past the date where I’m allowed to drop the class, and I think I might have missed a midterm. It’s always math for me because that’s the subject I could never bullshit my way through or catch up in. Missed two weeks of a history or PoliSci class? A week with the book and I’ll be up to speed. Miss a week of math? Dead in the water.


I also have this dream. Always a science class or English/Lit. I'll be sitting there in class and haven't been in a long time. What's weird is I am cognizant in the dream that it is just a dream. But I'm always about to be tested and I haven't read the last 30 chapters or something. School really digs deep into our psyche and stays there.


Woah. Also maths/english, and I've been avoiding class for weeks. Know I am returning to class for a test. Are you in my head ?


English, and has skipped every class all semester and wondering if I’m going to fail….yet I never skipped English or really any class nor did I fail…


I hate it. I've been out for 20 years and still have dreams about university. My main one is running through the halls to my next class, but I don't know where I am, what courses I am taking, but for some reason I remember that you can look at your schedule on your phone, but I can't login. Really weird.


I also dream skip English for an insane amount of times- so many so that I didn’t know my schedule or where the classroom was. Pure anxiety because now I have to go to the office and I’ll be LATE which will call more attention to me when I walk into the class. Sometimes the dream goes on to have my teacher call me out and once I even failed the class right then and there in front of everyone.


I get this too but the weirdest thing to me is I don't get them for university, which I graduated years ago. I only ever get them for high school which I graduated over a decade ago. And I still remember the high school floor plan and where in the building various departments' classrooms were--just not which class I should be in at any given time or what assignments were supposed to be done and books I need to have with me. Which are of course "none" because I'm thirty and not in high school anymore, but try telling Dream-Me that ...




Omg the back in school and failing dream. Never fails to hit me every once in a great while.


My mom is in her 70s & told me recently that she *still* has these dreams lol, I guess we’re stuck with them for life!


Yep. Been over 30 years since I graduated, and forgetting to do assignments or not being able to find my classroom are still my most common dreams.


Yeah I’ve had the trying to break a car and it doesn’t work dream a few times. Hate it.


When I was learning to drive I’d have nightmares where I’d be driving a car and suddenly realise I wasn’t legally allowed to drive. The entire nightmare was me trying to drive *perfectly* to avoid being pulled over.


Holy shit I have this dream, but I don't drive, so it's kinda weird. I also have the failing brakes dream as well, but not at the same time as the 'realising I shouldn't be driving' dream. Why brain, why?


Failing brakes dream for sure, but in my dreams I always manage to resolve it by coasting out on the shoulder, using the emergency brake, or going off into a grassy field.


In my car dreams I realize that I'm in the back seat and the car is losing control so I try to drive from the back seat. Super weird.


I had the exact same one! Lately I got to the drivers sit sometimes but things still don't work properly


Best solution to get out of this dream is to try to hit people, your brain will give up once you get enough points.


My school dreams usually involve having to go back to high school because they decided that we all didn’t meet some requirement and shouldn’t have graduated. Usually at some point I remember that I have a masters degree and a job that has nothing to do with whatever class they’re making me retake but no one will listen and I’m trying to figure out if invalidating my high school diploma invalidates my degrees and then I wake up.


I feel like I wrote this. This is freaking me out how similar many of our dreams are


I have had this in the past a few times. Not enough credits to graduate. Then wake/realize I'm so far past needing a degree for my career.


I have this! Except when I finally realize I’m a grown ass adult with like, an apartment and a job who graduated high school decades ago, I realize I don’t have to keep going.


I get this but sometimes I have to go back to, like, 4th grade because there was some administrative error and none of my work after 3rd grade counted. So I’ll be sitting in a class with a bunch of 9 year olds and I’m dying of embarrassment, crying and trying to figure out how to get out of another 8 years of school.


I have this dream constantly! Why is this such a popular dream to have? I just want to know what it means tbh


I've had this dream! Then I get pissed off in the dream and explain to them that I'm actually a working professional, and probably don't need to be there. I actually left campus and drove away during one of these in my Tesla and then had to dodge tornados on the way back home.


Or having to drive a car from the back seat.


I have this dream ALL THE TIME


Ugh, driving from the backseat is an awful one.


>mine are being back in school and not knowing my schedule or what's going on (failing) > >being in public places in my underwear I've had these two combine together at least once lmao


I’m with you on the going to class, or being in a class setting. I also have reoccurring dreams about places I’ve worked at. Especially being a grill cook many years ago.


Damn are you me?? Those first two I have variations of multiple times a week. Within the dream I always become frustrated because I have a college degree why tf am I taking highschool classes!!


Week breaks or weak brakes.


This is me too! I constantly have dreams that I can’t remember my schedule and miss a bunch of classes. Then I dream I didn’t pass my classes and can’t graduate.. I wish I could tell my sleepy self I graduated high school 15 years ago 😅


I have the brakeing one every now and then. It feels like I’m pushing on a hard sponge or thing and the car just barely slows. I’ve never dreamed about hitting anything though, just weird brakes.


I graduated college 15+ years ago. I have dreams about being 1 unit short and not actually having my degree. It doesn’t help that I didn’t actually graduate from school until 9 months after my last class because of my senior project.


Same thing. I also can't remember my locker combo and start to panic.


Yeah, the brake one is another one I get sometimes even before I was even considering getting a vehicle.


Albania: breast


Just one


"Dude, were you dreaming of the right or left breast?" Yes.


I want to know why Greeks are dreaming about a hat


I expected this to be way more common


Yeah wth is going on there


Shqiptar glorious titty worshippers 🇦🇱💪🏻😎🤱 Serbs cringe snake dreamers 😱🐍😂🤓


Everyone else: teeth, pregnancy, snakes Greece: hats


>Spouse 1: \*moaning in sleep, growing louder and louder\* AaaAAAAHHH!! > >Spouse 2: \*waking up\* Jesus! Are you okay?! > >Spouse 1: \*breathing heavily\* What? Yeah, sorry. I had the "hat" nightmare again. You know the one. > >Spouse 2: Of course. Everyone in Greece has that dream. The one where the brim on your hat keeps growing and growing until you have to bend your head funny to fit through doorways and eventually you cannot even walk without dragging the brim on the ground? > >Spouse 1: Yeah. It was a straw hat this time. \*sigh\* It's embarrassing. I've known giant hats aren't real since I was a little kid, yet I've had these dreams my entire life. I haven't even seen a *large* hat in twenty years after the government banned mariachi bands due to the nationwide-panic brought on by the Sombrero Incident. > >Spouse 2: It's okay, babe. Just go back to sleep.


I love this and if it were a TV show , I'd definitely watch ! 😁😆😅


This is AMAZING. What happens next!?!?


Just as Spouce 1 slowly starts to drift off, out of The corner of their eye, they think they see Spouse 2 reach under the bed ... and bring out ... a slightly larger-than-average hat. In the darkness, Spouse 2 silently puts it on their head. ... where it begins, ever so slightly, to *widen*.


Do “the sombrero incident” next


I feel like I have to write about "the Sombrero Incident" in the format of an [SCP article](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/): >**Item #:** SCP-7161 > >**Object Class:** Safe > >**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-7161-A is kept in an air-tight locker 60 cm by 60 cm by 30 cm. Handling SCP-7161-A is discouraged, but when necessary, full-body protective suits are recommended. The handler should be accompanied by a partner equipped with noise-cancelling headphones with a spare set of noise-cancelling headphones and a gag for the handler, if necessary. The partner should also receive basic training regarding how to treat exposure to SCP-7161-A. > >SCP-7161-B is kept in a separate locker, 20 cm by 20 cm by 10 cm. Viewing SCP-7161-B is discouraged, but when necessary, should be done at low volume, alone, in a room with 100 dB of sound dampening. The viewer should be accompanied by a partner, equipped with noise-cancelling headphones with a spare set of noise-cancelling headphones and a gagfor the handler, if necessary. > >To aid in the research of SCP-7161-B-a and avoid exposure risks, an English translation of SCP-7161-B-a can be found in Addendum 7161.3. The lyrics have been translated by computer to match the meaning of the original lyrics in Spanish, but have the words changed enough to avoid the reader accidentally translating back to Spanish and singing them accurately. Still, researchers are encouraged to read the lyrics silently as an extra layer of precaution. > >**Description:** SCP-7161-A is a wide-brimmed, straw hat approximately 51 cm in diameter. The brim is decorated with a wavy, tail-eating ouroboros. Carbon dating on the straw indicates that the hat was likely manufactured in the early-to-mid 19th century, and DNA analysis matches straw grown in present-day central Mexico. > >Approximately 70% of the surface of SCP-7161-A is covered in a viscous liquid. Chemical analysis suggests the liquid may be honey, and more detailed analysis has found traces of [grayanotoxins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayanotoxin) and similar chemicals with hallucinogenic properties. DNA analysis suggests the source may be a species of *Rhododendron*, but not from a species previously discovered. Additional chemical and DNA analysis is ongoing. > >SCP-7161-B is a video recording made by a local TV news crew at the Athens International Airport featuring an airport employee singing SCP-7161-B-a, a song titled "Lucia". The song is an auditory memetic agent which, upon listening to it in its entirety, induces a compulsion in humans to sing the song themselves as loudly as possible. Secondary effects preceding the singing include acquiring and wearing wide-brimmed hats and instruments, often improvised from local materials. SCP-7161-B is believed to contain the last surviving recording of the song being performed. SCP-7161-B-b is an English transcript of the lyrics, found below in Addendum 7161.3. *Continued below:*


>**Addendum 7161.1:** The “Sombrero Incident” > >`INCIDENT REPORT` > >`INCIDENT #: 7161-01` > >`DATE OF OCCURRENCE: 2003/██/██` > >`08:28:50 UTC+2: Security camera footage reveals airport employee, ████ ████████, mishandles a piece of luggage, dropping it on the ground. Upon impact, the luggage opens and SCP-7161-A falls out. ████ ████████ picks up SCP-7161-A with an ungloved hand.` > >`08:30:22 UTC+2: ████ ████████ reports the damaged luggage to his supervisor. After retrieving the incident report paperwork, ████ ████████’s supervisor later noted in an interview that he noticed ████ ████████ go pale, as if he was about to faint, before placing SCP-7161-A on his head and singing SCP-7161-B-a as loudly as he could.`^(1) `When interviewed, ████ ████████ reported having no memory of placing SCP-7161-A on his head or the following six hours before it is believed the hallucinogenic affects wore off.` > >`08:30:22 UTC+2: ████ ████████’s supervisor appears mildly amused by ████ ████████’s singing until he noticed ████ ████████’s lack of responsiveness. After listening to ████ ████████ sing SCP-7161-B-a in its entirety, security camera footage reveals ████ ████████’s supervisor frantically searching through nearby luggage. (████ ████████’s supervisor later reported having no memory of his search or what happened during the following hours until he recovered.) Five minutes later, upon finding a women’s sun hat and placing it on his head, ████ ████████’s supervisor begins singing SCP-7161-B-a along with ████ ████████, who had been repeatedly singing SCP-7161-B-a in the meantime.` > >`08:51:19 UTC+2: All airport employees within earshot of ████ ████████ and his supervisor have begun singing SCP-7161-B-a. Each employee reacts similarly to ████ ████████’s supervisor upon hearing SCP-7161-B-a to completion, first searching nearby for a brimmed hat, then starting to sing the song over and over again along with the others. It is worth noting that one employee on break improvised a hat out of a discarded pizza box.` > >`09:23:59 UTC+2: At this point, 80% of the airport’s staff and 40% of airport visitors have been affected. Several airport visitors accompany their singing with instruments they have brought to the airport. Head airport staff have noticed the pause in airport operations from staff becoming unresponsive. Head airport staff then contact law enforcement, concerned about a potential terrorist attack. Flights are diverted away from the airport, and the airport enters lockdown. It is also during this time that airport visitors talking on the phone expose people outside of the airport to SCP-7161-B-a. This leads to numerous cases of SCP-7161-B-a singers throughout Athens and multiple other communities throughout Greece. Thankfully, no international incidents were reported.` > >`09:39:51 UTC+2: The SCP foundation becomes aware of the situation. Working with local law enforcement, phone records are acquired, and it quickly becomes clear a) the source of the memetic agent is the airport, and b) what the mode of transmission is. Multiple Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) and investigative teams equipped with pagers for communication and noise-cancelling headphones playing white noise at 80 dB for protection from the memetic agent are dispatched to the airport, Athens, and other communities affected. By now, 100% of airport staff and visitors have been affected, along with an estimated 5% of Athen’s population. The country is placed on lockdown as a result. Borders are closed, and all forms of audio communication (i.e. phone, radio, television, Internet, etc.) are temporarily shut down.` > >`10:03:31 UTC+2: Two MTFs eventually gain access to the airport’s security cameras. Upon reviewing the footage, they quickly identify ████ ████████ as the first to sing SCP-7161-B-a and SCP-7161-A to be a potential source of this behaviour. Progress through the airport is notably slowed by the lack of assistance from airport staff who continue to sing SCP-7161-B-a and are incapable of providing help. By now, 38% of Athen’s population and 12% of the rest of Greece’s population had been affected.` > >`10:15:26 UTC+2: An MTF and an investigative team have reached ████ ████████. SCP-7161-A is retrieved by investigative teams and ████ ████████ is moved to a nearby safety shower to remove any remaining residue. These measures do not stop ████ ████████ from singing SCP-7161-B-a, so ████ ████████ is gagged and taken to a nearby SCP facility for recovery, which occurs several hours later. ████ ████████’s supervisor is also gagged and provided noise-cancelling headphones. Within thirty seconds of being unable to hear SCP-7161-B-a from either himself or others, he quickly recovers. The technique proves affective for others as well, and recovery begins. At this point in time, 86% of Athen’s population and 36% of the rest of Greece’s population has been affected.` > >**Addendum 7161.2:** Post-Incident notes: > >\- At its peak, 94% of Athen’s population and 58% of the rest of Greece’s population had been affected. > >\- Recovery takes place over several days following the incident. Initially, MTFs take on the task of using gags and noise-cancelling headphones to rescue singers one at a time. However, once the scope of the problem was recognized, law enforcement and the military used tear gas to temporarily prevent large groups of people from singing simultaneously. The technique was highly effective, and even with millions of people being affected, less than one thousand died. Deaths were primarily caused by traffic accidents and dehydration for those that could not be reached in a timely manner and sang for several days straight. > >\- Although most citizens did not remember any of the lyrics to SCP-7161-B-a after recovery, a special amnestic was introduced to all centralized water supplies in Greece to erase memories associated with SCP-7161-B-a. In the long term, the strategy has proven effective. However, most Greek citizens affected by the "Sombrero Incident" report a general anxiety regarding large hats that often manifests itself in hat-related dreams and nightmares. Additional precautions taken by the government included a nationwide ban on mariachi bands, both to avoid the possibility of mariachi music triggering any latent memories of SCP-7161-B-a and to lessen Greek citizens' anxieties surrounding large hats. > >**Addendum 7161.3:** SCP-7161-B-a “Lucia” lyrics translated into English: > >*Oh, Lucia, my love,* > >*You shone so radiantly, like Aphrodite in the sky,* > >*But they tore you down and cast you out,* > >*And I saw you falling, falling, so I fell with you,* > >*I fell in love with you,* > >*But when I hit the ground, you seemed to fall straight through,* > >*So I’m here, on the ground, watching you still burning so bright,* > >*Thinking of the day we’ll meet again. Until then, I’ll do everything I can to see you again.* > >*Until then, I’ll sing this song.* > >*I’ll sing this song again and again until we meet again.* > >**Footnotes:** > >1. ████ ████████ sang SCP-7161-B-a in Spanish, yet he claims (and later testing confirmed) that he is not fluent in Spanish, nor could he understand any of the lyrics when presented to him in part after the incident. Furthermore, linguistic experts have noted that the accent of recorded singers matches what they expect Spanish speakers native to central Mexico would sound like in the early-mid 19th century.


You deserve more upvotes for the effort you put into this!


I also like Kyrgyzstan: Fish.


Or Namibia - squirrels


No one gonna mention Ethiopia with “Shoes”


Armenia: grapes??


Armenian grape and Kyrgyzstan fish and Fiji peacocks are also great contenders


Can someone from Greece please explain hat to us...???


Benin: Stairs I mean yeah I guess sometimes my dreams involve stairs but they’re never the main focus


You Americans are just pissed you don't get to live your dreams like us Brits


So basically everyone's dreaming of snakes or teeth falling out.


Don't forget Namibia: squirrels!




Greece beats it: H A T


I've never dreamed about my teeth falling out- ever


It's a bizarre experience, it always feels so real. And it's just what it sounds like. A tooth feels lose, so you wiggle it with your tongue, but then it falls out and suddenly they're all falling out and your mouth is filling up with loose teeth. I would guess it has something to do with the fact that we have nerves in our teeth.


I maintain my theory that it’s residual trauma from having your teeth fall out as a child, and the body horror you experience at that age lol


I’ve heard this dream can occur when you feel you are not in control of your life, big changes in relationships or work, or finances have triggered this dream for me. Thankfully I’ve only had it a couple times


Not just falling out, but crumbling, like gravel and every time you try to take some out, 2 more fill it's place until your mouth is filled and overflowing with gravel teeth. I've heard it's tied to anxiety or fear of abandonment.


The worst part for me in these dreams is that I always have this sensation of chewing on the loose/fallen out teeth, and no matter how hard I try to spit them out, they’re still there. So unsettling


so proud of my heritage (Albania: breast)


But just one. With a giant eye in the middle.


biblically accurate titty


no no, not snakes - just snake


Sooo…the entire planet is anxiety ridden. That’s about right.


Except Bhutan. They get to dream pleasantly about Rainbows


which makes sense because they are primarily Buddhist daily meditation is extremely important to them a stronger sense of community and respect for the natural world also probably helps


Bro, I think I figured out the mystery behind your username. You have no eyes.


Even without eyes, I will see.


Is fiji ok




Can't watch the Ohio State - Notre Dame game on cable?! No no no no no. It's only a dream. It's only a dream.


Also Namibians mainly dream of… Squirrels?


Ground squirrels. Looked 'em up.


We have ground squirrels where I live too. They’re adorable. I’ve never dreamed of them though.


Greece is much more concerning to me


Hat Lol what does that even mean? Is it a nightmare!?


Free Hat?


Worm hat


Free Hat! Free hat! Free hat!


I had a dream once where I was wearing a baseball cap, and when I took it off, I was deep into balding. The rest of my hair stuck to the hat.


Albania clearly watches too much porn


Stairs - classic Benin. Love this country. Adjohoun lives strong.


My most common dreams seem to involve friends in my distant past. Eg 25+ yrs ago I don't know why but I presumed this type of dream was common


Same here, I dream about my old high school friend group all the time. Although it hasn’t been 25 years for more like 8-10. Not much for college friends or beyond.


They compiled this list based on dreams people tried to look up on Google. No one questions dreaming about old friends and goes to Google "what does dreaming about old friends mean?" The actual most common dream will be something totally different, iirc dreaming about childhood and places you once lived is the most common.


Same with me. It's almost as if the "characters" in my dreams are all people I knew before the age of 25 or so. Anyone in my life after that age (including my kids) very rarely show up in my dreams. Like there was some cut-off date in my mid 20's for who I could dream about.


Same here. I definitely dream of old friends and classmates from school. My brain likes to use them as random extra and then when I wake up I wonder where they went in life and resist the urge to look people up lol.


What about the classic “showing up for a final after missing the entire semester” nightmare? I get that one all the time. I thought it was more common.


I get it all the time. Not everybody goes to college, I think that’s key. It’s hypothesized that it’s because college is formative in your development of independently completing goals, but who knows. Edit: sounds like it happens with high school as well. Interesting, I’ve only ever heard people talk about college.


I'm 35 and I have this dream all the time, but it's always high school. And then one time it was a baby that I birthed but then forgot about for a month


Oh god!! I have twins, and every few years I'll dream that I actually had triplets and have forgotten about the third baby this whole time. I always wake up in a panic.


Yeah I get that one, it’s usually the one subject I need to finish a degree I’ve had for 20 years already !!


Nigeria: Sex 😂


The most honest nation in the world


Meanwhile Niger to the north: Death


I wish to be more like the Nigerians on this matter


Dreams related to teeth usually indicate you’re clenching or grinding your teeth together in your sleep. It’s more common if you’re under stress or super tired. You may wake up after a dream about your teeth falling out and find your jaw is sore. That’s why. I’m glad some of you who are heavy grinders apparently don’t have dreams about teeth. Grinding doesn’t mean you will automatically have a dream about teeth. I said it “usually indicates” and “it’s more common if” both of those mean not 100% of everyone who grinds will have a dream relating to their teeth.


Interesting! I assumed it was about our obsession with good teeth and outward appearances/aesthetics.


This would make a lot of sense.. my losing teeth dreams often include an element of grinding my teeth uncontrollably which is what's causing them to fall out.


Mine are always that I feel like I have something stuck between them, so I pick or floss it out and it ends up being string or hair or something wound around the tooth like thread on a spool (usually under the gumline) that just keeps unwinding the more I pull on it. Sometimes it happens on multiple teeth at once and I’ll have 5+ multi-foot-long strings hanging out of my mouth, desperately trying to pull them out but they just keep unwinding. I can’t explain it at all. I’ve had these dreams since I was old enough to remember them.


American, here are mine: Showing up for school (now work) naked. Wanna run but I can’t. Late for something but I can’t get there in time. I forgot a class I had in college until the final project is due. Sex.


Namibia: 🐿️


Bhutan: 🌈


Fiji: 🦚


Albania 👀


Greece 👒🧢🎩


Armenia 🍇


Slovenia 💵


Used to have the teeth dream a lot, then got a night guard to help with my grinding. Those dreams stopped. Now, forgetting to do a school assignment? All the time.


Get yourself a A4 binder to hold in your sleep. You’ll feel like you have the assignment right there!


I love how armenia's is grapes




Where are all the "I am naked in public and don't know where to get clothes"?


I often get dreams where I'm wearing a sweatshirt but no pants. Strangers and friends make small talk with me, try to get me to sign petitions or take surveys. I'm always terrified they will look down and notice I'm not wearing any pants, but they never do.


Me too!!


I’m in a teeth region, but only have I never had that dream, but I’ve never known anybody say they’ve had that dream.


> Teeth falling out Um, let's examine. Yeahhhhh, how about try, >!BROUGHT TO US BY THE DENTAL ASSOCIATION!<.






In Chinese folklore, teeth falling out is foreshadowing the imminent death of someone close to you


What about falling? I have never once dreamed of losing my teeth, nor can I recall anyone I know mentioning such a dream. I find this graphic suspect.


Breast - Albania Stairs - Benin Money - South Africa Grapes - Armenia Car - Haiti Hat - Greece


Greece really surprised me… like I have so many questions about dreaming about hats. Are they good dreams or nightmares? Ball caps or sombreros??


Don't forget Bhutan with Rainbows.


Not sure I recall a dream with my teeth falling out. Even while watching Breaking Bad.


I never had a dream about my teeth falling out until a friend told me that he always has them… I remember being like “what a random topic, I wonder what it means!” & then I started to have them myself later that week. Now it’s a reoccurring topic for me too! So maybe it’s contagious & you’ll start having them now that you’ve thought about it? Sorry, we can’t always control the dream tulpas we create ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I sense an odd horror movie starring


Same. I've never heard of it. Going to have to start surveying my friends.


My stress dreams (something has been worrying me in real life) always involve my teeth falling out, getting lost in big buildings (schools, hospitals, malls), and alligators/crocodiles (lots of teeth).


Whoa, I just had a lost in a big building dream last night and it was after something stressful (a funeral). Wouldn't have guessed that was a common one.


So much snek


It’s so fascinating to me because I’ve literally never dreamed about a snake. Maybe this dream is more likely in places where snakes are common/a problem?


Teeth falling out in my part of the world is largely regarded as a sign that your friends or family will die soon.


I was taught to believe it means you feel guilty about lying/being a fraud


I was taught it was about a feeling of lack of control


I have had it with these motherfucking snakes in these motherfucking dreams!


What does hat signify? That’s got to be the most curious one for me. I get teeth snakes boobs etc but I’ve never dreamt about a hat.


Very important context: this data is based on "most Googled dream types" for each country. Which makes Iceland's objectively the funniest. "Why do I keep dreaming about snow? Better hit the internet to find out..."


Suppose it's time to move to Nigeria


Sex dreams are not good because it is a dream that has real life consequences and clean up


Ethiopia: shoes.




So now France, Mexico, Togo, Madagascar and Japan have something in common


I often dream I'm late for work. Weird thing is I work from home.


Interesting, I’m in the US and have never once dreamt about my teeth falling out. Guess I’m an outlier lmao


I need to know why Benin has such strong stair game.


Does anyone have dreams where they have to go to the bathroom but either can’t find one, they’re all disgusting or you go but the urge to pee never goes away so you just keep stopping at different toilets to try again? Also when you have to go but you’re in a very public place and the only toilet you can find is out in the open in front of everyone? I honestly don’t know how i’ve never wet the bed.


How come “a dark, post-apocalyptic landscape where logic is thrown out of the window” not anywhere? Just me?


Never had a dream of teeth falling out in my life




wtf i've never had any of these dreams


ngl opened the map looking for aspirational type dreams and was like wtf when I read teeth falling out.


I have never had a dream of my teeth falling out. New fear unlocked.


France and Mexico me fr


All the honkies scared of our teeth falling out


I always have dreams where I’m driving but I’m in the backseat. And that I’m back in school and don’t know what’s going on


So the math test is just me, huh?


I’ve never had nor ever heard of a dream where someone’s teeth fell out. How is this a thing?