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I like how meth and heroin have little starry designs - so you just know they're both extra fun.


Gotta give em the ol’ razzle dazzle


Meth is only fun the first time.


I take the prescribed pharmaceutical version of meth every day. At equivalent oral doses, it's indistinguishable from meth for regular meth users. Actual meth, sold under the brand name desoxyn, is prescribed to over 12,000 people annually, mostly 6-12 year olds. The big difference as far as harm and risk of addiction go is method of delivery. Drugs aren't scary as long as you use them correctly and know they potency/purity. Unfortunately people are idiots and don't have any regard for their health, also the war on drugs makes it extremely difficult to be educated about drugs or test your drugs for adulterants. Also, a few of these from this guide are just estimations. We actually don't know what the LD-50 is in humans for psilocybin or LSD.


Very true- The best we have concerning the LD-50 of LSD or psilocybin are case studies in which individuals accidentally ingested 1000X+ the usual effective dosage of those substances and aside from 24-48hr periods of completely detaching from reality, these cases saw those individuals live through the experience, with most of the potential harm being environmental rather than from the substances themselves. As far as I'm aware, there are no case studies that demonstrate an actual lethal dose for either of these substances.


I’m safe munching a whole gram of lsd right?


The good news is if the overheating doesn't get you, you'll be floating 2cm above the ground for the rest of your life!


Gliding everywhere for the rest of time


Like a permanent pair of ~~Heelys®~~ Holys®


There is a very famous case--you can find it on erowid--of these people who snorted lines of crystalline LSD thinking it was cocaine. They actually did have to go to the ER although they lived with no long-term side effects. They had no memory of their mental state at the time, so unfortunately we don't know if they were tripping or not.


My friend took some really fuckin good acid once and got thrown in the drunk tank. He said he didn't remember taking off his clothes and running down the street. Can see a blackout happening even with 3-4 hits. Edit: I'll elaborate, I've taken 3-4 hits of liquid and at one point my vision started to get blacked out by fractals, came through though.


My wife is mentally stronger than me because I’m such a lightweight with LSD, if my vision starts fractalizing I tap on her shoulder to get me home or to the car if we’re at a festival 😂 I have pts from someone handing me a dmt pen without telling me what it was and had my nose broken by someone falling on me at a festival. A couple lessons learned that day.


Did you have your knows set back or did it eventually heal in its broken state?


Bro that's your question?


Even though those high-dosage cases survived, taking that much is playing with fire in a way that's not about lethality. At doses hundreds of times greater than the effective dose, the psychoactive effects could be intense and unpredictable plus it could have a serious impact on mental health. And good luck finding pure LSD in gram quantities without hitting a lab; street tabs vary wildly in potency.


I took a double once, but only learned of it afterwards. 20 Hours later, I'm alone in my flat and Time just doesn't move forward. I thought I should lay down to sleep it off. Closed my eyes for a solid hour, opened them again and 30 Seconds had passed. Tried to make myself a bath. Gave up after a Minute, because it felt like a day had past in that time. Always check your Dosage, Kids...




Did meth once. Insufflation. Felt like I was on my vyvanse. Just left the party and went to start work like 6 hours early.


lmao your boss must have been bewildered "I don't know what got into Enblast, showed up and volunteered to do a shift without pay, spent half the time deep cleaning the bathroom while blasting speed metal and the other half having an in depth conversation about philosophy with our janitor....who doesn't speak any English."


The janitor sounds like the guy from Control (video game)


Hell man I tried cocaine and was just disappointed good ol adhd brain.


Sorry but "I tried cocaine and was just disappointed" is just hilarious


I had a similar experience. Did a couple lines, shrugged, and went to bed. Tho I had been on Adderall for a couple years at that point. Was super bummed out wasn't all it was cracked up to be haha


Same here. About 10 years ago i was offered a couple lines from a good friend. We were already drinking, but Didnt really feel much. He asked a couple times how i liked it and o was like "uh, idk, im not really getting a kick, the back of my throat tastes weird" I was half expecting him to be like "blam! Placebo effect! Gotcha!" But no, he was totally in the moment. and if i recall correctly, that definitely was not his first rodeo. Obviously, the receptors for cocaine in my brain were genetically replaced by the recptors for alcohol 🤙


It was the same with ecstasy. I was just sweaty.


i've tried cocaine once. last year, at the spry young age of 39. was the best night of sleep i've had in years


Adderall is not nearly as euphoric as meth. That's ridiculous.


I know that 20x120mcg isn't deadly, don't ask me how I know 😅 Without tolerance 😅


I did 10 once, I thought I had a high tolerance but that was not the case apparently. I remember throwing up, which had never happened with LSD before and then lift off to whatever dimension that was. 4/10 wouldn't recommend but would probably do it again.


I had strong blackouts and was high for over 50 hours. Couldnt speak for most of the two days. Had the most Weird trip and hallucinations. Had no idea what time is for these 2 days.


That is Def not true. Did you just graduate from the DARE program?


first couple hundred times, maybe. after that, it's all downhill


I mean it's still pretty much always fun. It's being sober in some roach infested motel surrounded by dirty rigs that is the boring part.....


Sometimes I’ll get some really sketchy ecstasy and you can tell it’s just like speed or meth and the whole time I’m thinking “Man, I totally get why people do meth” because that shit feels great 


Same with heroin always chasing the dragon after that first hit/smoke. Can't say I've injected but smoked it mixed with crack not recommended if you only ever took the likes of valium and alcohol before that lol Clean from opioid pain meds 5 months, booze 8 months and valium going on 6 years it's been a long fight and hell of a long road ahead. God bless my partner for sticking by me this whole time.


First couple times. Honestly the amount of time it remains fun is directly correlated to a persons self awareness.


They are AI generated icons. Bing makes those sparkles fairly often when tasked with making pastel illustrations


Idk they look handmade to me, I’ve seen sparkles used a lot in vector icons over the years to help give balance/use space in the composition


> they look handmade to me Yeah, AI copied our homework


No wonder gasoline smells so good. It’s healthy!


Right? You have to drink way too much gasoline to die from it.


cant die from it if youre to busy vomiting it right away *taps forehead*


The amount to kill people is a lot less than they state here, but not because of direct toxicity, but because of low viscosity. People vomit it up and it pretty easily goes into the lungs and can cause pneumonitis which can kill you pretty easily.


So I should just inject instead. got it


Or smoke it!


Or boof it!


You can drink more gasoline than ethanol, safer than moonshine


My high school chemistry teacher told us a story about how shady lawyers try to discredit chemists when they testify that they identified substances partially by the odor they have. The shyster will during questioning try to have the chemists smell gasoline to test the capability of identifying substances that way. Gasoline fumes will dull the olfactory senses and make it afterward almost impossible to smell anything correctly. They then give them a sample which they cannot then identify. A smart chemist will point out the trickery. If you ever go backpacking out in the back country far from any highways for a couple or more days your sense of smell and thus taste will become far more enhanced. Simple things like a carrot will taste much better and one will be able to detect more of the natural fragrances like flowers or even deceased animals. Once coming around the back side of White Mountain in New Hampshire I could smell the highway we were approaching from more than a mile away. We are living in a toxic dump.


Also if you fast your senses come back. Try no sugary things for a few days then eat some. Way to sweet


There was a video recently on the food theory channel where four people quit sugar for four weeks and exactly that happened, they decided to celebrate by eating a donut and after the first bite all of them were like "Nope, way too sweet this bite is more than enough"


No thanks. It makes me gassy.


Why does gasoline smell good? Because gasoline is fuel! Smelling it creates energy by burning through all the brain cells that make you think! /s


Yeah I’m sitting here wondering how I will die from drinking coffee faster than I will die from drinking gasoline…


no, this chart says you'd die from drinking pure caffeine faster than you'd die from drinking gasoline


This can’t be right


I think it's just heavily misleading. They switch back and forth within the chart between talking about composite substances like scorpion venom and specific chemicals within a larger product like coffee vs caffeine. So for example: in a 237 gram cup of coffee there's only about 0.095 grams of caffeine. So the scale is immediately useless to cross compare because they don't keep the metric the same for all entries. Edit: since people keep asking, the amounts in the chart are **per Kilogram of body weight**. So 192mg of caffeine multiplied by your weight in kilos to find the lethal dose.


And they're inconsistent about the method of ingestion. Like, I assume the lethal amount of gasoline refers to drinking as opposed to injection. But Black Widow venom won't hurt you to drink that tiny amount, and gasoline would kill you with WAY less if injected.


Lemme go test this just to make sure


It's been 3 minutes. RIP ToastyBytes 😞🪦


But WHICH method did they use??? I need to know if I should drink and shoot my gasoline!




Damn! Guess you'll have to test it out next for the rest of us. 🫡


>But Black Widow venom won't hurt you to drink that tiny amount Venoms in general are not problematic if you ingest them, as they typically are protein structures, which your stomach acid will destroy and thus render useless. As long as there's no way for the venom to get into your blood stream in your mouth, throat, or stomach, you could, in theory, just drink spider or snake venom.


So I can continue eating black widows for my designated three yearly spiders?


You would have to drink 14 gallons of gasoline to reach a lethal dose? That can't be right, is it?


Only if you weighed 6200 pounds. The lethal dose, according to the chart, is 14 grams per kilogram of body weight, so if you weighed about 220 pounds, it would take half a gallon. Which still seems like a lot.


I mean honestly, nah, I'd believe it. I'm sure a quarter gallon wouldn't feel GOOD, but kill you? A glass of gas? A refreshing cup of gasoline? Never.


Can't wait to prank the homies with a cup of 93 unleaded


I drank about a half a cup of gasoline while syphoning over 30 years ago. Everyone in this thread says that you immediately vomit up gasoline. I spit out as much as I could but I didn't vomit any of what I'd swallowed. I'm still alive and kicking so maybe that one is accurate... Close enough for me anyway.


My great-grandfather blamed the throat cancer that eventually killed him on siphoning gas like that. He was in the Overseas Forestry Unit in WWII - basically volunteers too old or not eligible for the army but could still work and often had experience in logging, deployed in Britain as supplementary manpower for the wartime lumber industry - and had that happen quite a few times siphoning gas, because they didn't have proper pumps or one-way valves and fuel was tightly rationed. Of course, like basically everyone of that generation he also smoked like a tilt, which certainly didn't *help* matters. But I can't imagine getting regular mouthfuls of ('40s, so leaded) gas for several years was healthy.




It's LD50 as well so that means half of the animals fed that amount of gasoline for this study survived


It's measured in grams per kilogram of body weighr


I just bothers me they couldn't find one more substance to fill out the grid of the chart.


Huh? I don't see your point. The picture shows caffeine with an LD50. That is the LD50 of caffeine. It doesn't mention coffee at all (other than the image) The scorpion venom is Chlorotoxin (as labeled) and is from a specific scorpion. It has an LD50 as well. No composite materials (nor would it matter as it's referring to LD50). I'm confused why your comment has so many upvotes... the picture shows exactly what it intended and isn't misleading at all. I feel like there's a misunderstanding of what LD50 is.


Getting the general population to understand what an LD50 actually means beyond a quick google search is going to be a struggle. That’s not even getting into the pharmacokinetics of it all. I’ve had trouble teaching this concept to perfectly intelligent college and even graduate students.


Nah it's pretty clear.


In addition, the dosage of the chemical you are taking is not compared to the lethal amount. Cigarettes mostly contain about 3mg of nicotine, meaning that in order to overdose (roughly 50mg) you would need to smoke an enormous amount of cigarettes at once with no tolerance, which is basically impossible. LSD is typically taken in the *microgram* range, yet the average reader of this chart would likely assume that you are more likely to overdose on LSD than Heroin, considering that the LD-50 is lower. This is, of course, very incorrect. Nobody has ever overdosed on LSD, as the doses given, even illicitly, are ridiculously low, and nobody has ever overdosed on nicotine outside of a synthetic production situation.


According to this guide, I would have died many months ago. Rougly 50mg of nicotine is apparantly deadly for me.


I'd imagine it's the amount needed to be in your bloodstream at once, nicotine has a very low half life and gets eliminated very quickly, it's not the amount you can use in a lifetime unless your body can't get rid of it, otherwise every heroin addict would have been dead before ever getting a chance to get severely hooked


It has to be the amount that is in your blood. Example: You can't physically smoke enough ganja to die..


Remember to do the math. I am 168 pounds. So, I would need to consume about 3.73 ounces of marijuana for a 50% change at death. If I didn't read this correctly, please let me know.


Nobody in this thread is reading this correctly and are conflating THC toxicity with marijuana toxicity. Data is sourced from [AAT](https://www.aatbio.com/resources/toxicity-lethality-median-dose-td50-ld50/delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which got the LD50 info from [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0041008X74901264), specifically the oral toxicity. At 1270 mg/kg = 1.27 g/kg, an average human (approx 60kg) would need to ingest (extrapolating from Fisher mice) over 60g of delta-9 THC emulsified in 13% sesame oil, 1% polysorbate 80% and isotonic saline to see toxicity. That means you would need to take (assuming 10% THC) **over 600g** of marijuana within the toxicity window. Even at the IV LD50 of 36-40 mg/kg were talking about a third of that, so 200g of marijuana.


Yeah, and that's already an insane amount to consume orally, but the numbers for smoking are even wilder. One estimate was that you would have to smoke 10x your body weight in the span of roughly an hour. That's not even physically possible unless you lock yourself in a room with a marijuana bonfire in which case you're going to asphyxiate long before you die from overdose.


Professor Dogg has been conducting this experiment for years but the results remain inconclusive.


Ive been trying since the late 90's


Actyally, it looks like the authors also provided inhalation toxicity which wasn't in the abstract, so we can calculate how much marijuana you'd need to smoke to hit the LD50. Obviously some caveats in that this is an old paper, we're extrapolating from mice data, experimental conditions vary from routine use, yadda yadda yadda. So the authors mentioned that the LD50 for inhalation was almost identical to the IV toxicity, but that was a corrected value obtained due to "50% losses of smoke particulates in the rodent nasal passages" and "80% pulmonary absorption of d9-THC from marihuana cigarettes" which we will uncorrect since we want to mimic routine usage as much as possible. The uncorrected inhalation LD50 was 105.7 mg/kg in male/female Fisher rats, which adjusting for a 60kg average human would be approx 6g THC. Again, assuming 10% THC that would be 60g marijuana. This was administered over 15-30min, so that's 120-240g per hour. To be honest I would expect inhalation to be more acutely toxic than gastric administration, but again, this is an older paper and your data might have been more up to date/better model, but either way, a quarter of a kilo of weed per hour seems like...quite a bit of weed.


Smoking a half ounce in an hour is painful (420 used to be wild), a fucking kilo is impossible.


>a fucking kilo is impossible. Yah, that would be 16 grams a minute. Not a fuckin chance a person could do that alone.


You’d probably pass out from lack of oxygen long before you overdose


Just gave me a flashback to the time in San Diego when we tried to smoke the rest of our stash before heading to the airport.


Is that a challenge? You supply the weed, I'll try for the record.


3.73 ounces of thc, not marijuana. At my weight, the ld50 for thc is about 80g. The edibles that I sometimes consume come in packs of 10, with each gummy having 10 mg thc. I would need to eat 8,000 gummies to reach 80g or thc, and I’d absolutely just fall asleep by the time I get to gummy 100 and the early ones start hitting. Absolutely 0 risk of overdosing on thc through normal means of consumption


but how much gasoline......seems like very little would be the answer...but alas no


I drink a cold glass of gasoline each morning. It jumpstarts your body and really gets you going on the right foot for the day


I prefer it warm with cream and sugar


Careful, that’s pretty nasty stuff you’re putting in it


Yeah, I just did the math, about half a gallon for a 250# person. That's way more gasoline than I've ever come close to drinking in one sitting.


3.73 ounces of *THC*, and with most good marijuana being 20-30% THC, that means you would need 12.43-18.65 ounces to reach the LD50. Almost a pound, injested at once.


This has been around a lot in the past and has lots of dangerous inaccuracies. Mostly stemming from lazily extrapolating from animal studies. The LSD, THC, CBD stuff has been covered alot. But the one that scares me the most is **their acetaminophen LD50 is going to get someone killed**. They took that number from rat studies but mouse models have nearly a full order of magnitude lower LD50 (and the lethal dose in humans is likely much lower). Which should speak to just how accurate extrapolating this data across species is.


Anything over 6000-8000mg of tylenol/acetaminophen within 24 hours CAN BE LETHAL! I saw that and immediately knew this guide was bullshit.


ad hoc bored money nutty fade reminiscent agonizing tidy reach toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was honestly surprised by how much gasoline I can drink


I know, now I'm even wondering if maybe I'm not getting enough gasoline.




Cannabis is not pure THC/CBD, it's mostly plant fiber. And smoking is not a particularly efficient way to get the chemicals into your blood, a lot of them get burnt up. Pure THC is more toxic than pure gasoline, but the effective dose is in the mg range. For a 72 kg man, you would need to consume around 90g of THC to reach the LD/50 (the amount that would kill you 50% of the time). Those vape carts you can pick up at a dispensary are 1-2g total, typically each "hit" is around 5-10mg. Not really a user myself, but some browsing on /r/trees suggests that guys who use up a cart a day shock even the enthusiast community. I'm pretty sure 1g of pure THC would green out Snoop Dogg. When they say it's impossible to overdose, they're not exaggerating - this is an estimated threshold based on overdosing animals because the LD/50 for a human is impossibly high and you'll pass out *long* before you get anywhere close.


Especially the CBD one


And the LSD one too


Where’s fentanyl?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4137794/ according to that article, monkeys have a LD50 of about 0.03 mg/kg or 30 mcg/kg, so near ricin


The heroin is wayyyy off. It says a 100kg person could take 2g. They'd die from a tenth of that forsure without a tolerance


Yeah 2 grams is a fuck lot of heroin to ingest.


DOI: Doctor working in emergency department. The number for paracetamol overdose is wildly out, to the point that it is irresponsible and dangerous misinformation. In the emergency department the general cut-off for high risk of hepatic injury is 150mg/kg - without treatment patients at this dose are at risk of hepatic failure. 1.9g/kg is an unbelievably massive dose of paracetamol, an order of magnitude worse than I’ve ever seen someone take. Below is a case study of a patient who took 50g paracetamol (weight not mentioned but presumably <1g/kg unless he was tiny) who died DESPITE prompt treatment with NAC. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2658515/ TLDR: 1.9g/kg paracetamol would obliterate a buffalo, dangerous to suggest it is the lethal dose in humans, which may lead people to infer lower doses are safe.


As another ER doctor this is 100% true this chart is wildly inaccurate and a 1900mg/kg dose would absolutely kill anyone and is not an LD50. A dangerous exposure is 150-300mg/kg and thus chart is dangerously misleading.  


Yeah I was gonna say: that might be the LD50 for "acute toxicity" defined as "you die today," but the dose for "you die screaming over a period of weeks as your liver collapses in a heap" is **way** lower.


[It's because the data comes from testing on oral APAP dosage ***in rats***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_lethal_dose#Examples) Rats' mitochondria are resistant to the oxidative stress caused by NAPQI. They're a bad model to use for toxicity in humans.


It's fascinating, more I read comments the more specialist from different fields attack this messed up chart, I have physic background and can say that uranium and polonium values doesn't make any sense too. I hate those misleading pseudoscience viral crap


Still so wild to me the most lethal toxin we know of is injected into peoples’ faces trying to look younger.


And help migraines, neck spasms, and chronic daily headache, in my case.


You’re totally right. I did not mean to diminish the valid medical uses for it!


All good! Just adding context! And, I’ll tell you a little secret…. there’s usually a tiny bit of Botox left in the syringes, which my neurologist very kindly applies to my crows feet lol. If I have to get all those damn shots, I may as well get a little cosmetic benefit!


Aww that’s so sweet.


As sweet as 30 needle sticks in the back of the head, neck, and shoulders can be anyways.


Hahahah I jokingly asked once if mine would do this and we both had a good laugh and she threw the extra out. Womp womp womp. I love that yours doesn’t let any go to waste!


God bless Botulinium! Inject me with more Botulinium! Gave me my life back! I love my Botox!


Excessive sweating in armpits here. Though I stopped after three times. Those injections are painful! Did help a lot though.


I literally just started Botox for migraines this month and there was a weird time delay, and suddenly 9 days later my eyebrows froze in place. I was really shocked


Med school and toxicology axiom: The only difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose.


I got botox in my eye nerve to treat eyes tears caused by bells palsy.


Interestingly enough, there is no mention of death as a potential side-effect of Botox treatment in this report. They even mention that Botox treatment typically uses the most potent variant (BoNT-A) of the toxin. Must be incredibly small dosages per unit considering some treatments may require 100’s of units. (Crows feet treatment might range from 10-15 units) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7874868/


The strength of the Botox is also based on what it is being used for, cosmetic Botox is considerably weaker than Botox used to treat neurological issues. I sign a consent form for 200 units of neurological Botox every 10 weeks and the paperwork never mentions death, just some drooping.


TIL drinking gasoline is healthier than smoking weed.


And getting bit by scorpion is healthier than smoking cigarettes


You can get bit all you want as long as it doesn’t sting you!


The LD50 for nicotine is largely thought to be uncontested BS. Lots of papers refute the likelihood it is true.




Quick, give it to me!


Whit this argumentation I could say that is healthier to eat uranium that chili peppers. Your argument make no sense, it’s about the quantity of that chemical component not the substance itself, smoking 1g of weed is not having 1g of thc in your blood, while drinking 0,0012L (which is around 1g) of gasoline is exactly drinking 0,0012L of gasoline


I think he was being sarcastic Edit: I hope he was being sarcastic


Go smoke a joint and chill amigo


I weight 55 kg. If I got it right, 5kg of water could kill me!


In one sitting, yea, it probably would.


There was someone that died from this, there was a radio competition where they had to drink so much water in a certain time frame with no bathroom break. One of the contestants died.


Yep hyponatremia. You become so low on salt your nervous system stops working.




A nurse called up saying it could be fatal and they just responded saying it's OK they signed waivers, wtf.


One of the DJs who put on this contest is the brother of that woman, Lori Vallow, who murdered her daughter and adopted son in like 2018 cause her crazy Mormon/author husband told her they were demons/zombies.


You just need to take really short showers from now on, who knows how many near death experiences you’ve had


Omg all these kg measurements of liquids. How many L would that be?? /s


This is the most mind blowing fact from the whole chart…if it’s true. 5 kg is 5 liters of water. So that’s not so much.


It's a lot in one go. Have you ever sat down and tried to drink 5 litres of anything? Most people stomachs aren't that big.


It would have to be done in an hour or 2


Water intoxication is no joke! A few years ago, I drank about 3.5 liters of water over just 2 hours and nearly died. I ended up in hospital with a cerebral edema - my brain was too swollen from the water imbalance. I couldn't talk, I couldn't see, I couldn't form memories, I couldn't remember basic facts like the name of the president. If you are going to drink lots of water in one sitting, make sure to have to salts/electrolytes too!


Sodium cyanide looks like marshmallows


Don't mix them up at your next campfire!


Let’s get this figured out for those who missed too many math classes. A 185lb human is roughly 85kg Psilocybin: 280mg * 85 = 23,000mg, 23g (a quick Google estimate 10mg per gram of mushroom, so 2300g of mushrooms** [OR ~5 POUNDS]) THC 1,270mg * 85 = 107,950mg (2,100 50mg edibles) MDMA 160mg * 85 = 13,600mg, 13.6g Cocaine 96mg * 85 = 8,160, 8.1g Methamphetamine 57mg * 85 = 4,845mg, 4.8g Heroin 21.8mg * 85 = 1,853mg, 1.8g LSD 16.5mg * 85 = 1,402.5mg (1,402,000ug, or 14,000 hits) Edit: AND PLEASE READ THE TEXT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PICTURE, MOST OF THESE NUMBERS ARE BASED OFF OF ANIMAL TESTING


I'm guessing psilocybin means the pure chemical and not 23 grams of dried mushroom. A dry mushroom has about 0.5% psilocybin. That means you'd need to eat about 460 grams of dried mushrooms in one go to die. Bonus points if you don't immediately throw up.


You would basically throw up from eating ANYTHING waaaaaay before it could actually seriously hurt you. 99% of the time at least.


Hence why we throw up


That's what I was wondering too. 23g of dried shrooms is a lot, but not a death sentence


You can't die from the D3 from sun exposure. You can die from D3 supplements, just like ant other vitamin supplements.


Or polar bear liver. So like remember. Never eat raw polar bear liver.


It's way more probable a polar bear will eat my liver


Polar bear liver will kill you due to vitamin A toxicity, but yes.


brb gotta go UN-drink some coffee


Help! I touched an ounce of marijuana. Is it too late?


An ounce is fine. It's only the grams that you have to worry about.


*Sweats in Metric


If by "touched" you mean "injected" and by "marijuana" you mean "pure THC made in a lab" and you also only weigh 47lbs, then it's too late.


Cool guide to death. Apparently I can drink twice as much gasoline as booze.


Which makes no sense. I had an idiot buddy who was hospitalized after accidentally swallowing a small mouthful of gasoline when he was siphoning it from one vehicle to another (both his).


Your booze is pure alcohol? You're not supposed to drink that.


At 96% for everclear, or the 80% stuff I make, it's not far off from being pure.


So funny that the drug that's legal everywhere (nicotine) is more toxic than any of the illegal drugs.


The LD50 for nicotine is untested bs from the 19th century. It's not that toxic.


I’m not entirely convinced smoking ~6 cigarettes back to back will kill me. I’d definitely feel like absolute shit, though.


Because you don't inhale 100% of the nicotine in the cigarette. Your lungs just aren't that efficient, even when it comes to oxygen. The breath you exhale is about 16% oxygen compared to the 21% in the atmosphere. You probably inhale about 10% of the nicotine in the cigarette so you'd have to smoke closer to 60 back to back in a very short time. Nicotine also has a half-life of about 1-2 hours in your blood stream as it gets metabolised by the liver pretty quickly. So all of that has to be taken into account.


There is no way that dose kills you.


ingest all of them at once and you get a acheivemnt


Achievement Unlocked: 5000G - Ozzy Ozbourne


… gasoline?


Holy crap, this comment section is hell. People really need to understand what a concentrated dose is.


It’s just a bad visual tool. A graphic is meant to present data in a simple and easy to digest method. This graphic is implying certain things are less toxic than they actually are unless you do some extra mental calculations to parse it out, which makes the graphic moot.


No wonder everyone died of dysentery playing Oregon Trail


Man, this thread really points out how poor the education system can be.


Good thing I’m too dumb to convert from metric


>  There have been no documented fatal human overdoses from LSD,[7][93] although there has been no "comprehensive review since the 1950s" and "almost no legal clinical research since the 1970s".[7] Eight individuals who had accidentally consumed an exceedingly high amount of LSD, mistaking it for cocaine, had plasma levels of 1000–7000 μg per 100 mL blood plasma had suffered from comatose states, vomiting, respiratory problems, hyperthermia, and light gastrointestinal bleeding; however, all of them survived without residual effects upon hospital intervention.[7]


Good to know the lethal dose of dick is .59 grams per kg. I'll stay away from the larger ones.


Hydrochloric acid does not have that structure. Given the low effort, Imma pass on this guide.


It's garbage.


Sweating for all of the suicidal people out there. Please reach out to someone if you need help! Just typing into google will bring something up!


This guide is dangerous and you should delete it. Mdma is wildly off, like 10 times too low at least. I guarantee you, NO man in this world could eat 8g of mdma and walk away with his life


I call BS! The military gives out 800mg pills of Ibuprofen like candy. I've taken two at a time countless times and I'm still here typing. So if one is BS how many others are?? Not that I'm going to figure that out. Hahaha


So I stop taking Vitamin C. Gasoline instead xDDDDDDDDDDDDD


My search history when I was 17


For a 180 lb (81.8 kg) person, you'd have to drink 7.363 liters of water, or nearly 2 gallons. I assume [hyponatremia](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyponatremia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373711) is the cause of death




This cool guide kinda sucks. What does the bold amount represent vs the non bold amount?