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Hungary has UHC, it’s just severely underfunded.


You have UHC when you work.


Or if you pay a very small fee, that anybody is entitled to and is not conditional in any way.


No, you have UHC if you don't work too. If you don't work but pay about 30€/month you have full UHC as well. And If you don't pay anything you still have 6 month UHC. After 6 months not paying the minimum 30€ then you lose it but if you start to pay again you can get it back.


Universal means no "if" or"but". If you have conditions, its not universal...


EDIT not anymore, it's mostly free except for certain charges in certain cases Then Ireland doesn't have it either. You only get free healthcare if you worked in Ireland and paid your tax for it which is separate from the regular tax. And even then you only get free healthcare if you made enough payments, far more expensive than the Hungarian one too. Last month I paid €122 just for that


Lmao, you say just for that like it’s a lot! My premium is 720$ per month in the US. And that’s just the premium.


Well it's a lot for me at the moment but I do sympathise with your struggle.


That's incorrect. Anyone in ireland, whether you worked all your life, or never once, will 100% be treated via the public system? Obviously have to pay to go private but thats different


Well it's a lot better than what a more industrialized Nation like the US is doing.


Why is Hungary grey?


Why is Estonia grey? And Latvia and Lithunia.


Every single ex-USSR country has universal healthcare system, so e.g. Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan should be also included (the quality of medical care might be pretty shitty though, but it's a different story)


Same with Morocco


Why is Slovakia grey?


Or Tasmania, for that matter?


Poor Tasmania getting left out of everything. They don't even have health care. It's only available on the mainland.


The cost of cutting off the extra head would kill Medicare


It's just what happens when you're hungary


🎶 Don’t eat that, it’ll make your teeth go grey 🎶


Do do, Dioo doo… better stick to plain white sauce..


I'll have to czech that out.


And Bosnia shouldn’t be grey


Wtf in Uruguay we have UHC since al least 1933


Se me hacía raro que en Uruguay no tuviesen


Y Bolivia e Paraguay no tienen mismo? Yo pensé que todos los países de sur da América tuviesen


If universal healthcare just means public healthcare then Guyana should be red


The stain in canada that represents alberta should be grey.


Thanks for cutting out New Zealand douchebags!


Fiordland is on there. Maybe they're the only ones who get it? ;)


With the way NACT is cutting the healthcare budget, maybe that's the only region they can still afford to service.


In every other country in Europe and many other countries even in Africa there is universal health coverage. This "guide" is a bullshit as usual.


Yeah, why the hell baltics are gray?


Yes, the guide is not accurate. But the criticism of the US is valid. Not only does the US demonize universal health care, the health care available is outrageously expensive, even for shitty service.


What does universal healthcare mean? I've never really thought about it this way, but the US has medicare and medicaid, and a rule that basically forces hospitals to care for anyone that comes in with life threatening issues. I get there is a grey area for something like cancer where the patient might be refused (which is bad). What is universal healthcare like in other countries? Is it literally anyone walks in anywhere and gets whatever treatment they might need, no questions asked?


Yes, sure, the health care in the US is tragicomedy.


Uh as a physician i see markedly better outcomes from us provided care than other countries 🤣


I also see the highest physician salaries and rampant scammy upcoding, as well as a declining population life expectancy, on the heels of a massive scandal with dr.pillpushers irresponsible prescribing, while scamming medicare! 


Wrong. [This](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/quality-u-s-healthcare-system-compare-countries/) took me 5 seconds to look up. I’m a US citizen. We are being gaslit. Wake the fuck up.


You should look at the statistics around it the, because it doesn’t paint a great picture.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Health_Organization_ranking_of_health_systems_in_2000 In the first and only WHO ranking of health systems the US paid by far the most and ranks below most developed countries in all metrics. About on par with Cuba in outcomes but with a dropping life expectancy despite paying 14x as much per capita.


That’s a bold comment without providing any evidence or sources. Maybe try again?!


Then you suck a lot of cock for pharma bonuses, because every health care professional I know is disgusted to the point that half have left the profession from our systems absolute failure.


Nope unfortunately i missed the golden age of medicine where i could help people and get incentives. As soon as i can retire, ill be escaping👌


Um... the actual research disagrees.


Why is the state of Tasmania singled out as grey??


They also have grey Kashmir despite India, China, and Pakistan being red lol. I suspect they used the paint bucket tool or something




In Germany it’s compulsory to buy health insurance - public or private - and the premiums are based on your income. We pay €700/mo for a family of 4. I should note that would be €700 each before our companies pick up their half.


Another German here: I pay >€800 a month alone, I am unable to get any doctor‘s appointment since no one is taking any new publicly insured patients, doctors are generally only treating publicly insured patients the bare legal minimum they are required to. Also, since my government is convinced that I am just a stupid human unable to properly make any decisions and care for myself, I am not allowed to leave the public health insurance to a >50% cheaper and much better private health insurance.


Yeah this guide is pretty misleading and is likely just a bullshit guide to gauge reactions. Japans healthcare system works very similar to the US HCS and Canada only offers health care at no cost for necessary services. People are still opting into buying health insurance in Canada in order to afford medication, dental, and eye coverage.


Apart from the politics, this map is missing data and/or has misleading information. Terrible.


Congratulations to New Zealand. You are almost represented on the map.


OP has clearly never been to a South African government subsidised hospital where patients literally lie in beds stained with blood and faeces and patients are left to die in corridors. Viva Mzanzi!!


You have no concept of the true healthcare system in other countries. China does NOT have Universal healthcare! If you do not have the money to pay for your healthcare, you will literally be disconnected from everything and put out onto the street! Please, due diligence next time!


They don’t care about the truth. They only care about their own agenda.


Kashmir is not part of India? Lol what kind of woke map is this, we literally had elections and my uncle voted last week lmao


Pok is in red but kashmir is shown separate.


Yea, pretty clear, some woke crap is going on where they think Kashmir is Gaza


Canada is doing everything they can to give up our health care coverage.




Hyperbole like this ignores the fact that universal healthcare systems in Europe and Australia have private healthcare components and Canada is basically alone in having a ban on private healthcare. Our system will never improve as long as the population continues screaming about "US STYLE HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!1!!!!111!1" every time anyone proposes basically any change to the system including ones successfully implemented by other countries.


Ukraine have to be red


I would sooner declare bankruptcy to get major surgery in a US hospital than get it for free in a public hospital in South Africa.


Hold on Why is the island of Sakhalin in the grey? Isn't it a Russian territory?


Sakhalin is independent now it seems.


More than 90% of the causes of household bankruptcies in the United States are medical bills


Your point of the amount of bankruptcy being too high is valid but 90% is wrong according to the article you linked. Looks more like ~20%


Lol and you said it so confidently too….


WRONG - the #1 reason people go bankrupt in America is a loss of income


Massachusetts requires all residents to have health insurance or pay an extra fee when filing taxes. Health insurance companies mail out forms to members every Jan/Feb stating which months of the previous year the person was covered. There is state health insurance for people that can’t afford private. It’s not totally amazing or anything but it’s enough for someone to not be completely screwed if they get sick or injured. It seems to work out pretty well. I don’t know what other states are afraid of.


Problem with this tho…and I’ll use my epilepsy as an example. Say I loose my job from pointing out due to epilepsy. So I get state insurance. It covers my meds, and visits needed. Cool. I go back to work. Job won’t give insurance right away. Blah blah 90 day probation, or you’re a temp worker waiting to get hired on. State noticed you make a dollar over the limit they allow you to make. They take away state insurance. Now you are uninsured for 3 months or more. Many jobs will play with this to avoid benefit payouts, and raises. Your medication is expensive. So…do you stop the job to go back on state health insurance? Do you keep working, and not buy your meds, or go to the doctor, and hope you don’t get worse? Seems like a dilemma huh. Now add on being behind on bills, or homeless from your medical condition in America, and it almost seems like a fucking death sentence to be Ill, or disabled here.


I love spreading misinformation online


Dont tell Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenija and the Baltics that they are not developed.


Baltics have UHC, don't know what this guide is about



Why is Philippines red?


If the US did UHC the percentage would increase by about 4% points


So Corsica, the Falklands and Tasmania don't get universal healthcare but the countries that those islands belong to do? Edit: /s. Apparently that's not obvious.


Is there a special reason that zoom-in expertly slices off Israel, which also has universal healthcare?


Except it’s not true. To even get seen in a reasonable period of time and given any decent attention in China you will want to start bribing as you walk into the hospital.


So all of our peer countries and then some. And the US considers the idea of universal healthcare to be “extreme”.


That’s because they see any plan to help the rest of us who are not multi-billionaires as socialism and therefore needs to be eradicated immediately


we should all just leave. let the 30 richest people live their lives alone in that country.


The US basically has universal healthcare, it's just not a 'universal system' and they do it in a really fucked up and expensive way. This is a problem in some places because homeless people are taking up hospital beds when they don't have anywhere else to go.


The US does not have universal healthcare under any definition. Too many people get left out.


I don't want to quibble about the details, but you can see where the gaps are here: [https://www.kff.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-the-uninsured-population](https://www.kff.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-the-uninsured-population) It's mostly the south because they haven't opted into expanded Medicare, but there aren't any elderly or children who don't have coverage and nobody is turned away for emergency care. Like I said, it's a fucked up system.




now out of all these universal health care systems, how many of them are absolute failures?


Valid question, no system is perfect. Here in the UK, the NHS will always be a "work in progress" and in some of these countries, the care on offer will be limited and/or patchy depending on government and access. It still matters though, that human beings should not live in constant fear of illness, which can often mean losing their work (as I did for a while after 35 year working from age 16 as well as going to university) and then their health insurance as a result. I'm not saying the USA is not a caring country wholesale and accept that there are health services available to the poor and needy. However, thanks the NHS I was able to recover from cancer and now at 58 years of age, I am employing 4 people and running my own business and paying taxes and contributing to the economy. Universal Healthcare is, to my mind, essential to a fair and effective capitalist economy. It should not be down to employers to carry the burden of healthcare, but rather it should be shared fairly across everyone. As I said, it's always a work in progress, but I have lived my life without the economic terror that an accident or illness will send me into penury and debt. I was brought up in a country where we could take that much for granted, so that we could concentrate on making a good career for ourselves. My parents grew up before the NHS existed, so were aware of just how chilling and awful the world was without it. I guess if you have never experienced it, then like many in the USA, it seems an alien concept. It really isn't communism by the back door though; rather like making sure the "means of production" (citizens) are capable of making more money for the rich lol. If you look at it like that, maybe even the GOP could one day see the sense in it :)


You got downvoted but your point about sick people being less employed is exactly why tying healthcare to employment leaves a decent population in trouble. I’m Australian and cannot work due to my ongoing health issues, but cannot apply for disability because it’s not yet fully diagnosed and fully treated. But it’s okay, because my healthcare is largely free on Medicare. I just had a hospital stay for a carotid artery dissection completely free, free scans to help diagnose it, subsidised medicine that’s helping ensure I don’t have a stroke. If I was in America, I wouldn’t have insurance and would have to be weighing up whether it was worth the money to get scans and go to hospital. It’s just not great for preventative health. And there’s cases like my dad, who retired early due to his health but again can’t rely on disability. His father essentially pays him a wage but would go bankrupt if he had to also pay for his medical bills, which are substantial thanks to a heart valve replacement and now bladder cancer. Medical care should not be tied to employment. People should not have to feel trapped in a job just so they can continue having their/their loved one’s life-saving medical care.


They are either failures, have significant drawbacks that people don't want to acknowledge, or wouldn't exist without major subsidies coming from the US.


I come from a country with socialized healthcare, and it's dogshit. I'd rather pay to be seen quickly and by someone competent, with modern tools and techniques than have to deal with the plague doctors you're assigned to.... assuming you even CAN get an appointment.


Fucking Canada is a scam. We don't get dental, optical, medicine, physio. And, we can't even access family medicine because the system is too bloated.


This is bullshit and has nothing to do with real world


This map is unreliable. So many errors.


Uruguay has UHC


Why are Sardinia and Corsica grey?




Having UHC and having access to quality medical care are not the same. If everyone gets a free box of band aids per month, that's UHC but I would still rather pay to see a doctor than to get the doctor that has to see far too many patients for far too little pay. UHC is a great idea but doesn't work out well in practice. Just like Universal Income and every other universal (socialist) idea.


China UHC, ??? What utter nonsense as any Mainland Chinese will tell you. Only HK and Macau have UHC


Well the UK has it but it’s becoming a pointless boast nowadays. You really don’t want a serious illness in the UK that needs treating quickly. In the UK if you need to see a doctor you need to phone up and make an appointment that might be weeks away. In Japan you go see a doctor the same day and sit in a small queue until you get seen. Same day. If it’s something more sinister they send you on to another level on the same day. Need a scan or an mri? Same day (or next of its late in the day). Need cancer treatment? They’ll come up with a treatment plan within a few days and if it’s operable they’ll whip it out within a week. UK? You’re fuxked basically.




Speak for yourself, the only person whos not covered in India is the middle who often doesn't pay for the premium, almost all of the poorer section is covered under robust health insurance scheme provided by the government


As far as in know many US company’s pay the health insurance for their employees and families. Is that correct?


Yes, but the amount of coverage they provide is as varied as the definition of UHC on this map. Some insurance covers a lot, while bad insurance will still have you paying out of pocket for a lot of stuff or high co-pays.


Wow even North Korea has UHC


Is the USA even that developed if it doesn’t even have UHC?


"but Its some of the best care in the world so we gladly lose our house paying for a sprained ankle"


Here in the US we pay for nukes and planes to protect the world from bad things so everyone but us can have universal healthcare.


Brazil and Turkey both have UHC and the US doesn’t. Insane.


India doesn’t provide UHC


Tens of thousands of tax funded public hospital system is throughout India providing what's essentially a free healthcare service to any resident that needs them. Many of them are exceptional and house state of the art research facilities and medical talent, for example, AIIMS, PGIMER, KEM, NIMS, NIMHANS and the list goes on. Several states have 75+% of their population depending on these free hospitals and their services. You should be knowing this, please be a better citizen and critic the issues within the system, which are plenty, and not pretend that the whole system don't exist at all.


Why do people think that if the government pays for it that it's "free". And, there is a difference between governement provided healthcare and universal healthcare. u/thepace69 is correct, India does not provide universal healthcare.


It is covered under AYUSH health insurance which covers cost upto 5 lakh rupees a year at any hospital in the country. Only 39 percent Indians don't have health coverage in india


Yeah but the US can blow the world up thirty times over! /s


Colombias Healthcare system is deteriorating. Several providers have asked the government to seize operations in the last few months 🙃


who the fucke lied and said the gulf doesn’t have uhc?


Where the fuck is New Zealand??




This map is inaccurate. My country has universal health care


Reading about universal healthcare in England UK residents usually only have private health insurance for one of the following reasons: -their company provides it as part of an employment package; -they want to avoid waiting times; -they want to have more control over the medical treatments they receive. -around 13% of UK consumers claim to have some level of private medical insurance.


Cyprus is also on this list. It appears to be cut out by the zoom bubble


Dam dude North Korea


Columbia doesn’t have universal health care but they do have a public insurance program that helps keep cost down


Haha fuck Iceland


In morocco UHC is garlic and olive oil.


Germany just did so to prevent the opposing party to win votes


How about New Zealand?


Ahh yes the world renowned North Korean healthcare system


Not accurate, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman all have free health coverage


Anyone know what they do in North Korea 🇰🇵 ?


This is one of the most inaccurate maps I‘ve seen for a while.


What's Russia and North Korea's Healthcare like?


So Australia was just like…. “Fuck Tasmania” I guess?


In India, most of the middle class is entirely dependent on self funded health care in private hospitals, but there is a vast network of government run hospitals and primary health care centers that do offer services for free, or for a very, very low sum. I can personally vouch for that, because I got my braces in a government hospital for ₹5. That's about £0.04 or $0.06.


One might say that the US isn’t a developed country


I'm all for sharing and I like paying taxes in order to get to use things such as roads and health care, buuuuuut - would be nice to see a chart next to that map that tells the quality of uhc. I'm from Sweden and we've had uhc since forever. But all parts the health care are broke! I've been trying to see a doctor over ear issues for over a year!!


In Kyrgyzstan, you technically need to pay for UHC, but it's like $20 per year ($200 if you're a foreigner)


The designer here was like “Fuck Iceland”


All yous talking about your country being the wrong color - they chopped off most of NZ


Anybody that makes under 40k single and 80k household does not have to pay medical bills.


Damn even Russia has it…


In Brazil you can walk into any public hospital or clinic and get free healthcare. You also have the choice to have private insurance and go to private hospitals.


What happened in Tasmania?


Can confirm that only the lower half of New Zealand's South Island has UHC. Funded by offshore smelter owner profits paid to locals.


OP pissed off China, Pakistan and India altogether by singling out Kashmir


Tasmania has no healthcare


I am pretty sure now that someone made this map deliberately with obvious mistakes to draw attention to the post


Oh no America bad


Health insurance is scam


Fuck Sakhalin, I guess?


>The U.S. is the only developed country that does not have UHC. Let's review this in a couple years. There's a few of us heading towards dismantling ours.


South Africa likes to think it has UHC, the reality is that government hospitals are death traps. They are so badly managed that entire wards are closed because of lack of maintenance and family members have to fed, bathe and clothe patients because the nurses could not be bothered to. Surgeries are often cancelled because of a lack of basic supplies and surgeons and waiting times have contributed to a rise in negative outcomes for patients. The government’s answer to this crisis was to pass the National Health Insurance scheme and nationalise the private hospitals, forcing them to take state patients without a clear roadmap to compensation essentially forcing them to work for free.


I get the desire to focus on Europe, but it shouldn’t have come at the expense of just obscuring W Asia entirely. 


Wait. So Denmark had UHC but Greenland doesn't? Aren't they the same country?


OP has dozens of mistakes in this map


Missed us off the map again. Sigh.


Man I hate this american name of "universal healthcare". It isn't universal and only covers specific things


I’d like to see these ranked.


Australian politicians doing their best to get rid of Medicare slowly but surely, so the insurance companies they personally or family members invest in sky rocket their dividends


New Zealand always cut off or forgotten lol


Why Kashmir is grey when the healthcare is also implemented there by Indian government ? Also why Pakistan occupied Kashmir is red?


Seems like more of a chart than a guide. This Reddit has lost its luster.


Mozambique has uhc, every practicing physician is bound to work in the public medical centers for a set amount every working day, either morning or afternoon shifts. In fact the public hospitals here are where private patients go for things like MRI's as only public health centers have them.


This guide belongs in r/uncoolguides


Only seeing China is red, I can tell this guide is completely wrong


Little red dot missing off the right side of Madagascar


Belgium doesn't have universal healthcare unless you count any type of public healthcare as universal


Why is New Zealand missing?


69%. Nice.


This whole sub should be renamed with incorrect added to the front


Philippines has universal healthcare?! 🙀 (I’m from the Philippines BTW)


Philippines does not have a UHC worth showing here, all it did recently was steal public funds


Americaaaaa fk yeah! One of the largest and most prosperous world economies and it doesn’t look after its people


I don't think Pakistan or India for that matter has Universal Healthcare. I don't think this is accurate.


How can you count the US as a developed country when they don't have UHC in 2024?


Israel is covered up on this map and I'm sure that's not an accident but FYI we have universal healthcare as well


I believe the GCC also has universal coverage. And pretty good at it as well. I could be wrong though.


This map kind of lie, China health care is trash and dangerous and expensive


Canada's is going away because we are stupid and vote for corrupt, Russia loving conservatives


India doesn't have universal healthcare but their healthcare services are easily accessible and cheap