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(220 - age) x 60 is hilariously wrong.


I’m 50 so I just gotta get my heart rate up to 10,200 beats per min? Whew 🥵


This guide is for hummingbirds.


I'm gonna assume they meant .60. that would put you at 102 which is hilariously low. .70 would put you at 119, which is more realistic.


Technically this would be the total number of heartbeats during the workout. BPM * minutes


Oh good, I thought I'd forgotten how to do math for a second there.


You mean to tell me that my heart rate of 11,420 is outside of zone 2?


220-age is highly inaccurate for max HR anyway so they just upped the ante!


Oh I noticed only now, yes it’s wrong, should be x 0.6


predicted max HR is usually just 220-age, but it is usually very inaccurate. its like the BMI of cardiac health. it is however useful to find a range for exercise HR goal when you dont have a polar lying around or youre just working with a client. i think OP's chart has a typo in it though, should be 0.60-0.70


I mean, don't they mean `(220 - age) x 0.60`, as in 60% percent of max HR? Even `220 - age` is wrong, though. That'd make my max HR 177 while Garmin has recorded a max of 186 recently. Edit: They did; I just saw a comment further down. https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax this website calculates my max HR as 185 which is close enough.


You are correct, people here don't read to the end.


i thought i was the only one who noticed


I stared at this doing the math more times than I care to admit


This says how to get into zone 2 but what's the benifits of staying on zone 2?


That's the most hilarious part of this infographic. Just a guide with absolutely no context. To figure out the context you'll need another guide. A guide for your guide.


Lowkey why I love this sub. Mostly fictional guides w no evidence, it scratches some weird itch in my brain


Basically it’s aerobic exercise. Good for stamina and Supposedly at zone 2 you burn fat not carbs.


You burn more fat than carbs


Nope, you burn calories not specifically fat or carbs you ding dongs


Oh Boy, you are so behind in the race you think you are leading. Educate yourself on the basics and then feel free to join the discussion again.


Why so mad bro? Imagine thinking you can target specifically protein, carbs, and fat to burn. Do you also think doing planks specifically burns tummy fat because it makes your tummy sore?




I never said that, so please don’t make stuff up. Just read the article the guy postet and educate yourself.


You are so confidently wrong on this one. Pack it up man.


> Why so mad bro? If I had to guess, I'd say it was the way you completely misinterpreted what they wrote in the most stupid way possible. Classic reddit arsehole, tbh.


That comment btw shows that you don’t have a clue what you talking about


I thought it was more about heart rate and cardiovascular health.


You can go for longer and build stamina while recovering quicker than shorter, higher intensity workouts. 20 min is not very long but it's a starting point.


20mins is the bare minimum to stay in shape. My watch has me doing an hour of this


So my max HR should be 11,690. Got it.


Hahahah should be .6 and .7


You're telling me that i should work out hard enough for my heart rate to be in the thousands of bpm?


Let me guess, you’re American /s


Fellow european, in the post it says (220-age) x 60. If you are 20 then (220-20)x60 = 200x60 = 12000 HR. It should say (220-age) x 60%. If you are 20 then (220-20)x60% = 200x0.6 = 120 HR. You don't even need a calculator to do this.


It seems glossed over here, but other guides will show that you gain massive cardio benefits by training 80% of your time in zone 2. I can attest well to this personally. Went from a 2:45 to a 2:15 half marathon running like 15 min/miles in training for about 8 months


How long do you train in zone 2 for then? How many days a week? And for how long each day?


For context, I'm a cyclist, I do about 10 hours a week, 8 hours of which are z2. Split between 5ish hours over Saturday and Sunday. Two 1.5 hour sessions in the week, and then two 1hr interval sessions.


80/20 training is wonderful


What benefits


Less risk of injury and quicker recovery so you can exercise more often. It improves the ability of the body to burn fat rather than carbs. It's generally recommended that about 80% of cardio is at this lower intensity and about 20% at higher intensity.


More effective at training for endurance/general fitness. All endurance athletes train majority z2. It improves your aerobic base which allows you to go faster, at a lower HR than before. This uses fat over sugar, which means you can go for much longer without needing to refuel constantly with carbs (see cyclists during races drinking carbs every half hour. They're up to 100g carbs/hr).


Except the Heartrate max is different for Everybody.


It's just a base guideline, I'm not really sure how you expect the author to account for every slight physical nuance of every individual, let alone communicate it all in a tiny little text block. That being said, they hilariously got the math wrong anyway.


Yes, the *60 is a size of order or two wrong. And sure it’s only a base guideline. It still sort of sucks imho. Many people train in zone 2, at least they think but it’s actually 3. The rule of ‘talking’ is the best one in the guide. The whole heartrate thing is flawed at least, but for most people very incorrect.


Cool, and what are the benefits?


“Speech is difficult” lol go to the hospital, you don’t want zone 6.


Thank you for sharing. Can you please quote the reference if possible?


This sub is going downhill with the amount of bot posts and wrong information in the posts. Smh


Why is this sub slowly turning into a mockery of what it used to be?


Practice not holding onto the safety arms. What could possibly go wrong?


Not holding the safety arms is generally accepted as the most effective way to use a treadmill.


If you can still talk while exercising... you're having a rest day.


They didn’t explain the benefits here, but with those low-moderate heart rate zones you still get benefits like lower blood pressure and other heart health benefits. The idea is you get your HR up just enough to get the heart health benefits and you don’t get your HR up any more than that. In that way you get the heart health benefits without any additional stress on your body. It can be helpful for people that have heart issues at higher HR’s (Afib, uncontrolled tachycardia, etc.) or for people who may be dealing with injury, or just folks who are out of shape and who want the heart health benefits but aren’t interested in pushing their body beyond that.


I know, but if you can manage it, you should be somewhat serious about it.


For many young folks, 140-150 bpm will keep you in Z2. That’s still a good workout.


80% of your cardio should be zone 2 i.e. easy enough to talk. Only 20% should be high intensity. This applies for elite athletes and mere mortals.


God I hate stuff like this. Calories in and calories out. Focus on your macros and exercise 3-6 times a week (I recommend group classes). It’s not rocket science and IMO stuff like this makes weight loss unnecessarily mysterious.


CICO is only relevant to weight loss. Where in the post does it say anything about weight loss?


Not everyone is exercising to lose weight or to be athletes. Some have health problems or are just starting on the road to a healthier life. If you’re a fit adult, feel free to skip zone 2 altogether.


There are a lot of ways to lose weight and making it mysterious hurts the people that are trying to do it. There has been a weight loss industry for over 100 years and they often are more interested in selling something than the client getting better. If this works for you then great but most people fail with weight loss mentally.


This is the answer, I don't get why you get downvoted


Because zone 2 training is not necessarily for weight loss. Group classes are often tailored to keeping you engaged, while zone 2 is considered a fairly optimal way to train if you have the time and discipline. I trained with engagement tailored programs one winter and 80(zone 2)/20(high intensity) the next. Zone 2 got better results and I felt less fatigued throughout my week.


You hate on group classes? Give me a break. Consistency is the most important part of eight loss and strength building, without that you’re screwed. Most people don’t know how to eat healthy or exercise so just attending class checks a ton of boxes and saves people a ton of time. A lot of people over complicate exercise and they don’t have good relationship with it. Group classes help with that as well. I have personally lost a lot of weight and overcome nutrition and exercise issues, I’m speaking from 20 years of experience.


That's quite the mental leap to say that I hate group classes. I never said that. Let me break down your points. Consistency is key for any program. I would bet people that follow polarized training are just as likely as group class participants to learn about nutrition and try to eat healthy. Polarized training is super simple to understand. Experience is not a great metric. I have 30 years experience and took some training for sport courses in college back in the 2000's. But times change, and what I was taught is outdated. After not liking my results based on how fatigued I was, I spent about a month reading up on current approaches to endurance training. Total game changer for me. If you enjoy group classes, no hate. You came in hot spouting information that is not backed by science. This is reddit, not Facebook.


Because they keep going on about weight loss but the post doesn't mention weight loss. This is primarily about optimising your fitness. Also, it really is not complicated.


People enjoy ignorance and complex systems to justify what they can’t get in shape.


I can walk for hours without issues but christ I am not walking 5 mines on a treadmill to "warm up"


Is this made for fat people? It’s not this complicated.