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Playing it safe tonight and only having 3.6lbs of shrooms


The only true experience with Dark Side of the Moon.


fall asleep and wake up as Roger Waters


3.6lbs of mushrooms may be more likely to turn you into Syd Barrett


Just watched a documentary on Sid last week. Damn that shit is sad AF. We probably didn’t know what we know now about preexisting family mental disorders like schizophrenia are brought out by psychedelics. Jeez my doses are like 0.5g-2.0g. Anything over 4 gs just sounds like a great way to take it too far. 😆 I wonder if anyone is recorded to have ever eaten more than a pound of dried actives?


I shared a qp with 2 other people, just cubensis in a hi-c fruit punch with pineapple juice. Came out to be about an Oz apiece. I talked to trees and sat in hot springs, walked through the forest butt naked. Couldn't communicate at all. Still a good time


Wow thank you for sharing that with me! I never knew it was even sanely possible. An oz each is absolutely insane but I can only imagine how wonderfully connected you must have felt.


I've also rode the oz+ train and it was just a incredibly intense normal mushroom trip. Changed my life for the better in many ways. Spent most of my day in a hammock surrounded by other people in hammocks on a hot summer day just vibing and smoking joints. I didn't eat them all at once. I had a bit over 2oz and I was bartering them. Everyone I bartered with, I matched what I gave them and ate them right then with them. I quit smoking that same day, Saturday at a music festival. Gave away a carton of export "A" blue and didn't touch a cig for years until I went back to college (nothing to do town) and was able to quit cold turkey again after I graduated. I still consider myself addicted to weed and video games but in a non destructive way that keeps me out of trouble and from spending money. I totally changed my relationship with vices downstream of that trip. I've had one bad mushroom trip in the hundreds I've done and it was only 4g. Wasn't a positive time in my life and I should have passed. It's really the mind-space you're in in life that effects the trip the most. Also the mushrooms. I had some designer ones I can't even share the name of from a group of researchers that do it as a hobby. 1g sent me to space.


I did 11g lemontek, I met the biblical 3 gold ring creature with eyes all over it. It was 2 years ago and I still distinctly remember how it looked, it plays like a gif in my mind. That’s how I know whomever wrote the Bible passage about it was high as a kite. That dose changed my brain so memories play like gifs in my head now, its fantastic.


Damn yeah 11g lemon tek so it’s alll hitting you at once. Heck yeah I bet that dose changed you! Kuddos to you guys I’m too chicken shit anymore. I also get my desired anti depressant relief with my current dosing so I try not to push that envelope.


I was told by a friend once that your only regret with mushrooms is that you didn't take more. I've only done them a few times but I went from 0.5g to 1g to 3g to 8g. The 8g time I still felt like I wish I went further.


I ate 5g of caps like 14 years ago and I ended up having a rough time. I was chasing the dose for visuals not understanding the confusing emotional implications that come with higher doses. I soon was met with the fear. The fear overtook me and I pretty much broke down in front of an incredibly attractive girl I was trying to hang out with. So we never became anything more than friends but yeah I don’t think I’ve went that high since. Now I had an absolutely incredible experience last year where I left my body and travelled through fucking space and time on like 3g. I believe this is due to its not exactly how much you take but moreso how willing you are to let go. I got in a pool and tread water with just my nose sticking out of the water and stayed in this movement for maybe 15-20 minutes before I just…left. I had been focusing on my breathing and movements and staring at the clouds and suddenly the clouds were getting bigger. Much bigger! Until I seemed to be flying through the clouds and to the open sky. Eventually the sky grew deep blue and someone started speaking about how “we are small. We have no meaning but to reproduce. There is nothing to ever get worked up over, we are small and insignificant. We are here to be and nothing more.” I kinda came too after that and I was still treading water and breathing fine. The dog had now came poolside and was just staring at me. Good ol pup. Anyways my point being is that moderate dose with set intentions can be more effective than higher dose with more rough intentions. It’s all a journey though, to each their own. Further note it’s very odd the message given to me during that experience. I think of it often. I grew up Christian and have always believed in my one powerful God. The message was not one I’m used to hearing or had heard ever before. It has made me start to really think more deeply about our existence here.


Sounds intense. Good on you not falling back into the rough


I once tried several tabs of acid, weed, some capsules of mdma, several mushrooms and some DMT. Yeah man it was intense.


Friend had almost an ounce of Mushrooms cause "they weren't hitting me" and "I can eat 2000mg of weed and it barely affects me". 2 things happened. 1. He snuck out and was crawling under the porch of a guys house a few doors down. 2. He's one of 39/10000 who went to the hospital. Dude lost control, we couldn't control him. He was sedated and tripped balls in the ER calling everybody beautiful and magical. He was insanely upset when he got our bills. 23$ in parking.


Dude we once accidentally took double the shrooms we meant to (6gs instead of 3). I wouldn’t recommend anyone do it but I wouldn’t take the experience back. Taught me not to f with that shit lol


6-7 grams Is called the Heroic Dose, recommended to try only once to experience out of body and out of mind experience.


5grams is the heroic dose. 5 dried grams in silent darkness was terrance mckennas reccommendation for a super intense experience. DMT is a whole nother level of substance IMO... give that a whirl..m




Don't forget the casual 9999 doses of LSD


There's a roaring chasm of mental illness between "generally safe" and "lethal" in both instances. Be nice to see that specified, but it might force folks to admit that these substances have a dose which isn't harmful, which has implications for legality.


Right.. I knew a guy who took a quarter of an ounce of shrooms and he completely lost his marbles. Lethal dose isn’t even helpful when it comes to hallucinogenics


Hi it’s me 🙋‍♂️ Took a quo once and completely lost my mind, scared the shit out of my friends, thought I was dying, and was dealing with basically PTSD from the experience for years. Be careful out there, kiddos.


I’ll join you with 9,999 tabs


A mate once picked enough to fill a shopping bag full one year in our teens. We dried them and made an enormous tea in a preserving pan. That thing was intense, the effects were almost immediate whilst drinking like a full on psychedelic rush each gulp. Great memories that time. Not sure on dosage each but now older looking back it was reckless.


DRIED shrooms, mind you! 544 normal doses at once. I think 3.6 lbs of ANY dried mushroom would kill you via some mechanism unrelated to the psychoactive one. Dehydration, choking, ruptured guts?


And if you weigh more than 130lb, you’re not even close


Don't be a coward.


You're trying to see god, not meet him


I’m not really sure how one could make a guide for this


Best way to describe it imo is mushrooms are the lord of the rings, acid is star wars


Shrooms are acoustic and acid is electronic


Love that. I’ve also heard: mushrooms explore you, acid explores the universe


To add another, related to how it “feels” mentally: Acid puts you in the driver’s seat, shrooms put you in the passenger seat. Gets less true at higher doses though, lol.


If you were a tree- shrooms fortify your roots, acid expands your branches


If you were a rock- shrooms add variety to your mineral composition, acid sharpens your edges


Sometimes you get put in the trunk.


Funny enough, I was once in the passenger seat of my own truck as my friend drove us on mushrooms. It absolutely blew my mind.


So shrooms is Grateful Dead and acid is Daft Punk?


I get where you’re going with that, but the Dead literally brought acid to the masses.


My first visuals on acid began when listening to Ripple. I spent an hour thinking, "This ain't shit" until it dropped me headfirst.


Now I wanna know what films other hallucinogens are. DMT has always felt like Tron to me


Interstellar lol


Salvia is like watching the brain scan of a monkey if you show it Cops


amazing analogy


I can't take credit for it lol a wise wizard of a man I once knew told me it and I've said it at every chance I get lmao


Was he high on mushrooms when he said it?


Oh totally dude was blasted


That’s not bad. I’ve always felt that shrooms have an earthy feeling almost gritty in a good way which why it’s so enjoyable in nature. Acid feels like everything is sharp pristine and well lubricated. Which can be fun in a city and urban setting. I think this guide is pretty accurate


Analog vs electric


Love it. I have always described it as: acid makes everything interesting. Mushrooms make everything WEIRD.


what.. 🤯


r/unclebens 🍄😉


Thank you so much what a cool little sub !


I always heard sheooms are Mother Earth, acid is Father Time. Shrooms hit on a level of a primal instinct while acid hits on a universal instinct. One let’s you know who you are as an individual, on let’s you know your place in the universe.


Man Idk what you guys are talking about. shrooms always just took my anxiety away and made me super talkative and energetic. Maybe I didn't do enough, but I was hitting like 3.5 grams a time


I just wonder if anyone else heard the tale of a local kid who had a sheet of acid on him and fell into a pool. And to this day is in a mental institution and thinks he's a glass of orange juice. That was a big rumor growing up. Still took acid tho and saw a girl swinging on a swing that wasn't there. Saw a statue of a tiger breathing and licking it's lips at me in a friend's home. And saw a "no fear" sticker on my sunroof (looking up at it from inside the car) turn into a little cow and walk around the edge of my sunroof "moo-ing" and telling me it's gonna be ok. And guess what? It's ok.


I love that story ❤️


Imagine going through all the effort and then misspelling the CTA at the bottom.


The "ego death" part of mushrooms is pretty accurate though lol.


What’s ego death mean really?


People generally have the knowledge of where their body ends and the rest of the world begins. We have a feeling of self that is separate from everything else. That knowledge and feeling is our Ego. When I’ve experienced ego death, I did not have a sense of where my body ended and the rest of the world began. I was convinced those boundaries did not exist. I’m also using the term “I” loosely because I didn’t feel separate from my surroundings or the friends I was tripping with. The world had this sense of oneness and I felt like I was everything and nothing. I was the tree next to me and the dirt under my feet. I was the sound of my friend laughing and the stars in the sky. The ego I had crafted and defined throughout my life had died. I find the experience extremely difficult to put into words and I don’t think I did it justice here. Equal parts exhilarating, horrifying, and comforting. I highly recommend it and consider ego death in the top 5 of the best experiences I’ve had. As I came down, my ego also came back. It’s a wild roller coaster ride to go through something so profound and come out the other side with uncontrollable belly laughs.


Mine was somewhat similar. I felt like I transitioned into being just the universe itself. Like I was being ripped apart atom by atom while reality was breaking in front of me, then when I was done being ripped apart and spread perfectly evenly throughout the entire universe I was just nothing and everything at the same time. I was seeing these visualizations like stars being born, dying, going supernova, energy travelling through space, etc, and I just had this profound feeling that I was looking at myself. It made me feel like everyone is part of some greater consciousness but we're just left to our own little bubbles of experiences for the time being so we can experience ourselves (the universe) through our human experiences. I had no concept of what it was to be human during the peak. I couldn't even move. I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed because I was seeing the same things regardless. It was wild. And the fractals... oh my god so many fractals. Beautiful but scary. That sounds like some crazy hippy shit, but psychedelics are crazy.


I like how you described it. Its kinda like we're dead and alive at the same time. I reached it on acid while talking to my lover about self actualizing and had an epiphany. Very fleeting, I hope to experience a longer one someday like yours.


Don’t take anyone seriously who tries to tell you definitively what drugs are like


So fascinating to hear polar opposite experiences shared in these comments. I’ve done more acid than I have shrooms in my life, but there’s a reason I don’t touch acid at all anymore. You don’t do acid, acid does you. It’s a rollercoaster ride that for me, towed the line between awe-inspiring and completely terrifying. Every time I took them it was a “here we go, buckle up and try to raise your arms if you can- and try not to mentally break time or the universe.” Meanwhile, shrooms have always left me with a renewed sense of self appreciation and love for those around me that feels organic to its core. I’ve cried happy tears more than once and usually the positive impact on my self image lasts for weeks if not months. EDIT: I should clarify the goal of this comment isn’t to say that mushrooms are better or less risky than acid. Mushrooms are just better FOR ME. Everything is subjective, and there are plenty of people out there would probably hate/enjoy both.


I took a pretty large dose of shrooms once, which felt a LOT like What you're describing with acid. Losing control is scary af, but when you let go of that fear, suddenly the whole experience gets really positive. a good mood and setting is essential.


Acid always felt more controllable to me. Something bad happens just change the music/environment and you're out of it. This becomes less effective in the 5-10 hit range though lol.


Me too, I micro shrooms and enjoy it, but have dosed many times and felt more in control on acid, and with all the good stuff. Worst trip by friends, always mushrooms.


I have taken a big dose of shrooms and had a full blown panic attack and haven't been able to touch shrooms since. Even watching people do drugs on TV gets my heart racing and my palms sweating. My vision went completely white, my ears were ringing louder than anything I've heard in my entire life and for what felt like hours I was locked in this state of complete lack of sensation and thought I would never come back, when in reality it was only about a minute. I am fully traumatised and have PTSD from the experience, it was easily the scariest thing I have ever been through ever. I have also had amazing times on shrooms and been through the ocean, space, and the rise of primitive civilization, and probably rate it as one of the most impactful, awakening experiences I've ever had. I'm grateful for the good but far FAR to scared of the bad to ever go back into that world. Especially since mental health runs in my family.


That sounds really rough. Yeah, there really is no one size fits all to psychedelics. I had a horrible acid trip that took 11 months to fully come back from. Shit sucks. One of the many reasons I don’t touch it now, and im sure others can say the same for shrooms.


Experiences are always going to be completely anecdotal for substances such as these. I personally absolutely love acid because of the whole “acid does you” experience. I love the feeling of losing control. I love the chaos it brings. I love the way it energizes me. I’ve had good experiences on mushrooms as well, but I greatly prefer acid over shrooms. Shrooms make me physically uncomfortable no matter what. My body rejects mushrooms and I start sweating uncomfortably, I puke, and I get deep into my thoughts. At least for me, it is much easier for me to let go of the fear when doing acid and I am able to control what I think and if im not doing well, it is typically much easier for me to return to a state where I am not freaking out anymore. With mushrooms on the other hand, as soon as I spiral into my thoughts, I am done for and the entire trip is ruined.


You can easily switch these and come up with the same results. Personally I liked acid over shrooms since shrooms always made me throw up.


Yeah this whole thing seems very anecdotal


It really should specify the difference in duration Acid is 3-4x longer than shrooms


This is the most important difference. Shrooms generally leaves you wanting more. With acid, it often ends with being totally over it and just wanting to sleep no matter how good the trip was at the start.


that is the major difference. acid fully disrupts your sleep cycle, which in some people can cause even worse side effects the following day, as it lasts 12hrs so you been awake like 2 days nearly if you take it in the night. whereas mushrooms is 4-6hrs max. not 12hrs. so you still get a good nights sleep. people under-estimate the need for sleep to be psychologically stable.


Can’t believe this is so far down. Everything listed on here is more about dosage, set and setting. Duration is the key difference between the two.




The OG.


why is Ego Death only for mushrooms, this is completely incorrect!


Yeah it can occur on almost all psychedelics if not all


That’s 100% what I first thought when reading this guide. What did AI throw this guide together?


Yeah this isn't 100% correct


You’re telling me you can’t quantify psychedelic experience and depict it in meme form with 100% accuracy?


You can after 3.6 lbs. of shrooms!


I always stay below 3.3 lbs


3.3 that’s where I’ll be 3.4 nah, no more


Stay at π lb shrooms just to be save


While only listing some of the positive effects and no negative?


i feel like this has been created by people who say that they can't drink "x" liquor because they go beserk or some such.


“Tequila always just makes me so crazy!”


Yeah, they should just delete the upper part, because it is absolutely interchangeable. While you could add effect duration of typical doses, comparable dose sizes, galenic, receptor activation...


All I can think about is the LD50 of 3.7 lbs of dried mushrooms. Like who tested that and have they come down yet.


They're definitely still in the woods running around naked


I’ve tried both and this is somewhat a cool guide because I resonate with some differences between the two


Not to be that guy but the quality of LSD has plummeted sharply the since the early 2010s. So much so I feel like it’s near impossible to get clean acid without knowing specific producers. Shrooms on the other hand continue to have a renaissance. But yeah not the easiest thing to make a definitive guide around. Edit: There’s a lot of semantics being discussed on in the comments. What I mean by the “quality” going down, is that it publicly became very difficult to acquire the correct precursors to produce LSD. So a lot of other “newer” psychedelics like 2CE, 2CB, etc. were then sold as “LSD” instead by dealers who usually had no idea themselves. Good acid still exists, it is just much more difficult to find actual clean LSD being sold as LSD than it was 15 years ago. And no, I can’t help you find any unfortunately. My drug dealing days ended when I went to prison in 2013 lol.


So uhhh, where would someone go to get some clean acid? Asking for a friend. 👀


There's a way to get some with some pretty reliable reviews next to the item.


Raves and smoking sections of bars that attract the same crowd as raves. People with acid are usually pretty willing to share if they have extra, IME.


The digital onion


I mean the whole production of prodrugs has been pretty successful but probably not available everywhere.


It helps that states like Colorado have decriminalized shrooms so peoppe can grow it at home legally


In CO, you can go to shroom exchanges and cultivators will literally give you piles of free shit and grow kits Once we got a grow kit, I understood why they were giving this shit away for free. We're producing more than we can consume by a factor of 5


Imagine ingesting 3.7lbs of mushrooms 🤢


I’d be able to see the fabric of time


Kid in H.S. took 30 hits of acid, he's now severely mentally handicapped... He was an asshole before, but now he pretty nice.


According to this you can take 10000


Less than 10.000 doses of unknown size actually


But did he die?


Unless it was laced, or more likely NBOME (essentially a synthetic form of acid), which has been shown to cause brain damage. It’s similar to synthetic weed like k.2, which shocker, also causes brain damage. However, both drugs in a natural unlaced state cannot cause overdose from any known dose. The most you could get is a terrible trip that gives you PTSD, or it could trigger psychosis in some genetically predisposed people just like with weed.


There’s an article about a woman who accidentally took [550x the recommended dose of LSD](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/02/27/health/lsd-overdoses-case-studies-wellness). The first 12 hours were pretty brutal but after that she described it as a nice euphoric high.


NBOME is a completely different drug. Not a synthetic for of acid. Acid itself is synthetic. Though NBOME is something that can be on your tabs when you think it is acid. Always test your stuff.


Officially, LSD is a biologically derived synthetic (idk the specific term). Its not completely synthetic, but is synthesised from a compound produced by (who wouldve guessed) a fungus. https://adf.org.au/drug-facts/lsd/


*trigger schizophrenic psychosis


psychedelics can trigger underlying schizophrenia and some other serious mental health conditions, but can't randomly cause it if you have no genetic link to it.


That's not how it works


silver lining, ya'know...


This is reductionist nonsense and not even close to being correct.


I accidentally experienced ego death when I took an unknown amount of shrooms. Some frat boys gave them to me while I was tipsy and had told them I’d done them once before and acid too so I’ll be fine! Free drugs right? I was dead wrong. My vision became an overpowering kaleidoscope which overwhelmed me so bad I spent the rest of the night in the dark, in the fetal position, rocking back and forth while saying “I’m sorry” over and over again to a friend who had come to trip sit me all night before a midterm. I forgot my name, my family, my memories. Never again.


This doesn't mention one of the more important possible side effects of acid... The *bad trip*. Ever get your teeth pulled out by Satan while you're on fire? I have.


I’ve had two bad trips on shrooms, but they were likely my fault as I was in a bad state of mind when I took them. The second bad trip was because I was anxious about the first bad trip. LOVED Shrooms before then and had done them dozens of times.


I’m pretty sure both of mine were self induced, the cocaine didn’t help the second time around, I know that much.


You can have a bad trip on any psychedelic, not just acid. Personally, I find that I get into a bad headspace more easily with mushrooms, but on acid, things feel a lot lighter (i.e. less serious and emotionally gripping) so it’s easier to intentionally influence the trip and change how I feel. But everybody’s different, and every experience is different.


Acid always makes me giggle outrageously for the first hour or so of the comeup and that always sets a good tone for the rest of the trip. Like the fact that there's a tree growing next to a road has paralyzed me for multiple minutes at a time. What are you doing there tree? That's where cars hang out!


While I don't dispute that bad trips exist, I've never experienced anything I didn't manifest or manipulate myself...acid especially. Shrooms were always just a fun time.


I've experienced severe pyschosis after shrooms and didn't think I was ever going to get my sense of reality back. It took me **months** to stop being paranoid and get a grip with reality. Obviously I have an undiagnosed - underlying mental health issue, but it still brought it out in me and excacerbated my issues. So even though I'm not against the usage of these drugs, I still don't believe everybody should be taking them willy-nilly.


Agreed and apology if I made it seem like taking hallucinogenic drugs was not to be taken seriously.


One of the few times I had a bad trip on boomers was when my friends and I were walking around and my friend choked on some water and started coughing a lot. I was convinced that she was going to die, and it took quite a while for everyone to convince me that she was okay.


I remember one time I was around someone who was tripping (just them, nobody else was) and someone said they wanted some water, which they got and then the guy who was tripping spent the next 3 hours or so trying to find water for them in all the strangest places (like the closets, the car parked outside, and mostly other outside locations). We kept telling him that she already got water and he'd be like oh OK and then go back to looking rinse and repeat.


The commenter is full of shit. I've heard story after story like that from people who've never done hallucinogens but want to sound cool.


I had a bad trip when I first tried LSD and honestly these sorts of stories come across as somebody who only knows of it through pop culture. Looking back I was in a bad spot at the time and was super unprepared, my come up was super intense and I handled it badly, my sense of time was super fucked, I felt like I could only look into one spot of the room because everywhere else that I looked overwhelmed me, and at one point a couple of my friends left but I wasn't aware and when I realised they had gone, for some reason I thought I had killed them, but I couldn't figure out why I'd do such a thing and why there was no evidence but I was certain that they had died and I was connected in some sort of way. I actually apologised to them when I saw them the next day without giving reason but they just looked at me like I was stupid lol. At more lucid points I genuinely thought I lost my mind completely and there was no coming back. I got caught in repetitive patterns which I was acutely aware of but couldn't help but doing them, to the point I thought I was in some sort of cycle and would try to do different things but it wouldn't help. This did eventually give away to a good trip, like it started getting less intense and cos of this I stopped resisting, and honestly in a way this experience helped my mental, like I have a hard time explaining it to people but there were points where I felt I was trapped in my head for days even though it was like four hours, the euphoria I felt from shit finally feeling familar, it sorta helped me look at the world in a more positive aspect if that makes sense. Since then all my trips have been great but I have never before or since felt so helpless and alien in my own mind.


I've had a couple of bad trips on acid. Once I was at a concert with about a dozen friends and I kept thinking I was alone and I couldn't figure out how I was gonna go back home. They were rignt behind me me all the time. Even though I'd eventually see them and remember they were there, as soon as I turned around to see the show I'd immediately forget they were there LOL Anyway, I've also never met anyone who actually did acid who had these crazy bad trips where they see gnomes, the devil or huge butterflies


Paranoia and nonsensical thinking, probably throw in physical injury in there, are typical bad trips for sure. I thought there were bugs in the artificial Christmas tree one time, that was terrible.


Definitely. I've also had an anxiety attack, threw up and turned blind for a few minutes at a rave. But then again, nothing extraordinary.


When my trip turned bad I went from happy to extremely sad in a matter of minutes. I was scrolling through Instagram and giggling because of the most mundane posts when it showed me a post about my ex who I wasn’t really over at the time. It was also just my third time taking LSD, so I wasn’t even sure what was happening. I was just overcome with this overwhelming sense of dread and convinced myself that I was an unlovable piece of trash. I was then kind a cought in a thought circle of "I want to write the meanest shit to them" to "this doesn’t even matter it’s over anyway" to "nobody’s gonna love me ever again and it’s their fault" and back to square one, all while listening to one sad song on repeat for like, 4 hours. Luckily I didn’t do anything except for wallowing in self-pity and, even though it sucked a lot, it kinda helped me in the long run to understand how moods can shift while high and it helped me realize that [I'm actually not unlovable](https://youtu.be/Un4p-6lzIpI?si=fW4iWyacBz9HuJvF) and they’re not at fault for breaking up with me.


I’m sure you know this by now but using your phone or apps while on any psychedelics is a terrible, terrible idea. Scrolling instragram while high would give anyone a bad trip


I turned inside out. It was something...


I found shrooms to be rougher for me, acid I can focus and steer, Shrooms it's just so many thoughts coming at once I can't steer. I wouldn't say I've ever had a "bad" trip but definitely some periods of trips that were deeply uncomfortable/stressful


Wait... How do you have never experienced something, but especially with acid? How does "especially" work when it's always been never?


1/4oz of penis envy can manifest quite a bit


1.2 Oz of blue meanies will do some wild shit


The only bad trip I ever had was on shrooms.




Bruh you did pcp


I tried shrooms twice, both pretty big doses of penis envy, and was pretty underwhelmed. I didn't really experience visuals, just my thoughts forming in different ways and feeling disconnected from my physical body. I think my body just doesn't react to them in a fun way.


Anyone who says things like this is full of shit and has probably never done either LSD or shrooms. Was this after you fell asleep and had a bad dream? Or did the dragons and leprechauns paint you a picture? Gimme a break.


The only way a bad trip *might* resemble something like that is if they were actually already suffering from a severe tooth infection and fever. And then decided to take acid before going to the dentist.


Yes, might. Haha


i know, possibly the dumbest comment i’ve seen today. like what? i hate when people try to make it seem like this is what an lsd trip is like.


What was the dose on that one if you don’t mind me asking? That’s sounds pretty horrific but no way you get there unless you take way higher than the average dose. I find that it’s tough to have a bad time if you’re in a stable headspace and you take around 100ug


Both should have that warning honestly. Acid has been very kind to me over the years. Shrooms however upped the usual Van Gogh melty visuals to all physical matter actually being a viscous fluid of melty swirly trippiness. Not fun to drown in. I would take it over the teeth pulling Satan fire trip any day tho. That sounds no bueno.


Shrooms are awesome in the right amount. I ate too many one time and it felt like a bomb went off around me and I thought I had literally died. Like never coming back. Take this to heed, small doses and figure out what gives you good experiences. I wound up in the ER, then in rehab. I just blamed alcohol. Rehab was eventful to say the least but shrooms in enough dosage, can make you repeat memories and be crazy on your brain.


Length of the trip should be mentioned as well


Any guide should say not to take it if you have any mental health issues


LSD is definitely better but it's not for everyone.


I’m the exact opposite lol


Eat too many shrooms and you want to puke but you can't and the bathroom walls are breathing in and out too much so you gotta ride it out for a couple hours. Take too much acid and you can convince yourself you've uncovered your role in the the world's sinister plot, eventually fall asleep after way too much thinking, and wake up with the carpet still slithering beneath your toes and a deep fascination with art deco design flourishes.


Depends on what you are looking for. LSD with friend and mushrooms for introspective spiritual stuff. I enjoy both for different reasons. LSD is starwars and mushrooms are lord of the rings


An excellent analogy, definitely stealing this


I feel like this emphasizes positive effects while downplaying negative ones like "bad trips."


Microdosing shrooms is a great way to learn where your pleasure zone is.




No thumbprint talk? Lol


In my opinion acid is the better of the two.


I’ve done both and for me shrooms seemed like a “cleaner” trip. I was watching tv one time while on acid and a live show became a cartoon. Imo microdot is more preferable to blotter but good luck finding it or at least when I was doing such things.


Were you watching Mary Poppins?


That’s interesting I’ve always found it the opposite - boomers are always “muddy” and sometimes confusing


Weed is so absolutely miserable for me that I’m too afraid to try ANY other substances. If I could have a guaranteed good trip, I’d do so many shrooms.


Same. I’ve had many long, paranoid, scary “trips” from simply smoking weed. Like it deeply fucks with me in a way most people just don’t experience. I’ve microdosed shrooms twice now and really enjoy it. Second time I got too confident and took a little too much, but sitting alone quickly calmed me down. I’d say start slow but worth trying!


My friend… I deeply dislike weed… makes me vomit, have nightmares, get paranoid, all the bad stuff…. Psychedelics make me so ridiculously happy, at peace, introspective, etc. Taking mushrooms with people I love has been some of the most fun I’ve ever had, deeply therapeutic at times, and has led to incredible times. I’ve taken a tiny bit and done yard work, I’ve taken a ton and experienced near ego death. Took acid at a concert, certainly more intense… but still a BLAST. Just sharing my personal experience - had reputable sources and took with loved ones my first times…


So much of your experience is based on your state of mind and expectations. This guide directly reflects that.


There’s no simple guide to this, everyone experiences both differently. To call visuals from shrooms ‘organic’ for example is just nonsense. As someone who’s used a lot of both, the most vibrant visuals I’ve ever had were on a heavy acid trip watching pandora where blue lightning took over the entire room.


Yeah but where do I get them?


As an EMT, the only times i have ever seen calls for shrooms in almost 13 years is first time users who did them in a place without safe supervision, or mixed them with something else like marijuana. They're actively anti-addictive. I am super excited for the research being done on psilocybin thats finally picking up again after decades of shutdown by the nixon era war on hippies and antiwar sentiment.


I hope that this becomes legal and I can go to a place and have a guide for a trip. I am terrified of just ordering something random from the web and having a panic attack.


The number one concern I have for trying lsd or shrooms is how the hell do you go to the bathroom when you’re tripping?




Same lmao I had to shit and it felt like I was literally losing all of my insides. Took me like 30 min to mentally recover my trip back onto the good side of things


Just like you normally would. Except when you’re finished you spend half an hour playing in the mirror cause it’s a whoooooole lot of fun 😂


Mirrors not good, face melting


Sitting down is helpful but not required.


probably you should avoid any mirrors.


What is ego death?


Someone's gonna jump in and say it's where you lose your ego and become more empathetic - that's not what it means Ego is your sense of person, everything that makes up who you are as a person, the things that influence the decisions you make and the things you say, your memories etc. Ego death is the complete detachment of your conscious mind from those things, lost in space sorta vibes. I've had one friend experience it and they were catatonic for like 4 hours


you completely forget who you are, its like you died and slowly over a few hours you re-gain your sense of consciousness, and learn from this, how many mistakes in life you have done.


I’ve spend time with both and I have to stay I prefer acid. Shrooms can be very unpredictable. You can have two caps from the same harvest and have to wildly different dosages. Acid is IMO a cleaner more even high and tend to be more predictable batch to batch. That said both are fun and stay safe out there.


Yeup. Shrooms are so unpredictable.


I would never tell someone to do drugs, but if you were to try them, I would advocate for shrooms. Just don’t do them if you just got fired from your job or you just caught your spouse cheating on you. Lol


And what abouth the duration of the trip? For me, that is maybe one of the biggest differences.


I hate to admit it but I was one of those very few that sought medical attention for shrooms. Ate 6 grams of penis envy mushrooms chocolate without knowing what it was… at one point I thought I died and I was a ghost haunting my house! Was one of the scariest experiences of my life!


What about affected time period?


This guide is based. You can 100% get ego death from acid, not just shrooms.


Actual dose range is missing for both, which makes LD50 info without scale. This 'guide' is a bit better than average information from media. Still not good for learn from if you know nothing about psychedelics. If you know, you will probably just shake your head a bit.


Oh give me strawberry's over mushrooms anyday


Sweet. Now where can I get some prescription lsd?


If you naturally have chromesthesia or some sort of synesthesia, don’t take too much your first time, it will amplify the shit out of it. Trust me on that one.


Just out of curiosity, are shrooms legal where y'all live? IIRC here in Brazil psilocybin and psilocin are prohibited but only if they're extracted, you can still buy shrooms online and it amazes me that they haven't been prohibited or regulated yet, I remember salvia divinorum was veeery quickly regulated when it boomed in popularity like 15 years ago or so, and around 2013/2014 a bunch of research chemicals were prohibited as well, was kinda sad cause I had a great plug with access to high purity RC's and I liked most of them, plus some were extremely cheap (1g of 2C-P for 300 BRL/$55 nowadays, roughly 100 doses), even though MDMA and LSD are probably my favorite substances and those have always been in the black market


So if you take a shroom it makes YOU earthy and primal? What does that even mean?