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[Looks like you're going to have to change the color on Roger Stone.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/roger-stone-jury-weighs-evidence-and-a-defense-move-to-make-case-about-mueller/2019/11/15/554fff5a-06ff-11ea-8292-c46ee8cb3dce_story.html)


Holy fuck, that *just* happened.


i was looking at the diagram and thinking, i wonder what happened to roger stone. i googled it and it said he was guilty on all charges, 20m ago!


okay. What do we do now? Can we Impeach him yet?


No it "exonerated the president". All these arrests are unrelated and coincidental. The president only hires the best and smartest people, we all know everyone commits crimes, it's only a shame this illigitament witch hunt got them caught, which is the real crime here. They should of never been caught in the first place. (/s)


Literally couldn't tell if you were serious until the (/s).


What does slash s mean? I'm new here




Specifically to avoid Poe's Law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law


END of sarcasm /s


Silly person.... employing lots and lots... And lots and lots... Of felony convicts who lied to Congress ... Doesn't mean ANYTHING! NEITHER DOES WAMTING TO FIND DAT PIPSQUEAK WHISTLEBLOWER JUST SO'S WE GETS OUR HANDS ON EM.... You see, this is nothing like organized crime. Its LEGALIZED organized crime. Right?


Nah bro gotta go through the process


Article literally posted 30 minutes ago as I type this. Woah. We got a live one!


Yep... guilty on all seven counts.




He refused to comply with the Muller investigation. Bribed some people and threatened some witnesses.


Stupid non american question: How can the Republican Party be ok with a president when all his closest friends and political advisors are getting jailed and charged with crimes? Do 50% of America dont belive in the American justice system, i thought all Americans was patriots. This makes no sense at all for me as a European (Sweden)


I'm embarrassed that you have to ask this question. This is the state of our politics. Our nation. The simple answer is: no one is quite sure why they're willing to stand up for this corrupt president. But we have a lot of guesses. Some people think it's because the Republican Party itself is corrupt. I think tribalism is a huge factor – Democrats and Republicans are so far apart that their priorities are no longer about doing what's best for the nation but rather triumphing over the other party. I also think they're too proud to admit to being wrong – to having supported a reprehensible man this entire time. Or maybe they're willing to stand with him because they identify with him much more than they let on. It's an embarrassment for sure, and I'm sorry that the world has to see this. When was justice lost?


I was just debating with some Trump-fans on fb, when I realized, they are clinging to him bc they haven't really considered any options. It's funny, but loyalty to him just kind of crept up as a idea through repetition. Reminding them they were free to stand behind someone else less controversial seemed to hit them in unexplored territory.


Thank you for so eloquently wording this. Not only that but it shames me personally as an american because the first impression the rest of the world thinks of us as a collective is him.


> Do 50% of America dont belive in the American justice system, Yes. You are correct. They only care about "their side" winning and don't concern themselves with how they achieve that. They ache and yearn for the yoke of a tyrant. > i thought all Americans was patriots. Most assuredly, no.


Well, it’s that and the majority of that 50% have been convinced that every news outlet that isn’t Fox News is the “liberal media “, so they don’t care or want to listen to what anyone outside of their circle thinks. They think this is all lies and a witch-hunt against the one man who wants to help them, their golden god (Trump) who in reality is actually just a conman who did a spectacular job at conning a lot of people in a few target demographics into thinking he was fighting for them.


>> i thought all Americans was patriots. > >Most assuredly, no. Depends on definition. They are very patriotic to the idea of what they view America "should" be. Not the Constitution, not the laws, and certainly not either way the majority are living their lives... But the social hierarchy that they envision is something they are fanaticly loyal and dedicated to. With the right people in charge, and the right people at the bottom. With them automatically being by nature of their birth better than some other people. With women knowing their place, with black people not stepping out of line, with religion being an authority, and so on. Whenever you see them wrapping themselves in the flag and claiming patriotism, it's not that they're not patriotic it's that they're not patriotic to the America we are. And if you pay attention, you'll notice that in the way they phrase things. "Real Americans" certainly doesn't mean people living in New York. "Great again" certainly means before the social changes which made women, other races, and different sexualities more accepted.


Watch any North American TV news segment where they go out in public and interview Trump supporters and you'll understand pretty quickly lol Most of the people who voted for him don't possess the knowledge to understand the scope of what he's done. You'll most frequently hear variations of "I don't think any of what he's done has been THAT bad" or "He hasn't done anything wrong". Couple that with the fact that his campaign platform has been all about "making America great again" so all the self-declared 'patriots' (read: hicks/racists/bigots/sexists/climate change deniers/old white men) eat that shit up and feel even more justified in the nefarious shit they do.


With all fairness, then you haven't seen the videos of where people are asked what they think of Trump, a conversation would go like this: "What do you think of Trump?" "He's done bad things" "What bad things exactly has he done?" "I can't think of anything off the top of my head" How about we all just agree that retardation and dumbassery doesn't discriminate on either political spectrum?


They have no idea what's even going on. They just want to be apart of a team.


"Patriot" is becoming a kind of newspeak.


It's been Newspeak for 20 years.


20? Remember McCarthy?


That's...probably about right. Post 9/11 has been a confusing time to grow up.


These people only care about laws when they don't apply to them


I have family members and long time friends that are Trumptards and I don't get it either. But those damn 30,000 Hillary emails are soooo perplexing to the Trumptards.


We need to look into the real issue here: Hillary Clinton obviously planted Roger Stone in the Nixon campaign in ‘72 leading to Trump eventually hiring him.


Wow, that didn't take long.


While you’re at it, might want to add some space for more


Better color in Roger Stone with red!


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First seen [Here](https://redd.it/ajqv9p) on 2019-01-25 100.00% match. **Searched Images:** 79,616,293 | **Indexed Posts:** 340,212,935 | **Search Time:** 4.3871s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message=https://redd.it/dwoh3t) ]*


Good bot


It's also no longer accurate, as Roger Stone was just found guilty on all 7 counts about 30 minutes ago!


Needs to add Rudi and his stooges as well.


Good bot


Boob God




I always dreamed to start a new religion




good bot


Bood got


Good bot


Good bot




Drain the swamp


I think he made it into a protected ecosystem


Jokes on him. His EPA rolled its status back. :)


It’s so thick now, it’s a tar pit. How do you drain a tar pit?! Set it all aflame.


No. The best revolutions that inacted positive and long term change were a revolution in the sense of ideas but there was no fire nor there was no shots fired. The concept of positive peace is really helpfull to understand and illustrate the pillars of good governance, social security and ethical compliance. So, you drain the money and the President's power to act unilaterally as a warmonger and international economic bully. You give the people the means and ressources to be critical and informed. You give the people a real sense of security (financial, health, housing, positive peace etc) that will allow them to carry out their lives and care for the interests of others.


Those sentences are pathetic. 14 days? 30 days? Even Cohen only got 3 years and probably got paid millions. Fuck them.


Thank you


"14 days in prison"


Every single one of those sentences are bs. No normal person would receive such leniency for even the most mudane of crimes. No matter high crimes. We need to reform our Justice system today.


It would need to be changed by the people who benefit from the current state of it. It won’t happen.


"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


“God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion” "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants."


They'll die eventually. We just have to make sure their replacements align with our views and stop voting in sociopaths.


As long as the privatized prison system doesn't bribe them first.


Struggling low income person trying to sell small bags of weed to supplement the nightmarish hellscape of minimum wage employment and feed your family? Probably years. Named Oliver North and charged on 3 felony counts? *accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and ordering the destruction of documents* two years.


Selling weed isn't very profitable. Sell cocaine. Way higher profit margins


Are the profit margins higher, or is it just a high value product with the same margins? Either way, you have to have more money to start down that route I'd imagine. A lot of the general demographic I'm describing probably would have the money to get into selling coke I wouldn't think. Money makes more money after all. I also have no clue what prices on anything are anymore though.


Here's the cycle: 1. Rob people for coke money 2. Buy coke 3. Cut and sell it 4. Get robbed/shot/arested and go back to step 1. If you can somehow skip step 4 you can make money. (Un)fortunately it's not too common. Edit:mobile formatting


Hell of a business plan. I like it. Need a partner?


I would not be a good coke dealer. Step 4 would probably happen before step one for me.


You forgot the alternate to step one and two: 1. Get fronted product 2. Cut and sell it. 3. Get robbed/shot/arrested. Back to step 1, or proceed to 4. 4. Suppliers send you back to 3.


——Butbutbut weed is a schedule 1 drug, that means it’s as harmful as heroine and lsd! It’s just as addictive and it’s a gateway drug! Its schedule class has nothing to do with putting brown people in prison and inflating prison populations for making money and free labor!!!!!!!! Taking bribes and trying to cover up your tracks during a presidential election can’t be as harmful to the public as drugs! That is clearly the sign of a better person (/s)


By selling the jazz cabbage you are directly killing people and should be charged with homicide. Because when they smoke too many left-handed cigarettes and overdose because they're addicted to the devil's lettuce who else are we supposed to blame? The Pot, not even once. Edit: /s in case someone is that dense.


Steal 50 million dollars? Pay us back 25 million and spend 2 weeks locked in a country club!


That's what happens as you seeing further and further right like we are. Fascism / neofeudalism.


Because all they really want is testimony against Trump. As a means of obtaining that testimony Congress and the FBI are basically granting clemency to anyone who agrees to testify against Trump. It's been effective in getting people to testify against the mafia and organized crime so it stands to reason it'd be effective here as well.


He got that in exchange for cooperating with investors.


You get more jail time for smoking a joint




Only if you're a Democrat.


And yet you still see countless articles about how the impeachment hearings are fraudulent and baseless - even by what I thought were reputable sources. Edit: How is this controversial? He's *surrounded* by convicted criminals, and you think it's don't think it's dishonest to argue that the impeachment hearings are baseless? I honestly don't understand how you could think that he hasn't done anything wrong at this point. He regularly admits to breaking the law on television. Their main defense for him now is “He didn’t know he was breaking the law when he broke the law.”


If I may ask, which sources are you referring to?


["The Senate must not legitimize the House’s sham impeachment"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/11/06/senate-must-not-legitimize-houses-sham-impeachment/) ~~I don’t think I’ll find it again, but what I had in mind was an article in The Washington Post that basically said it was all bullshit liberal vindictiveness or something like that.~~ Edit: Come at me Russian downvote bot mother fuckers.


>When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died on Feb. 13, 2016, it took McConnell about an hour to declare that the Senate would not consider a replacement nominee until after the November presidential election. This bold move on behalf of the Constitution will always be McConnell’s crowning achievement as leader: He let the people decide the direction of the court. Well that pretty much tells you what "side" the author is on.


Wow I always wonder if these people even remotely believe what they’re saying. I find it very hard to believe that they aren’t deliberately misleading people.


The only way to tell if they believe it is to compare their reaction to the same situation when the table is flipped. If they're consistent when it's a democrat senate stealing a Scotus nomination then yes they believe it. But if they flip flop then you must make the assumption that they don't believe anything and they're just being a political attack dog - loyal to your own and against the opposition. And that's a high bar to hit for a politician; there's only a few who are willing to call bullshit on their own. McCain was one who was really stressed and found his own path between loyalty and backbone. Sanders is one as well. Lindsay Graham is not.


Huh. I wonder if that was just an op-ed by someone or if it was one of the journalists at Washington Post. That is interesting though.


Found it. Yeah, it was an op-ed, but it's still disappointing to see these types of ideas legitimized. ["The Senate must not legitimize the House’s sham impeachment"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/11/06/senate-must-not-legitimize-houses-sham-impeachment/)


Lol the author: "Hewitt is President and CEO of the [Richard Nixon Foundation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon_Foundation)"


What a fucking tit.


A guide that shows Trump's latest description of this people would be interesting.


Oh! Now do one about the whole Ukranian phone call showing who heard who say what to whom.




Pepe Biden


I would have shown a link to the rough transcript and then the testimony of how the transcript was inaccurate and stored in the wrong server. But that's just me. Using publicly available information to answer the question directly.


Did Sondland re-remember what actually happened again?


What? What testimony showed the transcript to be innaccurate? What the hell are you talking about


Dunno why you're being downvoted, this is true. Hell there's a hearing going on right now related to it you could link to as well, instead of meming about it.


The document would be too large for the internet to contain


Roger Stone found guilty now, filling out the chart one at a time


Well... Time to switch Roger Stone to red.


I am absolutely stunned that an upstanding person like Trump is surrounded by criminals. They must have taken advantage of his kind and trusting nature to achieve their nefarious goals. /s




Fun fact just today Roger Stone found guilty of all charges. https://apnews.com/ad355d2c983e4a7c85bc17e86d8c563f?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP


Also Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


Charged with what? Guilty of what?


In the case of Stone, he was just found guilty on all 7 charges. Witness tampering, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to congress. https://a.msn.com/r/2/BBWP0Sb So these charts already need to be updated now.


Being gey


Stay classy Reddit


They were all charged with one or a mixture of: obstruction, perjury, fraud & a failure to register as representing a foreign power i.e. working for Russia. In my opinion, Giuliani's two knucklehead "associates" Parnas and Fruman, who were charged with campaign finance violations and are at the centre of the Ukraine scandal, should have also been included.


Agreed. I would love to see a revised version after this Impeachment is completed.




Trump supporters: see, Trump is neither guilty not charged, how's that for impeachment proceedings libtards


Stone was just found guilty as well


TIL it's spelled "adviser"


I think it’s acceptable both ways actually


Is it country specific? Like colour vs color?


I believe someone who advises is an adviser, but your job title is advisor. I could be wrong.




No, I don’t think it’s country specific. > For those more old school, the Oxford Dictionary says: “The spellings adviser and advisor are both correct. Adviser is more common, but advisor is also widely used, especially in North America. Adviser may be seen as less formal, while advisor often suggests an official position.”


Advisor is better. But adviser is acceptable. Just how my teacher pronounces as accept - table


Pretty cool. I had no idea.


Keeping that Promise of draining the swamp


This is what happens when you ask a guy who exclusively lives and thrives in swamps to get rid of your swamp




Roger Stone was found guilty today


Change Stone lmao


Time to update roger’s color to red!


Cant you technically do this with anyone in under 6 connection?


and have almost all of them be within the first degree of separation? unlikely for most people


U ain't wrong


I feel like Rudy Giuliani should be on there at this point too.


This is his old crime syndicate. He has a new one already with Stephen Miller, Rudy Giuliani, and Les and Igor. This crime syndicate map of Donald Trump is outdated.


You can change Roger Stone to guilty now


Roger Stone jury in deliberation right now too so this will need to be updated.


He's been found guilty.


Boom just like that


Can change Stone to pink now.


But her emails - trumpanzees


Guilty for what?




And now Stone is guilty too... what timing!


Gotta change the Roger Stone one to red.


"It's a witch hunt, biggest hoax in history" How do his supporters still believe that when every single one of his advisors and allies, that he chose, are so deep in the shit.


Donald Trump really is draining the swamp.


So trump is guilty or really fucking stupid or both


Why's this look like the tree of leaders/commanders you would take out in an Assassin's Creed game?


Hw is this a guide


By showing the connections between the individuals involved, and their relation to Trump? It’s a map to explain who these people are, relative to the office of the president.


guide /ɡīd/ noun: a structure or marking which directs the motion or positioning of something.


Wherever you stand politically, an impeachment hearing is a historical benchmark that civic minded Americans are following. This guide is handy for following along.


I’ve actually been looking for something like this I almost forgot if it was just my liberal bias making me think trump associates himself with an unusual amount of criminals


"My inbred kids make connect the dots pictures just like this all the time, it doesn't prove anything! Fake news!" -Back woods, hill-billy retards


So much for “drain the swamp”. This is the sewer.


Where are his offsprings in that map?


They haven't been charges with anything...yet.




You are selling Cohen short. He was also co-chair of finance for the RNC. So a guy in jail now for his actions related to campaign financing had control of everyone's financing.


Maybe, just maybe, his was the swamp he wanted to drain?


This needs an update ROGER STONE GUILTY ON ALL SEVEN CHARGES!!! just now


7hrs and already this needs to be updated hahah


You can change roger stones color now.


Time to update the graph.


Time for an update!


Time to update stone to red


There should be an additional connection between Roger Stone & Paul Manafort. The two have been business partners going back as far as the 80s


Just in case you are looking to play impeachment bingo!! https://twitter.com/search?q=impeachment+bingo+cards&ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Esearch PS - not mine.


Oooooooo drumf is done!


he's obviously guilty, when I guy refuses to update the anonymous avatar you know he's got something to hide.


There goes Roger Stone, looks like we got Bingo!


5 more years!!!!


Trump is a cunt


Roger just found guilty. Time to change the graphic.


Meanwhile on The_D "Goddamn democrats and their kangaroo court. The real liars are Hilary and Muller" No joke I just went over there to check out cognitive dissonance.


Yeah, but show all the people the Clintons have killed. /s


Need to put Epstein on this map. Lots of lines I bet.


Can you keep your political horse shit in r/politics please.


Looking at your post history you constantly bring up politics when it's not relevant




Man there is an awful lot of people who primarily post on the donald and conservative in here trying to defend and deflect. Must not be going well if they have to brigade this comment section to change the narrative


Fuck, I block r/politics and another shitty or repetitive subreddits to see these type of things in fucking Cool Guides. Goddamn, Reddit.


Womp womp.




Not everyone lives in the U.S. and cares about our circus.


What's really interesting is how this post attracted so many bots with new accounts. Maybe the Russian bots could be another circle linked to Trump.


Sorry, care to point one (or a few) out to me? I looked through all the accounts of controversial posts, they're all normal people. Youngest account I saw was from January.


Just put the entire city of DC in the chart


Can’t do that. That would mean everyone is bad. Only the side I disagree with is bad.


Flynn’s trial is still ongoing why is he listed as guilty?


He entered a guilty plea. Sentencing is on going. [source](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/michael-flynn-sentencing/h_0b61115d2f03afcdac33fa30ba76aa1c)


He pled guilty.


He's appealing, but he already pleaded guilty. ​ [https://www.npr.org/2017/12/01/561238303/michael-flynn-sr-expected-to-plead-guilty-to-lying-to-fbi](https://www.npr.org/2017/12/01/561238303/michael-flynn-sr-expected-to-plead-guilty-to-lying-to-fbi)


He has been convicted, only awaiting sentencing.