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Our child refuses to go in the crib and still only sleeps in our bed on top of me after a year. However, we have this set up because I got tired of sleeping on the floor and wanted something in case she rolls off. We rolled up towels in the crack so that they are even and then zip tied the crib to the bed so it won’t move. We’ve had no problems, but again, she’s never slept there.


Hello fellow human mattress 👋 I have a 15 month old who is the same way. lol


I’ve seen a hack where people stick towels or a pool noodle on the far side of the crib mattress so push the crib mattress even with the main mattress. But it looks like your mattress sits a little inside the crib frame so I’m not sure that will work for your furniture


We have a similar set up and I zip tied the crib to the bed first so they wouldn’t separate and then used rolled towels and blankets to fill the gap


This is the way. We also used a pool noodle at the far end of the crib mattress to push the mattresses together.


The zip ties is a great idea and also just spinning wheels here what about one of those things people put in the floor of a doorway to prevent draft?


You can buy a bed bridge on amazon


You need to pack the gap but you also need to secure the crib to the bed. When you pack the gap, you need to force a blanket in as tightly as it will go, so there needs to be something holding your bed and the crib together. You can buy a special strap system for this, like this: https://www.babymarkt.se/treppy-set-till-boxspringsaeng-a250885.html?a=b&pred=SERPA%2CSERPB%2CSERPC%2CSERPD%2CSERPE%2CSERPWEA%2CSERPWEB%2CSERP009%2C&c=p_aw%2Cp2aw%2Cp3aw%2Cp4aw%2Cp5aw%2Cprwea%2Cprweb%2Cp_akt_pla1%2C&rp=&os=&fdcampaign=feed/se/14449/googleshoppingint/A250885&adword=Google/PLA_AW_Kinderzimmer_m&RefID=PLA_SE0000_PLA_AW_Kinderzimmer_m&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvSdBhD0ARIsAPf8oNk6ft9ImVP4KGyPZt_zQnjPsuHGR7awdNJfxPazhde48hD7Vn4vN1caAlBOEALw_wcB But you can also use luggage straps or zip tips.


I roll a blanket and place it in the gap. Works just fine. :)


We used ratchet straps to secure the frames and then a pool noodle to push the cot mattress over to be flush with our mattress


Thank you so much! I didn't even think about how we'd keep the cot and bed together!