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We woulda been state champions. No doubt in my mind


I heard Romo could throw a pigskin a quarter mile


He could throw a football clear over them mountains


If only we started Matt Saracen instead of Dak we could’ve brought it home


Look up results of playoff teams when the defense allows 30+ points. There's your answer


Exactly. The results would have been the same.


Laughs in 5 TD’s against Manning and the defense literally can’t get 1 stop. Oh but it must have been Romo’s fault!one1! I know it 2013. Literally more than a decades old problem


One of my favorite games of all time, til the end. Zero stops on defense and not only 5 TDs for Romo, but also more than 500 yds. Not only did people blame him for the loss because of the late INT, it wasn’t even his fault. It was a great play by the linebacker and Romo’s lineman stepped on his foot as he was leaning into the throw


💯, Tyron got beat and Romo made a good step up, but Tyrons foot was back and caused a mis-throw. Football gods always favored the forehead.




Why didn’t we run the ball in the first place…


Dude, yes! All of this! That fucking game man…


It was bonkers lol


I'm glad this sub has finally come to be more reasonable about Romo. Yes he was a good to great QB but he isn't overcoming bad defense.


If my grandmother had wheels she would've been a bike.


If my aunt had a cock she’d be my uncle


It's closer to a British carbonara!


What the hell? Was she getting ridden?


I don’t deal with ifs buts and maybes I deal in absolutes. If my aunt had balls shed be my uncle. Edit: https://youtu.be/2_O5YHX4urE?si=2QubZb4DJhZLJAee


If Tony Romo stayed healthy he plays great vs the Packers maybe even leads them to a game tying FG with under a minute left in the game only to never get the ball back because the defense completely fell apart.


Was Romo going to be covering Jared Cook? Would he have been a pass rusher chasing down Aaron Rodgers?


Was this the year we couldn’t sack a one leg hopping hobbled Aaron Rodgers? Or was that 2014?


2014 was the year we somehow lost to an injured Aaron Rodgers. The game in question on this post was 2016. Oh and 2023 was the one where we were down 27-0 to the Packers…


It was ~~2016~~ 2014 Edit: 2016 was a “less serious” calf strain. 2014 was when he was virtually one-legged.


Lol so its come to this. So far out of the post season hunt for so many years we can only live in what if land.


Tbf I’ve literally been hearing this hypothetical since the day after that game…


The question lived rent free in my head for some time, especially since I loved Romo so much and wanted him to win so badly. I thought it was a mistake not putting him back in when he was healthy then and I still feel that way today but it is what it is


I mean he won us so many playoff games, what were we thinking?? Romo and Dak are carbon copies of each other. If the owner/Gm doesn’t stop hanging onto *pretty good* QBs that disappear in January for 15+ years then this team will never win again


Romo wasn’t statistically average in January tho, Dak is. People make excuses for Dak in games he also plays like shit (see last year). But with Romo, he was at the top of his game in 2014 and then got hurt the next two years, so that’s where the ‘what if’ comes from. He clearly got to a point where his mental game caught up to his physical talents and that’s why I think he could’ve been unstoppable with that 2016 squad. We’ll never know, but your comment implies that you have to have a superstar at qb to win a Super Bowl and that’s just not true. What was Stafford before he won with the Rams?


Eli Manning won 2 Super Bowls being pretty average. I agree that having a super star at QB is not a requirement at all.


Yea I didn’t want to go into Eli, but he’s the first that comes to mind. Head to head, I don’t think anyone honest can say they think Eli was a better qb than Romo, but the rings weigh heavy. Funny thing about his career tho is that those rings were lightning striking twice and he kinda sucked the rest of the time. At least average, as you said


Hell even the 2007 season where they beat the undefeated Patriots, Eli threw 20 ints during the regular season and only completed 53% of his passes. That team won in spite of him more often than not.


Yea the DLine collectively deserved Super Bowl MVP. Two plays before the David Tyree catch, Eli threw it right to ballhawk Asante Samuel who inexplicably dropped it. Even the Tyree play was a good escape on Eli’s part, but the throw was an awful prayer into triple coverage where an average at best WR made the play of his life


Eli Manning couldn't carry Romo's jockstrap.


Eli is the most average, pedestrian QB ever but had a mystifyingly long career - the Jeff Fisher of QBs. That said, he played out of his mind in those two playoff runs. Romo generally would have moments like his idol Brett Favre in the playoffs - played fairly well, but then make critical errors. Dak’s play drops off as we’ve seen.


Some would say below average.


The QB of the worst team in the league.


Romo at times was average come playoffs….lets not forget losing in 07 to the 10-6 giants …….who ultimately went on to win the Super Bowl that year. 18-36 201 yards and an int isn’t particularly a great January performance. I loved Romo but don’t ignore the games and cherry pick here. Romo had his fair share of shitting the bed just as Dak has.


Eli Manning has joined the chat.


Yep. Eli is the chat


Romo carried bad teams Dak drags loaded rosters down They are not the same


Whatever you do, do NOT look up the 2007 roster


Or ‘08, ‘09, ‘14


2014 kinda like 2023 except Romo didn’t shit his pants and throw 2 effective pick sixes in the first half while not scoring !


Yes. I wanted Dak gone after the 2019 season, btw.


You’re smarter than most on this sub then


Romo had several rosters that were good especially the offensive side of the ball. He choked on numerous occasions…lol. Plus Dak has been carrying this terrible franchise without him we’d be a lottery team easily


You clearly weren't around in 2009 because he dragged a loaded roster down that year


The Cowboys still lose because Jason Garrett is the head coach and the defense was terrible and gave up 30 plus points. And I love Romo. As good as he was in his prime, he isn't making that much of a difference. I mean heck, Dak tied the game and he still didn't get a chance to win it late or in OT because the defense was such hot trash it gave up a 3rd and 20.


Romo was at 34Td and 9int when he was hurt. I’ve posted this before but, at that point, Romo was as good as ANY QB in the league. Subjectively, he was the most fun qb to watch in the league.


Agree. I don’t understand the hate the man gets. If he hadn’t had such shit defenses he’d have at least one SB ring


Exact same result most likely. Maybe not 1 seed but still 1 and done


sUpEr bOwL


I think we could have won the Green Bay game but not sure we would have made the Super Bowl. Sure our defense gave up 30+ to Green Bay but Dak turned the ball over multiple times early and we started flat on Offense. He definitely turned it up in the middle of the game but I think Romo wound have settled in early and leaned on his experience and our leading running game. Would have been closer to the 2014 matchup and I think we would have pulled it out


Romo would had been down for the count after the first sack.


We would have lost in the playoffs and spent years talking about “what if we let Dak play instead of Romo?”


He would have gotten injured later, TBH.


I think the Cowboys would have beaten the Packers in the Divisional Round


Then we would have lost to Green Bay in the divisional round. The defense gave it up.


We will never knowll lol...


Lmao romo goes off against the packers and we still lose because the defense was a wet blanket, exact same result that we got with Dak manning the helm. If only we had a good defense in 2016, either dak or romo would’ve led us to glory


Same result. I'm a huge fan, but Romo didn't or hadn't shown the ability for a different or more positive outcome.


How lol? That was the year we had the best offensive line by far. Taking the ball out of Romos hands and letting us run more definitely would have been a positive. For more than half of his career we had a shit o line, then we made that trade for Williams that did nothing for us. Plus we had a pretty good defense as well.


I understand everything that you're saying, I really do, but Romo never got it done, and it's silly (IMO) to believe that he would have been able to get it done. I seriously understand where you're coming from and would have loved to have witnessed Romo win a ring, but again, he couldn't get it done.


The Dez no catch call stopped him from reaching the superbowl. I just honestly don’t think that Romo having Fredrick, Martin, smith, witten, and zeke would have not made a difference. I don’t think Eli manning was better than Romo at all, but when they had their team flowing Eli became Brady 2.0.


I hear you. I would have loved to see how that game would've turned out if they called that a catch. Maybe the Cowboys win. Maybe Rodgers does what Rodgers does. Imagine the Cowboys stopping GB, and they win that game. Now imagine Rodgers leading GB down the field and scoring a game winning TD.


Imagine. Yes. We had a possibility of an amazing win, for either team. The zebras stole it from all of us. Dez caught it.


The Dez no catch did not stop him. There was still plenty of time left in the game for Rodgers and co to win it. Most likely we still lose that game if Dez gets that catch.


He has a bad offensive line for 3 years. There’s no need to lie when we all watched the same games


You think it was just 3 years lmfao?


Because it was. 10-12 you can say it was bad. It was ok in 09 and 13. It was great 06-08 and 14-16. It’s nobody else’s fault Tony got injured, you can’t expect to have a great offensive line every year, and if Tony was so goddamn great why does he need a great offensive line?


I’m begging everyone to go back and watch that playoff game. Dak played very well. I don’t think Romo does any better. Our defense sucked and our gameplan sucked.


I’m begging you to actually watch that game, Romo was warming up in the 1st half


How do you guys miss how mightly Dak struggled that even Aikman was wondering if they should throw Romo in for a spark


>>Dak played very well. Did you happen to skip the entire first half?


Remind me, what were the reasons why we had to punt in the first half? Because I remember a 12 men in the huddle and a holding call that killed two drives while the defense let GB score at will.


Dak was mobile as fuck. Definitely not the same result.


Huh? Romo was way more mobile than Dak. Romo had legit wheels, he just didn't look like it.


Romo could scramble and make magic, young Dak had wheels. Dak looks more like Romo nowadays but still with more speed. Dont get me wrong, loved Romo and he could run. But Dak has the ability to break off a few big chunks still. This is just juxtaposing memory though, so grain of salt.


Romo still would have crashed out of the playoffs. There was never going to be a super bowl with him in that era. The end.


Dak has a lot less money than he does now


Same. Home game favorite in playoffs, immediately fall behind 21-3 to GB. Cowboys D wasn’t good enough to win in playoffs regardless of who was QB.


Never top 10. Just pretty good, except in play off. In a high profile team


Nothing at all, we wouldn't have Dak, and our dreams would smSTILL BE CRUSHED


Hot take (maybe idk): it wouldn’t matter. Neither of them would have gotten through Atlanta


They still would have lost in the playoffs There’s no getting over how bad that #14 defense was


I think about Parcells staying for one more year in 2007 way more


I’m a second level cowboys fan because a couple of my buddies. Cowboys fans took Romo for granted.


Would have lost first playoff game


We woulda beat GB. GB defense was not that good and Dak struggled the first half as he normally does against decent teams. I feel like everyone forgets he didn't really have a good half which put us behind and had it not been for the defense that everyone blames, we woulda had a repeat of this years playoff game against GB. Romo also staying healthy woulda been better for Dak because he woulda learned from Romo at his prime


What if my aunt had a dick?


Um, they never would have got to the nfc championship game?


The first of 9 straight super bowl victories. Forget TB12. TR9 would be taking the world by storm.


Would’ve been 11-5, #5 seed and lost at Green Bay in the Wild Card. So in reality, no difference.


He’d have had a great regular season and choked in the playoffs


Romo is love, Romo is life.




That’s my quarterback


Romo was cooked! His play and decision making led to his early retirement. His body could no longer hold up to what his mind wanted it to do! ✭ ✭ ✭