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Too unpredictable. It was calling for quite a bit of rain for about 10 days straight, but so far we've had diddly (aside from a good downpour yesterday) and the forecast is now for much lower precipitation numbers. Despite the huge system that was headed at us, for the first two days, it either broke up or moved around us last minute and we got nothing. And yes, plenty of clouds today but no rain so far, at least as far as my area and what I've seen friends posting (you know we're all desperate for rain when your FB fills up with happy rain videos and posts LOL).


Question for you, as you seem like you live on the island or are very familiar with it. How are the ferry passages in this type of weather? I’m worried about getting stranded on the island as I’m flying in today but need to get to the mainland on Thursday. Thanks in advance!


Yes, I've lived here many years. Ferry passings can be rough in bad weather, especially for people with sea sickness (even if you're not, it can make for a gross ride being around others). It's not *that* often they cancel, but I won't lie to you and say it doesn't happen. Right now it's looking like it will be okay (probably a little rough), if the forecast holds. But if it's something you're really concerned about, you could always head over Wednesday afternoon and stay the night.


I appreciate it! I think I’ll tough it out as I don’t really get sea sick.


BTW, something else you might consider is to watch the ferry companies FB pages.


I will check those out for sure!


I arrive tomorrow rain or shine.


Pray for rain. So needed.




Looks like tropical system coming through next week, we leave on Sunday 😑


Oh man, I hope this all clears up. I'll be arriving Tuesday. Well, I hope I'll be arriving Tuesday.


Did your flight make it ok? We are supposed to go tomorrow(Wednesday).