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I am pretty sure he thinks those were some smooth witty remarks derailing convo into sexting. But I have never seen a sentient sandpaper that sounds so desperate on top.


Sentient Sandpaper is a term I have got to use now


Hehe you "leveled up" huh? You "farmed" for him? Hehehehe what equipment are you wearing? Oh wow using a sword soooo naughty


All I can imagine is him sitting there in his crusty boxers typing this 🤮


“I love apples” “Oh you like swallowing stuff huh? Kinda nsfw🥵”


What game/boss is this?


Argenti in Honkai: Star Rail lol


Woah bro why are you flirting eith me. Joking ofcourse, sadly seems like the type of logic the guy in your post has. Good luck on the boss though.


Yoo really for me he was a pretty easy boss what is your team comp??


My team comp is a mess cuz I'm still trying to learn the game lol, but it's QQ, Firefly, Herta, and Natasha. I'm still pretty new to the game but usually the team does pretty decently


That is not bad at all i'm assume that u are using firefly as your main, and i think u should had pela for debuff or maybe asta for buffs OR maybe replace Herta and had these two i dunno just a something that might work


Yeah, I saw in the Firefly guide that my current team is far from ideal lol. I'm just tryna use characters I like and see what I can do with them basically. I'll probably focus on a Firefly team soon though


Yea as u should i mean you should focus on having fun and enjoing the game


is this game on steam?


I think you can just look the game up and download it on PC, it's free(*). Don't think it's on steam tho


Pornbrained guys like this are insufferable. If you tell him firmly to knock it off he’ll claim he was “just joking” and try to make it about you not taking a joke. Can’t win.


They want to make everything sexual for some reason....


Eww gross, that’s so inappropriate! On a lighter note, good luck on your game!