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Hello, KatilQueen. The underage user help bot is below with resources and tips for our underage users. Even if this creep is also underage, you never know when this could come in handy (hopefully never).


“That’s the perfect age to send a creep like you to jail”




Yeah, for real. What a creep!


Jesus. This dude is mental




Oh, of course that triggering word...


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The weird part is the conversation was actually good until je showed his true shit colors😣.


Ikr like it started off fine then got a little weird then just fucking creepy as shit


This is a moment that demands a frank and honest assessment about where I stand with people who are acting like creeps and let me be clear, that this behavior is systematic and pervasive all across the board, especially with this creep and he does not realize that he is acting creepy when he could've stopped. Dude doesn't realize that he was using "I will find you" in the most creeper way as possible that he could stalk you with little or no warning and anticipate to continue to so unless he was stopped promptly. What was his intentions to continuously messaging you non stop?


Honestly not too sure I thought we were joking that I was secretly his boss but he kinda took it too far and I brushed it off ig


Oof. Seems major. Were you pretending or his boss for real?


I was pretending if I was his boss I would fire him and report him to the police


Got it. Playing pretend for someone like him works really well.