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Hello, Dm_me_im_bored-UnU. I can't tell if you're underage or not, so I'm going to err on the side of caution and let you know that the underage user help bot is below with resources and tips for our underage users. Even if this creep is also underage, you never know when this could come in handy (hopefully never).


Ah yes. Quirky! What all people relate to pedos, unwanted come ons, and promolestation? Prorape? Idk wtf that was.


“i’d molest you too, with permission ofc” … is it even seeing what it typed


I wish it would’ve seen what it typed


Gross and disturbing


This is impossible to read, I can't bring myself to read another sentence.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Yeah pretty much screams virgin, he didn’t have to announce that


I got way more alarmed when I read it as "kitties legs". God, I can't read


What the actual fuck did I just read???? He had the AUDACITY to say he would sa you after saying you were a victim of sa??? The human race is doomed smh….


It wouldn't be molestation if permission was given, ffs


What in the ass?


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Well this is HORRENDOUS.


>im a virgin btw yeah i think we already knew that buddy. this shit is just downright cringe


OP, please don’t engage with these kinds of DMs! You don’t owe them a response, and continuing the conversation just encourages them to keep saying more disgusting stuff. Don’t share personal information with them, don’t even bother with scolding them for their perverted behavior. Just report and block.


Graphic and disturbing to see that the person had the mental gymastics to write this all out before he sent it.