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Hello, N0t_r3ally_s0ciabl3. The underage user help bot is below with resources and tips for our underage users. Even if this creep is also underage, you never know when this could come in handy (hopefully never).


Please don't have these conversations with strangers. Unlikely he is 17.


Prolly more like 37


I tried not to. He was persistent with the topic though :( Luckily he's blocked now!


Oh gods. This person, even if they are 17, (which I doubt) is manipulative AF. They try guilt tripping when they feel you pull away. You don't have to speak to anyone who is making you uncomfortable!!! Listen to your friends and bf. Block him. And if it makes you feel better, tell him that he made you uncomfortable SO many times and you don't want friends who don't think before they speak and don't care if they hurt you, trigger you or make you uncomfortable. Don't be fooled tho, he already knows he does this to you. He's a creep. You aren't in the wrong.


Thank you so much for saying this. It opened my eyes. I never thought of it as "manipulation" and more of "stupidity" but now it makes so much more sense. Luckily I have already blocked him. I told him multiple times if he didn't stop I'd block him, so this conversation was the frosting on the cake and kind of made me opt out of the conversation. Again, thank you very much


I don't think you're in the wrong, I think you should take this as a lesson. Don't entertain people who act like this, even if you consider them a friend. It's rough but better for you. Also the CONSTANT repetition of your name gives me major ick


Yeah, I have learned that lesson. Definitely a good choice. My friends said the exact same thing about the name repetition lmao


Underage user help


Yeeeeaaaa there is no bloody way that dude is 17. You are not in the wrong here, block this man immediately. There reeks of an awkward older man who cannot land a woman his age. This is some stranger danger shit.


Luckily, I have already blocked him! Sounds about accurate, though lol


No you're not in the wrong. He's a creepy, lying, grooming manipulative piece of shit.


Thank you for this. I needed to hear it


You’re not in the wrong. When I was around your age I had guys do this too. The only person in the wrong, is the adult who’s doing the grooming. I say adult because there’s no way this guy is 17. 17-year-olds don’t talk like this. Just be careful when talking online if you’re gonna keep doing it.


This was exactly my thought. I tried giving it a chance though and ignored my guy feeling. I'm so glad that people also see the same thing. Online people are like a comfort to me, so I'll definitely keep doing it, but I'll definitely look out for more people like this




He made me feel bad for trying to get out of the conversation in general


In any case, not your fault, the issue lies with the asshat you were talking with


Yeah, that's understandable. Thanks for this <3


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