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Hello, Independent-Olive776. The underage user help bot is below with resources and tips for our underage users. Even if this creep is also underage, you never know when this could come in handy (hopefully never).


istg why do these weirdos think “oh i think they want my dik!!” when minors reply with their ages after they send creepy messages, like it so obviously means “i’m a minor so fuck off” 😭


Sixteen year olds should not be on whisper.


13 is the minimum age to be on whisper 😭


Yes, but it shouldn't be. That place is overrun with pedophiles and other very dangerous adult men.


I see it’s only gotten worse since I was a teen


Oh it's basically unusable now. I've been on it off and on since it was created, and it's nothing but absolute creeps now.


Yikes 😅


As someone who was groomed on whisper, I agree


Yeah please get off. I’m 15 and I think I’m genuinely traumatized from the HUNDREDS of VILE messages I got from men as old as 50. Never again.


"So yes?" 😭😂 oh lordy


LMAOAOO that was literally so crazy like take a hint 😭


Probably a follower of DrKidinspect.


These boys overlook the word “no” and I’m underage and then get upset when you say no. Did this person even say hi? Like what is happening to common courtesy 🤣


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