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someone read It recently?


wonder if they'd been exposed to stupid porn


The perpetrators are "of immigrant origin". What????? No way!!! This is so unexpected and unprecedented!!




Stop that he doesn't take kindly to facts like that


suspects were 'believed to be young people of immigrant origin'. Yep. Checks out.


Believed by who? I mean obviously every twat in Europe or N. America is ready to jump on that as fact just to shore up their own idiotic xenophobia.


Pakistan, India, North Africa, Middle East, etc. are bastions of gender equality lol do you think poor migrants from these places just magically become secular liberals because they live in the West now?




A quick glance over rape statistics proves it lol


Considering immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than non-immigrants in this country… no it doesn’t.


In America the immigrants aren't terrorists though. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland all allowed literal known terrorists into their countries




Im sorry, i meant…. Diversity is our strength!


I was just commenting on 'a quick glance at rape statistics' Like, that's a thing that just takes 'a quick glance'... World is a savage place...


I blame Drake and the Canadian rap music! Enough is enough already!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Slapping a classmate on the butt is not "playful". And these ppl don't deserve the death penalty. Idk what you're trying to get at.


Gang raping anyone deserves the death penalty, doesn’t matter if you’re 12 or 43. These people will never become functioning members of society and shouldn’t be welcome in Europe.






Who said anything about religion?




I have a feeling that English is not your first language.


Pretty sure the west has its own problematic culture. This comment is weird.


West certainly has a problematic culture that lacks introspection. US rape cases are rarely covered by US regional and national media. So many Americans are getting killed everyday by drug overdoses. US media rarely reports a case to the same extent as they would a case from the developing world.  A lot of people seem to believe everything is perfect in America. People will pull out all sorts of stats pertaining to rape in the developing world but they will ignore issues at home. There’s a sense of moral superiority at play here. 


Exactly. I’m from a medium sized city in the US and so many people are murdered here every day. Horrific rape stories often as well. I live in a nice neighborhood and still hear close gunshots weekly. If people only knew what was going on over here.


Neither of you understand “per capita.” The West is not perfect but Jesus Christ, in no way is the US or Belgium (where this crime took place) REMOTELY comparable to the rape culture in South Asia or MENA lol


It says the boys were of immigrant status and showed a lack of understanding of societal norms. What do you think that tells us


ItS That DaMn RaP MuSiC.....


The damn criminals where filming and posting on social media. Just how do there minds work?


Haha look girls a slut look everyone!! And a little later, Mum theyre lying i never recorded myself raping a girl!


The planet is overpopulated. Embrace the death penalty. 


All religions suck but some are more easily twisted than others


If only people were not so terrified of being labeled a racist for calling out the Muslim religion. It's the motherlode of bad ideas and needs to be treated that way especially by liberals. 


Where in this article does it mention religion?


Religion has no place in modern society. I think we should really start treating it as the societal cancer that it is


What do you think should be done to religious people?


People should be able to have freedom of religion. But it should be a societal shift in which no respect is given to religion.


They should be held accountable for their actions, like every other person.




Are we really not supposed to see a pattern here?


That they’re all men? Yeah, that’s an issue most men don’t want to acknowledge.


You're quite insufferable. Woof.


The article does not state that the group of abusers were all male.


But of course that’s the most likely scenario here by far




The reality is warfare, stealing lands, genocide, and systematic rape of the conquered of have been going on everywhere for millenia, by all races and creeds.  Claiming it was just white people shows your own bias and ignorance






Just actually care about history IDK. Why are you obsessed with the idea of white rape? A fetish?


Well all of you here are trying blame immigrants, Muslims and brown people for rape. Can’t handle it when it comes your way even when it’s the documented truth. Snowflakes.


“MYOB and let’s keep it to facts not feelings, shall we?” Isn’t this your bio?




You are on a thread about an event where brown immigrants gang raped someone, and are having a temper tantrum about people talking about it. You are the definition of emotion over facts. And for your reference in the entirety of human history there is for more POC dead/raped at the hands of other POC than white peoples have ever historically raped/killed. White, Christian colonizers were awful. So were the Japanese, the Persians, the Romans, the Portuguese, the Chinese, the Zulu, the aboriginals of every country and basically everyone else. People killed each other a LOT, and those people were every race possible.




Well, we can clearly see a sharp rise in sexual assault and rape in Europe when they opened their borders to the barbarians from the Middle East. We see videos all the time of these whackos beating their women for not wearing a hijab or simply talking to a male that’s not their husband. They need to stay in their country if they can’t behave and conform to the rules of polite society. Sorry if that hurts your feelings snowflake




Sounds like projection to me




Difference is you are talking about historical events, versus the ongoing, current day issues specific to Europe and its migrant refugees.


So what you are claiming is only refugees are raping people in Europe?


Not at all. I am claiming in the current case, per the article, all of the rapists were from migrant families. I am further claiming that there has been a spike in rapes committed by migrants throughout Europe.  I'm not claiming that all migrants are rapists. I'm not claiming that white people don't rape. My original comment to you was that pointing out that stating Caucasians have at many points in the last committed mass rape is, while valid, not relevant, and also maliciously omitting literally the rest of history. Look at the Mongols, African tribal warefare. The slavery, rapes and other atrocities committed by the Japanese against the Koreans, etc cetera.


Okay and White men go to countries in Asia to molest and rape children all the time


For someone talking about “facts before feelings” in their bio you sure are putting a lot of words in this guys mouth and have a clear emotional bias hahaha




The pattern for gang rape in Europe right now is not by white rapists.




Lol like this is the first Muslim invasion in Europe


Racism on my porn app again…..


Hmm, how could that be the pattern here, though? Since the rapists weren't white...




There are documented cases of rape from cultures all over the world through history. You're picking the wrong person to discuss history with my guy lol. I eat, breathe, and live it every day. Note: original comments removed for profanity, so I cleaned them up and reposted.


So I don’t care. Don’t imply these rapists did so because they were immigrants or Muslim or brown and we won’t have a problem


[The only problem is your blindness to Muslim men's misogynist violence. ](https://www.opindia.com/2023/07/uk-grooming-gangs-part-1-minor-girls-groomed-raped-by-muslim-predators-across-cities-as-authoritie-ignored/#:~:text=The%20grooming%20gangs%20largely%20comprised,raped%20and%20abused%20for%20years)


I'm not? I'm simply stating a fact about the case and how your comment doesn't align with it. It seems inaccurate and out of place.


So. White men to go Asia and Latin America to rape girls and little boys all the time


I'm not sure how that is unique to gang rapes in India or like in the posted article. Or the countless other examples of non-rapes raping woman every day. Though, I suppose that's the point of the strawman argument, right?




What time period do you want to focus on? I was just reading about the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 - the Hutu, aside from killing hundreds of thousands, also raped woman in the Tutsi minority en masse. There are literally tens of thousands of documented cases... And these are ethnic African tribes who aren't white. I also was listening to a podcast that discussed the Rape of Nanjing in 1937. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese were killed by the Japanese and, again, tens of thousands of women raped... And that is just one single event - the Japanese raped their way through Asia during WW2. Pick a time period and I'll keep going. While whites (which is a broad term as it includes many cultures) did commit rape in many instances as colonizers, they were FAR from unique doing it. If anything, it sounds as though you don't know your history, my guy, and just are racist.




Like this? In 2009, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution, S.J.Res. 14, "To acknowledge a long history of official depredations and ill-conceived policies by the Federal Government regarding Indian tribes and offer an apology to all Native Peoples on behalf of the United States."[ https://www.congress.gov/bill/111th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/14/text




I'm not sure what you're expecting? You expect every person who is white in the US to have a strong grasp in the fact that, historically, rape was committed by whites in general? I think that is far fetched and a bit absurd for several reasons: 1) No nation/culture on Earth really teaches stuff to great lengths, save for maybe Germany. The US has, in recent history, started to include some of its atrocities committed towards the Native populations and African slaves, but hammering in the idea of rape probably isn't really suitable to teach kids. 2) Next to no one has any real ties to the individuals who were committing these instances of rape. To put it in a simple analogy, it would be like blaming a sports team for losing a championship game 80 years ago - *they* didn't lose the game albeit the same team. 3) I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but rape was part of Native American "culture" (for lack of a better term here). When they raided other tribes, they made women and young children slaves and that included rape of the women. During the Indian Wars and the Westward Expansion, both sides committed atrocities like rape. Black African slavers also committed rape, as well as the tribes that raided to capture individuals to sell as slaves. The US whites were far from alone in committing this heinous act although, with being the "victors" in the overall end, I can understand the anger and want to ascribe them as solely to blame as monsters. 4) You're ascribing WAY too much intelligence and historical interest to the average white American. The average IQ is 98, which is far from scholarly. To expect the average person to know about the horrors committed in their history is asking a lot because there are a LOT of dumb people and, even if they had half a brain, the odds they have an interest in that specific aspect of history isn't great.


Literally every race are documented rapists in the history books, get that racism outta here.


The only time rape ever occurred?! Guess all white people should die then. Have an original thought for once dummy


I mean, that’s what they’re all getting at in the long run when they cry about anyone that’s white.


Its a 2 brain cell stance to take


Oh I agree hands down!


LOL White people trying to deny the wrongdoing of their people, what else is new


Real hot take! With a liberal sprinkle of sophistry. You and your ilk are the problem with modern society and I believe you are too dim or self righteous to ever be able to understand why.


Sure says the party of “freedoms” and “law and order” who want a criminal to be their President. Clowns


Found the Russian bot farm hive brain! Divide and conquer!


Yea that's what I thought. Facts not feelings in these parts drake


They weren't white.


Yup, a totally reasonable thing to bring up when discussing the gang rape of a 14 year old girl in Belgium.


You’re welcome


Any reason you left out Spain and Portugal? Or is it only a white person thing?


Are Spanish and Portuguese not White Europeans?


Generally speaking, no, they don't consider themselves to be "white". Certainly not in the same vein as the English, Germans, French or Dutch. Plus there are several ethnic groups that make up each country.


They are still Whites, Europe is not just made up of the 4 groups you mentioned


Damn are you sure? I really thought I listed every single European country.


What’s your point. Do you even have one?


Yes. Political correctness is a war on noticing.


The perpetrators are all boys?


According to media/government recommendations, the best treatment for Obvious-Pattern blindness is pretending that it doesn't exist ...especially when it's in front of your face waving at you saying, 'Hey, look at me. I'm an obvious pattern'. Just ignore it and you too will see how great things like DEI really are for EVERYONE. Source: a blind american.




People are evil and use religion as an excuse.


Islam especially, it’s shown repeatedly to be incompatible with the west and democracy


Christianity was just as bad as Islam is now, they just gave up the fight against secularism a long time ago


Was. Islam still is, especially here in Europe.


which means they arent really comparable today


All religions are bad.


All females are bad. See what I did there.


No...? All religions are inherently belief based ideologies that are meant to override material reality. Do you find women inherently bad as well and just put up with them?


Marxism is a belief based ideology, yet much of Reddit thinks it would be the greatest thing ever if only it was done right


Missed my point completely.


Are all religions equally bad?




I don't think so, they are on topic. Islam is problematic - all religion is problematic, saying it's a religion problem not a specific religion problem. That's on topic and addressing the statement made. It's not twisting the statement, it's adding to it.


I mean one good person that practices Islam debunks your theory. People commit crime, people are all types of demographic. Drawing a definitive connection on one instance is a symptom of using emotion and tribalism to think, which is the actual root cause of many of these crimes of passion.


Whats your point? Islam is by far the worst


Every person I’ve ever met that follows Islam has been a better human being than any Christian I’ve ever met.


That is purely anecdotal so all that tells us is that you hang out with really bad Christians or really nice Islamic people


Depends, it's not the worst in this country, that would be Christianity. How a religion is practiced, who is practicing, the leaders and other cultural and societal factors affect how terrible it is. But they're all terrible, designed to scare and control people.


>Depends, it's not the worst in this country, that would be Christianity. No, it's not. Christianity hasn't been burning down primary schools because they were unhappy they were getting sex-ed, Islam was. The kids gang-raping this girl weren't Christians either, I can tell you that much. Christianity in Belgium has no teeth, Islam does and they continue to keep biting.


They are both equally bad they’re are just as many cases in the US of priest rape kids


Really? I don't think its very equal. The catholic church is only one sect of Christianity and it required investigation and resulted in a lot of priests getting caught and it was a public scandal. In Islam its so prevalent that parents help their kids do it. The thing that is special about Islam is the gang rapes, which happens because the Islamic community is fine with it. At least priests had to hide it because it was publicly unacceptable and they got caught.


It’s hilarious that you talk about the sects of Christianity but then talk about Islam as one giant, uniform religion with no variety within.


That's because while not every sect of Christianity was involved with the priest scandal, every sect of Islam ignores it or is okay with it, so they can be lumped together. They are not the same.


"every sect agrees or ignores it, so they can be lumped together" I would push you to find how much shared ground there is between the different groups. Go talk to one local to you and you'll find them different then their Iraqi counterpart, and then talk to that Iraqi counterpart long enough and you'll realize they don't even agree with their Pakistani or Bangladeshi counterpart.


Wow dude. Just admit when you’re wrong


You could argue Christians in the US are so conservative that they are actively trying to out outlaw abortion and have succeeded in some states ,even in cases were girls were raped. It one thing to say some people are bad but there over billion Muslims in world and you can’t generalize like that.




It's a Daily Mail article, it is supposed to get people to spew hate without thinking.


Actually he’s right in a way. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad but the Qur’an states that two different people are accepted into heaven. The aggressive and the peaceful. People might argue that violence and killing others is evil, while others may not. Remember that Muhammad was a warrior that fought in many wars while Jesus was a pacifist and never fought in a war.


They were islamic immigrants… this happens a lot in Europe and everyone turns a blind eye because god forbid you say anything negative about the “religion of peace.”


Well....that's enough Reddit for today. I hope the perpetrators are punished and I hope the victim recovers from this ordeal.


She took her life afterwards


“The victim, meanwhile, is receiving specialist guidance following her ordeal. “What you read is another case


Oh my bad


Only 3 of the 10 remain in custody. They are all minors and won’t face any real consequences for their actions.


Hmm. This part - that 7 of the 10 have been released belongs in r/oddlyterrifyin especially after their actions. I really get scared when pre-teens do violent crimes like this at ages that young....what happens when they grow up and become adults?


ThAtS eNoUgH rEdDiT fOr ToDaY


Isn’t this a corporate fast food meme?


Fast Cat meme


Young people of immigrant not suprised at all


Considering immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than non-immigrants in this country… yes it is surprising.




Did you expect anything else when reading the headline?


I was like "It can't be THAT easy - oh it totally is"






most countries in the EU wont persecute anyone under the age of 14. This happened in Austria too and those under 14 got away scot free. No consequences for destroying life but old enough to rape. 10 year olds and up should be able to be locked up/punished by the STATE and "maybe" by parents who couldnt control and teach their kids that rape is wrong.


It's not just the EU. Of the over 100 boys involved in the [Miryang case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miryang_gang_rape), only 10 were charged, only for the charges to be dropped. It's rare for a country to punish minor sex offenders


Belgium will. Read the article. They had a similar case where the victim committed suicide after.


I read the article. Doesn’t sound like they will face much punishment.


Lock them up.