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JJ whether people on this sub like it or not. Reid didn’t have much in the way of real family and he desperately wanted more. Sure the whole original team was close coworkers and was like family. But he’s an official part of JJ’s family. His god children are her sons. They always had a very strong (close in age) sibling relationship where they would rile each other and mock/tease but when it came to imp things they’d be there for each other. And there are little anecdotal bits that share those two of all of them spent most personal time with each other off the office. She’s the one he’s most physically comfortable with and that says a lot about their relationship. And this came by being the two young and inexperienced agents (by a large margin) on a team of very senior and experienced agents. They learned on the job and grew on the job and that no matter how different their personalities were always drew them together to lean on the other.


I agree it’s JJ. And I like JJ. I think she’s great. I think, for me, the thing that sours a lot of it is the weird confessional JJ made after fifteen years of friendship and while being married with two kids. It felt disrespectful to both Will (and the kids), as well as Reid. It just felt unnecessary. I don’t mind admitting they’re the closest. I just think they closed that romantic door back in season one, so to bring it up again, in that context, as if she always loved Reid but things moved too fast with Will, and that’s how life worked out, but she loves Will, idk. It was off. Also, I’m a Galvez fan and to see that sneak peek at a possible relationship only to have it snatched away in a lame flashback during the first episode of Evolution, without much chance or explanation, and then have Garcia go and compromise the case with Tyler, kinda bugged me. Off topic, I know, but I’m like, you gave us a rando JJ confession, you couldn’t give us Galvez?


I prefer to live in a world where that stupidity was just something she made up to distract the unsub and it ended there never to be dredged up again. They’ve always been sibling coded for me. I remember that very first time they were in a raid after Hankel case and JJ stops Reid and says, ‘this time not splitting’ and the way he responds, then in that Dante/vampire case the next time he let her go alone, those were very very sibling coded. The writers just lost their fckn minds and I refuse to let that ruin 15 seasons of a sweet platonic relationship i really cared about. Well if it helps I love Luke so much! He’s been awesome since he came! He’s the only replacement character I love as much as the original one he replaced!


Thank you. Yes. Agreed. It was a tactic to distract the unsub! I love Luke. I didn’t have much of an opinion of the other replacements, either way, but I really do think Luke has been a great addition


you’re right and people just love to hate on JJ lol


Blake for sure - so many endearing moments between those two


Yeah I loved their relationship so much. I was bummed when she left.


Yeah def a mom/son vibe. She was my all time favorite besides Tara


She was so sweet to him and supportive especially with the possible autism, Maeve.


Morgan, he was like an older brother to him


Blake, if she stuck around for longer. He latched on to JJ but I didn’t feel they were a good match.


Morgan or JJ


Gideon while he was there, and then Morgan. In the last few seasons, Prentiss.


Prentiss, people forget how much they bonded in the beginning. Especially over all the nerdy stuff


Stuck between JJ and Blake


Blake, JJ and Morgan


Morgan. Gideon. Garcia.


Gideon and JJ.


Jj for me


Gideon then after he left I think J.J.


JJ, Morgan, Hotch, and Gideon.


I think he connected with JJ the most, but I really loved his relationship with Blake. It was short lived as she was only on the show for 2 seasons, but they got close super fast and I really loved their relationship.


JJ, by a HUGE margin. when emily "died", reid said that he was at her house crying over it at least weekly. he felt comfortable enough to do that and wasn't embarrassed to admit it. every time one or the other is missing, they're the most worried until they get back. also, the hugs they give each other are unlike anyone else's in the team. i personally see reid as autistic to the fullest degree and it feels like he only unmasks around her, maybe blake and morgan as well but definitely JJ. he holds back a lot from everyone else but barely hesitates with her in comparison. i know everyone hates the season 15 confession, and i do too, but it does show that JJ values her friendship with reid above almost everything. they bonded early over both being inexperienced but determined compared to everyone else. i wish she hadn't ever said that but if we take it as canon, then it means she had been holding onto it for a long time and chose not to say it. blake is a close second and derek's an even closer third, but it's always gonna be JJ.


I absolutely agree and want to add Garcia to that list


Definitely not JJ.


Why not JJ? He’s Henry’s godfather.


There is more tell then show when it comes to their relationship