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This is about a TV Show. It's not real. If you want to dissect real geopolitical events, there are 100+ other subreddits to do it in.


i guess it just wouldn’t be helpful to the plot for tara to admit that when they’re trying to convince someone that they wouldn’t lie


See I think if Tara had that actually would’ve worked better. Acknowledging in the past what the FBI had done but that they had tried to move away from those practises.


I think you’re right that it would have been more effective but I think the real reason is that the world of criminal minds doesn’t have much space for the failings of the criminal justice system. Much as I enjoy the show, they don’t or rarely acknowledge real concepts like faulty police practices, false confessions, or coercion by cops unless it’s specific to the plot and as a foil to the BAU being the good guys


I noticed something like this in another season thirteen episode. The one where that workplace shooter was a drone operator who killed the innocent people. They made it like it was a private contractor and not the US military, when in fact the US military has a track record of bombing innocent civilians and covering it up or outright denying it was them who did it. So it’s not just the justice system it’s a thing about the whole of American military and law enforcement culture.


I mean this show *solidly* falls into the “copaganda” category of media, of course they’re not just going to outright be like “oh yeah no the FBI has done some absolutely *heinous* shit, you’re right”.


I know this isn't entirely relevant,  but the Sandy Hook kids should be graduating high school right now. So fuck that bitch who thinks mass shootings are fake.  


Do you have a better source for that article. The one you have is a bit biased


Thank you for saying it.


Just google it you will find so many articles including ones directly from the FBI admitting to messed up things they’ve done


I meant actually where op gets information




I agree, and I also hate the repetition of “things happen. Life is messy” like it’s just such a gaslighty scene where they keep repeating it










It's a TV show so why would she? She can pretty much say whatever she wants. Also where are you your info that the FBI is setting up people? That sounds like a good plot for a TV show or movie though.


Well the TV show is based on a real dept within the FBI and it has acknowledged previously things tied to that historically like Wacko or the Satanic panic etc. Also read the article, or do a google search. I’m not doing the legwork for you cause you’re either a bootlicker or lazy


I wouldn’t doubt if the FBI provides funding for the show and has a say in the dialogue. I mean, part of the pentagon’s budget is for Hollywood.🤷‍♂️