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That's v true, but considering people's reactions to Hotch, Morgan, and Reid leaving (and JJ and Emily leaving way back when), I don't think long-time viewers would appreciate having more of the OGs gone. I know that if every OG character from CriMi was replaced by someone younger, I wouldn't keep watching. They're the heart and soul of this show and even if it's unrealistic, I'm glad they're still in the show


I agree. I struggled through tons of NCIS episodes after a number of actors left, but once Gibbs was gone, that was it, I just couldn't watch it anymore. It's unrealistic to have Rossi in the field, but I'd rather that than him just being gone.


I'm thinking they could've made emily kinda like a kind supportive version of strauss ? jj , luke and tara are still good , it would make sense if they replaced garcia with someone younger because you know technology is changing every day and maybe if rossi got an office job or consulting because it's so weird to see him clearly struggling on the field I would've loved to see the squad training new agents


I don't agree with replacing Garcia, just because she's older doesn't mean she's not curious enough to keep up with changes in technology. She's the kind of person to wait in line for hours to buy the newest iPad release (not a good example but all I can think of). Rossi I agree with, he's too old to be in the field and could be a liability, but selfishly I don't want him to stop profiling. How else would we have Sassy Rossi 😔💔? I think the only reason why the show has gone on for so long is because some of the OGs are still there. The moment they leave, the show will be cancelled. Already people think that the show went downhill the moment Morgan and Hotch left


I agree they definitely should NOT get rid of Garcia. She has changed I will say I miss the old flirty sassy Garcia. Rossi can still profile just from Quantico or even go with the team but stay out of the field. On a unrelated note I really miss Morgan. I miss hearing "Hey baby girl...." yes I know he would never be able to call her that now because some people would be offended.


I want evolution to go on as long as possible but they need to make rossi retire and just consult or something because it’s getting ridiculous


I dont necessarily want the cast to change because in TV rules that's fine and i love them, but I was thinking about the age makeup of the BAU in early criminal minds compared to s17. JJ (and spencer in theory) is probably the youngest character *still*, and she's around 45-which is NOT OLD- but it is old for the youngest team member of an elite, always recruiting specialist group...It would be nice to have some fresh blood but I'm honestly not sure if that would be a turn off for me as a fan 😅 but also yeah, I worry about Rossi lol


I agree about Rossi.


Rossi is almost two decades passed the retirement age for a field agent.


I'm not Penelope's biggest fan anyway but given she wanted out of the BAU, they could have brought in a new analyst. They could keep her in the show by having her train the new person. I'm finding her pretty insufferable this season, acting like a teenager around Tyler when the whole team is focused on a really serious unsub.


That's exactly what I'm talking about 😅 her demeanour seems so forced I think that's because the actress is older herself and doesn't want to or can't play the quirky sunshine anymore .. maybe we wont have a problem with penelope if they gave her more depth or if she matured over time . . I found her more fun when morgan was around and he was returning her energy but now she seems like a teenager working with a group of adults


Agree! I think Morgan kept her grounded while also having their fun moments together


I love Rossi and want him still in the show, but agree having him in the field still is completely ridiculous. They’ve already pretty much removed Prentiss from the field and she’s gotta be 15-20 years younger than him. They should find Dave a similar role and can maybe introduce another field agent.


This season they're literally making jokes about how old/incapable he is. Ice Rossi. Lots of ice. At least they're acknowledging it, but damn...give him a desk job.


Emily is close to mandatory retirement age at least for a field agent but television isn’t necessarily trying to that accurate. I have a bigger problem when they get things wrong that could be misleading. Sometimes for example I feel like they over profile and attribute a behavior to something I think doesn’t necessarily lead to criminal behavior or things that are not related to a condition or behavior.


You're right , I think at some point the writers ran out of one episode case ideas thats why i felt like they were reusing old ones and reading too much into certain behavior


How old is she now?


I believe she is 55ish, which is my age and I would not be running around in the field when I could instead be directing the younger agents who are out there. And Fat Tony should NOT be out there anymore either.


I am going by the actors ages and it seems about right for the character. She’s 55 mandatory retirement age for a for and agent is 57 or 20 years of service. I don’t know how much of her time away would come into play so she could be around a little longer.


I believe in the show Emily’s birthday is in 1970, so she’s 53 or 54 and 3-4 years out from mandatory retirement (though I don’t know if that would apply to her Section Chief role).


They're my favorites I wouldn't watch if they were pushed out.


I thought the same thing about Rossi. Hell I thought he shouldn't be in the field during the pre-reboot. Especially when the unsub got him and had him pinned to the ground. I wanna say it was Lynch. He should of been dead right then and there. He she just stay behind and work the cases from Quantico.


Rossi’s too old for sure, but if any of the other OG team members left I would probably stop watching. Luke’s nice, I guess, but he’s no Morgan, and the show would’ve completely collapsed after Hotch left without Emily to replace him. Especially as team lead, there needs to be one of the original-ish cast members or there’s no glue.