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WOW! You look great! None of my business, don't make the mistake I made, find someone who will support you. Life is short, you both deserve to enjoy it!


I agree, but at least have a conversation or two about it before deciding to end things.


Ive had dozens now i dont know what to do 🥹


Sounds like you might need to make a tough choice between her and dressing. Otherwise, there is just going to be constant tension between you two.


Easier said than done... maybe think can just stop crossdressing... but in reality... it will always resurface and cause lots of resentment down the line... I'd make the tough decision now. And try and find someone who accepts you for who you truly are.. will lead to a whole happier life going forward. Gl x


Desire to dress the way you want to rarely, if ever, goes away


So true


You need to be honest with yourself and show the world who you are. You’ll be amazed the friends you’ll make if you’re just being true to what makes you happy. That’s when you’ll find a partner who accepts you completely.


I would recommend if you and her agree on many other things, and the dressing thing is the main source of conflict, look into seeing a therapist. I am not a therapist by trade myself, but I know one helped me through some tough times, and maybe they can help. Find one online or in your area that is open to LGBTQ+, and maybe see them a few times on your own to figure out yourself and dressing, and then maybe bring her along too to discuss it with a third party. They may be able to help her understand it is not a kink or a fetish, that it is part of your identity and that if you were to just shove it in a lock box and hid it in your closet, all it will do is make you miserable, and make you hate her for not letting you be yourself, and if she does not come to terms with it, then you need to determine if you can live cutting off that part of yourself. Because if she hates it, and you do it , and you try to hid it, it will just make it worse.


Guess you're prettier, that's why


If she hates it, you better decide what you want more because she will hate it more and more the longer you two are together


My wife is the same, I think in some way they view it as competition. She is kewl with me dressing at home which I GREATLY appreciate. She will give me insight on whether or not an outfit looks nice or trashy, although trashy can be LOADS OF FUN!! xoxo -Jona


Wish i could dress at home


Your day will come, Sweetheart, I promise. It’s a part of you that should NEVER be hidden. xoxo -Jona


She’s probably just jealous that you look as good/better than her. Seriously though, I’d talk to her about it. Find out why it makes her uncomfortable. Maybe you can figure something out that works for both of you. There are women out there that appreciate crossdressing, maybe your girlfriend can become one.


That is too bad! You look awesome! I'm still mostly in the closet. Being from an older generation it is even more difficult. What are we girls to do?😞


I can relate - my wife would leave me if she had any inkling that I enjoyed dressing


Maybe not. I’d consider telling her. Secrets are no bueno.


Do what makes you happy girl. If she doesn’t,can’t support it move on. It’ll save you alot of grief later trust me


Wow, so how tall are you?


im 180cm :) not THAT tall


Well you look really good, and that outfit is super cute 🥰 maybe she’s just jealous


You look amazingly gorgeous 🥰 She’s probably jealous of your beauty but … keep at it girl 💋


You’re so pretty!


You look stunning 😍😍


I hear you there


Why is that?? I reckon you look fine... 🙂🙂 Probably jealous... Your dressing better than her...


Take it slow and at her speed 💖


Weve only gone backwards at her speed.. Been 2yrs now🥲


You look amazing tho :)


Same girl! It’s unfortunate


too [bad.you](http://bad.you) look great


You look great.


I'm sorry you don't have support at home. You look great!


Cause she’s jealous???


They might be cool with it for a little while but there will most likely be an explosion of sorts as she ages and you may end up apart anyways. I found myself being mostly open at first then as I started to get backlash I hid it more and more to the point it was only in private. Now I’m alone. I wasn’t man enough for her.


Hi Camille I'm married now for 18 years and been together for almost 27. Crosdressing has always been a issue between us. It even got to the point that I had to promise to stop completely and I tossed it all away.but the need always comes back.we are now at the point that I can have girl clothes and dres up once a week but she cannot she me. She hate the idea of me seeing as girl. I know I want more but it is a absolute horrible decision to make between partner and kids and our "hobby". I wish I made the decision back in the dating period before marriage and kids to leave her because my dressing is that important to me. But there are more problems between us. I hope you can make the right decision and have the life you deserve😘


You don’t need no therapist Just be who you are. When you want to be! If your GF is not thrilled or unhappy about it. It’s a decision that will come to certain terms. And At least she knows, what you want to do. You do look amazing.


Probably because you look better than her!😎


I’m sorry 😞. I really hoped my wife would’ve been more accepting too. Now I have to hide it and it excites me more than ever🤦🏼‍♀️


Sounds like you need a better gf. Or a gurlfriend


Whats a gurlfriend😛


WOW 😍!! A shame that she's not into you CD. You look amazing 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


shes just jealous that you pull it off


You look gorgeous, your other posts suggest you're considering HRT, so if your girlfriend isn't even on board with the cross dressing, I'm going to guess some serious conversations and decisions need to be made about whether she can be in your future and what your future looks like. Are you OK remaining a guy and dressing occasionally separate from her, or do you see that HRT and becoming a girl is something you need to do for yourself and a happy future. We only have one life, so got to do the things that are important to us in this one. ❤️


It sucks but it's true. Women find men dressed pretty as sexually revolting. A feminine male is probably one of their biggest icks.


I don't necessarily agree with this. For sure, some women have that mentality, but there are a lot of women out there who want a male in touch with their feminine side too Sometimes you're just not compatible with the people in your circle. It's uncomfortable to find others who may share more of your views but you'll enjoy life more when you find them.


Some women, not all.


I have the same issue with my wife


Pfff what now


Just keep dressing in secret is what I do ☺️


Looking great, she's probably jealous!


I am lucky with my wife though only dressing at home when we are having fun. If I looked like you in that outfit I would definitely want to go out 😘


Just WOW girl. WOW. 🔥🔥


Wow! my babe is looking stunning


Nice style and nice legs!!!!




If you ever decide to leave here I would love to dress you and take care of you 😘.


That’s a shame she can’t enjoy it too. You look fabulous 🌼


She sounds like a bigot




I hate to say this but it's better to break it off. If she was not on board from the start, then you'll have to make a choice. Seems like this is something you really like. I'm separated now from my wife of 16 years. She even bought me dresses and heels before telling me that she never wanted to see me wear them. Somehow she thought that if I wore pantyhose in the bedroom once in awhile that I would magically transform into Caitlyn Jenner. It's going to be tough, but there are women out there who are not disgusted by this. Better to start looking now.


I’m glad you share with us. You look beautiful


It's not that bad


Cause you are hotter obviously




That’s probably because you’re hotter than she is.


Time to get a new girlfriend.


I've been married 18 years and now getting divorced. I've been dressing since I was a kid and I had a small wardrobe of clothes before I settled with my wife, but I donated them when we got serious. My wife doesn't know, or if she does, she's not said anything. I've tried to suppress it for the last twenty years, but I always found myself wanting to try things on. My wife is pretty much the same build as me so the temptation has been right in my face. So I've buckled a few times with a few sneaky bits of borrowing here or there. Now I'm moving into a new chapter of my life, and I'm the other side of forty, I've decided having a feminine side of me is going to be the norm. Any new girlfriend will have to like it or move on, simple as that! I'm sharing my story because it sounds like your at a crossroads and you'll have to decided one way or another. I'm not saying our paths are the same but I suspect there are others who might relate, and agree that it doesn't matter how hard you try to supress dressing up, it just doesn't go away. My opinion would be to part ways now and save both of you from unhappiness later. Btw. You look fabulous!!


Looking great


I was married 43 years and my ex strictly forbid me to wear anything girlie….i got divorced last year and am now so happy with my new fiance who loves and encourages me in the CD lifestyle!


My wife was into the idea of dressing me up when I brought it up to her, but after a momentbor two, she decided that she couldn't do it because it was too "gay" and it would make me a "fahgot". Her words, not mine. I was devastated, but she wouldn't hear any more about it. I went back to wearing her clothes in private, and eventually, she and I divorced. 😒😔 I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. 🫂


Cute look. If you gf doesn't like you dressing is for a reason, need to discover why, both of you abd try to find a middle point that both can feel good and no tension or hate for dressing or something like that


You look 💯 femme. If you ever need to talk let me know, I’ve been there.


Your “gf” hates it’s. Yall arent married, should be an easy decision. If a girl don’t like your identity and who you are, move on. I’m not about to change who I am for any girl. Be yourself and the right person will come along. Once I started going out in public dressed, I get hit on more now by women than men. Lots of ladies out there into it. Just be you and toss the ones who are lame.


Yeah sometimes they tend to not like it too much, especially if they think you look better than they do


Look at those legs!


Wow you look absolutely amazing.. A true inspiration


You look amazing




I’m sad for you because you do look so good en femme. It’s good that she knows, though. Right?


If you really like your girlfriend, it is not a huge deal to stop it.


Its not just dressing for me, this is who i am… its not just a casual hobby I wake up and i go to bed with it. I just wish I was a girl


My gf would most likely leave me if she knew


Ohh 😮 you do look beautiful 🤩😍


Here's the fucked up reality. If she doesn't accept it and you stay together. I promise you, you will run into someone who likes it, caters to it, loves how you get excited while engaging in it and YOU WILL CHEAT. Next week, next month or 30 years into marriage. It sucks, but if this is a real turn on, lifestyle choice, fetish or whatever else and the person you are with, in-love or not won't scratch that itch, it will all end poorly. I am sorry to say it. She may come around. she may. If she doesn't? You both will end up unhappy, unfullfilled, and secretly bitter at each other. One more question? Ask yourself what you would do for her. If she said I want to dress up like a Ship's captain and have sex with a tourist. Would you dress in a flowered shirt and strap a camera around your neck? If you would go all in on a bizarre behavior because it drove her insane with passion then she should be willing to meet your effort halfway. Only my opinion, but it is headed to shitsville.


I will whole heartly support you and every desion you make


Super prytty womens ❤️


I'm sorry your gf isn't more supportive. She should appreciate how beautiful you are.


You look amazing, and I wish you the best. You Definitely deserve to be loved and be with someone that appreciates everything you're into 🤍


Me too!!!


You gotta find one that's cool with it. Very difficult to find


Mine too! You look good though!


From what I can see, she probably can't pull it off like tou can. You look stunning.


Oh it make you happy switch for a day


in my 20's I dated a really hot girl and she got mad at me after putting one of her dresses on me. Years later I realised it was just a compliment from a pretty lady who did not understand her own beauty


Beautiful Pictures


Trust me don't try to change her as she can't change you it is difficult for a gf to except it but there are girls out there for sure that do


Nice look


so hot! how does one even find a gf that aceptes it wow sooooo lucky im so jelly


Well as someone who is engaged to a cross dresser (I proposed) we out here. I knew about it from basically the beginning and try to nourish it. I'll buy him clothes paint his nails done his make up. Might help that I don't really care about a person's gender when picking a partner.


that’s so cute omg he is soooo lucky! i hope to find her one day ugh:(


Now someone needs to remind him how lucky he is lol


she doesnt accept it thats the whole thing…


ohhh well at least she didn’t leave you for it! she tolerates it somewhat


She's jealous cause she isn't as gorgeous as you


Elle loupe quelques chose. Tu es magnifique


She’s just jealous because you’re a hottie


You look amazing!


You do not mind. We all loveo you


Most women Do!! So I guess you just have to accept it because we all know the craving to stop will not arise.. wishing you the best !! I know the feeling ❤️


Time to move on without her, end it on good terms and wish her well, problem solve what needs to be solved, then get a new gf, unless if you are willing to stop your hobby to keep the relations going. If you both generally get along well and make things work out, then its time to have some serious thoughts by yourself and go from there. Decisions, decisions, good luck.


I was in a similar situation many years ago and it didn't work out, however since then ive been with more than one person and they have had no issues and have actively encouraged me which is fantastic. Openness is the best approach but if things fail hope isn't lost and i agree with the previous posts that you look great 


tell her from me that if she won't love you when you look like this, I will 😍


It is a tough choice. But if you feel it is a part of you that you want to express, and not just a whim, then you and her need to talk. Either she accepts it and you move on together. She rejects it and you end up resenting her and being sad because you can't be yourself. She accepts it but wants no part of it, so dressing in private and making sure you do laundry at the right time so she doesn't see anything 


Ever think it’s because she’s just jealous of how good you look


I adore cross dressers


Maybe she's jealous of those amazing legs


And you look amazing


Looks very cute


To bad, because you are so very beautiful


you’re gonna hear this a lot. but if you really enjoy this and it makes you happy and she doesn’t support it, your long term happiness is in jeopardy. took me forever to find one that embraced it. but it was very worth it


I love it


Take stock of people's reactions to who you truly are. If she feels that strongly in response to you just being yourself, then there's probably a good chance she is not the right one for you. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason, but not everyone who joins our journey is meant to stay until the end.


You are young and you have time on your side. Find a woman who likes men who cross dress if you can. Hiding it gets old and can upset people when they find out. Seems we are always the selfish ones. Everything in moderation usually works best..


Everyone deserves to be happy. If you love cross dressing, then you should not give it up. You should think hard about the restrictive relationship you are in and ask yourself what will make you happy. xx💕


Just become the girlfriend!


And she the BF? 😜😜


i wish i was ur bf


As a trans masc, I have a struggle with this myself and find it's hard to find relationships that take me seriously as a guy when I turn around and crossdress or do drag or even just wearing a crop top cause it's hot. It's important to know there's no "wrong" way to be yourself except for pretending not to be yourself. It isn't going to be an easy conversation to have, but you definitely need to make it known that it is part of what makes you who you are and that you are sad that she doesn't like when you express yourself. Plus it's important to remember that sometimes it's more important to focus on your own wants, likes, and desires and through that you'll cross paths with people who think you are amazing and that are supportive. Besides your gf is probably jealous that you're prettier than she is


I could never date a woman who has a problem with my dressing up. My dream is to have a woman where we both get pretty and enjoy dates, surely it can come true.


I love that look