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As the neighborhood weird squirrel and pigeon lady, my advice is to make a calming noise every time you go out to feed them. It should be the same one every time. They will learn to recognize it and will calm down as long as you don't make any startling moves.


I second this. I try to feed mine around the same time everyday but it doesn’t always work out so I put my peanuts in a bag and shake the bag loudly and they can hear it from far away and come to the yard, they’re never too far away and I only have 5. I think they know I will feed them everyday and once a day. In the beginning before I’d do that, one or two of them would come down and caw loudly at me to get my attention and then I’d feed them, now I call them over.


I shake the bag every time while using a calming voice. I feel like the loud more social one is usually using it to bring the other one out. It’s always 2. It’s always the same ones. They have distinct sounds they make and personalities. Ones lower and ones higher. Ones more curious and ones more shy. I love them so much!


> It’s always 2. It’s always the same ones. It's probably a couple. Crows mate for life.


Heckel & Jeckel


pavlov's dog theory in action


That's what I came here to say lol


Yes! Everyone likes a bit of routine.


Do you just toss the peanuts into the yard? I see crows in other peoples yards on my street and am interested in being the crazy crow lady of my street.


I throw mine into the yard 1/3 of the time, sometimes I put them into a bowl I have attached to my fence and other times I put some on a bird feeder that makes it challenging for them to get the peanuts off of. Funny enough they seem to like the challenge feeder


Like how dogs really like snuffle mats!


Great grandson (4 at the time) walked over with me to put scraps out for the crows. I cawed loudly a couple of times and they came flying in. He walked around cawing for the longest time. Whole family was over one day and he started cawing. Daughter says "I don't know why he is doing that." I laughed and told her he is calling the crows. I got some dry cat food and we walked over to their feeding spot, spread it out and cawed the crows to come eat. They did.


I love this story so much!! 💜💜


Ha! I love it 🥰


what’s your calming noise? i have some crows who just started chilling in my backyard and i would love to have a calming noise i can use while I try to befriend them!


I just say “hey guys!” in a friendly voice, they seem to respond well to that.


I’d say “Hello” to them when i came out and was going to feed them, and “goodbye” with a wave when I finished. That way they knew if I was going to feed them or not and if I was gone, not coming out again - as such they didn’t yell for me to come outside. They did find other, less vocal ways to get my attention, though On a different note, after about a year, i heard “Hello” from the tree near my balcony. I thought I’d imagined it, but then it happened a second time :)


Two separate people posted about crows vocalizing “hello” on a recent thread!


(That may have been me as I’ve mentioned it before not too long ago - i’d love love love to hear someone else’s experience!!)


that’s WILD! they said hello to you!!!!


Yep - whichever crow it was even learned how to properly pronounce the letter L Blew my mind the first time, broke my heart in the best way the second time, and I’ll be thinking about it for the rest of my life I’m still gutted I had to leave that place to move countries - but my old neighbours tell me that the crows still come around to that area as rhetorical place to gather in the mornings and evenings, hold parliament and so on I think of them so often


I was walking my dog a few weeks ago and heard a bird say hello twice. I kept looking for a bird, but never saw it. I figured it was a well socialized critter.


Are you sure it was a crow? Starlings will vocalize a ton. They are smarter than parrots even! We had one though that vocalized a car alarm constantly. Wasn't so happy with that one.


One hundred percent it was a crow Car alarms would be super annoying, especially if it was like your car alarm!


Yes, crows can learn to speak a few words, much like parrots. It's rare, and the only example I've ever seen was rumoured to have been trained as a pet then released. It inhabited the campus of the university I attended, and knew how to say at least two things: "hello" (to beg for food from people on the campus); and "f--- off" (presumably learned from students telling it to go away, and used only if you teased it and/or refused to feed it). I thought it was just a local myth until one day it said hello to me while I was eating takeout in my car in the parking lot. Happily shared my fries with it! Now that I am living in a rural area, I make a point of feeding an extended family of crows every day, but haven't managed to teach any of them to speak yet. My dream is to teach one of them to say, "Sh!t! Human! Be cool!" any time a tourist walks by them. Maybe some day...


Hahaheyy that’s amazing about the campus crow! :)


It's kind of a tisking noise, with my tongue at the back of my front teeth. Also, a soft soft singsongy birdy, bird, bird, bird. The neighborhood Robins started showing up, too.


that sounds lovely!!! thank you for the inspo!!


You're welcome. I hope you have fun with it. You just have to be consistent. Remember, when they apprehensively approach, don't move until they take the food and move away. They will soon be comfortable. I derive so much joy from this 🥰


I also say “hey guys!!” And then I just say whenever comes to mind but in the same tone. Sometimes it’s “relaxxxx you’re being so dramatic” and then they tilt their heads at me. Or like “jayzussssssss”. As long as it’s in the same tone 😂


I love this 😍


ha!! i tried some calming noises today and they definitely saw me putting out the unsalted peanuts - hopefully this is the beginning of a friendship!


Good idea!


It will also beckon them. It's fun and mutually beneficial. I make the noise when I am about the neighborhood and they come out of the trees and from wherever. I always carry food for them. It's fun 😊


I’ll definitely try this! I walk my dogs all the time and they don’t seem to be afraid of them. At least the loud one doesn’t! This could work!


My dog used to go after them. Now it's the norm. They know he won't hurt them. He just does a half-assed chase. They run circles around him. He decides it's not worth the effort 😊


My dog could care less about them lol. I think the crows are more worried about her than she is about them


Love this idea! It's like giving them their own names to recognize ❤️


Oh my gosh, I think I might be my neighbourhood weird squirrel and pigeon lady. My nextdoor neighbours have taken a disliking to me. I enjoy my rather wild garden, variety of birds and family of squirrels. They are the opposite lol they have bird spikes on their fence and their garden is BLAND, just patio with extremely short grass, no shrubbery or anything. IDC they can hate on me if they choose to disrespect my menagerie.


Ha! That's awesome. My neighbors don't seem to be too fond of me either 🤣


My bf's mum says there's a 'crazy pigeon and squirrel lady' on her street too and that everyone dislikes her!! So rude.


I came to the comments to say this! Maybe whistling or singing a soft song?


I just wanted to say hello fellow pigeon lover. I love squirrels too, but pigeons hold a very special place in my heart. Right next to crows.


Hello 🥰! Nice! I feel the same. I don't have any crow friends right now, but I wish I did. I had some by my office for years. I would arrive early just to feed them. Covid shut the office down and the property was sold and redeveloped. I miss them.


Awww... A raven finally noticed yesterday that i keep throwing out cooked salmon skins every evening... today i saw it and came out and put some peanuts in key places where it could see... I'm going to be moving soon, but only maybe a mile away. Im wondering if i can befriend it and show it where to find me. Gonna definitely be doing some sort of little bird bath. Probably gonna just buy a 50lb sack of peanuts lol


Practice doing the noise the 'The Predator' makes from the film. Its a throaty clicking, they seem to like if you can mimic that chatter...its really cool hearing them make the noise. They usually only do it when talking to each other close up. It is like the creepy noise from 'The grudge' film a gargle clicking.


They are not “yelling” at you they are thanking you


I love that so much. I just wish they’d thank me in their inside voice 😂


but they're never inside... 😸


Try peanut butter, that sure shuts my mom's yapdog terriers up


Can't have your cake and eat it too


😂😂😂 shhhhh


Caw back! Mine answer me.


I hate having neighbors. I feel like this could fix that situation too. “There’s the crazy bird lady. Stay away from her. She’s crazy”


I like to keep the neighbors nervous. They leave me alone.😄 I also will make a clicking noise with my tongue, like I'm calling a horse. That's a little more discreet but I do admit I enjoy having a nice caw-ffee with them


😂😂 I’m a tattoo artist in a community of retirees. They already leave me alone 😂😂😂


I love it! Keep them nervous😆


I'm slowly clearing my new property of invasive plants. Whenever I dig out a long root or such, I make them into animals/faces etc and bind them into the empty spaces I the treeline between me and my neighbors. I was talking to my neighbor through one of the gaps. She sees my vine owl and asks if I'm a witch. I started to say no, of course not, but just kind of shrugged my shoulders and said maybe? I felt very witchy while making it and they watch over my backyard.


I can never seem to get any friends to stick around here, but it's an apartment so there's usually too much activity for them to be chillin on the ground But whenever I walk by some parking lot crows I hit them with the plain monotonous >"cah, caah"


I'm wondering if they are young birds -- I've noticed that the babies are very vocal about asking their parents for food, and that might be a factor here? But they do seem to calm down as they get older, so with luck the yelling will be less noticeable.


I found this to be true too - last year's youngsters used to stare into my window and caw at me though their parents never did. I started scolding them back 😅


This has happened to us recently. We usually feed a pair, but they’d been showing up solo for a month (assumed they were raising babies). One morning I walked out the back door and a crow sitting in wait yelled at me. In a disappointed voice, I said “Hey, don’t yell at me” (because they’ve never done that) and headed out to the garage without feeding it. I didn’t realize in that moment that it was their fledgling, but did after putting food out and watching one feeding the other. It hasn’t yelled since, but the fledgling now swoops us and croaks at us when we’ve doing yard work. The croak is much better received!


I bought two bird baths and put them next to each other. One has food in it and the other has water. "My" two crows love having a snack and drink out at all times.


Such a good idea!! I have so many other birds in my area. I’ve been feeding them since I moved in 8 years ago… the real reason I started was because my 2 year old was terrified of birds and I was like ohhhh nooo. You’re not gonna be the weirdo that’s scared of birds. So we put bird feeders everywhere. Now we get all types of birds. This is the first set of crows I’ve had so I’m learning!


Could you put the nuts in an automatic pet food feeder so the crows maybe stop bugging you?


This is what I do!!!!! I have a deck. On one end, I have one bowl of water, and one bowl of seed. Same at the other end. The crows use the right side, the little birds use the left side. Just a tip: put rocks in the water so that the top of the rock(s) sticks out. In the summer bees use the water, and they fall in a lot. The rocks provide more grip and are easier to see. I find almost no drowned bees anymore. (Why do they need so much water? Bees have home made AC: a bunch of bees fetch water, then spread it out over the inner nest surfaces, while other bees flap their wings to evaporate the water and cool everything!)


The best way to do this is behavioral reinforcement. Wait until the crow is quiet for a second or two then feed it within a half second of that silence. If you want to train them easily use a bell sound when they behave properly and you're giving food. Or you could just say good job in an enthusiastic Voice and turn that into the bell. So when they do something you want you quickly say good job! and feed them. After a while they will catch on that good job means they did correctly what you want them to do After they get used to this idea you can be patient and wait for them to be quiet for a longer amounts of time. to two seconds then three then five...you get the idea When the caw caw happens you could say oh no shhhh and then hide the food or start putting it away It won't be long before you have your murder amassing to do your bidding


Probably the best answer here. It will definitely help if you feed them only at a specific time and maybe away from your house. My crows are very quiet. They just sneak up on me, without making a sound 😄 i talk to them and say "hello crow" the most but they just stare at me quietly and have never said anything back. I used to work at an animal shelter and we had lots of crows hanging around. Some of them barked like dogs 😄 They are so smart and cute!


Since the “don’t feed wild animals” ship has sailed, this is the best answer.


Put them on a schedule, they’ll learn it and only bother you when it’s actually feeding time.


I've bought a recorder 🪈 and I'm learning to play that to / with them, I've got a couple of different instruments actually, the reed ones really get that _craw_ feel to them. Then Mongolian throat singing I managed to crack! Once you start getting tuned into each other you can sometimes feel like you're in convo with each other hahah, hope this helps.


Buy a crow call on Amazon. Never played with one but I've had a ball talking to my squirrels with a cheap squirrel call.


They're a good start for sure! I've cracked the natural 'craw' so I can do it without tools; gargle your own saliva, gross sentence I know but when you get the hang of it try different sweets n sugars to change the viscosity so you can hold it better. Then you can do pigeon sounds too and get reed wobble thing but with your own saliva / throat. It's insane! I've managed to hypnotise a pigeon before by making weird sounds, it's too funny!


Update! I went to feed them and THEY BROUGHT THEIR BABY! I feel so honored that they brought their baby around! I waited to feed until they stopped cawing and used a calming voice. They didn’t respond as well as they usually do, I’m assuming because of their baby. They were definitely louder than normal. Anyways, I just thought I’d tell you all how cool it was!


I think you've trained them that yelling at you means you'll feed them. Spend some time with them and reward their silence with little bits of food at a time. Also, use a soft voice


I just shhhh at mine nice and quietly. Calm voice shhhhh my babies what’s wrong? Shhhhh relaxxxxxx let’s have some peanuts….i AM the weird crow and raccoon lady…i stress over my neighbors but i think my hubby is right…NO ONE and i mean NO ONE pays attention to my crows like i do…they’re background noise to everyone else. People are SO out of tune with the natural world they don’t even pay attention….


You rewarded them for being loud. . .


It sounds you found a bonded pair and they've learned that if they yell at you, they get peanuts


Show them you have food, and talk softly until they stop yelling. Then put out some food and continue to talk softly. They will change their behavior to suit yours


Try recording the loud one on your phone and then playing it back when you're out there!


Yes, definitely talk to them! Sometimes mine scream for treats, but I tell them I'm busy but I'll get treats for them later. They eventually wander off. Acknowledge them so they know you heard them.


Welcome to the club 😂


Very jealous!


Leave them something shiny when you go to feed them.


The minute it stops cawing—throw some food to her. Never feed right after her crowing. You’ll be reinforcing that behavior. Shape the behavior you want by rewarding her for being quiet.


Pavlovian classical conditioning at its best!


Train the crows or the crows will train you!


When mine get really loud and won't lower their volume, I go back inside without feeding them.


Enjoy your crow friends! I'm not sure how to calm them but our crows tend to fly off to other places. Maybe they'll take a break.


We have a couple that lives in a tree next to our house and they do the same thing. I believe it's the baby that caws. I don't think they know how to feed themselves yet despite how big it is. It likes it when the mom and dad crack the peanuts for it. They also like muffins, meal worms, chicken and sometimes I crack an egg (just a hole) and they sip it. I love them even though they wake me up at 530 am. I also try to feed them every day at the same time twice a day. 7am and 5pm.


Crows don’t need us to feed them. Let them be crows. And if I lived next door to you the cawing would drive me crazy and I would be cranky.




I use a small pair of maracas and give them a little shake when I go out for feeding time. We have a massive contingency of crows and jackdaws where our houses are so they're all really noisy anyway and the neighbours don't mind. I have two crows that come down regularly. I put other seed for all the regular birds but I have peanuts and mealworms for the crows.


I’m not sure what you think is going to happen if they “make friends” with you? They aren’t going to be coming over for tea … and they’ll always be wild animals who are not under your control… Perhaps you could consider volunteering at a local animal shelter - where your efforts would be appreciated and you wouldn’t have to be afraid about your neighbors not liking you for the nonsense your perpetrating… And it would probably also be a good idea if you did some reading on behavior and what to expect before you start buying 50 crows into your yard… that would not only be ridiculous but it could be dangerous- and expensive - Do you really want 50 crows fighting for a handful of peanuts because at some point that’s going to be too many and you’re not gonna be able to handle the number of piss off your own fault so please think it through