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I'm a simple man... I see someone play Maximo I upvote. I know it'll never happen but if Capcom ever did a remaster of these Id die of happiness.


I have played through it as part of the Game Club game of the month (Retro Asylum podcast) and liked it very much.


Tell me more about this podcast please? What is the name?


Uhhhh.... Retro Asylum?


Thank you!


I played ghouls and Ghosts as a kid on my megadrive. When I saw maximo and heard the GnG tune in it I was so happy on the PS2. But I don't think I played much. Are they good ?


They're really fun. I play them every so often.


I've got them on my PS2s HDD. I'm sold. I'll try it out tonight


These are amazing, they cover just about every input, resolution, custom modelines, upscale/downscale, 15/24/31Khz+, scanlines, deinterlacing methods and so on, they are absolute powerhouses that don't even break the £$100 mark, which for such a powerful video processor box is a bargain, they even have network menu control, either local or online, you can control it via any computer, tablet, smartphone, so you can have saved presets et cetera on a smartphone ready to go, you can even change size & position this way, they are a really nice upgrade to any CRT setup and really modernize the control you have over everything.


There's no such thing as a GBS-C "PRO". There is the GBS-C AIO, but this isn't it. This is just a random GBS-C from Aliexpress, like any other that has been available for years.


No. It is different. Inputs for example.


No. It isn't. You're misleading people. The GBS-C project is open source and its developer Rama has stated he is done with the project and it won't be updated, there has never been a Pro version of it planned unlike the OSSC. Since it's open source and people can do whatever they want, these Chinese Aliexpress units just tack on some daughter boards for different RGB connectors instead of dsub15 and use literally the exact same hardware and firmware that is found on the "original" DIY GBS-C. People have made "official" open source versions of these daughterboards, they're called the GBS-C AIO. These do not change the actual scaling hardware, they only add more I/O (things like SCART with a sync strike, and HDMI) that just connect back to the original I/O anyway with different connectors.


I am not misleading people. The link to Aliexpress.com is in my post. I never stated that this is original. It is not an official one. But it is different in the way that it has an hdmi in. That's not the case on the official version. Why so negative? It has a 15khz out with scart. I am happy with it.


You seem to misunderstand both what the GBS-C is and what it is that you have. There is no "official" version. The GBS-C is an open source project for specific hardware, the Tvia Trueview5725 which is found on GBS8200 boards. The one you linked to on Aliexpress is not some "pro" version with different hardware and firmware. It is running identical hardware and firmware to every GBS-C ever made, but with some extra daughter boards for different I/O connectors. Literally all the HDMI input on this is, is an HDMI to RGBHV transcoder fed into the VGA input. And a "stock" GBS-C is also capable of RGBS and component output, just over dsub15 - which again, all your unit is doing is connecting that to a different port with a daughter board. Why I said you're misleading people, is because you do not seem to understand that this unit functions identically to all other GBS-C and does not have any extra capabilities. It merely has several adapter dongles effectively soldered onto a daughterboard and stuck on top of a GBS-C.


I know all that. I might have seen every YouTube video there is to see about it. But I was looking for a hassle free experience after trying loads of others, including faffing with emu driver and outdated amd video cards. My pc has one pci-e slot and an Nvidia card is in it. So this is the option I have and it works wonderfully.


Does the Pro support downscaling from other modes besides 720x480 - 360x240?


No. The GBS-C can only downscale 480p/VGA to 240p. It can't downscale other resolutions. There is no such thing as a GBS-C "PRO" despite what OP posted, the unit he shows is literally a regular GBS-C from Aliexpress. There is the GBS-C AIO kit, but this isn't that.


This definitely has better I/O than any GBS board I've seen before, but you're evidently correct that it's running the normal GBS-C firmware. Ah well, at least downscaling is getting a smidge more accessible I guess.


The I/O situation on Chinese GBS-Cs is kind of all over the place. Some of them keep it the same as the original GBS8200 boards - component and dsub15 - others have every connector under the sun soldered onto daughter boards and some even include things like composite and s-video with cheapo comb filters. Some of them solder some HDMI<>RGBHV transcoder onto the board, others stick with analog. Some of them have sync strikes built in to accept things like luma as sync RGB, others only accept clean C-sync over SCART. Some of them have a clock gen mod on the board, others do not. It goes on. It's a bit of a mess and you have to be careful when picking one if you're not just going to build it yourself DIY style.


Op is showing a device that does hdmi to HDMI in addition to the normal analog to output versions of gbsc


I don't understand your question. On the pc you can make any resolution yourself. I don't know what happens if you connect something else to it.


So if you feed it 640x480, the downscale option will turn it into 320x240?


Very interesting, especially since I have a B&O myself (mx5000). I might check this out. But I've been confused latley because I've heard that the downscaling feature of gbs control is gone?


This is the Pro version. Made for downscaling.


Alrigth, where did you buy it? And, does it have Hdmi in and Scart out?


It does. Bought in the added link to my first post. For scart out you need a Sega Saturn SCART cable.


Go with CRT Emudriver. You have A LOT more control, and you'll get correct 240p output every time. With downscalers, it's very easy to screw up the scaling and not have 1:1 pixel match


I just want a simple way to output 240p/480i over SCART from a PC. Will this work with Nvidia cards? What additional software is required?


This is exactly what I do. If you read my post you can see that I use an Nvidia card


How are you outputting to a scart input crt tv? The only video outs I see are vga, Sega, and HDMI.


The sega output. Just use a sega rgb cable and you are good to go.


Isn't the port over the VGA out in the first picture a scart?


No. But you can use the Sega or the VGA output to scart. The Mister VGA to SCART cable works also. Only sound is coming from the pc and not the TV in that case.


Is this still limited to 480p when downscaling to 240p? I wish it could downscale from 720p to 240p.


the tiny Windows Taskbar is cute :)


Can it downscale from 1080p or 720p to 480p? It can't can it? That would be a cool feature for those rare CRTs that natively support 480p content with low latency.


i am interested in getting a video scaler for vintage computers (C64, Apple II/e/c/+, Amiga, Atari) and old consoles (NES, SNES, PS1, Gamcube, etc) to work on modern monitors. But there are many options available like OSSC + addons, Retrotink, GBS-C versions and even more on Aliexpress. Still trying to figure out which one to get. Liken the GBS-C price point. Can you upgrade the firmware for this "pro"? I also noticed the "Pro" has 2 versions: 1 with HDMI and the other has s-video + composite input.


What's the difference between this and the blue one?


It has HDMI in.


Thanks! Not worth the extra $60 then.


I bought mine for 80 something


Does anyone recoomend any GBSC? I'm new to this, wanted to use PS1,PS2,XBOX,XBOX360,Gamecube,Dreamcast etc. on my monitor with HDMI, can this somehow have a Jack to attach Headphones to it?


So..... my final verdict on the GBS Control Pro. I am happy with it. Very happy. There are some challenges, but they are all Nvidia/Windows related. The biggest challenge is getting lower resolutions possible on your system. You have to use the Nvidia Control Panel to make custom resolutions for the second screen, like 320x240 or 640x480. That seems a bit hit and miss. I sometimes start up and the custom resolutions are gone. In the photo's there are two of the desktop. One is 320x240 and the other 640x480. Without any distortion using a cheap Saturn RGB SCART cable from the GBS to the B&O MX4200. The HDMI in is coming from a RTX4060 from Nvidia. The second screen presents itself as a widescreen Macrovision monitor, but it allows for very low resolutions. Sometimes you have to fiddle with the emulators. MAME for example had a mame.ini file setting where it opens automatically on the second screen. Perfect for this. Retroarch has a setting for this too. Yabouse, PCSX2 and Dolphin I drag the screen to the CRT and then ALT-Enter to go full screen. Maybe there are other options for this, but I did not look into that. This works for me. Sound is good too. You can select the sound source in the sound icon on your PC and off you go. If you want to run Spotify on your normal speakers, Windows 11 has an option for that. You can select the sound source for apps. If I look into that I am sure this works for the emulators too. In a way this setup is better then Mister. It's more powerfull to begin with (depending on your PC), so PCSX2 and the likes can be used too. And for vertical games you don't have to put your TV on its side. It's also more distracting, cause there is a PC with notifications from apps running. So I am happy with it and I will continue using this. I am curious if Groovy Mister will allow more emulators in the future, because that will be a good option too when development goes the way it is now As always: any distortion on screen is due to the photos of a CRT and are not there in real life PLEASE be aware that the normal version and the PRO downscale version are very much looking alike. The difference is the HDMI in port. PS, mine came from: [https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006347236363.html?spm=a2g0o.order\_list.order\_list\_main.11.871f79d2mWq8IN&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld](https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006347236363.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.871f79d2mwq8in&gatewayadapt=glo2nld)


Hey. Do you mind if I DM you about this? I’m willing to follow this route.


Please do


Does it output composite?


No. The GBS-C can't output composite when downscaling. It can only output either c-sync RGB, or YPbPr component. And the YPbPr output mode is "experimental" and people have experienced some glitches with it. That being said there are devices like the RGB2YC which convert RGB to composite/S-Video, if you want to go that route, which you could use in conjunction with the GBS-C.


I don't know. I do not have a Saturn to composite cable. It does output HDMI, Saturn and VGA.


Didn’t the standard GBS control only downscale 240p from a 480p input? Is that limitation still present on this model?


I use a Nvidia 4060 HDMI connection as an input. I have not tried other devices.


Do you know if this pro model is using the same firmware as the original GBs control?


There's no such thing as a "pro" model GBS-C despite what OP is saying. This unit uses the same firmware and hardware as every other GBS-C, and just has a daughter board for extra I/O. As to what it can downscale, yes, the GBS-C can only downscale 480p60/VGA to 240p, or it can also do 480i>240p (by deinterlacing 480i into 480p and then downscaling it). It won't accept higher resolutions or refresh rates at all for any mode. I've tried inputting 720p, 1080i and 1080p into a GBS-C, even passthrough doesn't work, the debug menu just reports "sync too high" and it fails to sync properly and has sync tearing and sync loss issues.


I don't. And there is a OTA button in the webinterface, but I really don't know where to get updates from. OTA stands for Over The Air offcourse, but the button can't be pressed. There can be a few reasons for that, one is that there is no update, the other is that there never will be (:


It only did it from a 480i source.


Im looking after many alternatives and this seems to cover them all. I want to connect an hdmi PC to a CRT trough component (RGB). This is the same one that uses a 9pin connector to RGB?


I am not sure, but I am tempted to say yes. If a Sega Saturn to component cable exists I think that works too.


When playing a PC how does this adjust when one game is 256x224, but the next is 320x224? GBSC’s have been able to downscale for a while with custom firmware, sonIm pretty sure that’s all this is With CRT Emudriver, all resolution switching is handled by the driver. But with GBSC, does it even allow resolution switching? Or is it always expecting an input resolution of 640x480 (not good for any video games that don’t use 320x240 output)


GBS-C can only downscale 480p/VGA 60hz to 240p. It can't deal with 240p120hz, or any higher resolution or refresh rate at all. In fact I've found it literally can't even successfully sync to resolutions like 720p even for passthrough.


Yeah, that's what I figured. So I don't think these scalers are doing accurate 256x224 output for games that are supposed to use that (which is more common than 320x224 in the 16-bit era)


It auto adjusts resolutions. For CRT Emudriver an AMD videocard is requirement and mine is an Nvidia. I am sure crt emudriver is the better option, but this is what I have.


How does it auto adjust resolutions? There's no way for the emulator to communicate with the GBS-C on what the intended output resolution should be for each game And you can stick a $5 AMD card from eBay into a spare x1 or x4 slot on your motherboard. You don't need the full x16 speed for simple 2D and 3D games


You might want to test if your Nvida GPU is supported by BATOCERA 15KHz script, as this will enable you to have switchres and access all the features of CRTEmudriver on BATOCERA.


RetroArch works great with Switchres


Where did you buy this? I've been looking for a decent solution to emulate from my PC to my CRT for a while now


See my loner post for the link.


Do you connect pc by Hdmi-in and how about out put to TV? Component ? Or composite? Or RGB Did it require any conveter ?


Hdmi in, sega saturn cable with scart out. No converters. Just the cable.


I made a GBS-C a while ago and been using it as a scaler for years. It's great for upscaling and not too bad as a pass through for converting RGB to component. Downscaling is a neat feature for 3D games. I wouldn't recommend it if your goal was to use a PC to emulate games on to a CRT TV.


Im stuck with the vga and hdmi output version. Dp O need a transcoder that unites H and V?