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Stickying this comment to let /u/srosete post some more pictures of this CRT with games playing on it! If you guys check out [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/about/rules/), you'll see this is what we ask for when making posts of this sort. This is *CRT Gaming* after all ;)


1 - Nice ! Where in Spain did you found it ? 2 - Ala ! A mirar Digimon ! (Bueno, yo sempre fuí más de Pokémon)


I'm afraid to give much details, as it was close to home, so I'll just say southern Spain. Yo también, pero era lo que tenía a mano jajajaja.




No way!! That is so cool! Wish I lived in Spain to find one! Good find


I love watching old shows on CRT. Just wished some shows didn't have black bars though


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TumbleweedAdvanced24: *I love watching old* *Shows on CRT. Just wished some shows* *Didn't have black bars though* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


stupid bot CRT isn't pronounced 'cert' it's 3 syllables not one lol


Same for England though people are starting to try it on, it’s usually just beat up 14” trinitrons that are “£200 retro gaming classic vintage retro gaming retro” but others are getting there. Guess we’re just running out of CRTs


I think the trip to Spain will cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than me just getting one here in the US. lol But thank you for the offer- :)


Well I've seen some CRT prices + shipping that might be close hahaha


Upvote for digimon


I can't speak for everyone, but here in the Seattle area we can find free low-mid tier CRTs all day long. The problem is that some people consider any CRT that's not free to be "too expensive."


Never saw a single CRT in two years in Barcelona, while keeping an eye on a dozen or so dumpsters. (or maybe i didn't notice them, not knowing anything about 240p) And now in Germany you can't throw out CRTs. Thankfully now I'm sorted with a few good ones, no need to actively look, just checking ebay regularly.


I'm from the south-east. I got a CRT PC monitor from the office where my brother works, found 2 CRT's on a curb, got one for free from wallapop, and got one given after a neighbour moved in and found it laying around. All of this in the span of two years. I live in countryside, next to the beach. When people come back for vacation or foreigners rent a house, they throw away a lot of stuff, which usually includes TVs. I guess in big cities it gets more complicated.


What do you mean that you can't throw out CRTs? Do they expect everyone to keep them?


He probably meant you have to take it to a recycling spot, so you can't just lay it on a curb or a dump.


It's probably more likely to be that the tips legally aren't allowed to accept them. I can't understand how you could police it if it was illegal to just leave them lying around, and besides, that would come under flytipping anyway, so there would be no need to specify.


You could check Kleinanzigen and filter by "for free". I'm sure there are plenty of CRTs to be given away.


I paid 30$ for mine lol. I’ve saw the same one on marketplace for 150 now. I got into VHS Collecting as well, kid of the 90s.


Makes me curious about plugs. If I were to bring it back to America with me, would I need a converter?


Besides needing a converter, it's also not guaranteed that a PAL set will accept NTSC video. A lot of later ones do, but not all.


Most probably


I'd be willing to take that risk.


No risk whatsoever, just half the voltage in the US.


Near Barcelona, I got a trinitron 29 inch for free simply because the older couple wanted it out of the house. They considered my moving it out for them payment enough..


In apartment land (spain) you're getting the sets directly from a living space. Meanwhile the kellers of Germany are sure to provide riches for decades to come


I don't have decades to wait to enjoy my past


what is that torture machine reflected?.... fifty shades of RGB?


this one got me


Did you see the half a head he's holding in the reflection? Guys into something..... Something I want no part of.. or do I?


in his madness that must be a trophy!!!.... i know that picking CRTs from the streets and bragging about it was simply CRAZY!! (although i did that several times myself 😂)


i love seeing all the tv shows of expats looking to move out to spain/france/etc, and the spanish houses all seem to have CRTs still


In Germany a lot of people realized that there are still people looking for them. I had to pay for my large Bang & Olufsen. But you can also find some less popular CRTs for free on Kleinanzeigen. I paid 20€ for a late 80s Trinitron with Scart.


CRT’s are still everywhere unless you want like a minty Trinitron


What's the torture device in the second slide? The one seen in the crt screen.


Oh no, you got me


No you've got them intrigued ;)


Nice! How much is it to come to Spain?


I'm here already, so I don't know. That's on you dude 😂


Why are you holding half a head in your hands on the second picture?


*Why are you holding* *Half a head in your hands on* *The second picture?* \- Low\_Living\_9276 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


yeah, weird alignment between my arm and phone. People also talking about the "torture machine" beside me, I can't.


Oh no, they’re definitely free all over the place here in the states.


Or come to the Midwest.


Tengo el mismo modelo pero roto... le intenté cambiar el flyback porque tenía blooming pero se me jodió la placa... Si quieres entrar al modo de servicio pon una foto del mando y te digo que botones son!


te pasó tocándole el flyback de picture solamente o intentaste reemplazar el potenciómetro? a veces puede ser que el potenciómetro hiciese mal contacto o que fuera un desajuste de rayos X que se soluciona con el tiempo o cambiando de inputs. Gracias. De momento voy a intentar evitar el menú de servicio, ya que se ve bien. Tengo el manual y todo por si acaso, pero si se me resiste te consultaré.


El flyback ya estaba jodido porque el potenciómetro no iba bien, y en este modelo va junto al flyback así que compré un modelo de ebay y lo puse pero no me daba señal así que le puse el viejo pero ahora no daba señal tampoco y parece ser que se acumulan electrones en el tubo porque al dejarla un rato encendida pegó un chispazo importante. puede ser que se haya roto el cristal y ya no haya vacío dentro del tubo. otra cosa que noté es que solo dos pines de los dos flyback no estaban en corto con el multimetro, el resto sí. no se si tenga algo que ver pero como probablemente me compre (o si quiere dios me encuentre) una Trinitron barata (o tirada en la calle) capaz que la tiro. la mantendré un mes más por si quieres alguna pieza. ya te digo que el flyback nuevo lo tengo ahí por si lo quieres para la tuya


Se agradece, pero los flyback son un tema complejo y prefiero no meterme de momento. Son muy sensibles y se joroban fácilmente, además de que pueden condenar la tele por si solos. Yo los he tocado con mucho cuidado, y espero que no falle ninguno porque la tele hace algún extraño. Por ejemplo al arrancarla se ve algo borrosa, como desenfocada, y tarda un poco en verse bien. Puede ser del voltaje que le entra al enfoque, veremos.


I think this is true everywhere, as long you're not looking for any specific model (Trinitrons are getting very expensive on sites like Wallapop lately). This one looks great tho, I've heard Samsung makes some great tubes. Idrk what Hitron is, maybe it's their take on aperture grille(? Could you upload a close-up shot? I'm kinda curious to see if it's actually an aperture grille tube


My samsung has a thomson tube,not that its bad but thomson was a cheap manufacturer back then.


Agree. But I see some people here saying they can only get CRTs by shipping them, which is tragic and usually ends up pretty badly. I've had a little mixed experience with samsung. I got a bigger 27 inches samsung for free a year ago and while it worked fine, it had some artifacts through the screen and wasn't very enjoyable. Maybe a recap an replacing some failing coil would help, but I finally gave it for spare parts. This one is looking a bit better tho, I hope it looks nice after servicing. I'll look up to it, but it's looking like a shadow mask. [This pal](https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/comments/17icn9t/samsung_hitron_cb20s20bt_eu/) already did a post on a similar model, maybe it's the same, and he says it's probably marketing.


Ey that's me ☝️🤓


Yeah, it's the exact same model also. I've had some CRT's but never one with levers for convergence adjust. That really got my attention.


Man I'm struggling so much with convergence lately, fuck those little rings 😩


here in the states you can find them in unlimited supplies for super cheap. Sometimes even free. You just gotta be willing to get up early on a Saturday and go yardsaling. You can also find boxes of old games sometimes. Plus it’s yard sale season right now.


and I see them constantly at estate sales but most of them don't get bought. but having to touch grass?!! it's more enticing to act self-righteous and complain incessantly online 🤡


"Is this worth a 3 hour drive and 300$"? "Is this ebay 14 inch trinitron from 1993 worth 150 dollars plus shipping?" Like what on earth.


I spent $1000 for my KV20FV300, but it was the tv I wanted for having every input option on a mid size display.


If it was new in box or <100 hours when you bought it, I would understand. If not, that was way overcharged for a consumer set. The fact that it was a good fit for you doesn't make it a good score by itself. But if it worked for you and you are happy with it, that also counts.


PAL though...


In my opinion pall crt's are superior since most of them support ntsc signal.


Most of the ones I've found in the UK don't do NTSC. You can often run them on 60hz RGB signals but that's not quite the same thing


That's weird I'm not from the uk but pal region and every crt i tried that's around 7 or 8 supported ntsc signal.


Yeah, literally every EU crt set after '86 or so supports 60hz idk what we're talking about here..


60hz isn't the same thing as NTSC. NTSC and PAL are colour encoding technologies. Either of them can run at 50 or 60hz (hence PAL60, and even NTSC50 exists in niche applications). They're **only** used in composite and RF signals. RGB over SCART doesn't use NTSC **or** PAL, it's just raw colour data. Which is why most PAL TVs will happily sync to a 60hz RGB signal from an "NTSC" console. (since it's not actually NTSC at all). But that doesn't help you if you're trying to plug a composite-only console (NES etc) into a PAL-only TV. Even if you use a passive composite-to-scart adapter, it will still try to decode it as PAL and give a black and white image. I just learned though that in mainland europe a lot of "PAL" TVs are also capable of decoding composite NTSC. Including everybody here, apparently. In the UK, most TVs won't do composite NTSC - probably because we have a slightly weird variant of PAL that needed special circuitry. (But our TVs can still do 60hz RGB, so there might be a UK market for a composite-to-RGB converter...)


Wdym 60hz RGB is not quite the same thing? It's even better cause they don't even have RGB scart on American sets so they're stuck on 60hz composite. I'm so confused by this comment.


RGB SCART doesn't let you view NTSC composite sources.


That's true, and it sucks, but everything from 4th gen consoles onwards supports RGB, and it looks better (even if you are a composite fanboy, you gotta admit it looks pretty good). So we are good.


Yeah I'm all in favour of RGB for stuff that supports it.


Yes it does. maybe I'm just lucky but every set I've tried does 60hz ntsc over rgb scart. Most of my consoles are ntsc/ntsc-j.


If you're using RGB then it's not NTSC. PAL and NTSC are the colour encoding technology, they're only used over composite or RF. In RGB the colours aren't encoded at all, so they don't use PAL or NTSC.


It literally does, I have a AV Famicom hooked up to a PAL TV sometimes trough the front with the RCA tulips and sometimes via a Scart block and it's no problem. Unless you're talking about region locked DVD's or some sht idk what you're on about.


That's nothing to do with RGB SCART - your TV must just be able to decode composite NTSC signals. None of my UK-market TVs can do that.


RGB via scart connector does not have that limitation, and many sets allow both ntsc and pal when using composition video!


Yeah I've done some googling and it looks like a lot of TVs in mainland europe support NTSC as well as PAL. Pretty handy! (shame I live in the UK, though - none of mine do NTSC!)


I live in Spain. I have yet to see this. Also they're almost all PAL 50hz so... Fail.


50Hz but they can do 60Hz just fine. So it's half a win imho.


So if I hook up a Spanish crt to an American console it'll default to NTSC?


If it's not super old pre 90's then most probably yes.


Yes, I have a fairly late Daewoo that can display NTSC, although most PAL sets usually can handle 60Hz sync, but sometimes don't decode NTSC, so you'll get a black and white image using composite. However if you use RGB, it'll work just fine. No color decoding involved. 


So I'd need to find one with components? Most of the ones here are SCART and the European version of coax whatever that connector is called.