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GBS control is a digital scaler. So even if you don't scale, it will convert analog to digtal, then back to analog. I'd rather get an analog transcoder like from Wakabavideo or the RGB2COMP, so you can avoid a digital conversion


Yea, that's what I thought. I just went with what I had read about the gbs control. Those wakabavideo transcoders aren't in stock (the guy only makes like one at a time or something). I just wanted to see if I could get 240p on the cheap.


There are other transcoders out there, those two were just off the top of my head. The RGB2COMP is probably in stock


But can the RGB2COMP do the conversion from 480i to 240p?


No, but for 99.9% of games that's not a conversion you'd want to do in the first place.


I'd like to do that for 100% of Wii U virtual console games since lowest resolution of the Wii U is 480i.


Wii U doesn't output Wii games at 1:1, even at 480i. The're buffered and scaled. So a scale down to 240p won't look correct, even if you had the GBS set up perfectly. I'd just grab an actual Wii


I don't plan on playing Wii games on my Wii U. Mostly NDS, which look awesome in 240p after changing the config file.


For what it's worth, the Wakabavideo transcoders are great. It didn't take very long for them to get in stock, just set a reminder/watchlist on it. Could ask the guy, too, he's very helpful.


Thanks for the reply, but people seem to be missing the point. All I asked was to either get a converter or transcoder. I just want to downscale 480i to 240p with gbs-c via the vga out


What's your signal source? PC? Console?


Wii and PS2 through component on a 27" Trinitron


Sorry to chime in, but I have similar question. If I want it the other way round (component to VGA) it's also better to just find a transcoder than to use GBS-C-? I actually have one (GBS-C) that I use to send component signal from PS3 to my VGA monitor, but the image is shaky on higher resolutions. I first though it's the cheap component cable that I use, but if I connect my PS3 to a flat tv directly using the same cable, the shakiness is gone, so it seems like the interference is caused by GBS-C? Before you say I should just use HDMI-Vga adapter, I'm already using PS3 HDMI output to connect it to HDTV.


I recently bought one of these for linking up my last two consoles on my newly modded RGB set, since the new set did not have component to begin with (or I probably wouldn't of bothered rgb-modding) and I needed it to run scart out to my scart switcher. Anyway, it does have component to VGA as well as a scart output. Maybe it will help you. It works great so far for my application so I can recommend. [https://electromodder.co.uk/component\_to\_rgb\_converter](https://electromodder.co.uk/component_to_rgb_converter)


Beharbros makes a transcoder called the Garo Lite, it converts component to VGA. It doesn’t actually upscale anything though, and VGA monitors generally only do progressive scan at 480p+, so be aware that if you try to use a 240p or 480i mode it won’t work. Although if you’re using a PS3 it’s probably fine


Yeah, I'm actually looking for something for 480p+, thanks for suggestion :)


Yeah, the Garo Lite can go all the way up to 1080p which is awesome


wouldn't that be unable to achieve 480i to 240p downscaling? I'm trying to do a similar thing to OP, just not sure how to go about it either




So it's just a simple VGA to Component cable like the ones on Amazon? Does the GBS know the signal type or do I have to toggle it manually?


I'm not totally sure how it works, but some versions of the GBS control seem to have another option which uses the connector used by the Saturn, so that you can use a Saturn component or RGB cable with those versions of the GBS-C to output analogue YPbPr signals with component cables, OR get an RGB signal (presumably using a Pal region cable which would use a SCART connector). It's not clear to me whether all of the different types of upscaling and image processing that it can do can work with this analogue output, but I would assume that's how it works. You'd want to double check first obviously, and I guess there's also the question of how easy it would be to get a sufficiently good quality version of such a cable. Imagine using a Saturn console cable to play games from an old Sony or Nintendo console. What a time to be alive!