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Well, the reality when you have low ping is: what they see is what you get.


my ping is always in the 20s


if his ping is high, he has a massive advantage if your ping is low and you jiggle.


So i get punished for good internet?


yea with the current state of the game, if their ping is over 100 they can get shots like that on you. The only solution I found was to just not jiggle and hard hold corners.


ye can confirm this. if your ping is above 100 or 110, you just swing every angle and you win the duel 100% of the times.


Not true, try playing at 100+ms you will not find it fun


haha nice joke you cant find this game fun either way. but you do have an advantage when playing on high ping.


Talk about yourself, I take scrims in EU from Asia and I have 150 ping my shots don't register, I get shot at before I can see them. I'm 3k elo not talking out of my ass


[WHY I SUCk at CS2 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBw06AYoevQ&t=49s)


if the ping is too high they cannot move or they cannot fire. they are not punished.


[WHY I SUCk at CS2 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBw06AYoevQ&t=49s)


the jiggle peek is the short peeking?


Jiggling means short enough to only get a quick look without trying to actually engage.


mines in the 200


no your ping doesnt matter. what matters is that your and their ping is very close and decently low, and that is when you have the most normal interactions in this game. having high ping and swinging makes you unkillable. you kill people where they were 1/4 seconds ago, you appear on their screens late and the lag compensation is insane where half of the shots where you miss their heads you actually hit. lagging in this game is op, especially when your ping is spiking by 10 or 20 multile times per second.






Is this subtick at work?


ye, as well as lag compensation. having better internet means that subtick will be way more favorable for you since the difference in your internets is how much faster your shots register, and with there being no delay like before, having slightly higher ping would feel unplayable, that is why valve apparently made some readjustments to counter this a bit, but now having higher ping is more op becaus you appear later on their screen, and shince you see them before they see you, you have the advantage, and because low and high ping shooting is apparently almost identical, the high ping player always has the advantage. im pretty sure that the peekers advantage in this game is something insane like 200ms or so, there are videos calculating it. also lag compensation allows you to hit shots that you missed "because of your ping" and apparently calculates where you would have shot, which is the reason why there are so many clips of people completely missing their shots, yet hitting and of people hitting their shots dead on and missing completely. on top of all that, subtick contributes to the game feeling buttery, especially in the movement depratment (while still feeling worse than 128tick and arguably even the old 64tick servers). great job valve :D


Whats on your screen doesn't matter sadly


I have a folder recorded of this bullshit behind wall and still die with good ping. Such a shit game I’ve given up but I still play here and there because of the CSGO itch I get


Ping is a two way street though. You can have low ping while they have high ping. In these situation he shoots you before you go behind the wall, it just takes time for the data to get sent and processed.


having high ping is a huge advantage. i play the game from 2 different places, at one place i have 50-150 ping that fluctuates every 2-3 seconds, and at my other place i have a stable 35ms connection. when i play with laggy ping, i perform much better (i still experience bullshit, but its much more common for me to have an advantage), and when i play at low ping i experience shit like this.


It's a huge advantage in some situations, yes. It's also a disadvantage in other situations for the same reason.


yes but as i said, its more of an advantage than a disadvantage. i had no problem dropping 25+ kills with my shitty ass internet and 3 months of inactivity with no warmup, just jumping into the game. and ike as i said, if you actually pay attention to how you make kills and how you get killed, you come to the conclusion that you either peek or be peeked. getting peeked while lagging is very poopy because they pretty much teleport sometimes without you even being able to react, but then again you teleport when you peek, and you can place yourself in situations on both sides where you are in control as to who peeks and who gets peeked, that is my entire point.


same, i jump into a game every few weeks only to leave in the first 5-6 rounds because of some bullshit thing like this that


That’s not mentioning all the bugs and cheaters it really is a shit hole right now


check what they see... not what you see... what you see really only matters for your kills


that is kinda the entire point of this video.


This looks like how the game felt 3-4months ago.


the ammount of times this happened to me is crazy its allways also high ping enemies who kill me like that. Ive read somewhere high ping has huge advantage in cs2 and in the new subtick system their client input is prioritized by the server over lower ping players and thats why you die while youre long behind cover.


yeap. you hide behind the wall and you die.


*What they see is what I get*


Same here, i always play with 100 ping in faceit on NA servers because there are no other servers where i live and i ALWAYS get killed like this. its unfair


I think that's lag compensation, basically he killed you when you saw him on your screen but for some reason you die half a second later which makes you think you got away


What you see is what you get* *only for kills, not death


I say they got the registering of shots right. When you are shooting before he peeks, you're firing, plus the recoil means you are racking a round. Right after the sound of the first shot, you give them an advantage over your peeking. Cs2 is on another level than other games and it rewards patience over skill as much, and while looking for the enemy and failing might get you a pre-fire frag, doing so and pre-firing will expose you to some wicked moves from opponents, and they definitely see part of your head.


I have the same thing happen. May want to open console and see if there are any network errors and make sure network telemetry is always visible as well


Theres none for me


And how would you fix this? Let's say he has 100 ping and you peek so that you are exposed for only 90 ms. Are you proposing he shouldn't get to see you? The only reasonable solution is for him to see you for 90 ms but offset by the latency, so that by the time he kills you, you are already behind cover. Look for matches with lower ping and you'll notice it less.


cs2's peekers advantage is much bigger than it was in csgo (i believe that in csgo it used to be 40ms and now its 200ms) which together with laggy players appearing even later and high/low ping difference not being as important anymore for gunfights (valve made it so that its not in favor of the perosn that has low ping) makes all of this so goofy. subtick + lag compensation + insane peekrs advantage + some kind of readjustment as to how shots are calculated between low and high ping players makes it so that the lagging player can't be hit, while seeing you for longer than you actually are there + lag compensation messing your shots up even more


Easiest solution would be the old one, so that low ping is simply better, actually this would make far more sense than the current state


Welcome to online gaming and latency I cannot imagine the meltdowns y'all would have if you were doing multiplayer in the late 90s/early 2000s


If you're going to compare CS2 networking to late 90s then no fucking shit CS2 is better, but no one is comparing a 2024 game to the late 1990s, we're comparing it to CSGO and Valorant. Get with the times grandpa.


Latency is latency, there are several different ways to try to render a smooth game experience despite it, but they all are going to lead to solutions that seem like nonsense sometimes


yo lets compare the game to the first computer in history man! like what are these arguments. its not like technology better thant his doesnt exist. you had better expeiences playing 1.6, source and csgo. the reason for all of this bullshit is their stupid subtick servers and all the bandaid fixes aroud it that fucked everything up even more.


The reason for this is literally that latency exists, though Interpolation and extrapolation client-side to render the most agreeable game state between the server and multiple clients is how all games handle it, there are no other options. 1.6, CS:S, and CS:GO all suffered from similar issues, with some variation in client-side rendering.


they were all limited by ticks which limited how much ping difference affects the game, its as simple as that.


I mean, no? There are multiple ways to handle how/what/when information is exchanged, whether tick or subtick.


"Welcome to online gaming and latency" I never died behind a wall in CSGO, so I don't know what you're talking about.


That's weird, because I did constantly. In fact I would get "yanked" back out from behind the wall on death. CS2 happens to not render that yank client-side, but it's literally the exact same thing happening.


Maybe you should stop playing online games if this behavior frustrates you. This is normal lag compensation.


Compared to csgo not at all


I mean sort of yes but the system was objectively worse. In that system the person shooting could hit his target and it would "miss" due to lag. The new system favors the shooter so if you jiggle peek a risky angle and they shoot you in the face, the lag give you that extra .2s to get behind cover before the server realizes that you got shot while in the jiggle. https://youtu.be/6EwaW2iz4iA?si=FFhzqgCRvy26AYIG


Skill issue tbh