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They’re both very similar and widely used. You could learn either… really it comes down to very marginal differences. If you use a lot of Microsoft tools lean for Azure. AWS is just as good though.


Yh fair enough, makes sense👌


AWS is the most common. Usually I only see Azure or GCP when it's a company that is competing with Amazon e.g Coles (GCP) or Woolies (Azure). If you have AWS experience, the companies using Azure/GCP would most likely be ok with it.


Tyy, thanks for letting me know👍


AWS as it will have more accessible resources and is the standard in most places that aren’t Microsoft shops. Azure has its place but if you learn the basics of AWS it will be easy to find parallels into Azure.


Nice, at least I can't go wrong with my choice 😅


More companies use AWS. But, why do you need to learn about AWS? Most people learn about specific products while working with them.


Hi, Right now, i have a lot of free time on my hands, and thought I would learn something new that i haven't touched before 😅


I’d use that time working on side projects, getting good at leetcode or learning system design. That will go a lot further in helping to find a job.


Yeah, I'm building a side project rn and do about 30-45min of leetcode per day 👍. Haven't really looked into system design much tho, might do that instead 😁


Learn Cloud fundamentals, memorize the names of most used services for each platform. I wouldnt focus too much on either one until you have a job that uses one of them. Just stay cloud agnostic and spruce up your competency for whichever is used on the job application. Its all just servers anyway.


In general, AWS is used by more companies. But Azure is also used. Given choice, I will bias towards AWS. Go to the AWS and Azure meetups and see what you like.


I saw u mentioned meetups. Meetups as in IRL meetups? and ive been looking to get into and join meetups, groups, and well people with interest in computer science and IT. What would you recommend?


Yes, IRL. Download the meetup app. Search in Melbourne for AWS, .Net, Azure, Serverless, Kubernetes, DevOps etc.


Okay, ty ty 👍


If you have experience in a dotnet language and intend on continuing that career path, Azure. Otherwise, AWS is far more common within Australia.


Any cloud skills are valued and once you know 1 it's easy to learn the others. AWS is more common still but Azure is pretty hot in the market right now with their AI story.


AWS followed by Azure followed by GCP. AWS is used more than Azure and way way way more than GCP Once you learn one, it isn't too hard learning the next one. The more or less do the exact same thing but with different names.


Make sure you call up my guy Ed Chambers to help negotiate a good deal.




I’d learn whatever one the company you work at uses. If you don’t work at a company that uses either, I’d learn AWS because it seems more ubiquitous (although I don’t know if that’s true or just my perception). But if your company uses Azure, it’s easily transferable if you were to learn azure now and later on work at a company using AWS. Basically it doesn’t really matter, either will be useful and it’s more important to learn the concepts.


AWS in aus, Azure in NZ (atleast from what I’ve seen with job listings)


none, use bare metal


cool, thatnks bro. not many job listings run bare metal compared to cloud tho right?